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Tudo que pedroddcunha postou

  1. Ae Mas não esta 100% Se fosse 100% Teria o teleport No tibia Rl Ao puxar alavanca A pedra some e surgi o teleport para sair de la
  2. Ae Não entendi muito bem esta action Poderia explicá-la? Mas ve se eu entedi certo Você usa tal iten em algum tile daqueles que estão na foto Ai tem uma chance de virar alguma flor, árvore ou coisa do gênero?
  3. @tibiaa4e Eu fiz isto E funfo na vende de uma mace so Eu testei com 2 mace Sell 2 mace Yes Porém ele so pegava uma e não dava o dinheiro
  4. Ae Fiz aqui Funfo direitinho So ele não ando :S Uma coisa que eu queria saber Por essa mesma função Da para fazer para venda de itens? Igual ao Tibia RL Ex. Sell 30 mace Se for possivel Posta ai Vlw Fui Edit ----------------------------- Por essa mesma função Eu tentei colocar para vender mace Porém, não funciono
  5. @Foox Ela serve para tirar Leather's de Minotaur's, Lizard's, Dragon's e Dragon Lord's Que nem no Tibia RL E esses iten servem para Addon's Fui
  6. Ae Depois de ter feito a Obsidian Knife Fui tentar fazer a Blessed Wooden Stake Demorei bastante, pois ela é usada em 2 monstro Coloque isso no actions.xml <action itemid="5942" script="blessed wooden stake.lua"/> E coloque na pasta data > actions > scripts um arquivo chamado "blessed wooden stake" E coloque dentro dele isso --Action By BrunuxX modificado por Cunha para 7.8function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)if item2.itemid == 0 thenreturn 0endrandom = math.random(1,15)if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 8 thenif item2.itemid == 2916 and random == 1 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2917)doPlayerAddItem(cid,5906,1)elseif item2.itemid == 2916 and random == 2 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2917)elseif item2.itemid == 2916 and random == 3 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2917)elseif item2.itemid == 2916 and random == 4 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2917)elseif item2.itemid == 2916 and random == 5 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2917)elseif item2.itemid == 2916 and random == 6 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2917)elseif item2.itemid == 2916 and random == 7 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2917)elseif item2.itemid == 2916 and random == 8 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2917)elseif item2.itemid == 2916 and random == 9 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2917)elseif item2.itemid == 2916 and random == 10 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2917)elseif item2.itemid == 2916 and random == 11 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2917)elseif item2.itemid == 2916 and random == 12 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2917)elseif item2.itemid == 2916 and random == 13 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2917)elseif item2.itemid == 2916 and random == 14 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2917)elseif item2.itemid == 2916 and random == 15 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2917)endendrandom = math.random(1,15)if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 8 thenif item2.itemid == 2956 and random == 1 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2957)doPlayerAddItem(cid,5905,1)elseif item2.itemid == 2956 and random == 2 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2957)elseif item2.itemid == 2956 and random == 3 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2957)elseif item2.itemid == 2956 and random == 4 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2957)elseif item2.itemid == 2956 and random == 5 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2957)elseif item2.itemid == 2956 and random == 6 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2957)elseif item2.itemid == 2956 and random == 7 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2957)elseif item2.itemid == 2956 and random == 8 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2957)elseif item2.itemid == 2956 and random == 9 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2957)elseif item2.itemid == 2956 and random == 10 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2957)elseif item2.itemid == 2956 and random == 11 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2957)elseif item2.itemid == 2956 and random == 12 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2957)elseif item2.itemid == 2956 and random == 13 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2957)elseif item2.itemid == 2956 and random == 14 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2957)elseif item2.itemid == 2956 and random == 15 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2957)endendreturn 1end Não tirem meus créditos, demorei muito para fazer Fui
  7. Ae Me baseiei num topic aqui de uma cara que fez 7.6 Adicione isso em actions.xml <action itemid="5908" script="obsidian knife.lua"/> Adicione isso na pasta data > actions > scrips com o nome obsidian knife.lua --Action By BrunuxXfunction onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos)if item2.itemid == 0 thenreturn 0endrandom = math.random(1,15)if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 8 thenif item2.itemid == 2881 and random == 1 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2882)doPlayerAddItem(cid,5948,1)elseif item2.itemid == 2881 and random == 2 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2882)elseif item2.itemid == 2881 and random == 3 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2882)elseif item2.itemid == 2881 and random == 4 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2882)elseif item2.itemid == 2881 and random == 5 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2882)elseif item2.itemid == 2881 and random == 6 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2882)elseif item2.itemid == 2881 and random == 7 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2882)elseif item2.itemid == 2881 and random == 8 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2882)elseif item2.itemid == 2881 and random == 9 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2882)elseif item2.itemid == 2881 and random == 10 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2882)elseif item2.itemid == 2881 and random == 11 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2882)elseif item2.itemid == 2881 and random == 12 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2882)elseif item2.itemid == 2881 and random == 13 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2882)elseif item2.itemid == 2881 and random == 14 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2882)elseif