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Sobre buzurck


  • Char no Tibia
    Jon Keltera
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  1. Meu pedido é bem simples Quando falo no meu ot!afk on, fica subindo a msg animada "Ausente!" Em vez disso eu keria que variasse a msg... Exemplo a pessoa fala !afk on e aparece: -Ausente! ou -To afk ou -Fui cagar ou -Nao to em casa é bem simples o pedido, espero que alguem me ajude, vou postar o script aki em baixo: --[[ Talking Tp/signs/tiles for TFS 0.2+ 70%shawak,30%Damadgerz Idea by Damadgerz ]]-- local time = 5 -- 1 = 1 sec, 2 = 2 sec, ... local say_events = {} local function SayText(cid) if isPlayer(cid) == TRUE then if say_events[getPlayerGUID(cid)] ~= nil then if isPlayer(cid) == TRUE then doSendAnimatedText(getPlayerPosition(cid),"Ausente!", math.random(01,255)) end say_events[getPlayerGUID(cid)] = addEvent(SayText, time * 1000 / 2, cid) end end return TRUE end function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) if(param == '') then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Command param required.") return true end if param == "on" then if isPlayer(cid) == TRUE then doSendAnimatedText(getPlayerPosition(cid),"Ausente!", math.random(01,255)) end say_events[getPlayerGUID(cid)] = addEvent(SayText, time * 1000, cid) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING,"You Now Stated you are (afk).") elseif param == "off" then stopEvent(say_events[getPlayerGUID(cid)]) say_events[getPlayerGUID(cid)] = nil doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING,"You Now stated your are not (afk).") end return TRUE end VLW
  2. Up. Tambem to com essa duvida a mais de 6 meses O tutorial desse krinha ae foi o mais perto que cheguei de conseguir alguem responde a duvida ae
  3. Eae galera Eu keria um script dakeles que faz com q o kra n ganhe exp se matar mc pq tem kra no meu ot de war pegando top só de matar o proprio mc ja vi um nakeles tal de x-dream, mas n funcionou aki se alguem puder fazer um parecido, me ajuda ae vlw
  4. o tfs 0.3.6 pl ja vem com essa função pronta Só saber compila-lo (e creio que unica forma seja compilando)
  5. vlw manu funcionou perfeitamente Eu nao entendo bem onde botar essas coisas de end, elseif... ^^ brigadao
  6. buzurck

    Item Que Dar Exp

    To com outro duvida, a primeira eu consegui arrumar, nem devia ter postado. Mas esse outro script não consigo arrumar, acho que é falta de "end" em algum lugar. É o seguinte: ao clicar no item, o player ganha 300 de exp e o item é removido. Só isso. Ta aqui o script: local config = { animationColor = TEXTCOLOR_LIGHTBLUE, --[[Cor da animação | Padrão = Azul Claro]] textType = TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1, --[[Cor do Texto | Padrão = Verde]] expGain = 300 -- quanto vai ganhar de exp } function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) doPlayerAddExp(cid, expGain) doSendAnimatedText(getThingPosition(cid), expGain, config.animationColor) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, config.textType, "Voce recebeu ".. expGain .." experience") doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1) end return TRUE end Alguem arruma ai plix vlwzao
  7. Eae galera, to criando meu proprio mapa de war, muito boladao e diferente Só falta arrumar esse script para poder colocar o ot on Eu quero um script que der: skill de axe,sword,club,shielding,ml para KNIGHT; Magic level e shielding para Druid e Sorcerer; Distance,Shielding, magic level para Paladin. E tbm gostaria que postasse a tag que eu boto no .xml O script que eu tava tentando fazer funfar era esse que vou postar abaixo: function onLogin(cid) local playerVoc = getPlayerVocation(cid) local reqTries = getPlayerRequiredSkillTries local skillStor = 56364 local gotSkills = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 56364) if playerVoc == 5 and gotSkills == -1 then doPlayerAddSpentMana(cid, (getPlayerRequiredMana(cid,65))) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, skillStor, 1) elseif playerVoc == 6 and gotSkills == -1 then doPlayerAddSpentMana(cid, (getPlayerRequiredMana(cid,65))) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, skillStor, 1) elseif playerVoc == 7 and gotSkills == -1 then doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, SKILL_DISTANCE, reqTries(cid, SKILL_DISTANCE, 70)) doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, SKILL_SHIELD, reqTries(cid, SKILL_SHIELD, 60)) doPlayerAddSpentMana(cid, (getPlayerRequiredMana(cid,10))) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, skillStor, 1) elseif playerVoc == 8 and gotSkills == -1 then doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, SKILL_AXE, reqTries(cid, SKILL_AXE, 70)) doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, SKILL_SWORD, reqTries(cid, SKILL_SWORD, 70)) doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, SKILL_CLUB, reqTries(cid, SKILL_CLUB, 70)) doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid, SKILL_SHIELD, reqTries(cid, SKILL_SHIELD, 65)) doPlayerAddMagLevel(cid, 8) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, skillStor, 1) end return TRUE end Ta dando o seguinte error: 06/02/2011 21:43:57] [Warning - Vocations::getVocation] Vocation 4294967295 not found. Alguem arruma isso plix, ou posta um que esteja bom... brigadao
  8. dei um scan no virus total tudo bem q é a dll mas pq kapersky e McAfee detectou Artemis??? -.-
  9. Eae pessoal Eu achei no xtibia os scripts que serve para deletar os players inativos automaticamente porém no tutorial não diz onde colocar cada coisa e oq editar de kda coisa foi esse o tutorial que eu peguei: eu vou postar os scripts aki, se alguem souber onde botar kd coisa e oq editar me explica ae plix. Scripts foram esses abaixo: config.php <? $inativos_system = 'Ligado'; // USE LIGADO, ligado ou Ligado ou Desligado para desativar $tempo_inatividade = '30'; // USE EM DIAS ?> <? $db_host = 'db_host'; $db_user = 'db_user'; $db_password = 'db_password'; $database = 'database'; mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_password); mysql_select_db($database); ?> inativos.php <? include ("config.php"); include(""); //incluindo o conector if ($inativos_system == 'Ligado') { //INICIANDO CÁLCULO DE DELETE (Convertendo dias para segundos) $tempo_inatividade_segundos = $tempo_inatividade * 24 * 3600; $tempo_unix_atual = time(); $tempo_para_delete = $tempo_unix_atual - $tempo_inatividade_segundos; // INICIANDO PROCESSO DE DELETE $sql = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM players WHERE lastlogin < '$tempo_para_delete'") or die (mysql_error()); $contagem = mysql_num_rows($sql); // INICIANDO DELETE && GERANDO SAÍDA DO SCRIPT if($contagem > '0') { $sql = mysql_query("DELETE FROM players WHERE lastlogin < '$tempo_para_delete'"); echo "Foram deletados $contagem char(s) inativos"; } else { echo "Nenhum char inativo"; } } else { echo "<font color=black>O sistema de deletar chars inativos está desativado.</font>"; } ?>
  10. esse q usa mod não funcionou daí eu tentei o do GM Bekman, apareceu no site e deu pra abrir o ot só q ta dando um error ainda alguem me ajuda no script do gm bekman
