vinicius231 8 Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 Share Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 (editado) ❤️ Ola Galera do Xtibia ❤️ Lembrando ---- Tenho a Source do Client!! Vim aqui pedir ajuda pq todos os Tutoriais que vi não funcionaram Gostaria que os players com as [Tags] Tivesse uma cor Exemplo: [ADM] Vini Original ---- Vermelho [GM] Vinicius -------- Azul [Help] Vinicius ------- Laranja [Tutor] Vinicius --------- laranja [CM] Vinicius ---- Preto Etc❤️ Quem Ajudar serei grato por todo o sempre ❤️ Editado Fevereiro 22, 2019 por vinicius231 Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
1 Refe 320 Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 Share Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 Spoiler /* * Copyright (c) 2010-2017 OTClient <> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "creature.h" #include "thingtypemanager.h" #include "localplayer.h" #include "map.h" #include "tile.h" #include "item.h" #include "game.h" #include "effect.h" #include "luavaluecasts.h" #include "lightview.h" #include <framework/graphics/graphics.h> #include <framework/core/eventdispatcher.h> #include <framework/core/clock.h> #include <framework/graphics/paintershaderprogram.h> #include <framework/graphics/ogl/painterogl2_shadersources.h> #include <framework/graphics/texturemanager.h> #include <framework/graphics/framebuffermanager.h> #include "spritemanager.h" Creature::Creature() : Thing() { m_id = 0; m_healthPercent = 100; m_speed = 200; m_direction = Otc::South; m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; m_walkedPixels = 0; m_walkTurnDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; m_skull = Otc::SkullNone; m_shield = Otc::ShieldNone; m_emblem = Otc::EmblemNone; m_type = Proto::CreatureTypeUnknown; m_icon = Otc::NpcIconNone; m_lastStepDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; m_nameCache.setFont(g_fonts.getFont("verdana-11px-rounded")); m_nameCache.setAlign(Fw::AlignTopCenter); m_footStep = 0; m_speedFormula.fill(-1); m_outfitColor = Color::white; } void Creature::draw(const Point& dest, float scaleFactor, bool animate, LightView *lightView) { if(!canBeSeen()) return; Point animationOffset = animate ? m_walkOffset : Point(0,0); if(m_showTimedSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_timedSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement() + 2)*scaleFactor, Size(28, 28)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } if(m_showStaticSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_staticSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement())*scaleFactor, Size(Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } internalDrawOutfit(dest + animationOffset * scaleFactor, scaleFactor, animate, animate, m_direction); m_footStepDrawn = true; if(lightView) { Light light = rawGetThingType()->getLight(); if(m_light.intensity != light.intensity || m_light.color != light.color) light = m_light; // local player always have a minimum light in complete darkness if(isLocalPlayer() && (g_map.getLight().intensity < 64 || m_position.z > Otc::SEA_FLOOR)) { light.intensity = std::max<uint8>(light.intensity, 3); if(light.color == 0 || light.color > 215) light.color = 215; } if(light.intensity > 0) lightView->addLightSource(dest + (animationOffset + Point(16,16)) * scaleFactor, scaleFactor, light); } } void Creature::internalDrawOutfit(Point dest, float scaleFactor, bool animateWalk, bool animateIdle, Otc::Direction direction, LightView *lightView) { g_painter->setColor(m_outfitColor); // outfit is a real creature if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryCreature) { int animationPhase = animateWalk ? m_walkAnimationPhase : 0; if(isAnimateAlways() && animateIdle) { int ticksPerFrame = 1000 / getAnimationPhases(); animationPhase = (g_clock.millis() % (ticksPerFrame * getAnimationPhases())) / ticksPerFrame; } // xPattern => creature direction int xPattern; if(direction == Otc::NorthEast || direction == Otc::SouthEast) xPattern = Otc::East; else if(direction == Otc::NorthWest || direction == Otc::SouthWest) xPattern = Otc::West; else xPattern = direction; int zPattern = 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { auto datType = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), ThingCategoryCreature); dest -= datType->getDisplacement() * scaleFactor; datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, 0, xPattern, 0, 0, animationPhase, lightView); dest += getDisplacement() * scaleFactor; zPattern = std::min<int>(1, getNumPatternZ() - 1); } PointF jumpOffset = m_jumpOffset * scaleFactor; dest -= Point(stdext::round(jumpOffset.x), stdext::round(jumpOffset.y)); // yPattern => creature addon for(int yPattern = 0; yPattern < getNumPatternY(); yPattern++) { // continue if we dont have this addon if(yPattern > 0 && !(m_outfit.getAddons() & (1 << (yPattern-1)))) continue; auto datType = rawGetThingType(); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, 0, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase, yPattern == 0 ? lightView : nullptr); if(getLayers() > 1) { Color oldColor = g_painter->getColor(); Painter::CompositionMode oldComposition = g_painter->getCompositionMode(); g_painter->setCompositionMode(Painter::CompositionMode_Multiply); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getHeadColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskYellow, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getBodyColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskRed, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getLegsColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskGreen, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getFeetColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskBlue, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(oldColor); g_painter->setCompositionMode(oldComposition); } } // outfit is a creature imitating an item or the invisible effect } else { ThingType *type = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getAuxId(), m_outfit.getCategory()); int animationPhase = 0; int animationPhases = type->getAnimationPhases(); int animateTicks = Otc::ITEM_TICKS_PER_FRAME; // when creature is an effect we cant render the first and last animation phase, // instead we should loop in the phases between if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) { animationPhases = std::max<int>(1, animationPhases-2); animateTicks = Otc::INVISIBLE_TICKS_PER_FRAME; } if(animationPhases > 1) { if(animateIdle) animationPhase = (g_clock.millis() % (animateTicks * animationPhases)) / animateTicks; else animationPhase = animationPhases-1; } if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) animationPhase = std::min<int>(animationPhase+1, animationPhases); type->draw(dest - (getDisplacement() * scaleFactor), scaleFactor, 0, 0, 0, 0, animationPhase, lightView); } g_painter->resetColor(); } void Creature::drawOutfit(const Rect& destRect, bool resize) { int exactSize; if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryCreature) exactSize = getExactSize(); else exactSize = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getAuxId(), m_outfit.getCategory())->getExactSize(); int frameSize; if(!resize) frameSize = std::max<int>(exactSize * 0.75f, 2 * Otc::TILE_PIXELS * 0.75f); else if(!(frameSize = exactSize)) return; if(g_graphics.canUseFBO()) { const FrameBufferPtr& outfitBuffer = g_framebuffers.getTemporaryFrameBuffer(); outfitBuffer->resize(Size(frameSize, frameSize)); outfitBuffer->bind(); g_painter->setAlphaWriting(true); g_painter->clear(Color::alpha); internalDrawOutfit(Point(frameSize - Otc::TILE_PIXELS, frameSize - Otc::TILE_PIXELS) + getDisplacement(), 1, false, true, Otc::South); outfitBuffer->release(); outfitBuffer->draw(destRect, Rect(0,0,frameSize,frameSize)); } else { float scaleFactor = destRect.width() / (float)frameSize; Point dest = destRect.bottomRight() - (Point(Otc::TILE_PIXELS,Otc::TILE_PIXELS) - getDisplacement()) * scaleFactor; internalDrawOutfit(dest, scaleFactor, false, true, Otc::South); } } void Creature::drawInformation(const Point& point, bool useGray, const Rect& parentRect, int drawFlags) { if(m_healthPercent < 1) // creature is dead return; Color fillColor = Color(96, 96, 96); if(!useGray) fillColor = m_informationColor; // calculate main rects Rect backgroundRect = Rect(point.x-(13.5), point.y, 27, 4); backgroundRect.bind(parentRect); Size nameSize = m_nameCache.getTextSize(); Rect textRect = Rect(point.x - nameSize.width() / 2.0, point.y-12, nameSize); textRect.bind(parentRect); // distance them uint32 offset = 12; if(isLocalPlayer()) { offset *= 2; } if( == backgroundRect.moveTop( + offset); if(backgroundRect.bottom() == parentRect.bottom()) textRect.moveTop( - offset); // health rect is based on background rect, so no worries Rect healthRect = backgroundRect.expanded(-1); healthRect.setWidth((m_healthPercent / 100.0) * 25); // draw if(g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameBlueNpcNameColor) && isNpc() && m_healthPercent == 100 && !useGray) fillColor = Color(0x66, 0xcc, 0xff); if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawBars && (!isNpc() || !g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameHideNpcNames))) { g_painter->setColor(Color::black); g_painter->drawFilledRect(backgroundRect); g_painter->setColor(fillColor); g_painter->drawFilledRect(healthRect); if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawManaBar && isLocalPlayer()) { LocalPlayerPtr player = g_game.getLocalPlayer(); if(player) { backgroundRect.moveTop(backgroundRect.bottom()); g_painter->setColor(Color::black); g_painter->drawFilledRect(backgroundRect); Rect manaRect = backgroundRect.expanded(-1); double maxMana = player->getMaxMana(); if(maxMana == 0) { manaRect.setWidth(25); } else { manaRect.setWidth(player->getMana() / (maxMana * 1.0) * 25); } g_painter->setColor(Color::blue); g_painter->drawFilledRect(manaRect); } } } if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawNames) { if(g_painter->getColor() != fillColor) g_painter->setColor(fillColor); m_nameCache.draw(textRect); } if(m_skull != Otc::SkullNone && m_skullTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect skullRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5 + 12, backgroundRect.y() + 5, m_skullTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(skullRect, m_skullTexture); } if(m_shield != Otc::ShieldNone && m_shieldTexture && m_showShieldTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect shieldRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5, backgroundRect.y() + 5, m_shieldTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(shieldRect, m_shieldTexture); } if(m_emblem != Otc::EmblemNone && m_emblemTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect emblemRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5 + 12, backgroundRect.y() + 16, m_emblemTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(emblemRect, m_emblemTexture); } if(m_type != Proto::CreatureTypeUnknown && m_typeTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect typeRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5 + 12 + 12, backgroundRect.y() + 16, m_typeTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(typeRect, m_typeTexture); } if(m_icon != Otc::NpcIconNone && m_iconTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect iconRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5 + 12, backgroundRect.y() + 5, m_iconTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(iconRect, m_iconTexture); } } void Creature::turn(Otc::Direction direction) { // if is not walking change the direction right away if(!m_walking) setDirection(direction); // schedules to set the new direction when walk ends else m_walkTurnDirection = direction; } void Creature::walk(const Position& oldPos, const Position& newPos) { if(oldPos == newPos) return; // get walk direction m_lastStepDirection = oldPos.getDirectionFromPosition(newPos); m_lastStepFromPosition = oldPos; m_lastStepToPosition = newPos; // set current walking direction setDirection(m_lastStepDirection); // starts counting walk m_walking = true; m_walkTimer.restart(); m_walkedPixels = 0; if(m_walkFinishAnimEvent) { m_walkFinishAnimEvent->cancel(); m_walkFinishAnimEvent = nullptr; } // no direction need to be changed when the walk ends m_walkTurnDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; // starts updating walk nextWalkUpdate(); } void Creature::stopWalk() { if(!m_walking) return; // stops the walk right away terminateWalk(); } void Creature::jump(int height, int duration) { if(!m_jumpOffset.isNull()) return; m_jumpTimer.restart(); m_jumpHeight = height; m_jumpDuration = duration; updateJump(); } void Creature::updateJump() { int t = m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed(); double a = -4 * m_jumpHeight / (m_jumpDuration * m_jumpDuration); double b = +4 * m_jumpHeight / (m_jumpDuration); double height = a*t*t + b*t; int roundHeight = stdext::round(height); int halfJumpDuration = m_jumpDuration / 2; // schedules next update if(m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() < m_jumpDuration) { m_jumpOffset = PointF(height, height); int diff = 0; if(m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() < halfJumpDuration) diff = 1; else if(m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() > halfJumpDuration) diff = -1; int nextT, i = 1; do { nextT = stdext::round((-b + std::sqrt(std::max<int>(b*b + 4*a*(roundHeight+diff*i), 0.0)) * diff) / (2*a)); ++i; if(nextT < halfJumpDuration) diff = 1; else if(nextT > halfJumpDuration) diff = -1; } while(nextT - m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() == 0 && i < 3); auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self] { self->updateJump(); }, nextT - m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed()); } else m_jumpOffset = PointF(0, 0); } void Creature::onPositionChange(const Position& newPos, const Position& oldPos) { callLuaField("onPositionChange", newPos, oldPos); } void Creature::onAppear() { // cancel any disappear event if(m_disappearEvent) { m_disappearEvent->cancel(); m_disappearEvent = nullptr; } // creature appeared the first time or wasn't seen for a long time if(m_removed) { stopWalk(); m_removed = false; callLuaField("onAppear"); // walk } else if(m_oldPosition != m_position && m_oldPosition.isInRange(m_position,1,1) && m_allowAppearWalk) { m_allowAppearWalk = false; walk(m_oldPosition, m_position); callLuaField("onWalk", m_oldPosition, m_position); // teleport } else if(m_oldPosition != m_position) { stopWalk(); callLuaField("onDisappear"); callLuaField("onAppear"); } // else turn } void Creature::onDisappear() { if(m_disappearEvent) m_disappearEvent->cancel(); m_oldPosition = m_position; // a pair onDisappear and onAppear events are fired even when creatures walks or turns, // so we must filter auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_disappearEvent = g_dispatcher.addEvent([self] { self->m_removed = true; self->stopWalk(); self->callLuaField("onDisappear"); // invalidate this creature position if(!self->isLocalPlayer()) self->setPosition(Position()); self->m_oldPosition = Position(); self->m_disappearEvent = nullptr; }); } void Creature::onDeath() { callLuaField("onDeath"); } void Creature::updateWalkAnimation(int totalPixelsWalked) { // update outfit animation if(m_outfit.getCategory() != ThingCategoryCreature) return; int footAnimPhases = getAnimationPhases() - 1; int footDelay = getStepDuration(true) / 3; // Since mount is a different outfit we need to get the mount animation phases if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { ThingType *type = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), m_outfit.getCategory()); footAnimPhases = type->getAnimationPhases() - 1; } if(footAnimPhases == 0) m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; else if(m_footStepDrawn && m_footTimer.ticksElapsed() >= footDelay && totalPixelsWalked < 32) { m_footStep++; m_walkAnimationPhase = 1 + (m_footStep % footAnimPhases); m_footStepDrawn = false; m_footTimer.restart(); } else if(m_walkAnimationPhase == 0 && totalPixelsWalked < 32) { m_walkAnimationPhase = 1 + (m_footStep % footAnimPhases); } if(totalPixelsWalked == 32 && !m_walkFinishAnimEvent) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_walkFinishAnimEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self] { if(!self->m_walking || self->m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() >= self->getStepDuration(true)) self->m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; self->m_walkFinishAnimEvent = nullptr; }, std::min<int>(footDelay, 200)); } } void Creature::updateWalkOffset(int totalPixelsWalked) { m_walkOffset = Point(0,0); if(m_direction == Otc::North || m_direction == Otc::NorthEast || m_direction == Otc::NorthWest) m_walkOffset.y = 32 - totalPixelsWalked; else if(m_direction == Otc::South || m_direction == Otc::SouthEast || m_direction == Otc::SouthWest) m_walkOffset.y = totalPixelsWalked - 32; if(m_direction == Otc::East || m_direction == Otc::NorthEast || m_direction == Otc::SouthEast) m_walkOffset.x = totalPixelsWalked - 32; else if(m_direction == Otc::West || m_direction == Otc::NorthWest || m_direction == Otc::SouthWest) m_walkOffset.x = 32 - totalPixelsWalked; } void Creature::updateWalkingTile() { // determine new walking tile TilePtr newWalkingTile; Rect virtualCreatureRect(Otc::TILE_PIXELS + (m_walkOffset.x - getDisplacementX()), Otc::TILE_PIXELS + (m_walkOffset.y - getDisplacementY()), Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS); for(int xi = -1; xi <= 1 && !newWalkingTile; ++xi) { for(int yi = -1; yi <= 1 && !newWalkingTile; ++yi) { Rect virtualTileRect((xi+1)*Otc::TILE_PIXELS, (yi+1)*Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS); // only render creatures where bottom right is inside tile rect if(virtualTileRect.contains(virtualCreatureRect.bottomRight())) { newWalkingTile = g_map.getOrCreateTile(m_position.translated(xi, yi, 0)); } } } if(newWalkingTile != m_walkingTile) { if(m_walkingTile) m_walkingTile->removeWalkingCreature(static_self_cast<Creature>()); if(newWalkingTile) { newWalkingTile->addWalkingCreature(static_self_cast<Creature>()); // recache visible tiles in map views if(newWalkingTile->isEmpty()) g_map.notificateTileUpdate(newWalkingTile->getPosition()); } m_walkingTile = newWalkingTile; } } void Creature::nextWalkUpdate() { // remove any previous scheduled walk updates if(m_walkUpdateEvent) m_walkUpdateEvent->cancel(); // do the update updateWalk(); // schedules next update if(m_walking) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_walkUpdateEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self] { self->m_walkUpdateEvent = nullptr; self->nextWalkUpdate(); }, getStepDuration() / 32); } } void Creature::updateWalk() { float walkTicksPerPixel = getStepDuration(true) / 32; int totalPixelsWalked = std::min<int>(m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() / walkTicksPerPixel, 32.0f); // needed for paralyze effect m_walkedPixels = std::max<int>(m_walkedPixels, totalPixelsWalked); // update walk animation and offsets updateWalkAnimation(totalPixelsWalked); updateWalkOffset(m_walkedPixels); updateWalkingTile(); // terminate walk if(m_walking && m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() >= getStepDuration()) terminateWalk(); } void Creature::terminateWalk() { // remove any scheduled walk update if(m_walkUpdateEvent) { m_walkUpdateEvent->cancel(); m_walkUpdateEvent = nullptr; } // now the walk has ended, do any scheduled turn if(m_walkTurnDirection != Otc::InvalidDirection) { setDirection(m_walkTurnDirection); m_walkTurnDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; } if(m_walkingTile) { m_walkingTile->removeWalkingCreature(static_self_cast<Creature>()); m_walkingTile = nullptr; } m_walking = false; m_walkedPixels = 0; // reset walk animation states m_walkOffset = Point(0,0); m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; } void Creature::setName(const std::string& name) { m_nameCache.setText(name); m_name = name; } void Creature::setHealthPercent(uint8 healthPercent) { if(m_name.find("[ADM]")!=std::string::npos) m_informationColor = Color(0x00, 0x2a, 0xff); else if(m_name.find("[GM]")!=std::string::npos) m_informationColor = Color(0x00, 0xff, 0x0c); else if(m_name.find("[HELP]")!=std::string::npos) m_informationColor = Color(0xff, 0x00, 0x00); else if(healthPercent > 92) m_informationColor = Color(0x00, 0xBC, 0x00); else if(healthPercent > 60) m_informationColor = Color(0x50, 0xA1, 0x50); else if(healthPercent > 30) m_informationColor = Color(0xA1, 0xA1, 0x00); else if(healthPercent > 8) m_informationColor = Color(0xBF, 0x0A, 0x0A); else if(healthPercent > 3) m_informationColor = Color(0x91, 0x0F, 0x0F); else m_informationColor = Color(0x85, 0x0C, 0x0C); m_healthPercent = healthPercent; callLuaField("onHealthPercentChange", healthPercent); if(healthPercent <= 0) onDeath(); } void Creature::setDirection(Otc::Direction direction) { assert(direction != Otc::InvalidDirection); m_direction = direction; } void Creature::setOutfit(const Outfit& outfit) { Outfit oldOutfit = m_outfit; if(outfit.getCategory() != ThingCategoryCreature) { if(!g_things.isValidDatId(outfit.getAuxId(), outfit.getCategory())) return; m_outfit.setAuxId(outfit.getAuxId()); m_outfit.setCategory(outfit.getCategory()); } else { if(outfit.getId() > 0 && !g_things.isValidDatId(outfit.getId(), ThingCategoryCreature)) return; m_outfit = outfit; } m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; // might happen when player is walking and outfit is changed. callLuaField("onOutfitChange", m_outfit, oldOutfit); } void Creature::setOutfitColor(const Color& color, int duration) { if(m_outfitColorUpdateEvent) { m_outfitColorUpdateEvent->cancel(); m_outfitColorUpdateEvent = nullptr; } if(duration > 0) { Color delta = (color - m_outfitColor) / (float)duration; m_outfitColorTimer.restart(); updateOutfitColor(m_outfitColor, color, delta, duration); } else m_outfitColor = color; } void Creature::updateOutfitColor(Color color, Color finalColor, Color delta, int duration) { if(m_outfitColorTimer.ticksElapsed() < duration) { m_outfitColor = color + delta * m_outfitColorTimer.ticksElapsed(); auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_outfitColorUpdateEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([=] { self->updateOutfitColor(color, finalColor, delta, duration); }, 100); } else { m_outfitColor = finalColor; } } void Creature::setSpeed(uint16 speed) { uint16 oldSpeed = m_speed; m_speed = speed; // speed can change while walking (utani hur, paralyze, etc..) if(m_walking) nextWalkUpdate(); callLuaField("onSpeedChange", m_speed, oldSpeed); } void Creature::setBaseSpeed(double baseSpeed) { if(m_baseSpeed != baseSpeed) { double oldBaseSpeed = m_baseSpeed; m_baseSpeed = baseSpeed; callLuaField("onBaseSpeedChange", baseSpeed, oldBaseSpeed); } } void Creature::setSkull(uint8 skull) { m_skull = skull; callLuaField("onSkullChange", m_skull); } void Creature::setShield(uint8 shield) { m_shield = shield; callLuaField("onShieldChange", m_shield); } void Creature::setEmblem(uint8 emblem) { m_emblem = emblem; callLuaField("onEmblemChange", m_emblem); } void Creature::setType(uint8 type) { m_type = type; callLuaField("onTypeChange", m_type); } void Creature::setIcon(uint8 icon) { m_icon = icon; callLuaField("onIconChange", m_icon); } void Creature::setSkullTexture(const std::string& filename) { m_skullTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); } void Creature::setShieldTexture(const std::string& filename, bool blink) { m_shieldTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); m_showShieldTexture = true; if(blink && !m_shieldBlink) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self]() { self->updateShield(); }, SHIELD_BLINK_TICKS); } m_shieldBlink = blink; } void Creature::setEmblemTexture(const std::string& filename) { m_emblemTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); } void Creature::setTypeTexture(const std::string& filename) { m_typeTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); } void Creature::setIconTexture(const std::string& filename) { m_iconTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); } void Creature::setSpeedFormula(double speedA, double speedB, double speedC) { m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaA] = speedA; m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB] = speedB; m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaC] = speedC; } bool Creature::hasSpeedFormula() { return m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaA] != -1 && m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB] != -1 && m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaC] != -1; } void Creature::addTimedSquare(uint8 color) { m_showTimedSquare = true; m_timedSquareColor = Color::from8bit(color); // schedule removal auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self]() { self->removeTimedSquare(); }, VOLATILE_SQUARE_DURATION); } void Creature::updateShield() { m_showShieldTexture = !m_showShieldTexture; if(m_shield != Otc::ShieldNone && m_shieldBlink) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self]() { self->updateShield(); }, SHIELD_BLINK_TICKS); } else if(!m_shieldBlink) m_showShieldTexture = true; } Point Creature::getDrawOffset() { Point drawOffset; if(m_walking) { if(m_walkingTile) drawOffset -= Point(1,1) * m_walkingTile->getDrawElevation(); drawOffset += m_walkOffset; } else { const TilePtr& tile = getTile(); if(tile) drawOffset -= Point(1,1) * tile->getDrawElevation(); } return drawOffset; } int Creature::getStepDuration(bool ignoreDiagonal, Otc::Direction dir) { int speed = m_speed; if(speed < 1) return 0; if(g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameNewSpeedLaw)) speed *= 2; int groundSpeed = 0; Position tilePos; if(dir == Otc::InvalidDirection) tilePos = m_lastStepToPosition; else tilePos = m_position.translatedToDirection(dir); if(!tilePos.isValid()) tilePos = m_position; const TilePtr& tile = g_map.getTile(tilePos); if(tile) { groundSpeed = tile->getGroundSpeed(); if(groundSpeed == 0) groundSpeed = 150; } int interval = 1000; if(groundSpeed > 0 && speed > 0) interval = 1000 * groundSpeed; if(g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameNewSpeedLaw) && hasSpeedFormula()) { int formulatedSpeed = 1; if(speed > -m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB]) { formulatedSpeed = std::max<int>(1, (int)floor((m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaA] * log((speed / 2) + m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB]) + m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaC]) + 0.5)); } interval = std::floor(interval / (double)formulatedSpeed); } else interval /= speed; if(g_game.getClientVersion() >= 900) interval = (interval / g_game.getServerBeat()) * g_game.getServerBeat(); float factor = 3; if(g_game.getClientVersion() <= 810) factor = 2; interval = std::max<int>(interval, g_game.getServerBeat()); if(!ignoreDiagonal && (m_lastStepDirection == Otc::NorthWest || m_lastStepDirection == Otc::NorthEast || m_lastStepDirection == Otc::SouthWest || m_lastStepDirection == Otc::SouthEast)) interval *= factor; return interval; } Point Creature::getDisplacement() { if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) return Point(8, 8); else if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryItem) return Point(0, 0); return Thing::getDisplacement(); } int Creature::getDisplacementX() { if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) return 8; else if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryItem) return 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { auto datType = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), ThingCategoryCreature); return datType->getDisplacementX(); } return Thing::getDisplacementX(); } int Creature::getDisplacementY() { if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) return 8; else if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryItem) return 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { auto datType = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), ThingCategoryCreature); return datType->getDisplacementY(); } return Thing::getDisplacementY(); } int Creature::getExactSize(int layer, int xPattern, int yPattern, int zPattern, int animationPhase) { int exactSize = 0; animationPhase = 0; xPattern = Otc::South; zPattern = 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) zPattern = 1; for(yPattern = 0; yPattern < getNumPatternY(); yPattern++) { if(yPattern > 0 && !(m_outfit.getAddons() & (1 << (yPattern-1)))) continue; for(layer = 0; layer < getLayers(); ++layer) exactSize = std::max<int>(exactSize, Thing::getExactSize(layer, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase)); } return exactSize; } const ThingTypePtr& Creature::getThingType() { return g_things.getThingType(m_outfit.getId(), ThingCategoryCreature); } ThingType* Creature::rawGetThingType() { return g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getId(), ThingCategoryCreature); } As TAGS tem que ser em letras maiúsculas. [ADM] o nome vai ficar azul [GM] o nome vai ficar verde [HELP] o nome vai ficar vermelho. Ayron5 e JG6 reagiu a isso 1 1 Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Marshmello 271 Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 Share Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 Isso nem aqui do fórum tem além de min, e essa função n passo ela gratuitamente por foi bem compiladas de fazer Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Refe 320 Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 Share Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 47 minutos atrás, Marshmello disse: Isso nem aqui do fórum tem além de min, e essa função n passo ela gratuitamente por foi bem compiladas de fazer Para de ser desumilde. 12 horas atrás, vinicius231 disse: ❤️ Ola Galera do Xtibia ❤️ Lembrando ---- Tenho a Source do Client!! Vim aqui pedir ajuda pq todos os Tutoriais que vi não funcionaram Gostaria que os players com as [Tags] Tivesse uma cor Exemplo: [ADM] Vini Original ---- Azul [GM] Vinicius -------- Verde [Help] Vinicius ------- Vermelho [GM] Vinicius ---- Laranja Etc❤️ Quem Ajudar serei grato por todo o sempre ❤️ Me passa a sua creature.cpp do client Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 vinicius231 8 Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 Autor Share Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 26 minutos atrás, Refe disse: Para de ser desumilde. Me passa a sua creature.cpp do client Citar /* * Copyright (c) 2010-2014 OTClient <> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "creatures.h" #include "creature.h" #include "map.h" #include <framework/xml/tinyxml.h> #include <framework/core/resourcemanager.h> CreatureManager g_creatures; static bool isInZone(const Position& pos/* placePos*/, const Position& centerPos, int radius) { if(radius == -1) return true; return ((pos.x >= centerPos.x - radius) && (pos.x <= centerPos.x + radius) && (pos.y >= centerPos.y - radius) && (pos.y <= centerPos.y + radius) ); } void CreatureManager::terminate() { clearSpawns(); clear(); m_nullCreature = nullptr; } void Spawn::load(TiXmlElement* node) { Position centerPos; centerPos.x = node->readType<int>("centerx"); centerPos.y = node->readType<int>("centery"); centerPos.z = node->readType<int>("centerz"); setCenterPos(centerPos); setRadius(node->readType<int32>("radius")); CreatureTypePtr cType(nullptr); for(TiXmlElement* cNode = node->FirstChildElement(); cNode; cNode = cNode->NextSiblingElement()) { if(cNode->ValueStr() != "monster" && cNode->ValueStr() != "npc") stdext::throw_exception(stdext::format("invalid spawn-subnode %s", cNode->ValueStr())); std::string cName = cNode->Attribute("name"); stdext::tolower(cName); stdext::trim(cName); stdext::ucwords(cName); if (!