local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)
local talkState = {}
function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end
function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type1, msg)
local cfg = config[getNpcName()]
if msg:lower() == "hi" and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, cfg.storage) == -1 then
Taskstr[talkUser] = {}
for a, b in pairs(cfg.pokemons) do
table.insert(Taskstr[talkUser], b.." "..a.."s")
local KAKAMESSAGE = doConcatTable(Taskstr[talkUser], ", ", " e ")
selfSay("Preciso de sua ajuda, você poderia eliminar "..KAKAMESSAGE.."?", cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 1
elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, cfg.storage) == 1 then
selfSay("Não preciso mais da sua ajuda, obrigado!", cid)
local tab = string.explode(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, cfg.storage), "|")
selfSay("Você já terminou a minha task?", cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 3
elseif talkState[talkUser] == 1 and (cfg.pokemons[doCorrectString(msg)] or isInArray({"yes", "sim"}, msg:lower())) then
pName = doCorrectString(msg)
selfSay("Você tem certeza que pode dar conta?", cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 2
elseif talkState[talkUser] == 2 then
if isInArray({"yes", "sim"}, msg:lower()) then
Taskstr[talkUser] = {}
for a, b in pairs(cfg.pokemons) do
table.insert(Taskstr[talkUser], a..","..b)
elseif isInArray({"no", "não", "nao"}, msg:lower()) then
selfSay("Você quem sabe.", cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 0
elseif talkState[talkUser] == 3 then
if isInArray({"yes", "sim"}, msg:lower()) then
local tab = string.explode(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, cfg.storage), "|")
if not tab[2] then
doPlayerAddExperience(cid, cfg.exp * 2)
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), cfg.exp * 2, 215)
for a, b in pairs(cfg.reward) do
doPlayerAddItem(cid, b[1], b[2])
if cfg.doOnlyOne then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, cfg.storage, 1)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, cfg.storage, -1)
selfSay("Muito obrigado pela ajuda, até mais.", cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 0
talkState[talkUser] = 0
local str1 = {}
local tab = string.explode(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, cfg.storage), "|")
for i = 2, #tab do
expe = tab:explode(",") table.insert(str1, expe[2].." "..expe[1]..(tonumber(expe[2]) > 1 and "s" or "")) end
selfSay("Está faltando você matar ".. doConcatTable(str1, ", ", " e ") .." desta espécie!", cid) end elseif isInArray({"no", "não", "nao"}, msg:lower()) then selfSay("Ok, então vá terminar de matá-los!", cid) talkState[talkUser] = 0 elseif isInArray({"left", "leave", "desistir"}, msg:lower()) then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, cfg.storage, -1) selfSay("Ok, pedirei ajuda a alguém mais corajoso!", cid) talkState[talkUser] = 0 end end end
spoockk 2
Boa noite/tarde dia galera
Bom, estou com uma base DxP porém o sistema de task kill pokemons não estão funcionando, ao falar "hi" pro npc aparece esse erro de distro;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<npc name="Rolland" script="data/npc/scripts/Taskkill.lua" walkinterval="350000" floorchange="0" speed="0">
<health now="150" max="150"/>
<look type="510" head="89" body="68" legs="180" feet="190"/>
Taskstr = {}
local config = {
-------------------------------------- EASY ------------------------------------------------
["Rolland"] = {
pokemons = {
["Rattata"] = 30,
["Zubat"] = 15,
storage = 431400,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 10000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Alex"] = {
pokemons = {
["Gloom"] = 45,
["Weepinbell"] = 45,
storage = 431401,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 24000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["John"] = {
pokemons = {
["Magikarp"] = 100,
storage = 431402,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 20000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Peter"] = {
pokemons = {
["Horsea"] = 30,
["Goldeen"] = 30,
["Poliwag"] = 30,
storage = 431403,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 25000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Jeffrey"] = {
pokemons = {
["Sunkern"] = 60,
["Sunflora"] = 30,
storage = 431404,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 25000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Gary"] = {
pokemons = {
["Hoppip"] = 60,
["Skiploom"] = 30,
["Jumpluff"] = 15,
storage = 431405,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 25000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Franklin"] = {
pokemons = {
["Paras"] = 60,
["Parasect"] = 30,
storage = 431406,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 38000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Niel"] = {
pokemons = {
["Hoothoot"] = 60,
["Noctowl"] = 30,
storage = 431407,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 54000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Joana"] = {
pokemons = {
["Geodude"] = 30,
["Machop"] = 30,
["Graveler"] = 60,
["Machoke"] = 60,