  11. Eae Galera to tentando adicionar esse war system>>> só q não deu certo usando mods, então eu usei um tutorial que outro kra postou nesse msm topico. eu consegui, mas acho que não ta contando frags no site tem uma parte que ta dando um error no distro, que é o seguinte: Error distro: [06/12/2010 20:25:35] [Error - GlobalEvent Interface] [06/12/2010 20:25:35] data/globalevents/scripts/wars.lua:onThink [06/12/2010 20:25:35] Description: [06/12/2010 20:25:35] data/lib/004-database.lua:60: [Result:getDataInt] Result not set! [06/12/2010 20:25:35] stack traceback: [06/12/2010 20:25:35] [C]: in function 'error' [06/12/2010 20:25:35] data/lib/004-database.lua:60: in function 'getDataInt' [06/12/2010 20:25:35] ./GuildWar.lua:212: in function 'getGuildsWithWar' [06/12/2010 20:25:35] data/globalevents/scripts/wars.lua:4: in function <data/globalevents/scripts/wars.lua:3> [06/12/2010 20:25:35] [Error - GlobalEvents::think] Couldn't execute event: wars tem algo haver com algum dos dois scripts que vou postar abaixo, algo haver com a function "getGuildsWithWar": (data\globalevents\scripts): dofile("./GuildWar.lua") function onThink(interval, lastExecution) for _, id in ipairs(getGuildsWithWar()) do local Check = db.getResult("SELECT `name` FROM `guilds` WHERE id = ".. getGuildWarInfo(id).With .."") if Check:getID() == LUA_ERROR then cleanInfo(id) end end return TRUE end GuildWar.lua - esse fica na msm pasta do distro, dlls... DelayToCancel = 24 * 60 * 60 --minutes Maps = { ["map 1"] = { Guild1Pos = {x=998, y=1006, z=7}, Guild2Pos = {x=1002, y=1006, z=7} }, ["map 2"] = { Guild1Pos = {x=994, y=1004, z=6}, Guild2Pos = {x=1000, y=1003, z=6} } } TimeToTeleport = 1 --minutes, when star a challenge StopBattle = TRUE --Stop battle after X time ? TRUE / FALSE TimeToStop = 60 --Minutes Time to Stop if StopBattle = TRUE. --Cancel messages~ CancelMessagesWar = { --Message when player try accept/reject/cancel a war but there is no a invitation. [1] = "Not pending invitations.", --Message when the player is not the guild leader. [2] = "Only Guild Leader can execute this command.", --Message when try Cancel the invitation but the war is already accepted. [3] = "The war is already accepted.", --MEssage when the invited guild name is not correct or does not exist. [4] = "Not correct guild name.", --Message when try invite any guild to a war but his guild already have a war or a pending invitation. [5] = "Your guild is already in war or have a pending invitation.", --Same of the cancel message 5 but the the enemy guild. [6] = "This guild is already in war or have a pending invitation.", --Message when use invite command but not write guild name. [7] = "Command needs param.", --Message when try invite his guild. [8] = "You can\´t invite you guild.", --Message when the map name is not correct. [9] = "Please write a correct name.", --Message when try go to any map but the guild is have no received/sent any war invitation [10] = "Your guild is not in any war.", --When try to cancel a war before the delay [11] = "You should wait ".. DelayToCancel .." minutes to cancel the war" } --Broadcast messages when invite/accept/reject/cancel ~ Remember the Spaces. BroadCast_Type = MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE BroadCast = { --Message when inviting [1] = { "Guild ", --Here will be the guild name " have invited guild ", --Here will be the invited guild name " to have a war." }, --Message when accept. [2] = { "Guild ", --Here will be the guild name " have accepted the invitation of the guild " , --Here will be the name of the guild who have invited em. " to have a war." }, --Message when reject. [3] = { "Guild ", --Here will be the guild name " have rejected the invitation of the guild " , --Here will be the name of the guild who have invited em. " to have a war." }, --Message when cancel. [4] = { "Guild ", --Here will be the guild name " have canceled the invitation to the guild " , --Here will be the name of the guild who have invited em. " to have a war." }, --Message whenstar a battle.. [5] = { "Guild ", --Here will be the guild name " and guild " , --Here will be the name of the guild who have invited em. " will have a battle in the map :" }, --message when a battle