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Sobre Luckmaxi


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Luckmaxi's Achievements

  1. é,mais a SS tá meio ruinzin;..
  2. foi mal pelo Top2, meu PC travou na hora, ai foi 2 vezes... Desculpas...
  3. Criatura sagrada, porém forte. Modifiquei o script para deixa-lo um "DEUS" mesmo... - No meu OT, uso esta criatura para punições e/ou eventos onde quem mata-lo ganhará xP.. Vamos lá: Data/monsters/copie um arquivo .XML e renomeie-o para "Zathroth" (tire as aspas ["])- Coloque isto dentro → <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <monster name="Zathroth" nameDescription="zathroth the god of the elements" race="venom" experience="9999" speed="390" manacost="0"> <health now="128000" max="128000"/> <look type="133" head="20" body="95" legs="114" feet="114" corpse="3128" addons="3"/> <targetchange interval="2000" chance="20"/> <strategy attack="60" defense="5"/> <flags> <flag summonable="0"/> <flag attackable="1"/> <flag hostile="1"/> <flag illusionable="0"/> <flag convinceable="0"/> <flag pushable="0"/> <flag canpushitems="1"/> <flag canpushcreatures="1"/> <flag targetdistance="1"/> <flag runonhealth="2500"/> </flags> <attacks> <attack name="melee" interval="2000" skill="165" attack="155"/> <attack name="manadrain" interval="1000" chance="12" range="7" min="-350" max="-650"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="redshimmer"/> </attack> <attack name="poisoncondition" interval="1000" chance="9" radius="6" target="0" min="-50" max="-750"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="poison"/> </attack> <attack name="energycondition" interval="1000" chance="10" radius="6" target="0" min="-600" max="-700"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="energy"/> </attack> <attack name="manadrain" interval="1000" chance="8" radius="6" target="0" min="-125" max="-375"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="redshimmer"/> </attack> <attack name="lifedrain" interval="1000" chance="10" radius="6" target="0" min="-200" max="-400"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="poff"/> </attack> <attack name="strength" interval="1000" chance="6" radius="5" target="0"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blackspark"/> </attack> <attack name="firecondition" interval="1000" chance="15" range="7" radius="7" target="1" min="-300" max="-700"> <attribute key="shootEffect" value="fire"/> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="firearea"/> </attack> <attack name="lifedrain" interval="1000" chance="9" length="8" spread="0" min="-50" max="-850"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="greenspark"/> </attack> </attacks> <defenses armor="90" defense="110"> <defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="25" min="600" max="1000"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="greenshimmer"/> </defense> <defense name="healing" interval="1000" chance="10" min="1400" max="2600"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="greenshimmer"/> </defense> <defense name="speed" interval="1000" chance="4" speedchange="1901" duration="7000"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/> </defense> <defense name="invisible" interval="1000" chance="3" duration="9000"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/> </defense> </defenses> <immunities> <immunity physical="0"/> <immunity energy="1"/> <immunity fire="1"/> <immunity poison="1"/> <immunity lifedrain="1"/> <immunity paralyze="1"/> <immunity outfit="1"/> <immunity drunk="1"/> <immunity invisible="1"/> </immunities> <summons maxSummons="4"> <summon name="warlock" interval="1000" chance="25" max="4"/> </summons> <voices interval="5000" chance="10"> <voice sentence="Want to feel some Aim?"/> <voice sentence="You can Run but never Hide!"/> </voices> <loot capacity="5000"> <item id="2142" countmax="1" chance="3500"/> <item id="2144" countmax="15" chance="15000"/> <item id="2158" countmax="1" chance="1500"/> <item id="2195" countmax="1" chance="4000"/> <item id="2186" countmax="1" chance="3500"/> <item id="2192" countmax="1" chance="2500"/> <item id="2125" countmax="1" chance="1500"/> <item id="2124" countmax="1" chance="5500"/> <item id="2520" countmax="1" chance="15500"/> <item id="2462" countmax="1" chance="11000"/> <item id="2387" countmax="1" chance="20000"/> <item id="2434" countmax="1" chance="4500"/> <item id="2167" countmax="1" chance="13500"/> <item id="2432" countmax="1" chance="17000"/> <item