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[Patrimônio XTibia] Sua última Foto - Mapping
tópico respondeu ao Feyzer de DevilMoon em Mapping Show-Off
Tava Esperando um Download e Fiz isso no Rme .. Tou Apredendo nao Zoem -
Ataa Aprendi.................... é que eu nao sabia q éra com o Botao do Mause Direito vlww!! REP++
Cara Primeiramente o Npc Foi Criada Pela Equipe do Tibia!! Coloque Os Creditos ao Tibia..
Cara da sim... tenta adicionar assim no seu login.lua blessing.login(cid) Ou Assim bless.login(cid) Ou Voce Adicionou Errado no Seu Login.lua..
link kebrado ageita ai!
Data>Npc crie uma pasta.xml chamada The Oracle e coloca isso dentro: <npc name="The Oracle" floorchange="0" walkinterval="0"> <health now="150" max="150"/> <look typeex="1448"/> <interaction range="3" idletime="30"> <interact keywords="hi" focus="1"> <!--These are the keywords will trigger this interaction--> <keywords>hello</keywords> <keywords>greet</keywords> <response> <action name="script"> <![CDATA[ if(getPlayerLevel(cid)) >= 8 then selfSay(getCreatureName(cid) .. ", ARE YOU PREPARED O FACE YOUR DESTINY?") _state.b1 = (isPremium(cid) == TRUE) _state.topic = 1 else selfSay("CHILD! COME BACK WHEN YOU HAVE GROWN UP!") _state.isidle = true end ]]> </action> </response> </interact> <interact keywords="yes" topic="1"> <!--Premium account, b1 is set in above--> <response b1="1" text="IN WHICH TOWN DO YOU WANT TO LIVE: CARLIN, EDRON, THAIS, OR VENORE?"> <action name="topic" value="2"/> </response> <!--Normal account--> <response text="IN WHICH TOWN DO YOU WANT TO LIVE: CARLIN, THAIS, OR VENORE?"> <action name="topic" value="2"/> </response> </interact> <interact keywords="carlin" topic="2"> <response text="IN CARLIN! AND WHAT PROFESSION HAVE YOU CHOSEN: KNIGHT, PALADIN, SORCERER, OR DRUID?"> <!--n1: 1 = carlin, 2 = edron, 3 = thais, 4 = venore--> <action name="script"> <![CDATA[ _state.n1 = 2 _state.topic = 3 ]]> </action> </response> </interact> <interact keywords="thais" topic="2"> <response text="IN THAIS! AND WHAT PROFESSION HAVE YOU CHOSEN: KNIGHT, PALADIN, SORCERER, OR DRUID?"> <!--n1: 1 = carlin, 2 = edron, 3 = thais, 4 = venore--> <action name="script"> <![CDATA[ _state.n1 = 5 _state.topic = 3 ]]> </action> </response> </interact> <interact keywords="venore" topic="2"> <response text="IN VENORE! AND WHAT PROFESSION HAVE YOU CHOSEN: KNIGHT, PALADIN, SORCERER, OR DRUID?"> <!--n1: 1 = carlin, 2 = edron, 3 = thais, 4 = venore--> <action name="script"> <![CDATA[ _state.n1 = 1 _state.topic = 3 ]]> </action> </response> </interact> <interact keywords="edron" topic="2"> <response text="YOU NEED A PREMIUM ACCOUNT IN ORDER TO GO THERE!"> <!--Set the topic back to 2, ie. choose a new town.--> <action name="topic" value="2"/> </response> <!--b1: premium account, see <interact keywords="hi" focus="1"> where _state.b1 is is set.--> <response b1="1" text="IN EDRON! AND WHAT PROFESSION HAVE YOU CHOSEN: KNIGHT, PALADIN, SORCERER, OR DRUID?"> <!--n1: 1 = carlin, 2 = edron, 3 = thais, 4 = venore--> <action name="script"> <![CDATA[ _state.n1 = 9 _state.topic = 3 ]]> </action> </response> </interact> <!