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Sobre Luckmaxi
Forma que conheci o xTibia
Luckmaxi's Achievements
é,mais a SS tá meio ruinzin;..
foi mal pelo Top2, meu PC travou na hora, ai foi 2 vezes... Desculpas...
Criatura sagrada, porém forte. Modifiquei o script para deixa-lo um "DEUS" mesmo... - No meu OT, uso esta criatura para punições e/ou eventos onde quem mata-lo ganhará xP.. Vamos lá: Data/monsters/copie um arquivo .XML e renomeie-o para "Zathroth" (tire as aspas ["])- Coloque isto dentro → <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <monster name="Zathroth" nameDescription="zathroth the god of the elements" race="venom" experience="9999" speed="390" manacost="0"> <health now="128000" max="128000"/> <look type="133" head="20" body="95" legs="114" feet="114" corpse="3128" addons="3"/> <targetchange interval="2000" chance="20"/> <strategy attack="60" defense="5"/> <flags> <flag summonable="0"/> <flag attackable="1"/> <flag hostile="1"/> <flag illusionable="0"/> <flag convinceable="0"/> <flag pushable="0"/> <flag canpushitems="1"/> <flag canpushcreatures="1"/> <flag targetdistance="1"/> <flag runonhealth="2500"/> </flags> <attacks> <attack name="melee" interval="2000" skill="165" attack="155"/> <attack name="manadrain" interval="1000" chance="12" range="7" min="-350" max="-650"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="redshimmer"/> </attack> <attack name="poisoncondition" interval="1000" chance="9" radius="6" target="0" min="-50" max="-750"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="poison"/> </attack> <attack name="energycondition" interval="1000" chance="10" radius="6" target="0" min="-600" max="-700"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="energy"/> </attack> <attack name="manadrain" interval="1000" chance="8" radius="6" target="0" min="-125" max="-375"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="redshimmer"/> </attack> <attack name="lifedrain" interval="1000" chance="10" radius="6" target="0" min="-200" max="-400"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="poff"/> </attack> <attack name="strength" interval="1000" chance="6" radius="5" target="0"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blackspark"/> </attack> <attack name="firecondition" interval="1000" chance="15" range="7" radius="7" target="1" min="-300" max="-700"> <attribute key="shootEffect" value="fire"/> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="firearea"/> </attack> <attack name="lifedrain" interval="1000" chance="9" length="8" spread="0" min="-50" max="-850"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="greenspark"/> </attack> </attacks> <defenses armor="90" defense="110"> <defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="25" min="600" max="1000"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="greenshimmer"/> </defense> <defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="10" min="1400" max="2600"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="greenshimmer"/> </defense> <defense name="speed" interval="1000" chance="4" speedchange="1901" duration="7000"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/> </defense> <defense name="invisible" interval="1000" chance="3" duration="9000"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/> </defense> </defenses> <immunities> <immunity physical="0"/> <immunity energy="1"/> <immunity fire="1"/> <immunity poison="1"/> <immunity lifedrain="1"/> <immunity paralyze="1"/> <immunity outfit="1"/> <immunity drunk="1"/> <immunity invisible="1"/> </immunities> <summons maxSummons="4"> <summon name="warlock" interval="1000" chance="25" max="4"/> </summons> <voices interval="5000" chance="10"> <voice sentence="Want to feel some Aim?"/> <voice sentence="You can Run but never Hide!"/> </voices> <loot capacity="5000"> <item id="2142" countmax="1" chance="3500"/> <item id="2144" countmax="15" chance="15000"/> <item id="2158" countmax="1" chance="1500"/> <item id="2195" countmax="1" chance="4000"/> <item id="2186" countmax="1" chance="3500"/> <item id="2192" countmax="1" chance="2500"/> <item id="2125" countmax="1" chance="1500"/> <item id="2124" countmax="1" chance="5500"/> <item id="2520" countmax="1" chance="15500"/> <item id="2462" countmax="1" chance="11000"/> <item id="2387" countmax="1" chance="20000"/> <item id="2434" countmax="1" chance="4500"/> <item id="2167" countmax="1" chance="13500"/> <item id="2432" countmax="1" chance="17000"/> <item id="2393" countmax="1" chance="12500"/> <item