ends. [6] = { "The battle betwen guild ", --Here will be the guild name " and guild " , --Here will be the name of the guild who have invited em. " its over." }, } --Functions ~. function getGuildWarInfo(id) local Info = db.getResult("SELECT `invited_to`, `invited_by`, `in_war_with`,`war_time` FROM `guilds` WHERE `id` = " .. id .. "") if Info:getID() ~= LUA_ERROR then local invTo, invBy, warWith, Time = Info:getDataInt("invited_to"), Info:getDataInt("invited_by"), Info:getDataInt("in_war_with"), Info:getDataInt("war_time") Info:free() return {To = invTo, By = invBy, With = warWith, T = Time} end return LUA_ERROR end function getGuildNameById(id) local Info = db.getResult("SELECT `name` FROM `guilds` WHERE `id` = " .. id .. "") if Info:getID() ~= LUA_ERROR then local Name = Info:getDataString("name") Info:free() return Name end return LUA_ERROR end function GuildIsInPEace(id) local Info = getGuildWarInfo(id) return (Info.To == 0 and Info.By == 0 and Info.With == 0) end function doInviteToWar(myGuild, enemyGuild) db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `invited_to` = ".. enemyGuild .." WHERE `id` = ".. myGuild .."") db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `invited_by` = ".. myGuild .." WHERE `id` = ".. enemyGuild .."") end function WarAccept(myGuild, enemyGuild) local StartTime = os.time() db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `invited_to` = 0, `invited_by` = 0, `war_time` = ".. StartTime ..", `in_war_with` = ".. myGuild ..", `kills` = 0, `show` = 1 WHERE `id` = ".. enemyGuild .."") db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `invited_to` = 0, `invited_by` = 0, `war_time` = ".. StartTime ..", `in_war_with` = ".. enemyGuild ..", `kills` = 0, `show` = 0 WHERE `id` = ".. myGuild .."") end function cleanInfo(myGuild) db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `invited_to` = 0, `invited_by` = 0, `war_time` = 0, `in_war_with` = 0, `kills` = 0, `show` = 0 WHERE `id` = ".. myGuild .."") end function registerDeath(myGuild, enemyGuild, cid, target) db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `deaths_in_wars` (`guild_id`, `player_id`, `killer_guild`, `killer`, `date`) VALUES ("..enemyGuild..", "..getPlayerGUID(target)..", "..myGuild..", "..getPlayerGUID(cid)..", " .. os.time() ..");") db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `kills` = `kills` + 1 WHERE `id` = ".. myGuild .."") end function StopWar(myGuild, enemyGuild) cleanInfo(myGuild) cleanInfo(enemyGuild) removeDeaths(myGuild) removeDeaths(enemyGuild) end function removeDeaths(id) db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `deaths_in_wars` WHERE `guild_id` = " .. ";") end function WeAreInWar(myGuild, enemyGuild) local myGuildInfo = getGuildWarInfo(myGuild) local enemyGuildInfo = getGuildWarInfo(enemyGuild) if myGuild == enemyGuildInfo.With and enemyGuild == myGuildInfo.With then if enemyGuildInfo.ON == 1 and myGuildInfo.ON == 1 then return TRUE end end return FALSE end function getOnlineMembers(id) local PlayersOnline = getPlayersOnline() local MembersOnline = {} for i, pid in ipairs(PlayersOnline) do if id == getPlayerGuildId(PlayersOnline[i]) then table.insert(MembersOnline, PlayersOnline[i]) end end return MembersOnline end function teleportGuild(id, pos) local Members = getOnlineMembers(id) if #Members > 0 then for i = 1, #Members do if getTilePzInfo(getCreaturePosition(Members[i])) == TRUE then doTeleportThing(Members[i], pos, FALSE) doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_TELEPORT) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(Members[i]), CONST_ME_POFF) end end end end function removeFrag(cid) local FragTime = getConfigInfo('timeToDecreaseFrags') local myFragTime = getPlayerRedSkullTicks(cid) local Remo = (myFragTime - FragTime) if Remo < 0 then Remo = 0 