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[Pedido] /cb só cria o pokemon que tá escrito no script



o /cb só cria o pokemon que tá escrito ali, no caso o mew, alguem sabe resolver pra eu escrever tipo "/cb nome do poke" e vim o pokemon que eu escrevi no comando?

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Tente colocar esse codigo no lugar do seu!


function onSay(cid, words, param)

local typess = {
[1] = "normal",
[2] = "great",
[3] = "super",
[4] = "ultra"

if param == "" then
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, 'Command needs parameters, function structure: "/cb [Pokemon Name], [boost], [Gender]".')
return 0

local t = string.explode(param, ",")

local name = ""
local gender = 0
local btype = typess[math.random(1, 4)]                --"normal"
local typeee = typess[math.random(1, 4)]
	if t[1] == "shiny mr" or t[1] == "shiny mr. mime" then
		createBall(cid, "Shiny Mr. Mime", 0)
		return true
	if t[1] == "shiny giant magikarp" then
		createBall(cid, "Shiny Giant Magikarp", 0)
		return true
	if t[1] == "smeargle" or t[1] == "Smeargle" then
		createBall(cid, "Smeargle 1", 0)
		return true

if t[1] then
	local n = string.explode(t[1], " ")
	local str = string.sub(n[1], 1, 1)
	local sta = string.sub(n[1], 2, string.len(n[1]))
	name = ""..string.upper(str)..""..string.lower(sta)..""
	if n[2] then
	str = string.sub(n[2], 1, 1)
	sta = string.sub(n[2], 2, string.len(n[2]))
	name = name.." "..string.upper(str)..""..string.lower(sta)..""
	if not pokes[name] then
	doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, a pokemon with the name "..name.." doesn't exists.")
	return true
print(""..name.." ball has been created by "..getPlayerName(cid)..".")

	createBall(cid, name, t[2])
return 1

function createBall(cid, name, boost)
local mypoke = pokes[name]
local happy = 255

local item = doCreateItemEx(2219)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "ball", "poke")
doSetAttributesBallsByPokeName(cid, item, name)

if boost and tonumber(boost) > 0 and tonumber(boost) <= 250 then
   doItemSetAttribute(item, "boost", tonumber(boost))

doItemSetAttribute(item, "happy", happy)

if name == "Shiny Hitmonchan" or name == "Hitmonchan" then
   doItemSetAttribute(item, "hands", 0)

if name == "Ditto" then
	doItemSetAttribute(item, "memory", "without")	
elseif name == "Shiny Ditto" then
	doItemSetAttribute(item, "memory", 2)	

if name == "Smeargle 1" or name == "Smeargle" then
   doItemSetAttribute(item, "SmeargleID", 1)
elseif name == "Smeargle 2" or name == "Smeargle2" then 
   doItemSetAttribute(item, "SmeargleID", 2)
elseif name == "Smeargle 3" or name == "Smeargle3" then 
   doItemSetAttribute(item, "SmeargleID", 3)
elseif name == "Smeargle 4" or name == "Smeargle4" then 
   doItemSetAttribute(item, "SmeargleID", 4)
elseif name == "Smeargle 5" or name == "Smeargle5" then 
   doItemSetAttribute(item, "SmeargleID", 5)
elseif name == "Smeargle 6" or name == "Smeargle6" then 
   doItemSetAttribute(item, "SmeargleID", 6)
elseif name == "Smeargle 7" or name == "Smeargle7" then 
   doItemSetAttribute(item, "SmeargleID", 7)
elseif name == "Smeargle 8" or name == "Smeargle8" then 
   doItemSetAttribute(item, "SmeargleID", 8)
doItemSetAttribute(item, "description", "Contains a "..name..".")
doItemSetAttribute(item, "fakedesc", "Contains a "..name..".")

local x = pokeballs[name:lower()] or pokeballs[doCorrectString(name)]
doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, item, true)		
doTransformItem(item, x.on)
addMyPokemonGeneratedToPokeBar(cid, item)

    <talkaction words="/cb" access="15" event="script" value="NOME DO ARQUIVO.lua"/>

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