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eu ja resolvi o problema, n tem nd haver com o cath ele esta certo. problema ta no items.xml tem que mudar o tipo do corpo tbm. estou em casa qdo estiver no serviço posto os dados corretamente. obrigado por quem tentou ajudar
ta o mesmo id sim. fiz basiado no look do gm fui no item e eu alterei td sertinho. ja tentei copiar de um pokemon q da pra captura e soh altera o id e o nome, tbm n deu. deve te algum lugar q tem que por o id ou o nome do pokemon só n sei onde
SCRIPT DO Pokemon Dash server PALAVRAS DO CRIADOR FEITO POR MASTERCRAFT (######) / BRUN123 (XTIBIA.COM) Na pasta data/actions/scripts, você encontra o catch.lua, para adicionar um novo catch, basta adicionar a tag: ["NOME"] = {chance = 10, corpse = 9999, health = 5000, maxhealth = 5000}, Em health/max health, você coloca a vida máxima que esse pokemon possui, basta olhar no xml do monstro. Em corpse, você precisa colocar o id do corpo quando o monstro morrer, e é preciso também editar o items.xml, você procura o id do corpo e faz as seguintes modificações: no campo "decayto", você põem 0, no campo "duration", você põem 50, e o nome, você coloca "defeated <nome>". A chance foi editada na versão 2, agora, quanto menor for a chance, maior é a chance de capturar. Chance 1 = 100% Chance 20 = Aprox. a cada 20 pokeballs você captura 1, mas precisa ter muita sorte também... Ao usar uma ultraball, a chance automaticamente é multiplicada por 4x. MESMO FAZENDO ISSO Ñ CONSIGO CAPTURA UM SIMPLES FEAROW O QUE FALTA ADICIONAR E AONDE? CATCH.LUA local pokes = { ["Fearow"] = {chance = 2, corpse = 5992, health = 2500, maxhealth = 2500}, ["Magikarp"] = {chance = 2, corpse = 2818, health = 120, maxhealth = 120}, ["Abra"] = {chance = 59, corpse = 2905, health = 620, maxhealth = 620}, ["Kadabra"] = {chance = 142, corpse = 6060, health = 2500, maxhealth = 2500}, ["Alakazam"] = {chance = 241, corpse = 6057, health = 2500, maxhealth = 2500}, ["Rattata"] = {chance = 8, corpse = 5974, health = 350, maxhealth = 350}, ["Raticate"] = {chance = 16, corpse = 6007, health = 900, maxhealth = 900}, ["Pidgey"] = {chance = 11, corpse = 5961, health = 380, maxhealth = 380}, ["Pidgeotto"] = {chance = 26, corpse = 5966, health = 1400, maxhealth = 1400}, ["Pidgeot"] = {chance = 167, corpse = 6020, health = 3800, maxhealth = 3800}, ["Zubat"] = {chance = 15, corpse = 5989, health = 450, maxhealth = 450}, ["Golbat"] = {chance = 53, corpse = 6053, health = 1900, maxhealth = 1900}, ["Bellsprout"] = {chance = 13, corpse = 2806, health = 420, maxhealth = 420}, ["Weepinbell"] = {chance = 28, corpse = 2928, health = 1100, maxhealth = 1100}, ["Victreebel"] = {chance = 140, corpse = 6332, health = 4000, maxhealth = 4000}, ["Poliwag"] = {chance = 8, corpse = 6042, health = 400, maxhealth = 400}, ["Poliwhirl"] = {chance = 29, corpse = 6054, health = 1200, maxhealth = 1200}, ["Poliwrath"] = {chance = 186, corpse = 6033, health = 4400, maxhealth = 4400}, ["Oddish"] = {chance = 7, corpse = 3008, health = 340, maxhealth = 340}, ["Gloom"] = {chance = 25, corpse = 6017, health = 1400, maxhealth = 1400}, ["Vileplume"] = {chance = 133, corpse = 6025, health = 3300, maxhealth = 3300}, ["Horsea"] = {chance = 10, corpse = 2973, health = 300, maxhealth = 300}, ["Seadra"] = {chance = 87, corpse = 2872, health = 2500, maxhealth = 2500}, ["Grimer"] = {chance = 14, corpse = 6055, health = 600, maxhealth = 600}, ["Weedle"] = {chance = 3, corpse = 5964, health = 325, maxhealth = 325}, ["Kakuna"] = {chance = 18, corpse = 6000, health = 900, maxhealth = 900}, ["Beedrill"] = {chance = 40, corpse = 5990, health = 1900, maxhealth = 1900}, ["Muk"] = {chance = 55, corpse = 2845, health = 