storage = 431408,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 60000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Pedro"] = {
pokemons = {
["Gastly"] = 30,
["Haunter"] = 60,
storage = 431409,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 34500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Mary"] = {
pokemons = {
["Spearow"] = 30,
["Fearow"] = 60,
storage = 431410,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 54000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Escobar"] = {
pokemons = {
["Ekans"] = 20,
["Arbok"] = 40,
["Koffing"] = 20,
["Weezing"] = 40,
storage = 431411,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 32000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Vitoria"] = {
pokemons = {
["Diglett"] = 30,
["Sandshrew"] = 30,
["Cubone"] = 30,
storage = 431412,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 13500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Rebecca"] = {
pokemons = {
["Tangela"] = 60,
storage = 431413,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 39000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Christian"] = {
pokemons = {
["Pidgey"] = 30,
["Pidgeotto"] = 60,
storage = 431414,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 18000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Christine"] = {
pokemons = {
["Squirtle"] = 30,
["Wartortle"] = 60,
storage = 431415,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 34500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Jeff"] = {
pokemons = {
["Totodile"] = 30,
["Croconaw"] = 60,
storage = 431416,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 34500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Javier"] = {
pokemons = {
["Charmander"] = 30,
["Charmeleon"] = 60,
storage = 431417,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 34500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Deborah"] = {
pokemons = {
["Cyndaquil"] = 30,
["Quilava"] = 60,
storage = 431418,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 34500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Sarah"] = {
pokemons = {
["Bulbasaur"] = 30,
["Ivysaur"] = 60,
storage = 431419,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 34500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Juan"] = {
pokemons = {
["Chikorita"] = 30,
["Bayleef"] = 60,
storage = 431420,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 34500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Ronald"] = {
pokemons = {
["Seel"] = 30,
["Dewgong"] = 60,
storage = 431421,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 64500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Sylvester"] = {
pokemons = {
["Shellder"] = 30,
["Cloyster"] = 60,
storage = 431422,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 61500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Kathleen"] = {
pokemons = {
["Venonat"] = 30,
["Venomoth"] = 60,
storage = 431423,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 30000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Betty"] = {
pokemons = {
["Beedrill"] = 45,
["Butterfree"] = 45,
storage = 431424,
reward = {{2160, 1}, {12344, 30}, {15645, 1}},
exp = 22950,
doOnlyOne = true,
-------------------------------------- MEDIUM ----------------------------------------------
["Nancy"] = {
pokemons = {
["Vileplume"] = 75,
["Victreebel"] = 75,
storage = 431425,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 105000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Dorothy"] = {
pokemons = {
["Tauros"] = 50,
["Farfetch'd"] = 100,
storage = 431426,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 87500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Timothy"] = {
pokemons = {
["Bellossom"] = 75,
["Primeape"] = 75,
storage = 431427,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 101250,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Carlos"] = {
pokemons = {
["Poliwhirl"] = 75,
["Starmie"] = 75,
storage = 431428,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 67500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Crystal"] = {
pokemons = {
["Seadra"] = 75,
["Seaking"] = 75,
storage = 431429,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 52500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Margaret"] = {
pokemons = {
["Clefairy"] = 75,
["Jigglypuff"] = 75,
storage = 431430,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 75000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Judith"] = {
pokemons = {
["Magby"] = 75,
["Elekid"] = 75,
storage = 431431,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 165000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Samuel"] = {
pokemons = {
["Flaaffy"] = 75,
["Pikachu"] = 75,
storage = 431432,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 101250,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Susan"] = {
pokemons = {
["Magneton"] = 75,
["Electrode"] = 75,
storage = 431433,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 82500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Stephanie"] = {
pokemons = {
["Corsola"] = 75,
["Qwilfish"] = 75,
storage = 431434,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 105000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Petra"] = {
pokemons = {
["Kingler"] = 75,