end doPlayerSetRedSkullTicks(cid, Remo) end function getGuildsWithWar() local res = db.getResult("SELECT `id` FROM `guilds` WHERE `in_war_with` > 0") local GuildW = {} if res:getID() ~= LUA_ERROR then while true do table.insert(GuildW, res:getDataInt "id") if not res:next() then break end end res:free() end return GuildW end function guildExist(nom) local Get = db.getResult("SELECT `id` FROM `guilds` WHERE `name` = " .. db.escapeString(nom) .. ";") if Get:getID() ~= LUA_ERROR then local ret = Get:getDataInt("id") Get:free() return ret end return LUA_ERROR end function StarWar(x) teleportGuild(x.myGuild, Maps[].Guild1Pos) teleportGuild(x.enemyGuild, Maps[].Guild2Pos) --[[ putWarOn(x.myGuild, x.enemyGuild) if StopBattle == TRUE then addEvent(StopWarNow, 60 * 1000, {myGuild = x.myGuild, enemyGuild = x.enemyGuild}) end ]] end --[[ function StopWarNow© StopWar(c.myGuild, c.enemyGuild) doBroadcastMessage(BroadCast[6][1] ..getGuildNameById(c.myGuild).. BroadCast[6][2] ..getGuildNameById(c.enemyGuild).. BroadCast[6][3], BroadCast_Type) end function putWarOn(myGuild, enemyGuild) db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `war_time` = 1 WHERE `id` = ".. myGuild .."") db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `war_time` = 1 WHERE `id` = ".. enemyGuild .."") end é isso aí galera quem souber oq tem q arrumar, posta ae plix Urgente, brigadao
  12. ja cara, esse daí foi o primeiro que eu tentei, esse mod ja da error no distro logo no começo da nem pra abrir o server. Esse q eu peguei funcionou, só n ta adicionando frags porcausa desse script q postei
  13. aew manu
    preciso da tua ajuda, vc postou um tutorial nakele topico de war system pra tfs 0.3.6
    só q ta dando um error nakele globalevents q acontece de meia em meia hora. eu criei um topico, da uma olhada aew.
  14. Eae Galera to tentando adicionar esse war system>>> Mas tem uma parte que ta dando um error no distro, que é o seguinte: [06/12/2010 20:25:35] [Error - GlobalEvent Interface] [06/12/2010 20:25:35] data/globalevents/scripts/wars.lua:onThink [06/12/2010 20:25:35] Description: [06/12/2010 20:25:35] data/lib/004-database.lua:60: [Result:getDataInt] Result not set! [06/12/2010 20:25:35] stack traceback: [06/12/2010 20:25:35] [C]: in function 'error' [06/12/2010 20:25:35] data/lib/004-database.lua:60: in function 'getDataInt' [06/12/2010 20:25:35] ./GuildWar.lua:212: in function 'getGuildsWithWar' [06/12/2010 20:25:35] data/globalevents/scripts/wars.lua:4: in function <data/globalevents/scripts/wars.lua:3> [06/12/2010 20:25:35] [Error - GlobalEvents::think] Couldn't execute event: wars eu não estou conseguindo arrumar, se alguem souber, me da uma ajuda aí. Vou postar 2 scripts desse war system, é em algum desses aí q ta o bug: (data\globalevents\scripts): dofile("./GuildWar.lua") function onThink(interval, lastExecution) for _, id in ipairs(getGuildsWithWar()) do local Check = db.getResult("SELECT `name` FROM `guilds` WHERE id = ".. getGuildWarInfo(id).With .."") if Check:getID() == LUA_ERROR then cleanInfo(id) end end return TRUE end GuildWar.lua - esse fica na msm pasta do distro, dlls... DelayToCancel = 24 * 60 * 60 --minutes Maps = { ["map 1"] = { Guild1Pos = {x=998, y=1006, z=7}, Guild2Pos = {x=1002, y=1006, z=7} }, ["map 2"] = { Guild1Pos = {x=994, y=1004, z=6}, Guild2Pos = {x=1000, y=1003, z=6} } } TimeToTeleport = 1 --minutes, when star a challenge StopBattle = TRUE --Stop battle after X time ? TRUE / FALSE TimeToStop = 60 --Minutes Time to Stop if StopBattle = TRUE. --Cancel messages~ CancelMessagesWar = { --Message when player try accept/reject/cancel a war but there is no a invitation. [1] = "Not pending invitations.", --Message when the player is not the guild leader. [2] = "Only Guild Leader can execute this command.", --Message when try