id="2393" countmax="1" chance="12500"/> <item id="2148" countmax="100" chance="99900"/> <item id="2148" countmax="100" chance="88800"/> <item id="2148" countmax="100" chance="77700"/> <item id="2148" countmax="100" chance="66600"/> <item id="2179" countmax="1" chance="8000"/> <item id="2470" countmax="1" chance="5000"/> <item id="2033" countmax="1" chance="7500"/> <item id="2418" countmax="1" chance="4500"/> <item id="2182" countmax="1" chance="3500"/> <item id="2155" countmax="1" chance="1500"/> <item id="2188" countmax="1" chance="2500"/> <item id="2396" countmax="1" chance="7500"/> <item id="2177" countmax="1" chance="1000"/> <item id="2162" countmax="1" chance="11500"/> <item id="2472" countmax="1" chance="3000"/> <item id="2514" countmax="1" chance="7500"/> <item id="2164" countmax="1" chance="5000"/> <item id="2178" countmax="1" chance="4000"/> <item id="2176" countmax="1" chance="12000"/> <item id="2171" countmax="1" chance="4500"/> <item id="2200" countmax="1" chance="4500"/> <item id="1982" countmax="1" chance="2600"/> <item id="2214" countmax="1" chance="13000"/> <item id="2123" countmax="1" chance="3500"/> <item id="2170" countmax="1" chance="13000"/> <item id="2402" countmax="1" chance="15500"/> <item id="2436" countmax="1" chance="5000"/> <item id="2150" countmax="20" chance="13500"/> <item id="2145" countmax="5" chance="9500"/> <item id="2149" countmax="10" chance="15500"/> <item id="2146" countmax="10" chance="13500"/> <item id="2165" countmax="1" chance="9500"/> <item id="2197" countmax="1" chance="4000"/> <item id="2174" countmax="1" chance="2500"/> <item id="2151" countmax="7" chance="14000"/> <item id="2112" countmax="1" chance="14500"/> <item id="2421" countmax="1" chance="13500"/> <item id="2377" countmax="1" chance="20000"/> <item id="3955" countmax="1" chance="100"/> <item id="2185" countmax="1" chance="3500"/> <item id="2143" countmax="15" chance="12500"/> </loot> </monster> Agora, entre no arquivo monsters.XML e coloque isto no final → <monster name="Zathroth" file="zathroth.xml"/> Pronto, criatura criada.... Definições: - Outifit "Summoner" - Cor "Preta" - Raça "Veneno" - Summona "Modifiquem" - XP "Dependendo do OT modfique" - Health "||" OBS: Testado em OT 8.57 OBS²: 70% dos créditos para mim [Luckmaxi] (Por editar, modificar, testar, salvar, hostiar e postar aqui) & 30% para o Lobrigato por dar a idéia e as configurações (Loot e atks) dfg.bmp
  4. Tava jogando Pokemon Dungeon e ví o Hattom, então fiz este Monstro inspirado nele, más com uma aparência diferente... Vamos lá - Pasta do OT/data/Monster/Copie um arquivo e renomei para "Archangel Hattom"... Apague tudo dentro do arquivo e coloque isto.. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <monster name="Archangel Hattom" tp="1" nameDescription="a Archangel Hattom" species="magic" race="blood" experience="3950090" speed="400" manacost="0"> <health now="2800000" max="2800000"/> <look type="63" head="20" body="30" legs="40" feet="50" corpse="2979"/> <targetchange interval="60000" chance="15"/> <strategy attack="100" defense="0"/> <flags> <flag summonable="0"/> <flag attackable="1"/> <flag hostile="1"/> <flag illusionable="1"/> <flag convinceable="0"/> <flag pushable="0"/> <flag canpushitems="1"/> <flag staticattack="50"/> <flag lightlevel="0"/> <flag lightcolor="0"/> <flag targetdistance="1"/> <flag runonhealth="0"/> </flags> <attacks> <attack name="melee" interval="2000" min="-24600" max="-26125"/> <attack name="sudden death" interval="2000" chance="80" min="-35870" max="-37095"/> <attack name="heavy magic missile" interval="1000" chance="80" min="-25050" max="-26890"/> <attack name="mas mort" interval="4000" chance="90" min="-32470" max="-35995"/> </attacks> <defenses armor="25" defense="30"/> <immunities> <immunity physical="0"/> <immunity energy="1"/> <immunity fire="1"/> <immunity poison="1"/> <immunity lifedrain="0"/> <immunity paralyze="1"/> <immunity outfit="0"/> <immunity drunk="1"/> <immunity invisible="1"/> </immunities> <loot> <item id="2148" countmax="20" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2684" countmax="5" chance1="50000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2146" countmax="4" chance1="6666" chancemax="0"/> <item id="1971" chance="10000"/> <item id="2044" chance="20000"/> </loot> </monster> Agora vá em monsters.xml, Localizado na pasta monster e coloque isto... <monster name="Archangel Hattom" file="Archangel Hattom.xml" /> OBS: Testado em OT 8.54/8.57 OBS²: Não tem a aparência do Hottom -.-' OBS³:Créditos para mim...