(cType = g_creatures.getCreatureByName(cName))) continue; cType->setSpawnTime(cNode->readType<int>("spawntime")); Otc::Direction dir = Otc::North; int16 dir_ = cNode->readType<int16>("direction"); if(dir_ >= Otc::East && dir_ <= Otc::West) dir = (Otc::Direction)dir_; cType->setDirection(dir); Position placePos; placePos.x = centerPos.x + cNode->readType<int>("x"); placePos.y = centerPos.y + cNode->readType<int>("y"); placePos.z = cNode->readType<int>("z"); cType->setRace(cNode->ValueStr() == "npc" ? CreatureRaceNpc : CreatureRaceMonster); addCreature(placePos, cType); } } void Spawn::save(TiXmlElement* node) { const Position& c = getCenterPos(); node->SetAttribute("centerx", c.x); node->SetAttribute("centery", c.y); node->SetAttribute("centerz", c.z); node->SetAttribute("radius", getRadius()); TiXmlElement* creatureNode = nullptr; for(const auto& pair : m_creatures) { const CreatureTypePtr& creature = pair.second; if(!(creatureNode = new TiXmlElement(creature->getRace() == CreatureRaceNpc ? "npc" : "monster"))) stdext::throw_exception("Spawn::save: Ran out of memory while allocating XML element! Terminating now."); creatureNode->SetAttribute("name", creature->getName()); creatureNode->SetAttribute("spawntime", creature->getSpawnTime()); creatureNode->SetAttribute("direction", creature->getDirection()); const Position& placePos = pair.first; assert(placePos.isValid()); creatureNode->SetAttribute("x", placePos.x - c.x); creatureNode->SetAttribute("y", placePos.y - c.y); creatureNode->SetAttribute("z", placePos.z); node->LinkEndChild(creatureNode); } } void Spawn::addCreature(const Position& placePos, const CreatureTypePtr& cType) { const Position& centerPos = getCenterPos(); int m_radius = getRadius(); if(!isInZone(placePos, centerPos, m_radius)) { g_logger.warning(stdext::format("cannot place creature at %s (spawn's center position: %s, spawn radius: %d) (increment radius)", stdext::to_string(placePos), stdext::to_string(centerPos), m_radius )); return; } g_map.addThing(cType->cast(), placePos, 4); m_creatures.insert(std::make_pair(placePos, cType)); } void Spawn::removeCreature(const Position& pos) { auto iterator = m_creatures.find(pos); if(iterator != m_creatures.end()) { assert(iterator->first.isValid()); assert(g_map.removeThingByPos(iterator->first, 4)); m_creatures.erase(iterator); } } std::vector<CreatureTypePtr> Spawn::getCreatures() { std::vector<CreatureTypePtr> creatures; for (auto p : m_creatures) creatures.push_back(p.second); return creatures; } CreaturePtr CreatureType::cast() { CreaturePtr ret(new Creature); std::string cName = getName(); stdext::tolower(cName); stdext::trim(cName); stdext::ucwords(cName); ret->setName(cName); ret->setDirection(getDirection()); ret->setOutfit(getOutfit()); return ret; } CreatureManager::CreatureManager() { m_nullCreature = CreatureTypePtr(new CreatureType); } void CreatureManager::clearSpawns() { for(auto pair : m_spawns) pair.second->clear(); m_spawns.clear(); } void CreatureManager::loadMonsters(const std::string& file) { TiXmlDocument doc; doc.Parse(g_resources.readFileContents(file).c_str()); if(doc.Error()) stdext::throw_exception(stdext::format("cannot open monsters file '%s': '%s'", file, doc.ErrorDesc())); TiXmlElement* root = doc.FirstChildElement(); if(!root || root->ValueStr() != "monsters") stdext::throw_exception("malformed monsters xml file"); for(TiXmlElement* monster = root->FirstChildElement(); monster; monster = monster->NextSiblingElement()) { std::string fname = file.substr(0, file.find_last_of('/')) + '/' + monster->Attribute("file"); if(fname.substr(fname.length() - 4) != ".xml") fname += ".xml"; loadSingleCreature(fname); } doc.Clear(); m_loaded = true; } void CreatureManager::loadSingleCreature(const std::string& file) { loadCreatureBuffer(g_resources.readFileContents(file)); } void CreatureManager::loadNpcs(const std::string& folder) { std::string tmp = folder; if(!stdext::ends_with(tmp, "/")) tmp += "/"; if(!g_resources.directoryExists(tmp)) stdext::throw_exception(stdext::format("NPCs folder '%s' was not found.", folder)); const auto& fileList = g_resources.listDirectoryFiles(tmp); for(const std::string& file : fileList) loadCreatureBuffer(g_resources.readFileContents(tmp + file)); } void CreatureManager::loadSpawns(const std::string& fileName) { if(!isLoaded()) { g_logger.warning("creatures aren't loaded yet to load spawns."); return; } if(m_spawnLoaded) { g_logger.warning("attempt to reload spawns."); return; } try { TiXmlDocument doc; doc.Parse(g_resources.readFileContents(fileName).c_str()); if(doc.Error()) stdext::throw_exception(stdext::format("cannot load spawns xml file '%s: '%s'", fileName, doc.ErrorDesc())); TiXmlElement* root = doc.FirstChildElement(); if(!root || root->ValueStr() != "spawns") stdext::throw_exception("malformed spawns file"); for(TiXmlElement* node = root->FirstChildElement(); node; node = node->NextSiblingElement()) { if(node->ValueTStr() != "spawn") stdext::throw_exception("invalid spawn node"); SpawnPtr spawn(new Spawn); spawn->load(node); m_spawns.insert(std::make_pair(spawn->getCenterPos(), spawn)); } doc.Clear(); m_spawnLoaded = true; } catch(std::exception& e) { g_logger.error(stdext::format("Failed to load '%s': %s", fileName, e.what())); } } void CreatureManager::saveSpawns(const std::string& fileName) { try { TiXmlDocument doc; doc.SetTabSize(2); TiXmlDeclaration* decl = new TiXmlDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", ""); doc.LinkEndChild(decl); TiXmlElement* root = new TiXmlElement("spawns"); doc.LinkEndChild(root); for(auto pair : m_spawns) { TiXmlElement* elem = new TiXmlElement("spawn"); pair.second->save(elem); root->LinkEndChild(elem); } if(!doc.SaveFile("data"+fileName)) stdext::throw_exception(stdext::format("failed to save spawns XML %s: %s", fileName, doc.ErrorDesc())); } catch(std::exception& e) { g_logger.error(stdext::format("Failed to save '%s': %s", fileName, e.what())); } } void CreatureManager::loadCreatureBuffer(const std::string& buffer) { TiXmlDocument doc; doc.Parse(buffer.c_str()); if(doc.Error()) stdext::throw_exception(stdext::format("cannot load creature buffer: %s", doc.ErrorDesc())); TiXmlElement* root = doc.FirstChildElement(); if(!root || (root->ValueStr() != "monster" && root->ValueStr() != "npc")) stdext::throw_exception("invalid root tag name"); std::string cName = root->Attribute("name"); stdext::tolower(cName); stdext::trim(cName); stdext::ucwords(cName); CreatureTypePtr newType(new CreatureType(cName)); for(TiXmlElement* attrib = root->FirstChildElement(); attrib; attrib = attrib->NextSiblingElement()) { if(attrib->ValueStr() != "look") continue; internalLoadCreatureBuffer(attrib, newType); break; } doc.Clear(); } void CreatureManager::internalLoadCreatureBuffer(TiXmlElement* attrib, const CreatureTypePtr& m) { if(std::find(m_creatures.begin(), m_creatures.end(), m) != m_creatures.end()) return; Outfit out; int32 type = attrib->readType<int32>("type"); if(type > 0) { out.setCategory(ThingCategoryCreature); out.setId(type); } else { out.setCategory(ThingCategoryItem); out.setAuxId(attrib->readType<int32>("typeex")); } { out.setHead(attrib->readType<int>(("head"))); out.setBody(attrib->readType<int>(("body"))); out.setLegs(attrib->readType<int>(("legs"))); out.setFeet(attrib->readType<int>(("feet"))); out.setAddons(attrib->readType<int>(("addons"))); out.setMount(attrib->readType<int>(("mount"))); } m->setOutfit(out); m_creatures.push_back(m); } const CreatureTypePtr& CreatureManager::getCreatureByName(std::string name) { stdext::tolower(name); stdext::trim(name); stdext::ucwords(name); auto it = std::find_if(m_creatures.begin(), m_creatures.end(), [=] (const CreatureTypePtr& m) -> bool { return m->getName() == name; }); if(it != m_creatures.end()) return *it; g_logger.warning(stdext::format("could not find creature with name: %s", name)); return m_nullCreature; } const CreatureTypePtr& CreatureManager::getCreatureByLook(int look) { auto findFun = [=] (const CreatureTypePtr& c) -> bool { const Outfit& o = c->getOutfit(); return o.getId() == look || o.getAuxId() == look; }; auto it = std::find_if(m_creatures.begin(), m_creatures.end(), findFun); if(it != m_creatures.end()) return *it; g_logger.warning(stdext::format("could not find creature with looktype: %d", look)); return m_nullCreature; } SpawnPtr CreatureManager::getSpawn(const Position& centerPos) { auto it = m_spawns.find(centerPos); if(it != m_spawns.end()) return it->second; g_logger.debug(stdext::format("failed to find spawn at center %s",stdext::to_string(centerPos))); return nullptr; } SpawnPtr CreatureManager::getSpawnForPlacePos(const Position& pos) { for (const auto& pair : m_spawns) { const Position& centerPos = pair.first; const SpawnPtr& spawn = pair.second; if (isInZone(pos, centerPos, spawn->getRadius())) return spawn; } return nullptr; } SpawnPtr CreatureManager::addSpawn(const Position& centerPos, int radius) { auto iter = m_spawns.find(centerPos); if(iter != m_spawns.end()) { if(iter->second->getRadius() != radius) iter->second->setRadius(radius); return iter->second; } SpawnPtr ret(new Spawn); ret->setRadius(radius); ret->setCenterPos(centerPos); m_spawns.insert(std::make_pair(centerPos, ret)); return ret; } void CreatureManager::deleteSpawn(const SpawnPtr& spawn) { const Position& centerPos = spawn->getCenterPos(); auto it = m_spawns.find(centerPos); if(it != m_spawns.end()) m_spawns.erase(it); } std::vector<SpawnPtr> CreatureManager::getSpawns() { std::vector<SpawnPtr> spawns; for (auto p : m_spawns) spawns.push_back(p.second); return spawns; } /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: */ Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Refe 320 Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 Share Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 Então, você deve ter mandado o creatureS, eu preciso do creature.cpp. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 vinicius231 8 Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 Autor Share Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 15 minutos atrás, Refe disse: Então, você deve ter mandado o creatureS, eu preciso do creature.cpp. opa , desculpa , não vi o "S" Citar /* * Copyright (c) 2010-2014 OTClient <> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "creature.h" #include "thingtypemanager.h" #include "localplayer.h" #include "map.h" #include "tile.h" #include "item.h" #include "game.h" #include "effect.h" #include "luavaluecasts.h" #include "lightview.h" #include <framework/graphics/graphics.h> #include <framework/core/eventdispatcher.h> #include <framework/core/clock.h> #include <framework/graphics/paintershaderprogram.h> #include <framework/graphics/ogl/painterogl2_shadersources.h> #include <framework/graphics/texturemanager.h> #include <framework/graphics/framebuffermanager.h> #include "spritemanager.h" Creature::Creature() : Thing() { m_id = 0; m_healthPercent = 100; m_speed = 200; m_direction = Otc::South; m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; m_walkedPixels = 0; m_walkTurnDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; m_skull = Otc::SkullNone; m_shield = Otc::ShieldNone; m_emblem = Otc::EmblemNone; m_icon = Otc::NpcIconNone; m_lastStepDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; m_nameCache.setFont(g_fonts.getFont("verdana-11px-rounded")); m_nameCache.setAlign(Fw::AlignTopCenter); m_footStep = 0; m_speedFormula.fill(-1); m_outfitColor = Color::white; } void Creature::draw(const Point& dest, float scaleFactor, bool animate, LightView *lightView) { if(!canBeSeen()) return; Point animationOffset = animate ? m_walkOffset : Point(0,0); if(m_showTimedSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_timedSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement() + 2)*scaleFactor, Size(28, 28)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } if(m_showStaticSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_staticSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement())*scaleFactor, Size(Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } internalDrawOutfit(dest + animationOffset * scaleFactor, scaleFactor, animate, animate, m_direction); m_footStepDrawn = true; if(lightView) { Light light = rawGetThingType()->getLight(); if(m_light.intensity != light.intensity || m_light.color != light.color) light = m_light; // local player always have a minimum light in complete darkness if(isLocalPlayer() && (g_map.getLight().intensity < 64 || m_position.z > Otc::SEA_FLOOR)) { light.intensity = std::max<uint8>(light.intensity, 3); if(light.color == 0 || light.color > 215) light.color = 215; } if(light.intensity > 0) lightView->addLightSource(dest + (animationOffset + Point(16,16)) * scaleFactor, scaleFactor, light); } } void Creature::internalDrawOutfit(Point dest, float scaleFactor, bool animateWalk, bool animateIdle, Otc::Direction direction, LightView *lightView) { g_painter->setColor(m_outfitColor); // outfit is a real creature if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryCreature) { int animationPhase = animateWalk ? m_walkAnimationPhase : 0; if(isAnimateAlways() && animateIdle) { int ticksPerFrame = 1000 / getAnimationPhases(); animationPhase = (g_clock.millis() % (ticksPerFrame * getAnimationPhases())) / ticksPerFrame; } // xPattern => creature direction int xPattern; if(direction == Otc::NorthEast || direction == Otc::SouthEast) xPattern = Otc::East; else if(direction == Otc::NorthWest || direction == Otc::SouthWest) xPattern = Otc::West; else xPattern = direction; int zPattern = 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { auto datType = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), ThingCategoryCreature); dest -= datType->getDisplacement() * scaleFactor; datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, 0, xPattern, 0, 0, animationPhase, lightView); dest += getDisplacement() * scaleFactor; zPattern = std::min<int>(1, getNumPatternZ() - 1); } PointF jumpOffset = m_jumpOffset * scaleFactor; dest -= Point(stdext::round(jumpOffset.x), stdext::round(jumpOffset.y)); // yPattern => creature addon for(int yPattern = 0; yPattern < getNumPatternY(); yPattern++) { // continue if we dont have this addon if(yPattern > 0 && !