["Slowbro"] = 75,
storage = 431435,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 52500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Gregory"] = {
pokemons = {
["Stantler"] = 75,
["Quagsire"] = 75,
storage = 431436,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 112500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Reid"] = {
pokemons = {
["Houndoom"] = 75,
["Donphan"] = 75,
storage = 431437,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 120000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Rachel"] = {
pokemons = {
["Hitmonchan"] = 50,
["Hitmonlee"] = 50,
["Hitmontop"] = 50,
storage = 431438,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 195000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Shirley"] = {
pokemons = {
["Golduck"] = 75,
["Azumarill"] = 75,
storage = 431439,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 112500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Robert"] = {
pokemons = {
["Togetic"] = 75,
["Ariados"] = 75,
storage = 431440,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 120000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Sandra"] = {
pokemons = {
["Lanturn"] = 75,
["Murkrow"] = 75,
storage = 431441,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 97500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Stephen"] = {
pokemons = {
["Dragonair"] = 75,
["Dratini"] = 75,
storage = 431442,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 67500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Ethel"] = {
pokemons = {
["Marowak"] = 75,
["Piloswine"] = 75,
storage = 431443,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 131250,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Oliver"] = {
pokemons = {
["Dugtrio"] = 75,
["Sandslash"] = 75,
storage = 431444,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 116250,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Carolina"] = {
pokemons = {
["Nidoking"] = 75,
["Nidoqueen"] = 75,
storage = 431445,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 97500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Charlene"] = {
pokemons = {
["Persian"] = 50,
["Kadabra"] = 50,
["Hypno"] = 50,
storage = 431446,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 67500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Peggy"] = {
pokemons = {
["Rapidash"] = 75,
["Ninetales"] = 75,
storage = 431447,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 97500,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Cora"] = {
pokemons = {
["Raticate"] = 100,
["Golbat"] = 100,
storage = 431448,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 50000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Pat"] = { --AQUI é o -Task50 --
pokemons = {
["Rhyhorn"] = 50,
["Onix"] = 100,
storage = 431449,
reward = {{2160, 3}, {12344, 50}, {15645, 2}},
exp = 87500,
doOnlyOne = true,
-------------------------------------- HARD ------------------------------------------------
["Michael"] = {
pokemons = {
["Charizard"] = 300,
storage = 431450,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 540000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Amanda"] = {
pokemons = {
["Venusaur"] = 300,
storage = 431451,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 540000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Raymond"] = {
pokemons = {
["Blastoise"] = 300,
storage = 431452,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 540000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Jessica"] = {
pokemons = {
["Crobat"] = 300,
storage = 431453,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 450000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Loren"] = { --É Homem viu--
pokemons = {
["Raichu"] = 300,
storage = 431454,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 450000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Deloris"] = { --É mulher--
pokemons = {
["Clefable"] = 300,
storage = 431455,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 450000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Charles"] = {
pokemons = {
["Poliwrath"] = 150,
["Politoed"] = 150,
storage = 431456,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 330000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Dolores"] = {
pokemons = {
["Gengar"] = 300,
storage = 431457,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 330000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Clinton"] = {
pokemons = {
["Misdreavus"] = 300,
storage = 431458,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 390000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Lena"] = {
pokemons = {
["Arcanine"] = 300,
storage = 431459,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 330000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Todd"] = {
pokemons = {
["Machamp"] = 300,
storage = 431460,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 540000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Heather"] = { --Mulher tbm--
pokemons = {
["Alakazam"] = 300,
storage = 431461,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 330000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Eduardo"] = {
pokemons = {
["Tentacruel"] = 300,
