Ola helinho eu baxei o otserv mas encontrei algumas complicaçoes muito chatas montei meu servidor e agora esta on com 15 players e esta dando alguns probleminhas ao decorrer do tempo olhe:
outro problema tambem e relacionado ao tempo de espera pra sair a skull nesse distro que voce usou nao tem no config.lua para arrumar o tempo e tambem nao tem monterlootmessage intao nao da pra tirar a mensagem no meio da tela do loot dos bixos... ah alguma forma de resolver isso ? e se voce notar tem um espaço enorme entre o mapa loading time pro data parsing como arrumo isso ? PRINCIPAL ADD NO MSN AI FELIPEWEICK@GMAIL.COM bjo.
[07/09/2009 09:23:12] Duplicate uniqueId 14970
[07/09/2009 09:23:12] Duplicate uniqueId 14970
[07/09/2009 09:23:12] Duplicate uniqueId 14970
[07/09/2009 09:23:12] Duplicate uniqueId 14970
[07/09/2009 09:23:12] Duplicate uniqueId 14970
[07/09/2009 09:23:14] Duplicate uniqueId 14970
[07/09/2009 09:23:14] Duplicate uniqueId 14970
[07/09/2009 09:23:26] > Map loading time: 23.75 seconds.
[07/09/2009 09:23:27] > Data parsing time: 1.671 seconds.
[07/09/2009 09:24:09] > Houses synchronization time: 42.063 seconds.
[07/09/2009 09:24:12] > Content unserialization time: 2.266 seconds.
[07/09/2009 09:24:12] >> Checking world type... PvP
[07/09/2009 09:24:12] >> Initializing game state modules and registering services...
[07/09/2009 09:24:13] > Global address:
[07/09/2009 09:24:13] > Local ports: 7171 7172
[07/09/2009 09:24:13] >> All modules were loaded, server is starting up...
[07/09/2009 09:24:13] >> Del Fenix server Online!
[07/09/2009 09:24:43] Knight Imperdoavel has logged in.
[07/09/2009 09:24:43] Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface]
[07/09/2009 09:24:43] buffer
[07/09/2009 09:24:43] [string "loadBuffer"]:3: attempt to index global 'config' (a nil value)
[07/09/2009 09:29:13] Demonstrike has logged in.
[07/09/2009 09:29:13] Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface]
[07/09/2009 09:29:13] buffer
[07/09/2009 09:29:13] [string "loadBuffer"]:3: attempt to index global 'config' (a nil value)
[07/09/2009 09:34:13] Metalic Gold has logged in.
[07/09/2009 09:34:13] Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface]
[07/09/2009 09:34:13] buffer
[07/09/2009 09:34:13] [string "loadBuffer"]:3: attempt to index global 'config' (a nil value)
[07/09/2009 09:34:28] Paladina Infernal has logged in.
[07/09/2009 09:34:28] Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface]
[07/09/2009 09:34:28] buffer
[07/09/2009 09:34:28] [string "loadBuffer"]:3: attempt to index global 'config' (a nil value)
[07/09/2009 09:34:56] Paladina Infernal has logged out.
[07/09/2009 09:34:56] Knight Infernal has logged in.
[07/09/2009 09:34:56] Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface]
[07/09/2009 09:34:56] buffer
[07/09/2009 09:34:56] [string "loadBuffer"]:3: attempt to index global 'config' (a nil value)
[07/09/2009 09:36:22] Peverso has logged in.
[07/09/2009 09:36:22] Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface]
[07/09/2009 09:36:22] buffer
[07/09/2009 09:36:22] [string "loadBuffer"]:3: attempt to index global 'config' (a nil value)
[07/09/2009 09:38:02] > Saving server...
[07/09/2009 09:38:09] > SAVE: Complete in 7.094 seconds using relational house storage.
[07/09/2009 09:51:53] Metalic Gold has logged out.
[07/09/2009 09:51:53] Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface]
[07/09/2009 09:51:53] data/creaturescripts/scripts/skullcheck.lua:onThink
[07/09/2009 09:51:53] luaGetCreatureSkullType(). Creature not found
[07/09/2009 09:51:53] Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface]
[07/09/2009 09:51:53] data/creaturescripts/scripts/skullcheck.lua:onThink
[07/09/2009 09:51:53] internalGetPlayerInfo(). Player not found
[07/09/2009 09:51:53] Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface]
[07/09/2009 09:51:53] data/creaturescripts/scripts/skullcheck.lua:onThink
[07/09/2009 09:51:53] data/creaturescripts/scripts/skullcheck.lua:3: attempt to compare number with boolean
[07/09/2009 09:51:53] stack traceback:
[07/09/2009 09:51:53] data/creaturescripts/scripts/skullcheck.lua:3: in function <data/creaturescripts/scripts/skullcheck.lua:1>
[07/09/2009 09:52:24] Metalic Gold has logged in.
[07/09/2009 09:52:24] Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface]
[07/09/2009 09:52:24] buffer
[07/09/2009 09:52:24] [string "loadBuffer"]:3: attempt to index global 'config' (a nil value)