2400, maxhealth = 2400}, ["Doduo"] = {chance = 16, corpse = 2842, health = 600, maxhealth = 600}, ["Dodrio"] = {chance = 79, corpse = 6047, health = 2650, maxhealth = 2650}, ["Magnemite"] = {chance = 19, corpse = 6056, health = 450, maxhealth = 450}, ["Magneton"] = {chance = 70, corpse = 6076, health = 1750, maxhealth = 1750}, ["Voltorb"] = {chance = 13, corpse = 6049, health = 620, maxhealth = 620}, ["Electrode"] = {chance = 60, corpse = 6051, health = 2000, maxhealth = 2000}, ["Geodude"] = {chance = 17, corpse = 6071, health = 700, maxhealth = 700}, ["Graveler"] = {chance = 105, corpse = 6516, health = 3000, maxhealth = 3000}, ["Golem"] = {chance = 205, corpse = 6043, health = 6500, maxhealth = 6500}, ["Sandshrew"] = {chance = 16, corpse = 5988, health = 700, maxhealth = 700}, ["Sandslash"] = {chance = 160, corpse = 6041, health = 3400, maxhealth = 3400}, ["Charmander"] = {chance = 20, corpse = 5983, health = 970, maxhealth = 970}, ["Charmeleon"] = {chance = 73, corpse = 5981, health = 2900, maxhealth = 2900}, ["Charizard"] = {chance = 261, corpse = 6005, health = 5200, maxhealth = 5200}, } local description = "Contains a %pokename." function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) local name = getItemNameById(item2.itemid) if item.itemid == 2147 then catchrate = 1 oncatch = 24 onfail = 23 bolabola = 2222 elseif item.itemid == 2146 then catchrate = 4 oncatch = 200 onfail = 199 bolabola = 2220 end local rate = (catchrate) local catch = oncatch local fail = onfail local newid = bolabola for i,x in pairs(pokes) do if getItemNameById(item2.itemid):find(i:lower()) then if getItemIdByName(name) == pokes[i].corpse then if cid ~= getItemAttribute(item2.uid, "corpseowner") and isInArray({1,8}, getPlayerGroupId(cid)) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are not allowed to catch this pokemon.") return true end doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1) doRemoveItem(item2.uid, 1) local pegar = math.random(0, x.chance) if pegar <= 1*(rate) then doSendMagicEffect(topos, catch) local nas = { ["%%pokename"] = i } for i,x in pairs(nas) do if description:find(i) then description = description:gsub(i, x) end end local function capturou(params) if not isCreature(params.cid) then return true end if not string.find(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54842), ""..i..",") then doPlayerAddSoul(cid, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54842, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 54842)..""..i..", ") end if getPlayerFreeCap(cid) <= 0.99 then item = doCreateItemEx(newid-1) doItemSetAttribute(item, "poke", params.poke) doItemSetAttribute(item, "nome", params.nome) doItemSetAttribute(item, "description", params.description) doPlayerSendMailByName(getCreatureName(params.cid), item, 1) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Congratulations, you caught a "..i.."!") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Since you are already holding six pokemons, this pokeball has been sent to your depot.") else item = doCreateItemEx(params.ball) doItemSetAttribute(item, "poke", params.poke) doItemSetAttribute(item, "nome", params.nome) doItemSetAttribute(item, "description", params.description) doPlayerAddItemEx(params.cid, item, true) doTransformItem(item, newid) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Congratulations, you caught a "..i.."!") end if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 then doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(cid)[1]), 178) else doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 178) end end local description = "Contains a "..i.."." local poke1 = "This is "..i.."'s pokeball. HP = ["..x.health.."