--If the player does not say any city, repeat our question--> <interact keywords="|*|" topic="2"> <response b1="1" text="CARLIN, EDRON, THAIS, OR VENORE?"/> <response text="CARLIN, EDRON, THAIS, OR VENORE?"/> </interact> <interact keywords="sorcerer" topic="3"> <response text="A SORCERER! ARE YOU SURE? THIS DECISION IS IRREVERSIBLE!"> <!--n2: 1 = sorcerer, 2 = druid, 3 = paladin, 4 = knight--> <action name="script"> <![CDATA[ _state.n2 = 1 _state.topic = 4 ]]> </action> </response> </interact> <interact keywords="druid" topic="3"> <response text="A DRUID! ARE YOU SURE? THIS DECISION IS IRREVERSIBLE!"> <!--n2: 1 = sorcerer, 2 = druid, 3 = paladin, 4 = knight--> <action name="script"> <![CDATA[ _state.n2 = 2 _state.topic = 4 ]]> </action> </response> </interact> <interact keywords="paladin" topic="3"> <response text="A PALADIN! ARE YOU SURE? THIS DECISION IS IRREVERSIBLE!"> <!--n2: 1 = sorcerer, 2 = druid, 3 = paladin, 4 = knight--> <action name="script"> <![CDATA[ _state.n2 = 3 _state.topic = 4 ]]> </action> </response> </interact> <interact keywords="knight" topic="3"> <response text="A KNIGHT! ARE YOU SURE? THIS DECISION IS IRREVERSIBLE!"> <!--n2: 1 = sorcerer, 2 = druid, 3 = paladin, 4 = knight--> <action name="script"> <![CDATA[ _state.n2 = 4 _state.topic = 4 ]]> </action> </response> </interact> <!--If the player does not say any profession, repeat our question--> <interact keywords="|*|" topic="3"> <response text="KNIGHT, PALADIN, SORCERER, OR DRUID?"/> </interact> <interact keywords="yes" topic="4"> <response> <!--n1: 1 = carlin, 2 = edron, 3 = thais, 4 = venore--> <!--n2: 1 = knight, 2 = paladin, 3 = sorcerer, 4 = druid--> <action name="script"> <![CDATA[ local pos = 0 if(_state.n1 == 1) then pos = {x=32957, y=32076, z=7} elseif(_state.n1 == 2) then pos = {x=32360, y=31782, z=7} elseif(_state.n1 == 5) then pos = {x=32369, y=32241, z=7} elseif(_state.n1 == 9) then pos = {x=33217, y=31814, z=8} else selfSay("I DO NOT KNOW WHAT PROFESSION THAT IS, ASK THE GODS FOR GUIDANCE!") return end selfSay("SO BE IT!") doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT) if(doTeleportThing(cid, pos) == 0) then doPlayerSetTown(cid, _state.n1) doPlayerSetVocation(cid, _state.n2) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT) end ]]> </action> <action name="idle" value="1"/> </response> </interact> <interact keywords="bye" focus="0"> <keywords>farewell</keywords> <response text="Good bye. Recommend us, if you were satisfied with our service."/> </interact> <interact event="onBusy"> <response text="WAIT UNTIL IT IS YOUR TURN!"> <action name="addqueue" value="|PLAYER|"/> </response> </interact> <!--This event triggers if the player goes to far away from the npc/logout/idle timeout--> <interact event="onPlayerLeave" focus="0"> <response text="COME BACK WHEN YOU ARE PREPARED TO FACE YOUR DESTINY!"/> </interact> </interaction> </npc> Abraços..
Fato cara Alguns nao Posta Merd@ Nenhuma!! So se Esforça para Pegar a Vaga 2 ou 3 Semanas max 1 Mes de Trabalho dps Para!! Concordo Com ele 100%!!
a com ele vivo! Por Isso que ta dando o erro!
qal seu servidor vou fazer um download dele e testar ate funcionar!! e ir ageitando tbm!! Abraços..