id="2148" countmax="100" chance="99900"/> <item id="2148" countmax="100" chance="88800"/> <item id="2148" countmax="100" chance="77700"/> <item id="2148" countmax="100" chance="66600"/> <item id="2179" countmax="1" chance="8000"/> <item id="2470" countmax="1" chance="5000"/> <item id="2033" countmax="1" chance="7500"/> <item id="2418" countmax="1" chance="4500"/> <item id="2182" countmax="1" chance="3500"/> <item id="2155" countmax="1" chance="1500"/> <item id="2188" countmax="1" chance="2500"/> <item id="2396" countmax="1" chance="7500"/> <item id="2177" countmax="1" chance="1000"/> <item id="2162" countmax="1" chance="11500"/> <item id="2472" countmax="1" chance="3000"/> <item id="2514" countmax="1" chance="7500"/> <item id="2164" countmax="1" chance="5000"/> <item id="2178" countmax="1" chance="4000"/> <item id="2176" countmax="1" chance="12000"/> <item id="2171" countmax="1" chance="4500"/> <item id="2200" countmax="1" chance="4500"/> <item id="1982" countmax="1" chance="2600"/> <item id="2214" countmax="1" chance="13000"/> <item id="2123" countmax="1" chance="3500"/> <item id="2170" countmax="1" chance="13000"/> <item id="2402" countmax="1" chance="15500"/> <item id="2436" countmax="1" chance="5000"/> <item id="2150" countmax="20" chance="13500"/> <item id="2145" countmax="5" chance="9500"/> <item id="2149" countmax="10" chance="15500"/> <item id="2146" countmax="10" chance="13500"/> <item id="2165" countmax="1" chance="9500"/> <item id="2197" countmax="1" chance="4000"/> <item id="2174" countmax="1" chance="2500"/> <item id="2151" countmax="7" chance="14000"/> <item id="2112" countmax="1" chance="14500"/> <item id="2421" countmax="1" chance="13500"/> <item id="2377" countmax="1" chance="20000"/> <item id="3955" countmax="1" chance="100"/> <item id="2185" countmax="1" chance="3500"/> <item id="2143" countmax="15" chance="12500"/> </loot> </monster> Agora, entre no arquivo monsters.XML e coloque isto no final → <monster name="Zathroth" file="zathroth.xml"/> Pronto, criatura criada.... Definições: - Outifit "Summoner" - Cor "Preta" - Raça "Veneno" - Summona "Modifiquem" - XP "Dependendo do OT modfique" - Health "||" OBS: Testado em OT 8.57 OBS²: 70% dos créditos para mim [Luckmaxi] (Por editar, modificar, testar, salvar, hostiar e postar aqui) & 30% para o Lobrigato por dar a idéia e as configurações (Loot e atks) dfg.bmp
Tava jogando Pokemon Dungeon e ví o Hattom, então fiz este Monstro inspirado nele, más com uma aparência diferente... Vamos lá - Pasta do OT/data/Monster/Copie um arquivo e renomei para "Archangel Hattom"... Apague tudo dentro do arquivo e coloque isto.. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <monster name="Archangel Hattom" tp="1" nameDescription="a Archangel Hattom" species="magic" race="blood" experience="3950090" speed="400" manacost="0"> <health now="2800000" max="2800000"/> <look type="63" head="20" body="30" legs="40" feet="50" corpse="2979"/> <targetchange interval="60000" chance="15"/> <strategy attack="100" defense="0"/> <flags> <flag summonable="0"/> <flag attackable="1"/> <flag hostile="1"/> <flag illusionable="1"/> <flag convinceable="0"/> <flag pushable="0"/> <flag canpushitems="1"/> <flag staticattack="50"/> <flag lightlevel="0"/> <flag lightcolor="0"/> <flag targetdistance="1"/> <flag runonhealth="0"/> </flags> <attacks> <attack name="melee" interval="2000" min="-24600" max="-26125"/> <attack name="sudden death" interval="2000" chance="80" min="-35870" max="-37095"/> <attack name="heavy magic missile" interval="1000" chance="80" min="-25050" max="-26890"/> <attack name="mas mort" interval="4000" chance="90" min="-32470" max="-35995"/> </attacks> <defenses armor="25" defense="30"/> <immunities> <immunity physical="0"/> <immunity energy="1"/> <immunity fire="1"/> <immunity poison="1"/> <immunity lifedrain="0"/> <immunity paralyze="1"/> <immunity outfit="0"/> <immunity drunk="1"/> <immunity invisible="1"/> </immunities> <loot> <item id="2148" countmax="20" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2684" countmax="5" chance1="50000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2146" countmax="4" chance1="6666" chancemax="0"/> <item id="1971" chance="10000"/> <item id="2044" chance="20000"/> </loot> </monster> Agora vá em monsters.xml, Localizado na pasta monster e coloque isto... <monster name="Archangel Hattom" file="Archangel Hattom.xml" /> OBS: Testado em OT 8.54/8.57 OBS²: Não tem a aparência do Hottom -.-' OBS³:Créditos para mim...