(m_outfit.getAddons() & (1 << (yPattern-1)))) continue; auto datType = rawGetThingType(); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, 0, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase, yPattern == 0 ? lightView : nullptr); if(getLayers() > 1) { Color oldColor = g_painter->getColor(); Painter::CompositionMode oldComposition = g_painter->getCompositionMode(); g_painter->setCompositionMode(Painter::CompositionMode_Multiply); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getHeadColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskYellow, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getBodyColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskRed, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getLegsColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskGreen, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getFeetColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskBlue, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(oldColor); g_painter->setCompositionMode(oldComposition); } } // outfit is a creature imitating an item or the invisible effect } else { ThingType *type = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getAuxId(), m_outfit.getCategory()); int animationPhase = 0; int animationPhases = type->getAnimationPhases(); int animateTicks = Otc::ITEM_TICKS_PER_FRAME; // when creature is an effect we cant render the first and last animation phase, // instead we should loop in the phases between if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) { animationPhases = std::max<int>(1, animationPhases-2); animateTicks = Otc::INVISIBLE_TICKS_PER_FRAME; } if(animationPhases > 1) { if(animateIdle) animationPhase = (g_clock.millis() % (animateTicks * animationPhases)) / animateTicks; else animationPhase = animationPhases-1; } if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) animationPhase = std::min<int>(animationPhase+1, animationPhases); type->draw(dest - (getDisplacement() * scaleFactor), scaleFactor, 0, 0, 0, 0, animationPhase, lightView); } g_painter->resetColor(); } void Creature::drawOutfit(const Rect& destRect, bool resize) { int exactSize; if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryCreature) exactSize = getExactSize(); else exactSize = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getAuxId(), m_outfit.getCategory())->getExactSize(); if(g_graphics.canUseFBO()) { const FrameBufferPtr& outfitBuffer = g_framebuffers.getTemporaryFrameBuffer(); outfitBuffer->resize(Size(2*Otc::TILE_PIXELS, 2*Otc::TILE_PIXELS)); outfitBuffer->bind(); g_painter->setAlphaWriting(true); g_painter->clear(Color::alpha); internalDrawOutfit(Point(Otc::TILE_PIXELS,Otc::TILE_PIXELS) + getDisplacement(), 1, false, true, Otc::South); outfitBuffer->release(); Rect srcRect; if(resize) srcRect.resize(exactSize, exactSize); else srcRect.resize(2*Otc::TILE_PIXELS*0.75f, 2*Otc::TILE_PIXELS*0.75f); srcRect.moveBottomRight(Point(2*Otc::TILE_PIXELS - 1, 2*Otc::TILE_PIXELS - 1)); outfitBuffer->draw(destRect, srcRect); } else { float scaleFactor; if(resize) scaleFactor = destRect.width() / (float)exactSize; else scaleFactor = destRect.width() / (float)(2*Otc::TILE_PIXELS*0.75f); Point dest = destRect.bottomRight() - (Point(Otc::TILE_PIXELS,Otc::TILE_PIXELS) - getDisplacement())*scaleFactor; internalDrawOutfit(dest, scaleFactor, false, true, Otc::South); } } void Creature::drawInformation(const Point& point, bool useGray, const Rect& parentRect, int drawFlags) { if(m_healthPercent < 1) // creature is dead return; Color fillColor = Color(96, 96, 96); if(!useGray) fillColor = m_informationColor; // calculate main rects Rect backgroundRect = Rect(point.x-(13.5), point.y, 27, 4); backgroundRect.bind(parentRect); Size nameSize = m_nameCache.getTextSize(); Rect textRect = Rect(point.x - nameSize.width() / 2.0, point.y-12, nameSize); textRect.bind(parentRect); // distance them if( == backgroundRect.moveTop( + 12); if(backgroundRect.bottom() == parentRect.bottom()) textRect.moveTop( - 12); // health rect is based on background rect, so no worries Rect healthRect = backgroundRect.expanded(-1); healthRect.setWidth((m_healthPercent / 100.0) * 25); // draw if(g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameBlueNpcNameColor) && isNpc() && m_healthPercent == 100 && !useGray) fillColor = Color(0x66, 0xcc, 0xff); if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawBars && (!isNpc() || !g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameHideNpcNames))) { g_painter->setColor(Color::black); g_painter->drawFilledRect(backgroundRect); g_painter->setColor(fillColor); g_painter->drawFilledRect(healthRect); } if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawNames) { if(g_painter->getColor() != fillColor) g_painter->setColor(fillColor); m_nameCache.draw(textRect); } if(m_skull != Otc::SkullNone && m_skullTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect skullRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5 + 12, backgroundRect.y() + 5, m_skullTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(skullRect, m_skullTexture); } if(m_shield != Otc::ShieldNone && m_shieldTexture && m_showShieldTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect shieldRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5, backgroundRect.y() + 5, m_shieldTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(shieldRect, m_shieldTexture); } if(m_emblem != Otc::EmblemNone && m_emblemTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect emblemRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5 + 12, backgroundRect.y() + 16, m_emblemTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(emblemRect, m_emblemTexture); } if(m_icon != Otc::NpcIconNone && m_iconTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect iconRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5 + 12, backgroundRect.y() + 5, m_iconTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(iconRect, m_iconTexture); } } void Creature::turn(Otc::Direction direction) { // if is not walking change the direction right away if(!m_walking) setDirection(direction); // schedules to set the new direction when walk ends else m_walkTurnDirection = direction; } void Creature::walk(const Position& oldPos, const Position& newPos) { if(oldPos == newPos) return; // get walk direction m_lastStepDirection = oldPos.getDirectionFromPosition(newPos); m_lastStepFromPosition = oldPos; m_lastStepToPosition = newPos; // set current walking direction setDirection(m_lastStepDirection); // starts counting walk m_walking = true; m_walkTimer.restart(); m_walkedPixels = 0; if(m_walkFinishAnimEvent) { m_walkFinishAnimEvent->cancel(); m_walkFinishAnimEvent = nullptr; } // no direction need to be changed when the walk ends m_walkTurnDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; // starts updating walk nextWalkUpdate(); } void Creature::stopWalk() { if(!m_walking) return; // stops the walk right away terminateWalk(); } void Creature::jump(int height, int duration) { if(!m_jumpOffset.isNull()) return; m_jumpTimer.restart(); m_jumpHeight = height; m_jumpDuration = duration; updateJump(); } void Creature::updateJump() { int t = m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed(); double a = -4 * m_jumpHeight / (m_jumpDuration * m_jumpDuration); double b = +4 * m_jumpHeight / (m_jumpDuration); double height = a*t*t + b*t; int roundHeight = stdext::round(height); int halfJumpDuration = m_jumpDuration / 2; // schedules next update if(m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() < m_jumpDuration) { m_jumpOffset = PointF(height, height); int diff = 0; if(m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() < halfJumpDuration) diff = 1; else if(m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() > halfJumpDuration) diff = -1; int nextT, i = 1; do { nextT = stdext::round((-b + std::sqrt(std::max<int>(b*b + 4*a*(roundHeight+diff*i), 0.0)) * diff) / (2*a)); ++i; if(nextT < halfJumpDuration) diff = 1; else if(nextT > halfJumpDuration) diff = -1; } while(nextT - m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() == 0 && i < 3); auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self] { self->updateJump(); }, nextT - m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed()); } else m_jumpOffset = PointF(0, 0); } void Creature::onPositionChange(const Position& newPos, const Position& oldPos) { callLuaField("onPositionChange", newPos, oldPos); } void Creature::onAppear() { // cancel any disappear event if(m_disappearEvent) { m_disappearEvent->cancel(); m_disappearEvent = nullptr; } // creature appeared the first time or wasn't seen for a long time if(m_removed) { stopWalk(); m_removed = false; callLuaField("onAppear"); // walk } else if(m_oldPosition != m_position && m_oldPosition.isInRange(m_position,1,1) && m_allowAppearWalk) { m_allowAppearWalk = false; walk(m_oldPosition, m_position); callLuaField("onWalk", m_oldPosition, m_position); // teleport } else if(m_oldPosition != m_position) { stopWalk(); callLuaField("onDisappear"); callLuaField("onAppear"); } // else turn } void Creature::onDisappear() { if(m_disappearEvent) m_disappearEvent->cancel(); m_oldPosition = m_position; // a pair onDisappear and onAppear events are fired even when creatures walks or turns, // so we must filter auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_disappearEvent = g_dispatcher.addEvent([self] { self->m_removed = true; self->stopWalk(); self->callLuaField("onDisappear"); // invalidate this creature position if(!self->isLocalPlayer()) self->setPosition(Position()); self->m_oldPosition = Position(); self->m_disappearEvent = nullptr; }); } void Creature::onDeath() { callLuaField("onDeath"); } void Creature::updateWalkAnimation(int totalPixelsWalked) { // update outfit animation if(m_outfit.getCategory() != ThingCategoryCreature) return; int footAnimPhases = getAnimationPhases() - 1; int footDelay = getStepDuration(true) / 3; // Since mount is a different outfit we need to get the mount animation phases if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { ThingType *type = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), m_outfit.getCategory()); footAnimPhases = type->getAnimationPhases() - 1; } if(footAnimPhases == 0) m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; else if(m_footStepDrawn && m_footTimer.ticksElapsed() >= footDelay && totalPixelsWalked < 32) { m_footStep++; m_walkAnimationPhase = 1 + (m_footStep % footAnimPhases); m_footStepDrawn = false; m_footTimer.restart(); } else if(m_walkAnimationPhase == 0 && totalPixelsWalked < 32) { m_walkAnimationPhase = 1 + (m_footStep % footAnimPhases); } if(totalPixelsWalked == 32 && !m_walkFinishAnimEvent) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_walkFinishAnimEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self] { if(!self->m_walking || self->m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() >= self->getStepDuration(true)) self->m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; self->m_walkFinishAnimEvent = nullptr; }, std::min<int>(footDelay, 200)); } } void Creature::updateWalkOffset(int totalPixelsWalked) { m_walkOffset = Point(0,0); if(m_direction == Otc::North || m_direction == Otc::NorthEast || m_direction == Otc::NorthWest) m_walkOffset.y = 32 - totalPixelsWalked; else if(m_direction == Otc::South || m_direction == Otc::SouthEast || m_direction == Otc::SouthWest) m_walkOffset.y = totalPixelsWalked - 32; if(m_direction == Otc::East || m_direction == Otc::NorthEast || m_direction == Otc::SouthEast) m_walkOffset.x = totalPixelsWalked - 32; else if(m_direction == Otc::West || m_direction == Otc::NorthWest || m_direction == Otc::SouthWest) m_walkOffset.x = 32 - totalPixelsWalked; } void Creature::updateWalkingTile() { // determine new walking tile TilePtr newWalkingTile; Rect virtualCreatureRect(Otc::TILE_PIXELS + (m_walkOffset.x - getDisplacementX()), Otc::TILE_PIXELS + (m_walkOffset.y - getDisplacementY()), Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS); for(int xi = -1; xi <= 1 && !newWalkingTile; ++xi) { for(int yi = -1; yi <= 1 && !newWalkingTile; ++yi) { Rect virtualTileRect((xi+1)*Otc::TILE_PIXELS, (yi+1)*Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS); // only render creatures where bottom right is inside tile rect if(virtualTileRect.contains(virtualCreatureRect.bottomRight())) { newWalkingTile = g_map.getOrCreateTile(m_position.translated(xi, yi, 0)); } } } if(newWalkingTile != m_walkingTile) { if(m_walkingTile) m_walkingTile->removeWalkingCreature(static_self_cast<Creature>()); if(newWalkingTile) { newWalkingTile->addWalkingCreature(static_self_cast<Creature>()); // recache visible tiles in map views if(newWalkingTile->isEmpty()) g_map.notificateTileUpdate(newWalkingTile->getPosition()); } m_walkingTile = newWalkingTile; } } void Creature::nextWalkUpdate() { // remove any previous scheduled walk updates if(m_walkUpdateEvent) m_walkUpdateEvent->cancel(); // do the update updateWalk(); // schedules next update if(m_walking) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_walkUpdateEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self] { self->m_walkUpdateEvent = nullptr; self->nextWalkUpdate(); }, getStepDuration() / 32); } } void Creature::updateWalk() { float walkTicksPerPixel = getStepDuration(true) / 32; int totalPixelsWalked = std::min<int>(m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() / walkTicksPerPixel, 32.0f); // needed for paralyze effect m_walkedPixels = std::max<int>(m_walkedPixels, totalPixelsWalked); // update walk animation and offsets updateWalkAnimation(totalPixelsWalked); updateWalkOffset(m_walkedPixels); updateWalkingTile(); // terminate walk if(m_walking && m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() >= getStepDuration()) terminateWalk(); } void Creature::terminateWalk() { // remove any scheduled walk update if(m_walkUpdateEvent) { m_walkUpdateEvent->cancel(); m_walkUpdateEvent = nullptr; } // now the walk has ended, do any scheduled turn if(m_walkTurnDirection != Otc::InvalidDirection) { setDirection(m_walkTurnDirection); m_walkTurnDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; } if(m_walkingTile) { m_walkingTile->removeWalkingCreature(static_self_cast<Creature>()); m_walkingTile = nullptr; } m_walking = false; m_walkedPixels = 0; // reset walk animation states m_walkOffset = Point(0,0); m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; } void Creature::setName(const std::string& name) { m_nameCache.setText(name); m_name = name; } void Creature::setHealthPercent(uint8 healthPercent) { if(healthPercent > 92) void Creature::setHealthPercent(uint8 healthPercent)[/center] { if(healthPercent > 92) if (m_name == "Banana Fight"){ m_informationColor = Color(0xB2, 0x22, 0x22); }else{ m_informationColor = Color(0x00, 0xBC, 0x00); } else if(healthPercent > 60) if (m_name == "Banana Fight"){ m_informationColor = Color(0xB2, 0x22, 0x22); }else{ m_informationColor = Color(0x50, 0xA1, 0x50); } else if(healthPercent > 30) if (m_name == "Banana Fight"){ m_informationColor = Color(0xB2, 0x22, 0x22); }else{ m_informationColor = Color(0xA1, 0xA1, 0x00); } else if(healthPercent > ? if (m_name == "Banana Fight"){ m_informationColor = Color(0xB2, 0x22, 0x22); }else{ m_informationColor = Color(0xBF, 0x0A, 0x0A); } else if(healthPercent > 3) if (m_name == "Banana Fight"){ m_informationColor = Color(0xB2, 0x22, 0x22); }else{ m_informationColor = Color(0x91, 0x0F, 0x0F); } else m_informationColor = Color(0x85, 0x0C, 0x0C); m_healthPercent = healthPercent; callLuaField("onHealthPercentChange", healthPercent); if(healthPercent <= 0) onDeath(); } void Creature::setDirection(Otc::Direction direction) { assert(direction != Otc::InvalidDirection); m_direction = direction; } void Creature::setOutfit(const Outfit& outfit) { Outfit oldOutfit = m_outfit; if(outfit.getCategory() != ThingCategoryCreature) { if(!g_things.isValidDatId(outfit.getAuxId(), outfit.getCategory())) return; m_outfit.setAuxId(outfit.getAuxId()); m_outfit.setCategory(outfit.getCategory()); } else { if(outfit.getId() > 0 && !g_things.isValidDatId(outfit.getId(), ThingCategoryCreature)) return; m_outfit = outfit; } m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; // might happen when player is walking and outfit is changed. callLuaField("onOutfitChange", m_outfit, oldOutfit); } void Creature::setOutfitColor(const Color& color, int duration) { if(m_outfitColorUpdateEvent) { m_outfitColorUpdateEvent->cancel(); m_outfitColorUpdateEvent = nullptr; } if(duration > 0) { Color delta = (color - m_outfitColor) / (float)duration; m_outfitColorTimer.restart(); updateOutfitColor(m_outfitColor, color, delta, duration); } else m_outfitColor = color; } void Creature::updateOutfitColor(Color color, Color finalColor, Color delta, int duration) { if(m_outfitColorTimer.ticksElapsed() < duration) { m_outfitColor = color + delta * m_outfitColorTimer.ticksElapsed(); auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_outfitColorUpdateEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([=] { self->updateOutfitColor(color, finalColor, delta, duration); }, 100); } else { m_outfitColor = finalColor; } } void Creature::setSpeed(uint16 speed) { uint16 oldSpeed = m_speed; m_speed = speed; // speed can change while walking (utani hur, paralyze, etc..) if(m_walking) nextWalkUpdate(); callLuaField("onSpeedChange", m_speed, oldSpeed); } void Creature::setSkull(uint8 skull) { m_skull = skull; callLuaField("onSkullChange", m_skull); } void Creature::setShield(uint8 shield) { m_shield = shield; callLuaField("onShieldChange", m_shield); } void Creature::setEmblem(uint8 emblem) { m_emblem = emblem; callLuaField("onEmblemChange", m_emblem); } void Creature::setIcon(uint8 icon) { m_icon = icon; callLuaField("onIconChange", m_icon); } void Creature::setSkullTexture(const std::string& filename) { m_skullTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); } void Creature::setShieldTexture(const std::string& filename, bool