Hmm, eu liguei nesses erros so que eu ia fazer para min tipow qalquer voc ia virar uma vocation vip '-' e nao Vip Kina e etc.. Mais se for para usar nesse tipo como o vodkart falo, é muinto simplisinho!!
ãn Nao entendi nada cara e foi esse mesmo tutorial que eu vi e n consigui!!
Ja li Todos os Tutoriais Aqui do Xtibia e Nao Consigo !! Alguem tem Como me Explica mais bem explicadinho em Ss's.. ou ate video ;P REP+ Para qm ajudar!! Abraços..
Muinto Bom cara Pode feichar o Topico!! REP+ !! (Como Disse o Won agora os Moderadores vao dar Rep+ e eu ja bati o meu limite) Vlw Abraços..
Muinto Bom Cara, Estava Pensando em Fazer algo Assim agora nao preciso Mais!! REP+
Todos Monstros tem como Sumonar pelo /m!!
Voce esta tentando pegar ele morto ou vivo?
QUERO GANHAR UMA CAMISAAAAAA DO XTIBIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAA EU QUERO!! @Topic Muinto Bom Xtibia Sempre Melhorando!!! Agora Estara Bem Melhor!! Abraços..
o Seguinte.. Voce ataka o Monstro e o pet ataka so que ele solta as spells automaticamente!! Abraços..
Ola Xtibianos, Vejo Muintas Pessoas Com Problemas em Seus Pets como Eu!! Entao decidi Achar um Para minha TFS 0.3.4 e Achei um Perfeitinho e Quis Compartilhar a Galera Xtibiana!! Comandos: !pet summon !pet buy Cat !pet release !pet move !pet say Começando: Vá em Data>Talkactions.xml Adicione Isso: <talkaction words="!pet" script="pet.lua"/> Agora em Data>Talkactions>Scripts crie uma pasta.lua chamada pet e coloque isso: local PET = -- CONFIG -- { -- storages name = 7700, petuid = 7701, online = 7702, damage = 7703, allowed = { -- allowed pets, costs & level required ["cat"] = {cost = 50, level = 1}, ["dog"] = {cost = 50, level = 1}, ["deer"] = {cost = 50, level = 1}, ["pig"] = {cost = 50, level = 1}, ["parrot"] = {cost = 50, level = 1}, ["seagull"] = {cost = 50, level = 1}, ["chicken"] = {cost = 50, level = 1}, ["rabbit"] = {cost = 50, level = 1}, ["squirrel"] = {cost = 50, level = 1}, ["frog"] = {cost = 50, level = 1}, ["rat"] = {cost = 50, level = 1}, ["sheep"] = {cost = 100, level = 1}, ["wolf"] = {cost = 300, level = 8}, ["skeleton"] = {cost = 300, level = 15}, ["war wolf"] = {cost = 1000, level = 20}, ["demon skeleton"] = {cost = 3000, level = 25} }, direction = {["up"] = NORTH, ["down"] = SOUTH, ["right"] = EAST, ["left"] = WEST}, -- used with !pet move help = { -- used with !pet say "Type '!pet summon' to summon your pet.", "Type '!pet buy [petname]' to buy a pet. e.g. '!pet buy war_wolf'", "Type '!pet move [direction]' to ask your pet to move.", "Type '!pet say \"text' to ask your pet to say something.", "Type '!pet release' to release your pet." } } function petHelp(p) doPlayerSendTextMessage(p.cid, 19, PET.help[p.i]) end function onSay(cid, words, param) local p = {""} if param ~= "" then p = string.explode(param, " ") end local petuid = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, PET.petuid) local online = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, PET.online) if p[1] == "help" then for i = 1, #PET.help do addEvent(petHelp, 1000*i - 1000, {i = i, cid = cid}) end elseif p[1] == "summon" then local name = getPlayerStorageString(cid, PET.name) if isCreature(petuid) == FALSE then if online == 1 then local tile = getClosestFreeTile(cid, getThingPos(cid), FALSE, FALSE) if getTilePzInfo(getThingPos(cid)) ~= 1 and getTilePzInfo(tile) ~= 1 then if name ~= "" then if getMonsterInfo(name) ~= nil then petuid = doSummonCreature(name, tile) doConvinceCreature(cid, petuid) doCreatureSay(petuid, 'hey, sup', TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) doChangeSpeed(petuid, getCreatureBaseSpeed(cid) - getCreatureBaseSpeed(petuid)) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, PET.online, 2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, PET.petuid, petuid) doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'Summoning '..name..'