storage = 431462,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 330000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Socorro"] = {
pokemons = {
["Muk"] = 300,
storage = 431463,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 330000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Booker"] = {
pokemons = {
["Exeggutor"] = 300,
storage = 431464,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 330000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Melissa"] = {
pokemons = {
["Rhydon"] = 300,
storage = 431465,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 330000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Columbus"] = {
pokemons = {
["Meganium"] = 300,
storage = 431466,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 330000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Catherine"] = {
pokemons = {
["Typhlosion"] = 300,
storage = 431467,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 330000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Peter"] = {
pokemons = {
["Feraligatr"] = 300,
storage = 431468,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 330000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Silvia"] = {
pokemons = {
["Wigglytuff"] = 300,
storage = 431469,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 330000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Ronnie"] = {
pokemons = {
["Ampharos"] = 300,
storage = 431470,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 270000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Jennifer"] = {
pokemons = {
["Magcargo"] = 300,
storage = 431471,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 390000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Enrique"] = {
pokemons = {
["Pupitar"] = 300,
storage = 431472,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 420000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Jan"] = { --Mulher tbm--
pokemons = {
["Girafarig"] = 300,
storage = 431473,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 255000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Philip"] = {
pokemons = {
["Pinsir"] = 300,
storage = 431474,
reward = {{2160, 7}, {12344, 70}, {15645, 4}},
exp = 195000,
doOnlyOne = true,
-------------------------------------- EXPERT ----------------------------------------------
["Heidi"] = { --é mulher----
pokemons = {
["Camerupt"] = 300,
["Blaziken"] = 300,
storage = 431475,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 720000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Hollis"] = {
pokemons = {
["Sceptile"] = 300,
["Shiftry"] = 300,
storage = 431476,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 1650000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Eva"] = {
pokemons = {
["Ludicolo"] = 300,
["Swampert"] = 300,
storage = 431477,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 1650000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Bradley"] = {
pokemons = {
["Swellow"] = 300,
["Scyther"] = 300,
storage = 431478,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 1620000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Samantha"] = {
pokemons = {
["Mawile"] = 300,
["Skarmory"] = 300,
storage = 431479,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 1260000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["James"] = {
pokemons = {
["Manectric"] = 300,
["Electabuzz"] = 300,
storage = 431480,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 1470000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Kelly"] = {
pokemons = {
["Walrein"] = 300,
["Glalie"] = 300,
storage = 431481,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 2160000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Daniel"] = {
pokemons = {
["Banette"] = 300,
["Dusclops"] = 300,
storage = 431482,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 780000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Michelle"] = {
pokemons = {
["Zangoose"] = 300,
["Seviper"] = 300,
storage = 431483,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 1620000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Lynn"] = { --Homem também--
pokemons = {
["Grumpig"] = 300,
["Claydol"] = 300,
storage = 431484,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 2070000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Janey"] = { --mulher--
pokemons = {
["Flygon"] = 300,
["Dragonite"] = 300,
storage = 431485,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 1410000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Micheal"] = {
pokemons = {
["Hariyama"] = 300,
["Exploud"] = 300,
storage = 431486,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 1800000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Leona"] = {
pokemons = {
["Breloom"] = 300,
["Cacturn"] = 300,
storage = 431487,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 1770000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Christopher"] = {
pokemons = {
["Crawdaunt"] = 300,
["Lucario"] = 300,
storage = 431488,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 2055000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Diane"] = {
pokemons = {
["Magmar"] = 300,
["Gyarados"] = 300,
storage = 431489,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 1080000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Dennis"] = {