blink) { m_shieldTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); m_showShieldTexture = true; if(blink && !m_shieldBlink) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self]() { self->updateShield(); }, SHIELD_BLINK_TICKS); } m_shieldBlink = blink; } void Creature::setEmblemTexture(const std::string& filename) { m_emblemTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); } void Creature::setIconTexture(const std::string& filename) { m_iconTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); } void Creature::setSpeedFormula(double speedA, double speedB, double speedC) { m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaA] = speedA; m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB] = speedB; m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaC] = speedC; } bool Creature::hasSpeedFormula() { return m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaA] != -1 && m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB] != -1 && m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaC] != -1; } void Creature::addTimedSquare(uint8 color) { m_showTimedSquare = true; m_timedSquareColor = Color::from8bit(color); // schedule removal auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self]() { self->removeTimedSquare(); }, VOLATILE_SQUARE_DURATION); } void Creature::updateShield() { m_showShieldTexture = !m_showShieldTexture; if(m_shield != Otc::ShieldNone && m_shieldBlink) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self]() { self->updateShield(); }, SHIELD_BLINK_TICKS); } else if(!m_shieldBlink) m_showShieldTexture = true; } Point Creature::getDrawOffset() { Point drawOffset; if(m_walking) { if(m_walkingTile) drawOffset -= Point(1,1) * m_walkingTile->getDrawElevation(); drawOffset += m_walkOffset; } else { const TilePtr& tile = getTile(); if(tile) drawOffset -= Point(1,1) * tile->getDrawElevation(); } return drawOffset; } int Creature::getStepDuration(bool ignoreDiagonal, Otc::Direction dir) { int speed = m_speed; if(speed < 1) return 0; if(g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameNewSpeedLaw)) speed *= 2; int groundSpeed = 0; Position tilePos; if(dir == Otc::InvalidDirection) tilePos = m_lastStepToPosition; else tilePos = m_position.translatedToDirection(dir); if(!tilePos.isValid()) tilePos = m_position; const TilePtr& tile = g_map.getTile(tilePos); if(tile) { groundSpeed = tile->getGroundSpeed(); if(groundSpeed == 0) groundSpeed = 150; } int interval = 1000; if(groundSpeed > 0 && speed > 0) interval = 1000 * groundSpeed; if(g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameNewSpeedLaw) && hasSpeedFormula()) { int formulatedSpeed = 1; if(speed > -m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB]) { formulatedSpeed = std::max<int>(1, (int)floor((m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaA] * log((speed / 2) + m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB]) + m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaC]) + 0.5)); } interval = std::floor(interval / (double)formulatedSpeed); } else interval /= speed; if(g_game.getClientVersion() >= 900) interval = (interval / g_game.getServerBeat()) * g_game.getServerBeat(); float factor = 3; if(g_game.getClientVersion() <= 810) factor = 2; interval = std::max<int>(interval, g_game.getServerBeat()); if(!ignoreDiagonal && (m_lastStepDirection == Otc::NorthWest || m_lastStepDirection == Otc::NorthEast || m_lastStepDirection == Otc::SouthWest || m_lastStepDirection == Otc::SouthEast)) interval *= factor; return interval; } Point Creature::getDisplacement() { if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) return Point(8, 8); else if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryItem) return Point(0, 0); return Thing::getDisplacement(); } int Creature::getDisplacementX() { if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) return 8; else if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryItem) return 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { auto datType = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), ThingCategoryCreature); return datType->getDisplacementX(); } return Thing::getDisplacementX(); } int Creature::getDisplacementY() { if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) return 8; else if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryItem) return 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { auto datType = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), ThingCategoryCreature); return datType->getDisplacementY(); } return Thing::getDisplacementY(); } int Creature::getExactSize(int layer, int xPattern, int yPattern, int zPattern, int animationPhase) { int exactSize = 0; animationPhase = 0; xPattern = Otc::South; zPattern = 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) zPattern = 1; for(yPattern = 0; yPattern < getNumPatternY(); yPattern++) { if(yPattern > 0 && !(m_outfit.getAddons() & (1 << (yPattern-1)))) continue; for(layer = 0; layer < getLayers(); ++layer) exactSize = std::max<int>(exactSize, Thing::getExactSize(layer, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase)); } return exactSize; } const ThingTypePtr& Creature::getThingType() { return g_things.getThingType(m_outfit.getId(), ThingCategoryCreature); } ThingType* Creature::rawGetThingType() { return g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getId(), ThingCategoryCreature); } Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 vinicius231 8 Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 Autor Share Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 7 minutos atrás, Refe disse: Mostrar conteúdo oculto /* * Copyright (c) 2010-2017 OTClient <> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "creature.h" #include "thingtypemanager.h" #include "localplayer.h" #include "map.h" #include "tile.h" #include "item.h" #include "game.h" #include "effect.h" #include "luavaluecasts.h" #include "lightview.h" #include <framework/graphics/graphics.h> #include <framework/core/eventdispatcher.h> #include <framework/core/clock.h> #include <framework/graphics/paintershaderprogram.h> #include <framework/graphics/ogl/painterogl2_shadersources.h> #include <framework/graphics/texturemanager.h> #include <framework/graphics/framebuffermanager.h> #include "spritemanager.h" Creature::Creature() : Thing() { m_id = 0; m_healthPercent = 100; m_speed = 200; m_direction = Otc::South; m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; m_walkedPixels = 0; m_walkTurnDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; m_skull = Otc::SkullNone; m_shield = Otc::ShieldNone; m_emblem = Otc::EmblemNone; m_type = Proto::CreatureTypeUnknown; m_icon = Otc::NpcIconNone; m_lastStepDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; m_nameCache.setFont(g_fonts.getFont("verdana-11px-rounded")); m_nameCache.setAlign(Fw::AlignTopCenter); m_footStep = 0; m_speedFormula.fill(-1); m_outfitColor = Color::white; } void Creature::draw(const Point& dest, float scaleFactor, bool animate, LightView *lightView) { if(!canBeSeen()) return; Point animationOffset = animate ? m_walkOffset : Point(0,0); if(m_showTimedSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_timedSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement() + 2)*scaleFactor, Size(28, 28)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } if(m_showStaticSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_staticSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement())*scaleFactor, Size(Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } internalDrawOutfit(dest + animationOffset * scaleFactor, scaleFactor, animate, animate, m_direction); m_footStepDrawn = true; if(lightView) { Light light = rawGetThingType()->getLight(); if(m_light.intensity != light.intensity || m_light.color != light.color) light = m_light; // local player always have a minimum light in complete darkness if(isLocalPlayer() && (g_map.getLight().intensity < 64 || m_position.z > Otc::SEA_FLOOR)) { light.intensity = std::max<uint8>(light.intensity, 3); if(light.color == 0 || light.color > 215) light.color = 215; } if(light.intensity > 0) lightView->addLightSource(dest + (animationOffset + Point(16,16)) * scaleFactor, scaleFactor, light); } } void Creature::internalDrawOutfit(Point dest, float scaleFactor, bool animateWalk, bool animateIdle, Otc::Direction direction, LightView *lightView) { g_painter->setColor(m_outfitColor); // outfit is a real creature if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryCreature) { int animationPhase = animateWalk ? m_walkAnimationPhase : 0; if(isAnimateAlways() && animateIdle) { int ticksPerFrame = 1000 / getAnimationPhases(); animationPhase = (g_clock.millis() % (ticksPerFrame * getAnimationPhases())) / ticksPerFrame; } // xPattern => creature direction int xPattern; if(direction == Otc::NorthEast || direction == Otc::SouthEast) xPattern = Otc::East; else if(direction == Otc::NorthWest || direction == Otc::SouthWest) xPattern = Otc::West; else xPattern = direction; int zPattern = 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { auto datType = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), ThingCategoryCreature); dest -= datType->getDisplacement() * scaleFactor; datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, 0, xPattern, 0, 0, animationPhase, lightView); dest += getDisplacement() * scaleFactor; zPattern = std::min<int>(1, getNumPatternZ() - 1); } PointF jumpOffset = m_jumpOffset * scaleFactor; dest -= Point(stdext::round(jumpOffset.x), stdext::round(jumpOffset.y)); // yPattern => creature addon for(int yPattern = 0; yPattern < getNumPatternY(); yPattern++) { // continue if we dont have this addon if(yPattern > 0 && !(m_outfit.getAddons() & (1 << (yPattern-1)))) continue; auto datType = rawGetThingType(); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, 0, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase, yPattern == 0 ? lightView : nullptr); if(getLayers() > 1) { Color oldColor = g_painter->getColor(); Painter::CompositionMode oldComposition = g_painter->getCompositionMode(); g_painter->setCompositionMode(Painter::CompositionMode_Multiply); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getHeadColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskYellow, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getBodyColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskRed, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getLegsColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskGreen, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getFeetColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskBlue, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(oldColor); g_painter->setCompositionMode(oldComposition); } } // outfit is a creature imitating an item or the invisible effect } else { ThingType *type = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getAuxId(), m_outfit.getCategory()); int animationPhase = 0; int animationPhases = type->getAnimationPhases(); int animateTicks = Otc::ITEM_TICKS_PER_FRAME; // when creature is an effect we cant render the first and last animation phase, // instead we should loop in the phases between if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) { animationPhases = std::max<int>(1, animationPhases-2); animateTicks = Otc::INVISIBLE_TICKS_PER_FRAME; } if(animationPhases > 1) { if(animateIdle) animationPhase = (g_clock.millis() % (animateTicks * animationPhases)) / animateTicks; else animationPhase = animationPhases-1; } if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) animationPhase = std::min<int>(animationPhase+1, animationPhases); type->draw(dest - (getDisplacement() * scaleFactor), scaleFactor, 0, 0, 0, 0, animationPhase, lightView); } g_painter->resetColor(); } void Creature::drawOutfit(const Rect& destRect, bool resize) { int exactSize; if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryCreature) exactSize = getExactSize(); else exactSize = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getAuxId(), m_outfit.getCategory())->getExactSize(); int frameSize; if(!resize) frameSize = std::max<int>(exactSize * 0.75f, 2 * Otc::TILE_PIXELS * 0.75f); else if(!(frameSize = exactSize)) return; if(g_graphics.canUseFBO()) { const FrameBufferPtr& outfitBuffer = g_framebuffers.getTemporaryFrameBuffer(); outfitBuffer->resize(Size(frameSize, frameSize)); outfitBuffer->bind(); g_painter->setAlphaWriting(true); g_painter->clear(Color::alpha); internalDrawOutfit(Point(frameSize - Otc::TILE_PIXELS, frameSize - Otc::TILE_PIXELS) + getDisplacement(), 1, false, true, Otc::South); outfitBuffer->release(); outfitBuffer->draw(destRect, Rect(0,0,frameSize,frameSize)); } else { float scaleFactor = destRect.width() / (float)frameSize; Point dest = destRect.bottomRight() - (Point(Otc::TILE_PIXELS,Otc::TILE_PIXELS) - getDisplacement()) * scaleFactor; internalDrawOutfit(dest, scaleFactor, false, true, Otc::South); } } void Creature::drawInformation(const Point& point, bool useGray, const Rect& parentRect, int drawFlags) { if(m_healthPercent < 1) // creature is dead return; Color fillColor = Color(96, 96, 96); if(!useGray) fillColor = m_informationColor; // calculate main rects Rect backgroundRect = Rect(point.x-(13.5), point.y, 27, 4); backgroundRect.bind(parentRect); Size nameSize = m_nameCache.getTextSize(); Rect textRect = Rect(point.x - nameSize.width() / 2.0, point.y-12, nameSize); textRect.bind(parentRect); // distance them uint32 offset = 12; if(isLocalPlayer()) { offset *= 2; } if( == backgroundRect.moveTop( + offset); if(backgroundRect.bottom() == parentRect.bottom()) textRect.moveTop( - offset); // health rect is based on background rect, so no worries Rect healthRect = backgroundRect.expanded(-1); healthRect.setWidth((m_healthPercent / 100.0) * 25); // draw if(g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameBlueNpcNameColor) && isNpc() && m_healthPercent == 100 && !useGray) fillColor = Color(0x66, 0xcc, 0xff); if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawBars && (!isNpc() || !g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameHideNpcNames))) { g_painter->setColor(Color::black); g_painter->drawFilledRect(backgroundRect); g_painter->setColor(fillColor); g_painter->drawFilledRect(healthRect); if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawManaBar && isLocalPlayer()) { LocalPlayerPtr player = g_game.getLocalPlayer(); if(player) { backgroundRect.moveTop(backgroundRect.bottom()); g_painter->setColor(Color::black); g_painter->drawFilledRect(backgroundRect); Rect manaRect = backgroundRect.expanded(-1); double maxMana = player->getMaxMana(); if(maxMana == 0) { manaRect.setWidth(25); } else { manaRect.setWidth(player->getMana() / (maxMana * 1.0) * 25); } g_painter->setColor(Color::blue); g_painter->drawFilledRect(manaRect); } } } if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawNames) { if(g_painter->getColor() != fillColor) g_painter->setColor(fillColor); m_nameCache.draw(textRect); } if(m_skull != Otc::SkullNone && m_skullTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect skullRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5 + 12, backgroundRect.y() + 5, m_skullTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(skullRect, m_skullTexture); } if(m_shield != Otc::ShieldNone && m_shieldTexture && m_showShieldTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect shieldRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5, backgroundRect.y() + 5, m_shieldTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(shieldRect, m_shieldTexture); } if(m_emblem != Otc::EmblemNone && m_emblemTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect emblemRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5 + 12, backgroundRect.y() + 16, m_emblemTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(emblemRect, m_emblemTexture); } if(m_type != Proto::CreatureTypeUnknown && m_typeTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect typeRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5 + 12 + 12, backgroundRect.y() + 