Bom, este monstro tem em meu OT... Eu deixei ele bem Fodão... (Desculpe pela palavra, mais ele é mesmo)... Vá na pasta de seu OT - Data - Monsters e crie um arquivo com o Nome thenebreus, apague tudo que está dentro e coloque isto. (Coloquei em CODE para não ficar muito grande)... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <monster name="Thenebreus" nameDescription="Thenebreus" race="fire" experience="1000000" speed="3400" manacost="0"> <health now="950000" max="950000"/> <look type="12" head="2" body="35" legs="57" feet="91" corpse="6068"/> <targetchange interval="5000" chance="15"/> <strategy attack="100" defense="100"/> <flags> <flag summonable="1"/> <flag attackable="1"/> <flag hostile="1"/> <flag illusionable="1"/> <flag convinceable="1"/> <flag pushable="0"/> <flag canpushitems="1"/> <flag canpushcreatures="1"/> <flag targetdistance="1"/> <flag staticattack="85"/> <flag runonhealth="0"/> </flags> <attacks> <attack name="melee" interval="2000" skill="1200" attack="1100"/> <attack name="fire" interval="3000" chance="20" target="1" radius="4" min="-2500" max="-8500"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="explosion"/> </attack> <attack name="death" interval="2000" chance="15" target="0" radius="4" min="-1000" max="-3500"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="smallclouds"/> </attack> <attack name="manadrain" interval="1000" chance="13" radius="5" target="0" min="-600" max="-2300"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="watersplash"/> </attack> <attack name="death" interval="2000" chance="15" length="7" spread="0" min="10" max="-500"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="mortarea"/> </attack> </attacks> <defenses armor="450" defense="550"> <defense name="healing" interval="2000" chance="15" min="4000" max="9000"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="greenshimmer"/> </defense> <defense name="invisible" interval="1000" chance="5" duration="60000"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/> </defense> </defenses> <elements> <element icePercent="-15"/> <element energyPercent="-5"/> <element earthPercent="-8"/> <element firePercent="250"/> </elements> <immunities> <immunity death="1"/> <immunity paralyze="1"/> <immunity invisible="1"/> </immunities> <voices interval="5000" chance="10"> <voice sentence="Burn, Burn HAHAHA!!" yell="1"/> <voice sentence="One little mistake and your all are mine!"/> <voice sentence="MWA HAHAHAHA!"/> <voice sentence="You is my!!!"/> <voice sentence="Impossible my death!!!"/> <voice sentence="My Creator is Luck!"/> </voices> <loot> <item id="2148" countmax="100000" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2148" countmax="50000" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="6300" chance="7777"/> --death ring <item id="2195" chance="4444" /> -- Boh <item id="2393" chance="3000"/> -- Giant sword <item id="2432" chance="5555"/> -- Fire Axe <item id="2402" chance="10000"/> --Silver dagger <item id="2477" chance="6666" /> --Knight legs <item id="1987" chance="100000"> <inside> <item id="2151" countmax="11" chance1="6000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2462" chance="9700"/> <item id="2149" countmax="3" chance1="1428" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2171" chance="2333"/> <item id="2158" chance="4444"/> --Blue gem <item id="2470" chance="6500"/> --Golden legs <item id="2520" chance="9999"/> --Demon shield </inside> </item> </loot> </monster> Agora vá em monsters.xml e coloque isto no final... <monster name="Thenebreus" file="Thenebreus.xml"/> Bom, é isso, teste e poste aqui oq achou... Como o monstro está exagerado como dito no começo, modifique-o do geito que quiser... OBS: Poste críticas, dúvidas e oq achou do THENEBREUS... OBS²: Testado em OT 8.57 OBS³: Feito manualmente (sem o uso de monster Maker)... Não tem SS, más tem Vídeo :appearance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RGkq77QHT8
Bom, se o seu OT for de PVP Enforced e com XP alta Caiirá bem... Bom, a magia é grande mais é boa... As áreas dela ocupam bastante espaço, mais fazem um efeito legal...
[Moster] Et Knight,paladin E Mage!
tópico respondeu ao pergunta de Luckmaxi em NPCs, monsters e raids
Bom, aguns são bons, mais eu acho que não vou colocar em meu OT.. Sorry -
Post Triplo, Com Certeza é Report...
Como Fazer Uma Spell Que Cria Itens.
tópico respondeu ao Chakau de Luckmaxi em Globalevents e Spells
Post Duplo... =X -
A magia é boa para OTs de zueira... Para OT's sérios seria melhor a pessoa comprar a sua BAG
Bom, esta magia é boa para OT's com monstros fortes... Habilidade: Faz uma onda de Caveiras (Exori morte em forma de wave)... Estre em Data/Spells/Scripts e copie qualquer arquivo... Apague tudo e coloque dentro isto: Ta meio Grande XD Agora volte em spells coloque: Bom, se quiser, mude o dano da magia e o Lv para usar a magia, Mude a Mana gasta e a Exhaustion se quiser... OBS: Meu 2 Script; OBS²: Tetsado em OT 8.57 OBS³: No meu funcionou... SS: Jájá eu ponho ;P
Bom, no meu OT funcionou, mais valew pela dica, vou tentar arrumar...
Bom, Primeiramente olá a todos... Finalidade: Estava criando monstros e decidi criar um que fique na minha fortaleza (Fortaleza Maxitibia), este aruqeiro da bons loots para um Paladin... Seus hits são um pouco altos e tem a aparência de um ELF ARCANIST... Então, se quiserem mudar, vcs que sabem... Vá em Data/monster/e copie qualquer arquivos, apague tudo que á dentro e renomeie para "Arqueiro de elite". Coloque isto dentro: Agora, entre em monsters.xml e coloque isto: Bom, este é meu primeiro Post de script, não sei se ficou bom... Aceito sugestões e Críticas... OBS: Monstro testado em OT 8.57 OBS²: A SS não postei pois ainda tenho que fazê-la. OBS³: Primeiro Post...
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