  5. Bom, este monstro tem em meu OT... Eu deixei ele bem Fodão... (Desculpe pela palavra, mais ele é mesmo)... Vá na pasta de seu OT - Data - Monsters e crie um arquivo com o Nome thenebreus, apague tudo que está dentro e coloque isto. (Coloquei em CODE para não ficar muito grande)... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <monster name="Thenebreus" nameDescription="Thenebreus" race="fire" experience="1000000" speed="3400" manacost="0"> <health now="950000" max="950000"/> <look type="12" head="2" body="35" legs="57" feet="91" corpse="6068"/> <targetchange interval="5000" chance="15"/> <strategy attack="100" defense="100"/> <flags> <flag summonable="1"/> <flag attackable="1"/> <flag hostile="1"/> <flag illusionable="1"/> <flag convinceable="1"/> <flag pushable="0"/> <flag canpushitems="1"/> <flag canpushcreatures="1"/> <flag targetdistance="1"/> <flag staticattack="85"/> <flag runonhealth="0"/> </flags> <attacks> <attack name="melee" interval="2000" skill="1200" attack="1100"/> <attack name="fire" interval="3000" chance="20" target="1" radius="4" min="-2500" max="-8500"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="explosion"/> </attack> <attack name="death" interval="2000" chance="15" target="0" radius="4" min="-1000" max="-3500"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="smallclouds"/> </attack> <attack name="manadrain" interval="1000" chance="13" radius="5" target="0" min="-600" max="-2300"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="watersplash"/> </attack> <attack name="death" interval="2000" chance="15" length="7" spread="0" min="10" max="-500"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="mortarea"/> </attack> </attacks> <defenses armor="450" defense="550"> <defense name="healing" interval="2000" chance="15" min="4000" max="9000"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="greenshimmer"/> </defense> <defense name="invisible" interval="1000" chance="5" duration="60000"> <attribute key="areaEffect" value="blueshimmer"/> </defense> </defenses> <elements> <element icePercent="-15"/> <element energyPercent="-5"/> <element earthPercent="-8"/> <element firePercent="250"/> </elements> <immunities> <immunity death="1"/> <immunity paralyze="1"/> <immunity invisible="1"/> </immunities> <voices interval="5000" chance="10"> <voice sentence="Burn, Burn HAHAHA!!" yell="1"/> <voice sentence="One little mistake and your all are mine!"/> <voice sentence="MWA HAHAHAHA!"/> <voice sentence="You is my!!!"/> <voice sentence="Impossible my death!!!"/> <voice sentence="My Creator is Luck!"/> </voices> <loot> <item id="2148" countmax="100000" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2148" countmax="50000" chance1="100000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="6300" chance="7777"/> --death ring <item id="2195" chance="4444" /> -- Boh <item id="2393" chance="3000"/> -- Giant sword <item id="2432" chance="5555"/> -- Fire Axe <item id="2402" chance="10000"/> --Silver dagger <item id="2477" chance="6666" /> --Knight legs <item id="1987" chance="100000"> <inside> <item id="2151" countmax="11" chance1="6000" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2462" chance="9700"/> <item id="2149" countmax="3" chance1="1428" chancemax="0"/> <item id="2171" chance="2333"/> <item id="2158" chance="4444"/> --Blue gem <item id="2470" chance="6500"/> --Golden legs <item id="2520" chance="9999"/> --Demon shield </inside> </item> </loot> </monster> Agora vá em monsters.xml e coloque isto no final... <monster name="Thenebreus" file="Thenebreus.xml"/> Bom, é isso, teste e poste aqui oq achou... Como o monstro está exagerado como dito no começo, modifique-o do geito que quiser... OBS: Poste críticas, dúvidas e oq achou do THENEBREUS... OBS²: Testado em OT 8.57 OBS³: Feito manualmente (sem o uso de monster Maker)... Não tem SS, más tem Vídeo :appearance:
  6. Bom, se o seu OT for de PVP Enforced e com XP alta Caiirá bem... Bom, a magia é grande mais é boa... As áreas dela ocupam bastante espaço, mais fazem um efeito legal...
  7. Bom, aguns são bons, mais eu acho que não vou colocar em meu OT.. Sorry
  8. Post Triplo, Com Certeza é Report...
  9. A magia é boa para OTs de zueira... Para OT's sérios seria melhor a pessoa comprar a sua BAG
  10. Bom, esta magia é boa para OT's com monstros fortes... Habilidade: Faz uma onda de Caveiras (Exori morte em forma de wave)... Estre em Data/Spells/Scripts e copie qualquer arquivo... Apague tudo e coloque dentro isto: Ta meio Grande XD Agora volte em spells coloque: Bom, se quiser, mude o dano da magia e o Lv para usar a magia, Mude a Mana gasta e a Exhaustion se quiser... OBS: Meu 2 Script; OBS²: Tetsado em OT 8.57 OBS³: No meu funcionou... SS: Jájá eu ponho ;P
  11. Bom, no meu OT funcionou, mais valew pela dica, vou tentar arrumar...
  12. Bom, Primeiramente olá a todos... Finalidade: Estava criando monstros e decidi criar um que fique na minha fortaleza (Fortaleza Maxitibia), este aruqeiro da bons loots para um Paladin... Seus hits são um pouco altos e tem a aparência de um ELF ARCANIST... Então, se quiserem mudar, vcs que sabem... Vá em Data/monster/e copie qualquer arquivos, apague tudo que á dentro e renomeie para "Arqueiro de elite". Coloque isto dentro: Agora, entre em monsters.xml e coloque isto: Bom, este é meu primeiro Post de script, não sei se ficou bom... Aceito sugestões e Críticas... OBS: Monstro testado em OT 8.57 OBS²: A SS não postei pois ainda tenho que fazê-la. OBS³: Primeiro Post...
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