.') if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, PET.damage) > 0 then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, PET.damage) < getCreatureMaxHealth(petuid) then doCreatureAddHealth(petuid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, PET.damage)*-1) end end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'Invalid pet name.') end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'Invalid pet name.') end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'You may not summon your pet here.') end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'You do not have a pet. Type !pet <pet name> to get one.') end else setPlayerStorageValue(cid, PET.damage, getCreatureMaxHealth(petuid) - getCreatureHealth(petuid)) doCreatureSay(petuid, 'gtg, cya', TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(petuid),CONST_ME_POFF) doRemoveCreature(petuid) doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'Retrieving '..name..'.') setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 7702, 1) end elseif p[1] == "buy" then local text if p[2] ~= nil then name = string.gsub(p[2], "_", " ") if (isCreature(petuid) ~= TRUE and online == 2) or online <= 0 then if PET.allowed[name] ~= nil then if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= PET.allowed[name].level then if getPlayerMoney(cid) >= PET.allowed[name].cost then doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, PET.allowed[name].cost) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, PET.online, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, PET.damage, 0) setPlayerStorageString(cid, PET.name, name) text = "You have bought a pet \""..name.."\" for "..PET.allowed[name].cost.." gold coins." else text = "You do not have enough money. It costs "..PET.allowed[name].cost.." gold coins to buy a "..name.."." end else text = "You need level "..PET.allowed[name].level.." to buy this pet." end else text = "You may not buy that pet." end else text = "You already have a pet." end else text = "!pet buy [petname]" end if text ~= nil then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 19, text) end elseif p[1] == "move" then if isCreature(petuid) == TRUE then if p[2] ~= nil then if PET.direction[p[2]] ~= nil then if doTileQueryAdd(petuid, getPosByDir(getThingPos(petuid), PET.direction[p[2]], 1)) == 1 then doMoveCreature(petuid, PET.direction[p[2]]) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'Tile is blocked.') end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, '!pet move [up/down/left/right]') end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, '!pet move [up/down/left/right]') end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'Summon a pet first.') end elseif p[1] == "say" then text = string.explode(param, "\"") if isCreature(petuid) == TRUE then if text[2] ~= nil then if string.len(text[2]) < 39 then doCreatureSay(petuid, text[2], TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'Too long text.') end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, '!pet say "I am '..getCreatureName(cid)..'\'s pet.') end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'Summon a pet first.') end elseif p[1] == "release" then if isCreature(petuid) == TRUE and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, PET.online) == 2 then doCreatureSay(petuid, ':\'(', TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(petuid),CONST_ME_POFF) doRemoveCreature(petuid) doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'Releasing '..name..'.') setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 7702, 1) end setPlayerStorageValue(cid, PET.online, 2) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, PET.damage, 0) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 19, "You have released your pet \""..name.."