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Sobre Graz


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  2. Graz

    [8.5X] Raid Maker!

    Are you tired of making raids so slowly and hard? Well, then download my Raid Maker, Its easy and fast. And Its perfect for the lazy ones .. I made it in VB 6.0 but the thing that was so hard is that when you make something you go like this text1 = "hello" and it uses this " so usually it wont work like if i put text1 = :"<announce delay="" + "1" + """ that wouldent work but what i want it to show is <announce delay="1" so what i did is i made text boxes and i put <announce delay=" in it and stuff like that lol in total there are 33 i think xD well here is the final project please comment this, It took alot of work. How to do: Just put the exe in your raids folder and it will make the Raidname.xml to the same folder the exe is in. Raid Maker!
  3. Graz

    [8.54]Tibiaeditor V6.x

    Saturday, Jan 02, 2010 Version 6.7 Alpha 6 TibiaEditor (Note this version is not always up to date with any new features added in this topic unless stated otherwise) Note: I DON'T want to hear what DOESN'T work, I want to hear what crashes it. Also Note: DO NOT ASK WHEN IT WILL BE RELEASED, I WORK WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT. Images seriously out of date. TibiaEditor
  4. I was give wrong first link sorry ;> i take link for Distribution.
  5. Latest otitemeditor 0.3.8 For client 8.55 Scan: I Haven't more informations about this program. DownloaD: otitemeditor otitemeditor - scr
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