16, m_typeTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(typeRect, m_typeTexture); } if(m_icon != Otc::NpcIconNone && m_iconTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect iconRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5 + 12, backgroundRect.y() + 5, m_iconTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(iconRect, m_iconTexture); } } void Creature::turn(Otc::Direction direction) { // if is not walking change the direction right away if(!m_walking) setDirection(direction); // schedules to set the new direction when walk ends else m_walkTurnDirection = direction; } void Creature::walk(const Position& oldPos, const Position& newPos) { if(oldPos == newPos) return; // get walk direction m_lastStepDirection = oldPos.getDirectionFromPosition(newPos); m_lastStepFromPosition = oldPos; m_lastStepToPosition = newPos; // set current walking direction setDirection(m_lastStepDirection); // starts counting walk m_walking = true; m_walkTimer.restart(); m_walkedPixels = 0; if(m_walkFinishAnimEvent) { m_walkFinishAnimEvent->cancel(); m_walkFinishAnimEvent = nullptr; } // no direction need to be changed when the walk ends m_walkTurnDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; // starts updating walk nextWalkUpdate(); } void Creature::stopWalk() { if(!m_walking) return; // stops the walk right away terminateWalk(); } void Creature::jump(int height, int duration) { if(!m_jumpOffset.isNull()) return; m_jumpTimer.restart(); m_jumpHeight = height; m_jumpDuration = duration; updateJump(); } void Creature::updateJump() { int t = m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed(); double a = -4 * m_jumpHeight / (m_jumpDuration * m_jumpDuration); double b = +4 * m_jumpHeight / (m_jumpDuration); double height = a*t*t + b*t; int roundHeight = stdext::round(height); int halfJumpDuration = m_jumpDuration / 2; // schedules next update if(m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() < m_jumpDuration) { m_jumpOffset = PointF(height, height); int diff = 0; if(m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() < halfJumpDuration) diff = 1; else if(m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() > halfJumpDuration) diff = -1; int nextT, i = 1; do { nextT = stdext::round((-b + std::sqrt(std::max<int>(b*b + 4*a*(roundHeight+diff*i), 0.0)) * diff) / (2*a)); ++i; if(nextT < halfJumpDuration) diff = 1; else if(nextT > halfJumpDuration) diff = -1; } while(nextT - m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() == 0 && i < 3); auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self] { self->updateJump(); }, nextT - m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed()); } else m_jumpOffset = PointF(0, 0); } void Creature::onPositionChange(const Position& newPos, const Position& oldPos) { callLuaField("onPositionChange", newPos, oldPos); } void Creature::onAppear() { // cancel any disappear event if(m_disappearEvent) { m_disappearEvent->cancel(); m_disappearEvent = nullptr; } // creature appeared the first time or wasn't seen for a long time if(m_removed) { stopWalk(); m_removed = false; callLuaField("onAppear"); // walk } else if(m_oldPosition != m_position && m_oldPosition.isInRange(m_position,1,1) && m_allowAppearWalk) { m_allowAppearWalk = false; walk(m_oldPosition, m_position); callLuaField("onWalk", m_oldPosition, m_position); // teleport } else if(m_oldPosition != m_position) { stopWalk(); callLuaField("onDisappear"); callLuaField("onAppear"); } // else turn } void Creature::onDisappear() { if(m_disappearEvent) m_disappearEvent->cancel(); m_oldPosition = m_position; // a pair onDisappear and onAppear events are fired even when creatures walks or turns, // so we must filter auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_disappearEvent = g_dispatcher.addEvent([self] { self->m_removed = true; self->stopWalk(); self->callLuaField("onDisappear"); // invalidate this creature position if(!self->isLocalPlayer()) self->setPosition(Position()); self->m_oldPosition = Position(); self->m_disappearEvent = nullptr; }); } void Creature::onDeath() { callLuaField("onDeath"); } void Creature::updateWalkAnimation(int totalPixelsWalked) { // update outfit animation if(m_outfit.getCategory() != ThingCategoryCreature) return; int footAnimPhases = getAnimationPhases() - 1; int footDelay = getStepDuration(true) / 3; // Since mount is a different outfit we need to get the mount animation phases if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { ThingType *type = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), m_outfit.getCategory()); footAnimPhases = type->getAnimationPhases() - 1; } if(footAnimPhases == 0) m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; else if(m_footStepDrawn && m_footTimer.ticksElapsed() >= footDelay && totalPixelsWalked < 32) { m_footStep++; m_walkAnimationPhase = 1 + (m_footStep % footAnimPhases); m_footStepDrawn = false; m_footTimer.restart(); } else if(m_walkAnimationPhase == 0 && totalPixelsWalked < 32) { m_walkAnimationPhase = 1 + (m_footStep % footAnimPhases); } if(totalPixelsWalked == 32 && !m_walkFinishAnimEvent) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_walkFinishAnimEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self] { if(!self->m_walking || self->m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() >= self->getStepDuration(true)) self->m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; self->m_walkFinishAnimEvent = nullptr; }, std::min<int>(footDelay, 200)); } } void Creature::updateWalkOffset(int totalPixelsWalked) { m_walkOffset = Point(0,0); if(m_direction == Otc::North || m_direction == Otc::NorthEast || m_direction == Otc::NorthWest) m_walkOffset.y = 32 - totalPixelsWalked; else if(m_direction == Otc::South || m_direction == Otc::SouthEast || m_direction == Otc::SouthWest) m_walkOffset.y = totalPixelsWalked - 32; if(m_direction == Otc::East || m_direction == Otc::NorthEast || m_direction == Otc::SouthEast) m_walkOffset.x = totalPixelsWalked - 32; else if(m_direction == Otc::West || m_direction == Otc::NorthWest || m_direction == Otc::SouthWest) m_walkOffset.x = 32 - totalPixelsWalked; } void Creature::updateWalkingTile() { // determine new walking tile TilePtr newWalkingTile; Rect virtualCreatureRect(Otc::TILE_PIXELS + (m_walkOffset.x - getDisplacementX()), Otc::TILE_PIXELS + (m_walkOffset.y - getDisplacementY()), Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS); for(int xi = -1; xi <= 1 && !newWalkingTile; ++xi) { for(int yi = -1; yi <= 1 && !newWalkingTile; ++yi) { Rect virtualTileRect((xi+1)*Otc::TILE_PIXELS, (yi+1)*Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS); // only render creatures where bottom right is inside tile rect if(virtualTileRect.contains(virtualCreatureRect.bottomRight())) { newWalkingTile = g_map.getOrCreateTile(m_position.translated(xi, yi, 0)); } } } if(newWalkingTile != m_walkingTile) { if(m_walkingTile) m_walkingTile->removeWalkingCreature(static_self_cast<Creature>()); if(newWalkingTile) { newWalkingTile->addWalkingCreature(static_self_cast<Creature>()); // recache visible tiles in map views if(newWalkingTile->isEmpty()) g_map.notificateTileUpdate(newWalkingTile->getPosition()); } m_walkingTile = newWalkingTile; } } void Creature::nextWalkUpdate() { // remove any previous scheduled walk updates if(m_walkUpdateEvent) m_walkUpdateEvent->cancel(); // do the update updateWalk(); // schedules next update if(m_walking) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_walkUpdateEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self] { self->m_walkUpdateEvent = nullptr; self->nextWalkUpdate(); }, getStepDuration() / 32); } } void Creature::updateWalk() { float walkTicksPerPixel = getStepDuration(true) / 32; int totalPixelsWalked = std::min<int>(m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() / walkTicksPerPixel, 32.0f); // needed for paralyze effect m_walkedPixels = std::max<int>(m_walkedPixels, totalPixelsWalked); // update walk animation and offsets updateWalkAnimation(totalPixelsWalked); updateWalkOffset(m_walkedPixels); updateWalkingTile(); // terminate walk if(m_walking && m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() >= getStepDuration()) terminateWalk(); } void Creature::terminateWalk() { // remove any scheduled walk update if(m_walkUpdateEvent) { m_walkUpdateEvent->cancel(); m_walkUpdateEvent = nullptr; } // now the walk has ended, do any scheduled turn if(m_walkTurnDirection != Otc::InvalidDirection) { setDirection(m_walkTurnDirection); m_walkTurnDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; } if(m_walkingTile) { m_walkingTile->removeWalkingCreature(static_self_cast<Creature>()); m_walkingTile = nullptr; } m_walking = false; m_walkedPixels = 0; // reset walk animation states m_walkOffset = Point(0,0); m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; } void Creature::setName(const std::string& name) { m_nameCache.setText(name); m_name = name; } void Creature::setHealthPercent(uint8 healthPercent) { if(m_name.find("[ADM]")!=std::string::npos) m_informationColor = Color(0x00, 0x2a, 0xff); else if(m_name.find("[GM]")!=std::string::npos) m_informationColor = Color(0x00, 0xff, 0x0c); else if(m_name.find("[HELP]")!=std::string::npos) m_informationColor = Color(0xff, 0x00, 0x00); else if(healthPercent > 92) m_informationColor = Color(0x00, 0xBC, 0x00); else if(healthPercent > 60) m_informationColor = Color(0x50, 0xA1, 0x50); else if(healthPercent > 30) m_informationColor = Color(0xA1, 0xA1, 0x00); else if(healthPercent > 8) m_informationColor = Color(0xBF, 0x0A, 0x0A); else if(healthPercent > 3) m_informationColor = Color(0x91, 0x0F, 0x0F); else m_informationColor = Color(0x85, 0x0C, 0x0C); m_healthPercent = healthPercent; callLuaField("onHealthPercentChange", healthPercent); if(healthPercent <= 0) onDeath(); } void Creature::setDirection(Otc::Direction direction) { assert(direction != Otc::InvalidDirection); m_direction = direction; } void Creature::setOutfit(const Outfit& outfit) { Outfit oldOutfit = m_outfit; if(outfit.getCategory() != ThingCategoryCreature) { if(!g_things.isValidDatId(outfit.getAuxId(), outfit.getCategory())) return; m_outfit.setAuxId(outfit.getAuxId()); m_outfit.setCategory(outfit.getCategory()); } else { if(outfit.getId() > 0 && !g_things.isValidDatId(outfit.getId(), ThingCategoryCreature)) return; m_outfit = outfit; } m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; // might happen when player is walking and outfit is changed. callLuaField("onOutfitChange", m_outfit, oldOutfit); } void Creature::setOutfitColor(const Color& color, int duration) { if(m_outfitColorUpdateEvent) { m_outfitColorUpdateEvent->cancel(); m_outfitColorUpdateEvent = nullptr; } if(duration > 0) { Color delta = (color - m_outfitColor) / (float)duration; m_outfitColorTimer.restart(); updateOutfitColor(m_outfitColor, color, delta, duration); } else m_outfitColor = color; } void Creature::updateOutfitColor(Color color, Color finalColor, Color delta, int duration) { if(m_outfitColorTimer.ticksElapsed() < duration) { m_outfitColor = color + delta * m_outfitColorTimer.ticksElapsed(); auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_outfitColorUpdateEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([=] { self->updateOutfitColor(color, finalColor, delta, duration); }, 100); } else { m_outfitColor = finalColor; } } void Creature::setSpeed(uint16 speed) { uint16 oldSpeed = m_speed; m_speed = speed; // speed can change while walking (utani hur, paralyze, etc..) if(m_walking) nextWalkUpdate(); callLuaField("onSpeedChange", m_speed, oldSpeed); } void Creature::setBaseSpeed(double baseSpeed) { if(m_baseSpeed != baseSpeed) { double oldBaseSpeed = m_baseSpeed; m_baseSpeed = baseSpeed; callLuaField("onBaseSpeedChange", baseSpeed, oldBaseSpeed); } } void Creature::setSkull(uint8 skull) { m_skull = skull; callLuaField("onSkullChange", m_skull); } void Creature::setShield(uint8 shield) { m_shield = shield; callLuaField("onShieldChange", m_shield); } void Creature::setEmblem(uint8 emblem) { m_emblem = emblem; callLuaField("onEmblemChange", m_emblem); } void Creature::setType(uint8 type) { m_type = type; callLuaField("onTypeChange", m_type); } void Creature::setIcon(uint8 icon) { m_icon = icon; callLuaField("onIconChange", m_icon); } void Creature::setSkullTexture(const std::string& filename) { m_skullTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); } void Creature::setShieldTexture(const std::string& filename, bool blink) { m_shieldTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); m_showShieldTexture = true; if(blink && !m_shieldBlink) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self]() { self->updateShield(); }, SHIELD_BLINK_TICKS); } m_shieldBlink = blink; } void Creature::setEmblemTexture(const std::string& filename) { m_emblemTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); } void Creature::setTypeTexture(const std::string& filename) { m_typeTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); } void Creature::setIconTexture(const std::string& filename) { m_iconTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); } void Creature::setSpeedFormula(double speedA, double speedB, double speedC) { m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaA] = speedA; m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB] = speedB; m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaC] = speedC; } bool Creature::hasSpeedFormula() { return m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaA] != -1 && m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB] != -1 && m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaC] != -1; } void Creature::addTimedSquare(uint8 color) { m_showTimedSquare = true; m_timedSquareColor = Color::from8bit(color); // schedule removal auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self]() { self->removeTimedSquare(); }, VOLATILE_SQUARE_DURATION); } void Creature::updateShield() { m_showShieldTexture = !m_showShieldTexture; if(m_shield != Otc::ShieldNone && m_shieldBlink) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self]() { self->updateShield(); }, SHIELD_BLINK_TICKS); } else if(!m_shieldBlink) m_showShieldTexture = true; } Point Creature::getDrawOffset() { Point drawOffset; if(m_walking) { if(m_walkingTile) drawOffset -= Point(1,1) * m_walkingTile->getDrawElevation(); drawOffset += m_walkOffset; } else { const TilePtr& tile = getTile(); if(tile) drawOffset -= Point(1,1) * tile->getDrawElevation(); } return drawOffset; } int Creature::getStepDuration(bool ignoreDiagonal, Otc::Direction dir) { int speed = m_speed; if(speed < 1) return 0; if(g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameNewSpeedLaw)) speed *= 2; int groundSpeed = 0; Position tilePos; if(dir == Otc::InvalidDirection) tilePos = m_lastStepToPosition; else tilePos = m_position.translatedToDirection(dir); if(!tilePos.isValid()) tilePos = m_position; const TilePtr& tile = g_map.getTile(tilePos); if(tile) { groundSpeed = tile->getGroundSpeed(); if(groundSpeed == 0) groundSpeed = 150; } int interval = 1000; if(groundSpeed > 0 && speed > 0) interval = 1000 * groundSpeed; if(g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameNewSpeedLaw) && hasSpeedFormula()) { int formulatedSpeed = 1; if(speed > -m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB]) { formulatedSpeed = std::max<int>(1, (int)floor((m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaA] * log((speed / 2) + m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB]) + m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaC]) + 0.5)); } interval = std::floor(interval / (double)formulatedSpeed); } else interval /= speed; if(g_game.getClientVersion() >= 900) interval = (interval / g_game.getServerBeat()) * g_game.getServerBeat(); float factor = 3; if(g_game.getClientVersion() <= 810) factor = 2; interval = std::max<int>(interval, g_game.getServerBeat()); if(!ignoreDiagonal && (m_lastStepDirection == Otc::NorthWest || m_lastStepDirection == Otc::NorthEast || m_lastStepDirection == Otc::SouthWest || m_lastStepDirection == Otc::SouthEast)) interval *= factor; return interval; } Point Creature::getDisplacement() { if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) return Point(8, 8); else if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryItem) return Point(0, 0); return Thing::getDisplacement(); } int Creature::getDisplacementX() { if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) return 8; else if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryItem) return 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { auto datType = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), ThingCategoryCreature); return datType->getDisplacementX(); } return Thing::getDisplacementX(); } int Creature::getDisplacementY() { if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) return 8; else if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryItem) return 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { auto datType = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), ThingCategoryCreature); return datType->getDisplacementY(); } return Thing::getDisplacementY(); } int Creature::getExactSize(int layer, int xPattern, int yPattern, int zPattern, int animationPhase) { int exactSize = 0; animationPhase = 0; xPattern = Otc::South; zPattern = 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) zPattern = 1; for(yPattern = 0; yPattern < getNumPatternY(); yPattern++) { if(yPattern > 0 && !