\".") setPlayerStorageString(cid, PET.name, "") else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 19, "!pet [help/summon/buy/move/say/release]") end return TRUE end Ok Acabamos com as Talkactions agora vá em Data>CreatureEvents.xml e Adicione Isso: Obs: ( Caso Ja Ouver a Pasta Logout.lua Delete Tudu dela e Coloque a Nova ) <event type="logout" name="logout" event="script" value="logout.lua"/> Agora vá em Data>CreatureEvents>Scripts crie uma pasta.lua chamada logout e coloque isso: local petuidstor = 7701 -- storages, have to be same as your other script. local onlinestor = 7702 local damagestor = 7703 function onLogout(cid) if isCreature(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, petuidstor)) == 1 then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, onlinestor) == 2 then local petuid = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, petuidstor) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, damagestor, getCreatureMaxHealth(petuid) - getCreatureHealth(petuid)) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(petuid),CONST_ME_POFF) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, onlinestor, 1) end end return TRUE end Abra a pata login.lua que se localiza em Data>CreatureEvents>Scripts abra ela e coloque isso: registerCreatureEvent(cid, "logout") Agora para Finalizar vá em Data>Lib>Function.lua e Acresente Isso: string.explode = function (str, sep) local pos, t = 1, {} if #sep == 0 or #str == 0 then return end for s, e in function() return str:find(sep, pos) end do table.insert(t, str:sub(pos, s - 1):trim()) pos = e + 1 end table.insert(t, str:sub(pos):trim()) return t end _warpzone = 2147483648 -- start storing strings here (THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM VALUE FOR THIS) _maxlength = 1024 -- multiply by 3 to get the true length. setPlayerStorageInteger = setPlayerStorageValue getPlayerStorageInteger = getPlayerStorageValue function setPlayerStorageString(cid, key, value) if #value > (_maxlength-1) * 3 - 1 then -- Last word is reserved for 0 termination of the string. error("Storage string is too long") end if key > _warpzone / _maxlength then error("Storage string key is too large (" .. key .. ")") end key = _warpzone + key * _maxlength local word = 0 local wordwrap = 0 local wordcount = 0 local i = 1 while i <= #value do local byte = string.byte(string.sub(value, i, i)) word = bit.bor(word, bit.lshift(byte, wordwrap)) wordwrap = wordwrap + 8 if wordwrap == 24 then --[[ In the ideal world we would be able to store 4 characters per word, however, as the default return value for getPlayerStorageValue is -1, we can't use the last bit. ]]-- setPlayerStorageInteger(cid, key + wordcount, word) word = 0 wordwrap = 0 wordcount = wordcount + 1 end i = i + 1 end -- store the last word setPlayerStorageInteger(cid, key + wordcount, word) end function getPlayerStorageString(cid, key) if key > _warpzone / _maxlength then error("Storage string key is too large (" .. key .. ")") end key = _warpzone + key * _maxlength local wordcount = 0 local str = "" while true do if wordcount >= _maxlength then break end local word = getPlayerStorageInteger(cid, key + wordcount) if word == -1 then -- end of string break else -- Extract the 3 characters from the value byte = bit.band(word, 255) if byte == 0 then break else str = str .. string.char(byte) end byte = bit.rshift(bit.band(word, 65280), 8) if byte == 0 then break else str = str .. string.char(byte) end byte = bit.rshift(bit.band(word, 16711680), 16) if byte == 0 then break else str = str .. string.char(byte) end end wordcount = wordcount + 1 end return str end Obs²: Delete Todos Arquivos de Pets System Velhos para nao Causar nem um Bug!! Creditos: jordanhenry. Sugestoes, Duvidas Somente neste Topico!! Abraços..
Tente fazer Assim nao sei se da Certo!! Data>CreatureEvent>Scripts Acha Login.lua e Adicione isso: blessing.login(cid) Por Acaso se Tiver Logout.lua Adicione Isso La tambem: blessing.logout(cid) E Em PlayerDeath.lua Adicione Isso: blessing.die(cid) Nao testado Ainda!! Talvez esta Parte esteja Errada!! Abraços..
Exclui..Pode mandar @Edit n deu o crack mais dexa!!
Como Sempre o Henrique Apanhando Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Brinks
Deu Exclui pode Mandar..
Seguinte ta Pedindo License (RK) Para fazer o Downloads dos Drivers..
Muinto Bom Cara REP+ (dou amanha ja to com o limite) Obs: Nao poderia Mudar a Cor, Botar um Efeito no DevilMoon, sei la a Letra, ou a Fonte nao Combino com o Texto!!
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