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Sobre Damoon


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  1. Link Para Scan : Clean
  2. OTS realmente muito agradável, e mais importante é o puro, p permitir que alguém para hospedá-lo?
  3. Damoon

    [8.1] Worldwar Ots!

    NOTA! as pessoas não conhecem bem a OTS não estão fazendo o download da mais recente motores, uma vez que eles são apenas as primeiras versões e não estão plenamente desenvolvidos. Alot of New things, heres the update list: Latest SVN 7.9.2007 - World War Edition: *- Congratulations! You pwned..... - Added *- Utevo lux at login via CreatureScripts now *- Push delay downgraded *- Online / Offline shown in character list *- Perfect Doors added *- Removed /sellhouse for players (only gms can use) *- Players.xml fixed - all chars in there *- Attacking speed in XML *- Fixed the actually frag state at killing player *- getplayerFrag added *- doPlayerRemoveFrag added (to remove frags)example: doPlayerRemoveFrag(cid,-10) *- doPlayerAddFrag added (to add frags) example: doPlayerAddFrag(cid,10) *- If you dont have enough mana for a spell you will get the information how much mana it cost *- doPlayerSaySpell added and works 100% *- /clean has been added! *- Converted the Server into Protcol 8.1 *- /up and /down has been added *- /check has been added *- Remaped alot of stuff for the 8.1 update Update 28.12.2007 *- destroy field has been fixed *- !online has been added *- Characters can have now more then 500 Frags *- Map bugs has been fixed Update 29.12.2007 *- Auto Map Clean via Config.lua (remove dead humans included) *- Anti MCer via Config.lua added *- You can choose now between real tibia spells or orginal world war spells via config.lua *- Added Exhausted to Manafluids *- doPlayerSummonCreature - example: doPlayerSummonCreature(cid, "Demon", 1) *- Again some Map Bugs fixed Update 31.12.2007 *- Improved - doPlayerSummonCreature - doPlayerSummonCreature(cid, "Demon", position) *- World War Server has a Icon now *- Spells are fixed and should work fine *- Finally found Spells bug and fixed it *- Added All 8.1 Outfits Vários SS ------------------------------------ Download :
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