/"..x.maxhealth.."]" addEvent(capturou, 4000, {cid = cid, poke = poke1, nome = i, description = description, ball = 2219, letter = 2597}) else function ruim(params) if not isCreature(params.cid) then return true end doPlayerSendTextMessage(params.cid, 27, "Sorry, you didn\'t catch that pokemon.") if #getCreatureSummons(params.cid) >= 1 then doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(getCreatureSummons(params.cid)[1]), 166) else doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(params.cid), 166) end end addEvent(ruim, 4000, {cid = cid}) doSendMagicEffect(topos, fail) end end end end return TRUE end VLW
refazendo todo o processo é continuou dando erro. estou desistindo dele. peguei um outro otserve é só ver o problema de capiturar pokemons e pronto
problemas... 1º o de sempre não healou todos apenas mudou o tipo das pokebolas mas os pokemons continuarao mortos. 2º superball [17/02/2011 18:11:56] [Error - Action Interface] [17/02/2011 18:11:56] data/actions/scripts/superball.lua:onUse [17/02/2011 18:11:56] Description: [17/02/2011 18:11:56] data/actions/scripts/superball.lua:46: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'action_id' (a boolean value) [17/02/2011 18:11:56] stack traceback: [17/02/2011 18:11:56] data/actions/scripts/superball.lua:46: in function <data/actions/scripts/superball.lua:1> 3º falando hi para npc [17/02/2011 18:13:09] [Error - Npc interface] [17/02/2011 18:13:09] data/npc/scripts/heal3.lua:onCreatureSay [17/02/2011 18:13:09] Description: [17/02/2011 18:13:09] (luaGetCreatureMaxHealth) Creature not found [17/02/2011 18:13:09] [Error - Npc interface] [17/02/2011 18:13:09] data/npc/scripts/heal3.lua:onCreatureSay [17/02/2011 18:13:09] Description: [17/02/2011 18:13:09] (luaGetCreatureMaxHealth) Creature not found [17/02/2011 18:13:09] [Error - Npc interface] [17/02/2011 18:13:09] data/npc/scripts/heal3.lua:onCreatureSay [17/02/2011 18:13:09] Description: [17/02/2011 18:13:09] (luaDoItemSetAttribute) Invalid data type [17/02/2011 18:13:09] [Error - Npc interface] [17/02/2011 18:13:09] data/npc/scripts/heal3.lua:onCreatureSay [17/02/2011 18:13:09] Description: [17/02/2011 18:13:09] (luaDoItemSetAttribute) Invalid data type [17/02/2011 18:13:09] [Error - Npc interface] [17/02/2011 18:13:09] data/npc/scripts/heal3.lua:onCreatureSay [17/02/2011 18:13:09] Description: [17/02/2011 18:13:09] (luaDoItemSetAttribute) Invalid data type [17/02/2011 18:13:09] [Error - Npc interface] [17/02/2011 18:13:09] data/npc/scripts/heal3.lua:onCreatureSay [17/02/2011 18:13:09] Description: [17/02/2011 18:13:09] (luaDoItemSetAttribute) Invalid data type [17/02/2011 18:13:09] [Error - Npc interface] [17/02/2011 18:13:09] data/npc/scripts/heal3.lua:onCreatureSay [17/02/2011 18:13:09] Description: [17/02/2011 18:13:09] (luaGetCreatureMaxHealth) Creature not found [17/02/2011 18:13:09] [Error - Npc interface] [17/02/2011 18:13:09] data/npc/scripts/heal3.lua:onCreatureSay [17/02/2011 18:13:09] Description: [17/02/2011 18:13:09] (luaGetCreatureMaxHealth) Creature not found [17/02/2011 18:13:09] [Error - Npc interface] [17/02/2011 18:13:09] data/npc/scripts/heal3.lua:onCreatureSay [17/02/2011 18:13:09] Description: [17/02/2011 18:13:09] (luaDoItemSetAttribute) Invalid data type [17/02/2011 18:13:09] [Error - Npc interface] [17/02/2011 18:13:09] data/npc/scripts/heal3.lua:onCreatureSay [17/02/2011 18:13:09] Description: [17/02/2011 18:13:09] (luaDoItemSetAttribute) Invalid data type [17/02/2011 18:13:09] [Error - Npc interface] [17/02/2011 18:13:10] data/npc/scripts/heal3.lua:onCreatureSay [17/02/2011 18:13:10] Description: [17/02/2011 18:13:10] (luaDoItemSetAttribute) Invalid data type [17/02/2011 18:13:10] [Error - Npc interface] [17/02/2011 18:13:10] data/npc/scripts/heal3.lua:onCreatureSay [17/02/2011 18:13:10] Description: [17/02/2011 18:13:10] (luaDoItemSetAttribute) Invalid data type 4º pokebola quado lanço o pokemon. não da pra chamalo de volta. e se tirar a pokebola n da para por no lugar novamente. porem é o unico que se falar hi no msn ele revive e funciona na bag. [17/02/2011 18:14:39] [Error - Action Interface] [17/02/2011 18:14:39] data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:onUse [17/02/2011 18:14:39] Description: [17/02/2011 18:14:39] data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:47: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'action_id' (a boolean value) [17/02/2011 18:14:39] stack traceback: [17/02/2011 18:14:39] data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:47: in function <data/actions/scripts/goback.lua:1> qdo ele morre [17/02/2011 18:14:48] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] [17/02/2011 18:14:48] data/creaturescripts/scripts/goback.lua:onDeath [17/02/2011 18:14:48] Description: [17/02/2011 18:14:48] (luaGetPlayerSlotItem) Player not found [17/02/2011 18:14:48] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] [17/02/2011 18:14:48] data/creaturescripts/scripts/goback.lua:onDeath [17/02/2011 18:14:48] Description: [17/02/2011 18:14:48] (luaGetCreatureMaxHealth) Creature not found [17/02/2011 18:14:48] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] [17/02/2011 18:14:48] data/creaturescripts/scripts/goback.lua:onDeath [17/02/2011 18:14:48] Description: [17/02/2011 18:14:48] (luaDoItemSetAttribute) Item not found
realmente é esse server mesmo patrick. tentei mudar os ids, mas n deu em nd. vou refazer todo o processo. Pelo menos n ta mais dando erros no server. tem diferença se eu colocar o id da pokebola aberta e fechada independente da ordem ou tem q ser na ordem correta? vodkart se n for pedir muito me explica oq significa cada linha local talkState = {} local states = {'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'} local store = {1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1032, 1033, 1034, 1035, 1036, 1037, 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041, 1042, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1055, 1056, 1057, 1058, 1059, 1060, 1061, 1062, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1066, 1067, 1068, 1069, 1071, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1080, 1081, 1082, 1083, 1084, 1085, 1086, 1087, 1088, 1089, 1090, 1091, 1092, 1093, 1094, 1095, 1096, 1097, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109, 1110, 1111, 1112, 1113, 1114, 1115, 1116, 1117, 1118, 1119, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1123, 1124, 1125, 1126, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1130, 1131, 1132, 1133, 1134, 1135, 1136, 1137, 1138, 1139, 1140, 1141, 1142, 1143, 1144, 1145, 1146, 1147, 1148, 1149, 1150, 1151} local unlock = {} para q esse id de store? e esse states? obrigado
n deu erro nenhum mas ainda n curou. aqui segue os ids das pokebonas do server pokeball = 2532, 2531 greatball = 2652, 2524 superball = 2653, 2557 ultraball = 2554, 2525 masterball = 2195, 2523 acho que o erro ocorre devido aos ids serem diferentes de varios outros servers. espero que isso ajude. se precisar de algum id ou script por favor. MUITO OBRIGADO POR ESTAR AJUDANDO
DEU ESSE ERRO VARIOS QUE TENTEI DEU O MESMO ERRO [09/02/2011 17:57:22] [Error - Npc interface] [09/02/2011 17:57:22] data/npc/scripts/heal.lua:onCreatureSay [09/02/2011 17:57:22] Description: [09/02/2011 17:57:22] data/npc/scripts/heal.lua:102: attempt to call global 'getItemsInContainerById' (a nil value) [09/02/2011 17:57:22] stack traceback: [09/02/2011 17:57:22] data/npc/scripts/heal.lua:102: in function <data/npc/scripts/heal.lua:73>
