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Sobre ThorServer


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ThorServer's Achievements

  1. Olá Galera, Venho Aqui Anunciar O Mais Novo Servidor Dedicado A Vocês Todos Aqui Do Fórum. Servidor Sério ... Map: Global Protocolo: 8.4 Port: 7171 Ip: Site: (Indisponivel) Character No Promotion (Slow Atk, Slow Regeneration). Character Promotion (Fast Atck, Fast Regeneration, More HP/Mana Regeneration). *Rates Exp: 250x (Apartir Do Level 200 Exp Deminiu 50x ...) ML: 250x Skills: 500x Loot: 5x Respaw: 1x House Level 100 (Price For SQM 1k) Guild Level 50 Acount Mananger Msn: Obrigado A Todos !!!
  2. Obrigado, Me Ajudou Muito Aqui !!! Tudo Resolvido !!! Valeu ... Nota 10 !!!
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