pokemons = {
["Heracross"] = 300,
["Mr. Mime"] = 300,
storage = 431490,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 735000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Patricia"] = {
pokemons = {
["Kangaskhan"] = 300,
["Miltank"] = 300,
storage = 431491,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 750000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Milton"] = {
pokemons = {
["Snorlax"] = 300,
["Ursaring"] = 300,
storage = 431492,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 750000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Jeanette"] = {
pokemons = {
["Kingdra"] = 300,
["Mantine"] = 300,
storage = 431493,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 780000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Justin"] = {
pokemons = {
["Jynx"] = 300,
["Sudowoodo"] = 300,
storage = 431494,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 720000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Lavon"] = { --mulher--
pokemons = {
["Steelix"] = 300,
["Tyranitar"] = 300,
storage = 431495,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 915000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Homer"] = {
pokemons = {
["Magmortar"] = 150,
["Electivire"] = 150,
storage = 431496,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 2250000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Ann"] = {
pokemons = {
["Milotic"] = 150,
["Metagross"] = 150,
storage = 431497,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 2250000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Jason"] = {
pokemons = {
["Tangrowth"] = 150,
["Rhyperior"] = 150,
storage = 431498,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 2250000,
doOnlyOne = true,
["Olga"] = {
pokemons = {
["Salamence"] = 100,
["Dusknoir"] = 100,
["Slaking"] = 100,
storage = 431499,
reward = {{2160, 12}, {12344, 100}, {15645, 5}},
exp = 2250000,
doOnlyOne = true,
local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)
local talkState = {}
function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end
function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type1, msg)
local cfg = config[getNpcName()]
if msg:lower() == "hi" and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, cfg.storage) == -1 then
Taskstr[talkUser] = {}
for a, b in pairs(cfg.pokemons) do
table.insert(Taskstr[talkUser], b.." "..a.."s")
local KAKAMESSAGE = doConcatTable(Taskstr[talkUser], ", ", " e ")
selfSay("Preciso de sua ajuda, você poderia eliminar "..KAKAMESSAGE.."?", cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 1
elseif getPlayerStorageValue(cid, cfg.storage) == 1 then
selfSay("Não preciso mais da sua ajuda, obrigado!", cid)
local tab = string.explode(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, cfg.storage), "|")
selfSay("Você já terminou a minha task?", cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 3
elseif talkState[talkUser] == 1 and (cfg.pokemons[doCorrectString(msg)] or isInArray({"yes", "sim"}, msg:lower())) then
pName = doCorrectString(msg)
selfSay("Você tem certeza que pode dar conta?", cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 2
elseif talkState[talkUser] == 2 then
if isInArray({"yes", "sim"}, msg:lower()) then
Taskstr[talkUser] = {}
for a, b in pairs(cfg.pokemons) do
table.insert(Taskstr[talkUser], a..","..b)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, cfg.storage, getNpcName().."|"..table.concat(Taskstr[talkUser], "|"))
selfSay("Ok, aguardo você!", cid)
elseif isInArray({"no", "não", "nao"}, msg:lower()) then
selfSay("Você quem sabe.", cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 0
elseif talkState[talkUser] == 3 then
if isInArray({"yes", "sim"}, msg:lower()) then
local tab = string.explode(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, cfg.storage), "|")
if not tab[2] then
doPlayerAddExperience(cid, cfg.exp * 2)
doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), cfg.exp * 2, 215)
for a, b in pairs(cfg.reward) do
doPlayerAddItem(cid, b[1], b[2])
if cfg.doOnlyOne then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, cfg.storage, 1)
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, cfg.storage, -1)
selfSay("Muito obrigado pela ajuda, até mais.", cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 0
talkState[talkUser] = 0
local str1 = {}
local tab = string.explode(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, cfg.storage), "|")
for i = 2, #tab do
expe = tab:explode(",")
table.insert(str1, expe[2].." "..expe[1]..(tonumber(expe[2]) > 1 and "s" or ""))
selfSay("Está faltando você matar ".. doConcatTable(str1, ", ", " e ") .." desta espécie!", cid)
elseif isInArray({"no", "não", "nao"}, msg:lower()) then
selfSay("Ok, então vá terminar de matá-los!", cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 0
elseif isInArray({"left", "leave", "desistir"}, msg:lower()) then
setPlayerStorageValue(cid, cfg.storage, -1)
selfSay("Ok, pedirei ajuda a alguém mais corajoso!", cid)
talkState[talkUser] = 0
npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback)
fico no aguardo de uma resposta,
grato desde já;;
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