SCRIPT TIRADO DO SERVER POKEMON FLASH JA TENTEI PEGAR O HEAL DE VARIOS OUTROS OTS MAS NENHUM FUNCIONOU. aki esta o script local focus = 0 local talk_start = 0 local target = 0 local following = false local attacking = false function onThingMove(creature, thing, oldpos, oldstackpos, item, itemEx) end function onCreatureAppear(creature) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid, pos) if focus == cid then selfSay('Good bye then.') focus = 0 talk_start = 0 end end function getPokemonMaxLife(name) local file = io.open('data/monster/monsters.xml','r') local arquivo = file:read(-1):lower():match('<monster name="'..name:lower()..'" file="(.-)"/>') file:close() local data = io.open('data/monster/'..(arquivo or ''),'r') if not data then return 100 end local maximo = data:read(-1):match('max%s*=%s*"(%d+)"') data:close() return maximo end function onCreatureTurn(creature) end function msgcontains(txt, str) return (string.find(txt, str) and not string.find(txt, '(%w+)' .. str) and not string.find(txt, str .. '(%w+)')) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) msg = string.lower(msg) if (msgcontains(msg, 'hi')) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 25000) == 5 then return selfSay('Você está montando.') end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 23000) == 5 then return selfSay('Você está voando.') end if #getCreatureSummons(cid) >= 1 then selfSay('Voce precisa botar seus pokemons dentro da pokebola.') focus = 0 talk_start = 0 return TRUE end local idballs = { [2532] = {2531}, [2653] = {2557}, [2654] = {2525}, [2652] = {2524}, [2195] = {2523}, [2531] = {2532}, [2557] = {2653}, [2525] = {2654}, [2524] = {2652}, [2523] = {2195}, } local balls = idballs[getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).itemid] if balls == nil then return selfSay('Coloque seu pokemon slot da Pokeball para ele ser curado!!') end local nome = getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).uid,"name") local poke_name1 = nome:match('(.-) Pokeball') local poke_name2 = nome:match('(.-) Superball') local poke_name3 = nome:match('(.-) Ultraball') local poke_name4 = nome:match('(.-) Greatball') local poke_name5 = nome:match('(.-) Masterball') if poke_name1 == nil and poke_name2 == nil and poke_name3 == nil and poke_name4 == nil and poke_name5 == nil then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"coloque no lugar correto") end if poke_name1 ~= nil then poke_name = poke_name1 elseif poke_name2 ~= nil then poke_name = poke_name2 elseif poke_name3 ~= nil then poke_name = poke_name3 elseif poke_name4 ~= nil then poke_name = poke_name4 elseif poke_name5 ~= nil then poke_name = poke_name5 end doItemSetAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(cid,8).uid, "aid", getPokemonMaxLife(poke_name)) selfSay("You is better, Let's go Battle!!") doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, balls[1]) local hp = getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, hp) focus = 0 talk_start = 0 end end function onCreatureChangeOutfit(creature) end OBRIGADO PELA AJUDA
otserv 8.x Slayer Yurots -8.4- E -8.42- [litesql-uplvl]
tópico respondeu ao zerosky de elfkadu em OTServ Comum
ola.... bom vi q vc gosta de criar coisas novas.. vim aki pra lhe fazer uma proposta. eu tenho uma lan e estou acompanhando seus projetos. ou seja baixo seu ot e testo aki na lan com uma turminha.... rs quero ajudar lhe a crescer como criador... se possivel me add no msn para conversar-mos. carlose_arcas@hotmail.com abraços ass: kadu
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