Cancel the invitation but the war is already accepted. [3] = "The war is already accepted.", --MEssage when the invited guild name is not correct or does not exist. [4] = "Not correct guild name.", --Message when try invite any guild to a war but his guild already have a war or a pending invitation. [5] = "Your guild is already in war or have a pending invitation.", --Same of the cancel message 5 but the the enemy guild. [6] = "This guild is already in war or have a pending invitation.", --Message when use invite command but not write guild name. [7] = "Command needs param.", --Message when try invite his guild. [8] = "You can\´t invite you guild.", --Message when the map name is not correct. [9] = "Please write a correct name.", --Message when try go to any map but the guild is have no received/sent any war invitation [10] = "Your guild is not in any war.", --When try to cancel a war before the delay [11] = "You should wait ".. DelayToCancel .." minutes to cancel the war" } --Broadcast messages when invite/accept/reject/cancel ~ Remember the Spaces. BroadCast_Type = MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE BroadCast = { --Message when inviting [1] = { "Guild ", --Here will be the guild name " have invited guild ", --Here will be the invited guild name " to have a war." }, --Message when accept. [2] = { "Guild ", --Here will be the guild name " have accepted the invitation of the guild " , --Here will be the name of the guild who have invited em. " to have a war." }, --Message when reject. [3] = { "Guild ", --Here will be the guild name " have rejected the invitation of the guild " , --Here will be the name of the guild who have invited em. " to have a war." }, --Message when cancel. [4] = { "Guild ", --Here will be the guild name " have canceled the invitation to the guild " , --Here will be the name of the guild who have invited em. " to have a war." }, --Message whenstar a battle.. [5] = { "Guild ", --Here will be the guild name " and guild " , --Here will be the name of the guild who have invited em. " will have a battle in the map :" }, --message when a battle ends. [6] = { "The battle betwen guild ", --Here will be the guild name " and guild " , --Here will be the name of the guild who have invited em. " its over." }, } --Functions ~. function getGuildWarInfo(id) local Info = db.getResult("SELECT `invited_to`, `invited_by`, `in_war_with`,`war_time` FROM `guilds` WHERE `id` = " .. id .. "") if Info:getID() ~= LUA_ERROR then local invTo, invBy, warWith, Time = Info:getDataInt("invited_to"), Info:getDataInt("invited_by"), Info:getDataInt("in_war_with"), Info:getDataInt("war_time") Info:free() return {To = invTo, By = invBy, With = warWith, T = Time} end return LUA_ERROR end function getGuildNameById(id) local Info = db.getResult("SELECT `name` FROM `guilds` WHERE `id` = " .. id .. "") if Info:getID() ~= LUA_ERROR then local Name = Info:getDataString("name") Info:free() return Name end return LUA_ERROR end function GuildIsInPEace(id) local Info = getGuildWarInfo(id) return (Info.To == 0 and Info.By == 0 and Info.With == 0) end function doInviteToWar(myGuild, enemyGuild) db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `invited_to` = ".. enemyGuild .." WHERE `id` = ".. myGuild .."") db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `invited_by` = ".. myGuild .." WHERE `id` = ".. enemyGuild .."") end function WarAccept(myGuild, enemyGuild) local StartTime = os.time() db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `invited_to` = 0, `invited_by` = 0, `war_time` = ".. StartTime ..", `in_war_with` = ".. myGuild ..", `kills` = 0, `show` = 1 WHERE `id` = ".. enemyGuild .."") db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `invited_to` = 0, `invited_by` = 0, `war_time` = ".. StartTime ..", `in_war_with` = ".. enemyGuild ..", `kills` = 0, `show` = 0 WHERE `id` = ".. myGuild .."") end function cleanInfo(myGuild) db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `invited_to` = 0, `invited_by` = 0, `war_time` = 0, `in_war_with` = 0, `kills` = 0, `show` = 0 WHERE `id` = ".. myGuild .."") end function registerDeath(myGuild, enemyGuild, cid, target) db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `deaths_in_wars` (`guild_id`, `player_id`, `killer_guild`, `killer`, `date`) VALUES ("..enemyGuild..", "..getPlayerGUID(target)..", "..myGuild..", "..getPlayerGUID(cid)..", " .. os.time() ..");") db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `kills` = `kills` + 1 WHERE `id` = ".. myGuild .."") end function StopWar(myGuild, enemyGuild) cleanInfo(myGuild) cleanInfo(enemyGuild) removeDeaths(myGuild) removeDeaths(enemyGuild) end function removeDeaths(id) db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `deaths_in_wars` WHERE `guild_id` = " .. ";") end function WeAreInWar(myGuild, enemyGuild) local myGuildInfo = getGuildWarInfo(myGuild) local enemyGuildInfo = getGuildWarInfo(enemyGuild) if myGuild == enemyGuildInfo.With and enemyGuild == myGuildInfo.With then if enemyGuildInfo.ON == 1 and myGuildInfo.ON == 1 then return TRUE end end return FALSE end function getOnlineMembers(id) local PlayersOnline = getPlayersOnline() local MembersOnline = {} for i, pid in ipairs(PlayersOnline) do if id == getPlayerGuildId(PlayersOnline[i]) then table.insert(MembersOnline, PlayersOnline[i]) end end return MembersOnline end function teleportGuild(id, pos) local Members = getOnlineMembers(id) if #Members > 0 then for i = 1, #Members do if getTilePzInfo(getCreaturePosition(Members[i])) == TRUE then doTeleportThing(Members[i], pos, FALSE) doSendMagicEffect(pos, CONST_ME_TELEPORT) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(Members[i]), CONST_ME_POFF) end end end end function removeFrag(cid) local FragTime = getConfigInfo('timeToDecreaseFrags') local myFragTime = getPlayerRedSkullTicks(cid) local Remo = (myFragTime - FragTime) if Remo < 0 then Remo = 0 end doPlayerSetRedSkullTicks(cid, Remo) end function getGuildsWithWar() local res = db.getResult("SELECT `id` FROM `guilds` WHERE `in_war_with` > 0") local GuildW = {} if res:getID() ~= LUA_ERROR then while true do table.insert(GuildW, res:getDataInt "id") if not res:next() then break end end res:free() end return GuildW end function guildExist(nom) local Get = db.getResult("SELECT `id` FROM `guilds` WHERE `name` = " .. db.escapeString(nom) .. ";") if Get:getID() ~= LUA_ERROR then local ret = Get:getDataInt("id") Get:free() return ret end return LUA_ERROR end function StarWar(x) teleportGuild(x.myGuild, Maps[].Guild1Pos) teleportGuild(x.enemyGuild, Maps[].Guild2Pos) --[[ putWarOn(x.myGuild, x.enemyGuild) if StopBattle == TRUE then addEvent(StopWarNow, 60 * 1000, {myGuild = x.myGuild, enemyGuild = x.enemyGuild}) end ]] end --[[ function StopWarNow© StopWar(c.myGuild, c.enemyGuild) doBroadcastMessage(BroadCast[6][1] ..getGuildNameById(c.myGuild).. BroadCast[6][2] ..getGuildNameById(c.enemyGuild).. BroadCast[6][3], BroadCast_Type) end function putWarOn(myGuild, enemyGuild) db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `war_time` = 1 WHERE `id` = ".. myGuild .."") db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `war_time` = 1 WHERE `id` = ".. enemyGuild .."") end é isso aí kem souber oq fazer me ajuda aí vlw
  15. vlw manu daki a pouco vou tentar tanto tempo q procuro isso ^^ EDIT~~ cara eu li mas não explica muito bem pra pessoas leigas em website como eu » Criando o carrinho » Retorno automático Cade um desses acima serve pra que??? Onde eu boto todos akeles scripts? O que eu edito neles?? me ajuda aí plix ^^ vlw
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