item2.itemid == 2881 and random == 15 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2882)endendrandom = math.random(1,15)if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 8 thenif item2.itemid == 3104 and random == 1 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,3105)doPlayerAddItem(cid,5877,1)elseif item2.itemid == 3104 and random == 2 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,3105)elseif item2.itemid == 3104 and random == 3 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,3105)elseif item2.itemid == 3104 and random == 4 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2845)elseif item2.itemid == 3104 and random == 5 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,3105)elseif item2.itemid == 3104 and random == 6 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,3105)elseif item2.itemid == 3104 and random == 7 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,3105)elseif item2.itemid == 3104 and random == 8 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,3105)elseif item2.itemid == 3104 and random == 9 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,3105)elseif item2.itemid == 3104 and random == 10 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,3105)elseif item2.itemid == 3104 and random == 11 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,3105)elseif item2.itemid == 3104 and random == 12 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,3105)elseif item2.itemid == 3104 and random == 13 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,3105)elseif item2.itemid == 3104 and random == 14 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,3105)elseif item2.itemid == 3104 and random == 15 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,3105)endendrandom = math.random(1,15)if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 8 thenif item2.itemid == 2830 and random == 1 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2831)doPlayerAddItem(cid,5878,1)elseif item2.itemid == 2830 and random == 2 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2831)elseif item2.itemid == 2830 and random == 3 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2831)elseif item2.itemid == 2830 and random == 4 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2831)elseif item2.itemid == 2830 and random == 5 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2831)elseif item2.itemid == 2830 and random == 6 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2831)elseif item2.itemid == 2830 and random == 7 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2831)elseif item2.itemid == 2830 and random == 8 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2831)elseif item2.itemid == 2830 and random == 9 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2831)elseif item2.itemid == 2830 and random == 10 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2831)elseif item2.itemid == 2830 and random == 12 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2831)elseif item2.itemid == 2830 and random == 13 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2831)elseif item2.itemid == 2830 and random == 14 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2831)elseif item2.itemid == 2830 and random == 15 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2831)endendrandom = math.random(1,15)if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 8 thenif item2.itemid == 2876 and random == 1 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2877)doPlayerAddItem(cid,5878,1)elseif item2.itemid == 2876 and random == 2 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2877)elseif item2.itemid == 2876 and random == 3 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2877)elseif item2.itemid == 2876 and random == 4 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2877)elseif item2.itemid == 2876 and random == 5 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2877)elseif item2.itemid == 2876 and random == 6 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2877)elseif item2.itemid == 2876 and random == 7 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2877)elseif item2.itemid == 2876 and random == 8 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2877)elseif item2.itemid == 2876 and random == 9 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2877)elseif item2.itemid == 2876 and random == 10 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2877)elseif item2.itemid == 2876 and random == 11 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2877)elseif item2.itemid == 2876 and random == 12 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2877)elseif item2.itemid == 2876 and random == 13 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2877)elseif item2.itemid == 2876 and random == 14 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2877)elseif item2.itemid == 2876 and random == 15 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2877)endendrandom = math.random(1,15)if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 8 thenif item2.itemid == 2871 and random == 1 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2872)doPlayerAddItem(cid,5878,1)elseif item2.itemid == 2871 and random == 2 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2872)elseif item2.itemid == 2871 and random == 3 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2872)elseif item2.itemid == 2871 and random == 4 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2872)elseif item2.itemid == 2871 and random == 5 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2872)elseif item2.itemid == 2871 and random == 6 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2872)elseif item2.itemid == 2871 and random == 7 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2872)elseif item2.itemid == 2871 and random == 8 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2872)elseif item2.itemid == 2871 and random == 9 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2872)elseif item2.itemid == 2871 and random == 10 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2872)elseif item2.itemid == 2871 and random == 11 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2872)elseif item2.itemid == 2871 and random == 12 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2872)elseif item2.itemid == 2871 and random == 13 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2872)elseif item2.itemid == 2871 and random == 14 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2872)elseif item2.itemid == 2871 and random == 15 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2872)endendrandom = math.random(1,15)if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 8 thenif item2.itemid == 2866 and random == 1 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2867)doPlayerAddItem(cid,5878,1)elseif item2.itemid == 2866 and random == 2 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2867)elseif item2.itemid == 2866 and random == 3 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2867)elseif item2.itemid == 2866 and random == 4 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2867)elseif item2.itemid == 2866 and random == 5 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2867)elseif item2.itemid == 2866 and random == 6 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2867)elseif item2.itemid == 2866 and random == 7 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2867)elseif item2.itemid == 2866 and random == 8 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2867)elseif item2.itemid == 2866 and random == 9 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2867)elseif item2.itemid == 2866 and random == 10 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2867)elseif item2.itemid == 2866 and random == 11 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2867)elseif item2.itemid == 2866 and random == 12 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2867)elseif item2.itemid == 2866 and random == 13 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2867)elseif item2.itemid == 2866 and random == 14 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2867)elseif item2.itemid == 2866 and random == 15 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,2867)endendrandom = math.random(1,15)if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 8 thenif item2.itemid == 4256 and random == 1 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4257)doPlayerAddItem(cid,5876,1)elseif item2.itemid == 4256 and random == 2 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4257)elseif item2.itemid == 4256 and random == 3 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4257)elseif item2.itemid == 4256 and random == 4 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4257)elseif item2.itemid == 4256 and random == 5 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4257)elseif item2.itemid == 4256 and random == 6 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4257)elseif item2.itemid == 4256 and random == 7 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4257)elseif item2.itemid == 4256 and random == 8 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4257)elseif item2.itemid == 4256 and random == 9 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4257)elseif item2.itemid == 4256 and random == 10 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4257)elseif item2.itemid == 4256 and random == 11 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4257)elseif item2.itemid == 4256 and random == 12 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4257)elseif item2.itemid == 4256 and random == 13 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4257)elseif item2.itemid == 4256 and random == 14 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4257)elseif item2.itemid == 4256 and random == 15 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4257)endendrandom = math.random(1,15)if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 8 thenif item2.itemid == 4259 and random == 1 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4260)doPlayerAddItem(cid,5876,1)elseif item2.itemid == 4259 and random == 2 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4260)elseif item2.itemid == 4259 and random == 3 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4260)elseif item2.itemid == 4259 and random == 4 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4260)elseif item2.itemid == 4259 and random == 5 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4260)elseif item2.itemid == 4259 and random == 6 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4260)elseif item2.itemid == 4259 and random == 7 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4260)elseif item2.itemid == 4259 and random == 8 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4260)elseif item2.itemid == 4259 and random == 9 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4260)elseif item2.itemid == 4259 and random == 10 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4260)elseif item2.itemid == 4259 and random == 11 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4260)elseif item2.itemid == 4259 and random == 12 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4260)elseif item2.itemid == 4259 and random == 13 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4260)elseif item2.itemid == 4259 and random == 14 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4260)elseif item2.itemid == 4259 and random == 15 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4260)endendrandom = math.random(1,15)if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 8 thenif item2.itemid == 4262 and random == 1 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4263)doPlayerAddItem(cid,5876,1)elseif item2.itemid == 4262 and random == 2 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4263)elseif item2.itemid == 4262 and random == 3 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4263)elseif item2.itemid == 4262 and random == 4 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4263)elseif item2.itemid == 4262 and random == 5 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4263)elseif item2.itemid == 4262 and random == 6 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4263)elseif item2.itemid == 4262 and random == 7 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4263)elseif item2.itemid == 4262 and random == 8 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4263)elseif item2.itemid == 4262 and random == 9 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4263)elseif item2.itemid == 4262 and random == 10 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4263)elseif item2.itemid == 4262 and random == 11 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4263)elseif item2.itemid == 4262 and random == 12 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4263)elseif item2.itemid == 4262 and random == 13 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4263)elseif item2.itemid == 4262 and random == 14 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4263)elseif item2.itemid == 4262 and random == 15 thendoTransformItem(item2.uid,4263)endendreturn 1end Quero arruma de todos os bixos que dá para usar a Obsidian Knife Minotaur.. Lizard.. Funfando, eu mesmo testei Espero que se divirtam Fui Edit ------------ Arrumei, estão todos bixos funcionando Minotaur's.. Lizard's.. e Dragon's e Dragon Lord's
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