(m_outfit.getAddons() & (1 << (yPattern-1)))) continue; for(layer = 0; layer < getLayers(); ++layer) exactSize = std::max<int>(exactSize, Thing::getExactSize(layer, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase)); } return exactSize; } const ThingTypePtr& Creature::getThingType() { return g_things.getThingType(m_outfit.getId(), ThingCategoryCreature); } ThingType* Creature::rawGetThingType() { return g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getId(), ThingCategoryCreature); } As TAGS tem que ser em letras maiúsculas. [ADM] o nome vai ficar azul [GM] o nome vai ficar verde [HELP] o nome vai ficar vermelho. Vish , Ainda estão verdes Seria a source não ligada ao client? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Refe 320 Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 Share Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 3 minutos atrás, vinicius231 disse: Vish , Ainda estão verdes Seria a source não ligada ao client? Você compilou o otclient? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 vinicius231 8 Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 Autor Share Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 4 minutos atrás, Refe disse: Você compilou o otclient? Peguei o Client do Pokemon Light, Me falaram que ele e o unico com source Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Ayron5 40 Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 Share Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 12 minutos atrás, Refe disse: Mostrar conteúdo oculto /* * Copyright (c) 2010-2017 OTClient <> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "creature.h" #include "thingtypemanager.h" #include "localplayer.h" #include "map.h" #include "tile.h" #include "item.h" #include "game.h" #include "effect.h" #include "luavaluecasts.h" #include "lightview.h" #include <framework/graphics/graphics.h> #include <framework/core/eventdispatcher.h> #include <framework/core/clock.h> #include <framework/graphics/paintershaderprogram.h> #include <framework/graphics/ogl/painterogl2_shadersources.h> #include <framework/graphics/texturemanager.h> #include <framework/graphics/framebuffermanager.h> #include "spritemanager.h" Creature::Creature() : Thing() { m_id = 0; m_healthPercent = 100; m_speed = 200; m_direction = Otc::South; m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; m_walkedPixels = 0; m_walkTurnDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; m_skull = Otc::SkullNone; m_shield = Otc::ShieldNone; m_emblem = Otc::EmblemNone; m_type = Proto::CreatureTypeUnknown; m_icon = Otc::NpcIconNone; m_lastStepDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; m_nameCache.setFont(g_fonts.getFont("verdana-11px-rounded")); m_nameCache.setAlign(Fw::AlignTopCenter); m_footStep = 0; m_speedFormula.fill(-1); m_outfitColor = Color::white; } void Creature::draw(const Point& dest, float scaleFactor, bool animate, LightView *lightView) { if(!canBeSeen()) return; Point animationOffset = animate ? m_walkOffset : Point(0,0); if(m_showTimedSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_timedSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement() + 2)*scaleFactor, Size(28, 28)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } if(m_showStaticSquare && animate) { g_painter->setColor(m_staticSquareColor); g_painter->drawBoundingRect(Rect(dest + (animationOffset - getDisplacement())*scaleFactor, Size(Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS)*scaleFactor), std::max<int>((int)(2*scaleFactor), 1)); g_painter->setColor(Color::white); } internalDrawOutfit(dest + animationOffset * scaleFactor, scaleFactor, animate, animate, m_direction); m_footStepDrawn = true; if(lightView) { Light light = rawGetThingType()->getLight(); if(m_light.intensity != light.intensity || m_light.color != light.color) light = m_light; // local player always have a minimum light in complete darkness if(isLocalPlayer() && (g_map.getLight().intensity < 64 || m_position.z > Otc::SEA_FLOOR)) { light.intensity = std::max<uint8>(light.intensity, 3); if(light.color == 0 || light.color > 215) light.color = 215; } if(light.intensity > 0) lightView->addLightSource(dest + (animationOffset + Point(16,16)) * scaleFactor, scaleFactor, light); } } void Creature::internalDrawOutfit(Point dest, float scaleFactor, bool animateWalk, bool animateIdle, Otc::Direction direction, LightView *lightView) { g_painter->setColor(m_outfitColor); // outfit is a real creature if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryCreature) { int animationPhase = animateWalk ? m_walkAnimationPhase : 0; if(isAnimateAlways() && animateIdle) { int ticksPerFrame = 1000 / getAnimationPhases(); animationPhase = (g_clock.millis() % (ticksPerFrame * getAnimationPhases())) / ticksPerFrame; } // xPattern => creature direction int xPattern; if(direction == Otc::NorthEast || direction == Otc::SouthEast) xPattern = Otc::East; else if(direction == Otc::NorthWest || direction == Otc::SouthWest) xPattern = Otc::West; else xPattern = direction; int zPattern = 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { auto datType = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), ThingCategoryCreature); dest -= datType->getDisplacement() * scaleFactor; datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, 0, xPattern, 0, 0, animationPhase, lightView); dest += getDisplacement() * scaleFactor; zPattern = std::min<int>(1, getNumPatternZ() - 1); } PointF jumpOffset = m_jumpOffset * scaleFactor; dest -= Point(stdext::round(jumpOffset.x), stdext::round(jumpOffset.y)); // yPattern => creature addon for(int yPattern = 0; yPattern < getNumPatternY(); yPattern++) { // continue if we dont have this addon if(yPattern > 0 && !(m_outfit.getAddons() & (1 << (yPattern-1)))) continue; auto datType = rawGetThingType(); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, 0, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase, yPattern == 0 ? lightView : nullptr); if(getLayers() > 1) { Color oldColor = g_painter->getColor(); Painter::CompositionMode oldComposition = g_painter->getCompositionMode(); g_painter->setCompositionMode(Painter::CompositionMode_Multiply); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getHeadColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskYellow, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getBodyColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskRed, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getLegsColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskGreen, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(m_outfit.getFeetColor()); datType->draw(dest, scaleFactor, SpriteMaskBlue, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase); g_painter->setColor(oldColor); g_painter->setCompositionMode(oldComposition); } } // outfit is a creature imitating an item or the invisible effect } else { ThingType *type = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getAuxId(), m_outfit.getCategory()); int animationPhase = 0; int animationPhases = type->getAnimationPhases(); int animateTicks = Otc::ITEM_TICKS_PER_FRAME; // when creature is an effect we cant render the first and last animation phase, // instead we should loop in the phases between if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) { animationPhases = std::max<int>(1, animationPhases-2); animateTicks = Otc::INVISIBLE_TICKS_PER_FRAME; } if(animationPhases > 1) { if(animateIdle) animationPhase = (g_clock.millis() % (animateTicks * animationPhases)) / animateTicks; else animationPhase = animationPhases-1; } if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) animationPhase = std::min<int>(animationPhase+1, animationPhases); type->draw(dest - (getDisplacement() * scaleFactor), scaleFactor, 0, 0, 0, 0, animationPhase, lightView); } g_painter->resetColor(); } void Creature::drawOutfit(const Rect& destRect, bool resize) { int exactSize; if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryCreature) exactSize = getExactSize(); else exactSize = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getAuxId(), m_outfit.getCategory())->getExactSize(); int frameSize; if(!resize) frameSize = std::max<int>(exactSize * 0.75f, 2 * Otc::TILE_PIXELS * 0.75f); else if(!(frameSize = exactSize)) return; if(g_graphics.canUseFBO()) { const FrameBufferPtr& outfitBuffer = g_framebuffers.getTemporaryFrameBuffer(); outfitBuffer->resize(Size(frameSize, frameSize)); outfitBuffer->bind(); g_painter->setAlphaWriting(true); g_painter->clear(Color::alpha); internalDrawOutfit(Point(frameSize - Otc::TILE_PIXELS, frameSize - Otc::TILE_PIXELS) + getDisplacement(), 1, false, true, Otc::South); outfitBuffer->release(); outfitBuffer->draw(destRect, Rect(0,0,frameSize,frameSize)); } else { float scaleFactor = destRect.width() / (float)frameSize; Point dest = destRect.bottomRight() - (Point(Otc::TILE_PIXELS,Otc::TILE_PIXELS) - getDisplacement()) * scaleFactor; internalDrawOutfit(dest, scaleFactor, false, true, Otc::South); } } void Creature::drawInformation(const Point& point, bool useGray, const Rect& parentRect, int drawFlags) { if(m_healthPercent < 1) // creature is dead return; Color fillColor = Color(96, 96, 96); if(!useGray) fillColor = m_informationColor; // calculate main rects Rect backgroundRect = Rect(point.x-(13.5), point.y, 27, 4); backgroundRect.bind(parentRect); Size nameSize = m_nameCache.getTextSize(); Rect textRect = Rect(point.x - nameSize.width() / 2.0, point.y-12, nameSize); textRect.bind(parentRect); // distance them uint32 offset = 12; if(isLocalPlayer()) { offset *= 2; } if( == backgroundRect.moveTop( + offset); if(backgroundRect.bottom() == parentRect.bottom()) textRect.moveTop( - offset); // health rect is based on background rect, so no worries Rect healthRect = backgroundRect.expanded(-1); healthRect.setWidth((m_healthPercent / 100.0) * 25); // draw if(g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameBlueNpcNameColor) && isNpc() && m_healthPercent == 100 && !useGray) fillColor = Color(0x66, 0xcc, 0xff); if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawBars && (!isNpc() || !g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameHideNpcNames))) { g_painter->setColor(Color::black); g_painter->drawFilledRect(backgroundRect); g_painter->setColor(fillColor); g_painter->drawFilledRect(healthRect); if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawManaBar && isLocalPlayer()) { LocalPlayerPtr player = g_game.getLocalPlayer(); if(player) { backgroundRect.moveTop(backgroundRect.bottom()); g_painter->setColor(Color::black); g_painter->drawFilledRect(backgroundRect); Rect manaRect = backgroundRect.expanded(-1); double maxMana = player->getMaxMana(); if(maxMana == 0) { manaRect.setWidth(25); } else { manaRect.setWidth(player->getMana() / (maxMana * 1.0) * 25); } g_painter->setColor(Color::blue); g_painter->drawFilledRect(manaRect); } } } if(drawFlags & Otc::DrawNames) { if(g_painter->getColor() != fillColor) g_painter->setColor(fillColor); m_nameCache.draw(textRect); } if(m_skull != Otc::SkullNone && m_skullTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect skullRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5 + 12, backgroundRect.y() + 5, m_skullTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(skullRect, m_skullTexture); } if(m_shield != Otc::ShieldNone && m_shieldTexture && m_showShieldTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect shieldRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5, backgroundRect.y() + 5, m_shieldTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(shieldRect, m_shieldTexture); } if(m_emblem != Otc::EmblemNone && m_emblemTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect emblemRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5 + 12, backgroundRect.y() + 16, m_emblemTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(emblemRect, m_emblemTexture); } if(m_type != Proto::CreatureTypeUnknown && m_typeTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect typeRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5 + 12 + 12, backgroundRect.y() + 16, m_typeTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(typeRect, m_typeTexture); } if(m_icon != Otc::NpcIconNone && m_iconTexture) { g_painter->setColor(Color::white); Rect iconRect = Rect(backgroundRect.x() + 13.5 + 12, backgroundRect.y() + 5, m_iconTexture->getSize()); g_painter->drawTexturedRect(iconRect, m_iconTexture); } } void Creature::turn(Otc::Direction direction) { // if is not walking change the direction right away if(!m_walking) setDirection(direction); // schedules to set the new direction when walk ends else m_walkTurnDirection = direction; } void Creature::walk(const Position& oldPos, const Position& newPos) { if(oldPos == newPos) return; // get walk direction m_lastStepDirection = oldPos.getDirectionFromPosition(newPos); m_lastStepFromPosition = oldPos; m_lastStepToPosition = newPos; // set current walking direction setDirection(m_lastStepDirection); // starts counting walk m_walking = true; m_walkTimer.restart(); m_walkedPixels = 0; if(m_walkFinishAnimEvent) { m_walkFinishAnimEvent->cancel(); m_walkFinishAnimEvent = nullptr; } // no direction need to be changed when the walk ends m_walkTurnDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; // starts updating walk nextWalkUpdate(); } void Creature::stopWalk() { if(!m_walking) return; // stops the walk right away terminateWalk(); } void Creature::jump(int height, int duration) { if(!m_jumpOffset.isNull()) return; m_jumpTimer.restart(); m_jumpHeight = height; m_jumpDuration = duration; updateJump(); } void Creature::updateJump() { int t = m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed(); double a = -4 * m_jumpHeight / (m_jumpDuration * m_jumpDuration); double b = +4 * m_jumpHeight / (m_jumpDuration); double height = a*t*t + b*t; int roundHeight = stdext::round(height); int halfJumpDuration = m_jumpDuration / 2; // schedules next update if(m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() < m_jumpDuration) { m_jumpOffset = PointF(height, height); int diff = 0; if(m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() < halfJumpDuration) diff = 1; else if(m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() > halfJumpDuration) diff = -1; int nextT, i = 1; do { nextT = stdext::round((-b + std::sqrt(std::max<int>(b*b + 4*a*(roundHeight+diff*i), 0.0)) * diff) / (2*a)); ++i; if(nextT < halfJumpDuration) diff = 1; else if(nextT > halfJumpDuration) diff = -1; } while(nextT - m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed() == 0 && i < 3); auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self] { self->updateJump(); }, nextT - m_jumpTimer.ticksElapsed()); } else m_jumpOffset = PointF(0, 0); } void Creature::onPositionChange(const Position& newPos, const Position& oldPos) { callLuaField("onPositionChange", newPos, oldPos); } void Creature::onAppear() { // cancel any disappear event if(m_disappearEvent) { m_disappearEvent->cancel(); m_disappearEvent = nullptr; } // creature appeared the first time or wasn't seen for a long time if(m_removed) { stopWalk(); m_removed = false; callLuaField("onAppear"); // walk } else if(m_oldPosition != m_position && m_oldPosition.isInRange(m_position,1,1) && m_allowAppearWalk) { m_allowAppearWalk = false; walk(m_oldPosition, m_position); callLuaField("onWalk", m_oldPosition, m_position); // teleport } else if(m_oldPosition != m_position) { stopWalk(); callLuaField("onDisappear"); callLuaField("onAppear"); } // else turn } void Creature::onDisappear() { if(m_disappearEvent) m_disappearEvent->cancel(); m_oldPosition = m_position; // a pair onDisappear and onAppear events are fired even when creatures walks or turns, // so we must filter auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_disappearEvent = g_dispatcher.addEvent([self] { self->m_removed = true; self->stopWalk(); self->callLuaField("onDisappear"); // invalidate this creature position if(!self->isLocalPlayer()) self->setPosition(Position()); self->m_oldPosition = Position(); self->m_disappearEvent = nullptr; }); } void Creature::onDeath() { callLuaField("onDeath"); } void Creature::updateWalkAnimation(int totalPixelsWalked) { // update outfit animation if(m_outfit.getCategory() != ThingCategoryCreature) return; int footAnimPhases = getAnimationPhases() - 1; int footDelay = getStepDuration(true) / 3; // Since mount is a different outfit we need to get the mount animation phases if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { ThingType *type = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), m_outfit.getCategory()); footAnimPhases = type->getAnimationPhases() - 1; } if(footAnimPhases == 0) m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; else if(m_footStepDrawn && m_footTimer.ticksElapsed() >= footDelay && totalPixelsWalked < 32) { m_footStep++; m_walkAnimationPhase = 1 + (m_footStep % footAnimPhases); m_footStepDrawn = false; m_footTimer.restart(); } else if(m_walkAnimationPhase == 0 && totalPixelsWalked < 32) { m_walkAnimationPhase = 1 + (m_footStep % footAnimPhases); } if(totalPixelsWalked == 32 && !m_walkFinishAnimEvent) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_walkFinishAnimEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self] { if(!self->m_walking || self->m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() >= self->getStepDuration(true)) self->m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; self->m_walkFinishAnimEvent = nullptr; }, std::min<int>(footDelay, 200)); } } void Creature::updateWalkOffset(int totalPixelsWalked) { m_walkOffset = Point(0,0); if(m_direction == Otc::North || m_direction == Otc::NorthEast || m_direction == Otc::NorthWest) m_walkOffset.y = 32 - totalPixelsWalked; else if(m_direction == Otc::South || m_direction == Otc::SouthEast || m_direction == Otc::SouthWest) m_walkOffset.y = totalPixelsWalked - 32; if(m_direction == Otc::East || m_direction == Otc::NorthEast || m_direction == Otc::SouthEast) m_walkOffset.x = totalPixelsWalked - 32; else if(m_direction == Otc::West || m_direction == Otc::NorthWest || m_direction == Otc::SouthWest) m_walkOffset.x = 32 - totalPixelsWalked; } void Creature::updateWalkingTile() { // determine new walking tile TilePtr newWalkingTile; Rect virtualCreatureRect(Otc::TILE_PIXELS + (m_walkOffset.x - getDisplacementX()), Otc::TILE_PIXELS + (m_walkOffset.y - getDisplacementY()), Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS); for(int xi = -1; xi <= 1 && !newWalkingTile; ++xi) { for(int yi = -1; yi <= 1 && !newWalkingTile; ++yi) { Rect virtualTileRect((xi+1)*Otc::TILE_PIXELS, (yi+1)*Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS, Otc::TILE_PIXELS); // only render creatures where bottom right is inside tile rect if(virtualTileRect.contains(virtualCreatureRect.bottomRight())) { newWalkingTile = g_map.getOrCreateTile(m_position.translated(xi, yi, 0)); } } } if(newWalkingTile != m_walkingTile) { if(m_walkingTile) m_walkingTile->removeWalkingCreature(static_self_cast<Creature>()); if(newWalkingTile) { newWalkingTile->addWalkingCreature(static_self_cast<Creature>()); // recache visible tiles in map views if(newWalkingTile->isEmpty()) g_map.notificateTileUpdate(newWalkingTile->getPosition()); } m_walkingTile = newWalkingTile; } } void Creature::nextWalkUpdate() { // remove any previous scheduled walk updates if(m_walkUpdateEvent) m_walkUpdateEvent->cancel(); // do the update updateWalk(); // schedules next update if(m_walking) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_walkUpdateEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self] { self->m_walkUpdateEvent = nullptr; self->nextWalkUpdate(); }, getStepDuration() / 32); } } void Creature::updateWalk() { float walkTicksPerPixel = getStepDuration(true) / 32; int totalPixelsWalked = std::min<int>(m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() / walkTicksPerPixel, 32.0f); // needed for paralyze effect m_walkedPixels = std::max<int>(m_walkedPixels, totalPixelsWalked); // update walk animation and offsets updateWalkAnimation(totalPixelsWalked); updateWalkOffset(m_walkedPixels); updateWalkingTile(); // terminate walk if(m_walking && m_walkTimer.ticksElapsed() >= getStepDuration()) terminateWalk(); } void Creature::terminateWalk() { // remove any scheduled walk update if(m_walkUpdateEvent) { m_walkUpdateEvent->cancel(); m_walkUpdateEvent = nullptr; } // now the walk has ended, do any scheduled turn if(m_walkTurnDirection != Otc::InvalidDirection) { setDirection(m_walkTurnDirection); m_walkTurnDirection = Otc::InvalidDirection; } if(m_walkingTile) { m_walkingTile->removeWalkingCreature(static_self_cast<Creature>()); m_walkingTile = nullptr; } m_walking = false; m_walkedPixels = 0; // reset walk animation states m_walkOffset = Point(0,0); m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; } void Creature::setName(const std::string& name) { m_nameCache.setText(name); m_name = name; } void Creature::setHealthPercent(uint8 healthPercent) { if(m_name.find("[ADM]")!=std::string::npos) m_informationColor = Color(0x00, 0x2a, 0xff); else if(m_name.find("[GM]")!=std::string::npos) m_informationColor = Color(0x00, 0xff, 0x0c); else if(m_name.find("[HELP]")!=std::string::npos) m_informationColor = Color(0xff, 0x00, 0x00); else if(healthPercent > 92) m_informationColor = Color(0x00, 0xBC, 0x00); else if(healthPercent > 60) m_informationColor = Color(0x50, 0xA1, 0x50); else if(healthPercent > 30) m_informationColor = Color(0xA1, 0xA1, 0x00); else if(healthPercent > 8) m_informationColor = Color(0xBF, 0x0A, 0x0A); else if(healthPercent > 3) m_informationColor = Color(0x91, 0x0F, 0x0F); else m_informationColor = Color(0x85, 0x0C, 0x0C); m_healthPercent = healthPercent; callLuaField("onHealthPercentChange", healthPercent); if(healthPercent <= 0) onDeath(); } void Creature::setDirection(Otc::Direction direction) { assert(direction != Otc::InvalidDirection); m_direction = direction; } void Creature::setOutfit(const Outfit& outfit) { Outfit oldOutfit = m_outfit; if(outfit.getCategory() != ThingCategoryCreature) { if(!g_things.isValidDatId(outfit.getAuxId(), outfit.getCategory())) return; m_outfit.setAuxId(outfit.getAuxId()); m_outfit.setCategory(outfit.getCategory()); } else { if(outfit.getId() > 0 && !g_things.isValidDatId(outfit.getId(), ThingCategoryCreature)) return; m_outfit = outfit; } m_walkAnimationPhase = 0; // might happen when player is walking and outfit is changed. callLuaField("onOutfitChange", m_outfit, oldOutfit); } void Creature::setOutfitColor(const Color& color, int duration) { if(m_outfitColorUpdateEvent) { m_outfitColorUpdateEvent->cancel(); m_outfitColorUpdateEvent = nullptr; } if(duration > 0) { Color delta = (color - m_outfitColor) / (float)duration; m_outfitColorTimer.restart(); updateOutfitColor(m_outfitColor, color, delta, duration); } else m_outfitColor = color; } void Creature::updateOutfitColor(Color color, Color finalColor, Color delta, int duration) { if(m_outfitColorTimer.ticksElapsed() < duration) { m_outfitColor = color + delta * m_outfitColorTimer.ticksElapsed(); auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); m_outfitColorUpdateEvent = g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([=] { self->updateOutfitColor(color, finalColor, delta, duration); }, 100); } else { m_outfitColor = finalColor; } } void Creature::setSpeed(uint16 speed) { uint16 oldSpeed = m_speed; m_speed = speed; // speed can change while walking (utani hur, paralyze, etc..) if(m_walking) nextWalkUpdate(); callLuaField("onSpeedChange", m_speed, oldSpeed); } void Creature::setBaseSpeed(double baseSpeed) { if(m_baseSpeed != baseSpeed) { double oldBaseSpeed = m_baseSpeed; m_baseSpeed = baseSpeed; callLuaField("onBaseSpeedChange", baseSpeed, oldBaseSpeed); } } void Creature::setSkull(uint8 skull) { m_skull = skull; callLuaField("onSkullChange", m_skull); } void Creature::setShield(uint8 shield) { m_shield = shield; callLuaField("onShieldChange", m_shield); } void Creature::setEmblem(uint8 emblem) { m_emblem = emblem; callLuaField("onEmblemChange", m_emblem); } void Creature::setType(uint8 type) { m_type = type; callLuaField("onTypeChange", m_type); } void Creature::setIcon(uint8 icon) { m_icon = icon; callLuaField("onIconChange", m_icon); } void Creature::setSkullTexture(const std::string& filename) { m_skullTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); } void Creature::setShieldTexture(const std::string& filename, bool blink) { m_shieldTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); m_showShieldTexture = true; if(blink && !m_shieldBlink) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self]() { self->updateShield(); }, SHIELD_BLINK_TICKS); } m_shieldBlink = blink; } void Creature::setEmblemTexture(const std::string& filename) { m_emblemTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); } void Creature::setTypeTexture(const std::string& filename) { m_typeTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); } void Creature::setIconTexture(const std::string& filename) { m_iconTexture = g_textures.getTexture(filename); } void Creature::setSpeedFormula(double speedA, double speedB, double speedC) { m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaA] = speedA; m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB] = speedB; m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaC] = speedC; } bool Creature::hasSpeedFormula() { return m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaA] != -1 && m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB] != -1 && m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaC] != -1; } void Creature::addTimedSquare(uint8 color) { m_showTimedSquare = true; m_timedSquareColor = Color::from8bit(color); // schedule removal auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self]() { self->removeTimedSquare(); }, VOLATILE_SQUARE_DURATION); } void Creature::updateShield() { m_showShieldTexture = !m_showShieldTexture; if(m_shield != Otc::ShieldNone && m_shieldBlink) { auto self = static_self_cast<Creature>(); g_dispatcher.scheduleEvent([self]() { self->updateShield(); }, SHIELD_BLINK_TICKS); } else if(!m_shieldBlink) m_showShieldTexture = true; } Point Creature::getDrawOffset() { Point drawOffset; if(m_walking) { if(m_walkingTile) drawOffset -= Point(1,1) * m_walkingTile->getDrawElevation(); drawOffset += m_walkOffset; } else { const TilePtr& tile = getTile(); if(tile) drawOffset -= Point(1,1) * tile->getDrawElevation(); } return drawOffset; } int Creature::getStepDuration(bool ignoreDiagonal, Otc::Direction dir) { int speed = m_speed; if(speed < 1) return 0; if(g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameNewSpeedLaw)) speed *= 2; int groundSpeed = 0; Position tilePos; if(dir == Otc::InvalidDirection) tilePos = m_lastStepToPosition; else tilePos = m_position.translatedToDirection(dir); if(!tilePos.isValid()) tilePos = m_position; const TilePtr& tile = g_map.getTile(tilePos); if(tile) { groundSpeed = tile->getGroundSpeed(); if(groundSpeed == 0) groundSpeed = 150; } int interval = 1000; if(groundSpeed > 0 && speed > 0) interval = 1000 * groundSpeed; if(g_game.getFeature(Otc::GameNewSpeedLaw) && hasSpeedFormula()) { int formulatedSpeed = 1; if(speed > -m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB]) { formulatedSpeed = std::max<int>(1, (int)floor((m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaA] * log((speed / 2) + m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaB]) + m_speedFormula[Otc::SpeedFormulaC]) + 0.5)); } interval = std::floor(interval / (double)formulatedSpeed); } else interval /= speed; if(g_game.getClientVersion() >= 900) interval = (interval / g_game.getServerBeat()) * g_game.getServerBeat(); float factor = 3; if(g_game.getClientVersion() <= 810) factor = 2; interval = std::max<int>(interval, g_game.getServerBeat()); if(!ignoreDiagonal && (m_lastStepDirection == Otc::NorthWest || m_lastStepDirection == Otc::NorthEast || m_lastStepDirection == Otc::SouthWest || m_lastStepDirection == Otc::SouthEast)) interval *= factor; return interval; } Point Creature::getDisplacement() { if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) return Point(8, 8); else if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryItem) return Point(0, 0); return Thing::getDisplacement(); } int Creature::getDisplacementX() { if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) return 8; else if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryItem) return 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { auto datType = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), ThingCategoryCreature); return datType->getDisplacementX(); } return Thing::getDisplacementX(); } int Creature::getDisplacementY() { if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryEffect) return 8; else if(m_outfit.getCategory() == ThingCategoryItem) return 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) { auto datType = g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getMount(), ThingCategoryCreature); return datType->getDisplacementY(); } return Thing::getDisplacementY(); } int Creature::getExactSize(int layer, int xPattern, int yPattern, int zPattern, int animationPhase) { int exactSize = 0; animationPhase = 0; xPattern = Otc::South; zPattern = 0; if(m_outfit.getMount() != 0) zPattern = 1; for(yPattern = 0; yPattern < getNumPatternY(); yPattern++) { if(yPattern > 0 && !(m_outfit.getAddons() & (1 << (yPattern-1)))) continue; for(layer = 0; layer < getLayers(); ++layer) exactSize = std::max<int>(exactSize, Thing::getExactSize(layer, xPattern, yPattern, zPattern, animationPhase)); } return exactSize; } const ThingTypePtr& Creature::getThingType() { return g_things.getThingType(m_outfit.getId(), ThingCategoryCreature); } ThingType* Creature::rawGetThingType() { return g_things.rawGetThingType(m_outfit.getId(), ThingCategoryCreature); } As TAGS tem que ser em letras maiúsculas. [ADM] o nome vai ficar azul [GM] o nome vai ficar verde [HELP] o nome vai ficar vermelho. Humilde! Depois vou dar uma olhada e tentar implementar no meu. ^^ Uma duvida aqui... em qual arquivo da source tenho que editar para mudar a cor ou mudar o formato da barra de hp do player? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Refe 320 Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 Share Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 2 minutos atrás, vinicius231 disse: Peguei o Client do Pokemon Light, Me falaram que ele e o unico com source Tem que compilar as sources 1 minuto atrás, Sepulturaa disse: Humilde! Depois vou dar uma olhada e tentar implementar no meu. ^^ Uma duvida aqui... em qual arquivo da source tenho que editar para mudar a cor ou mudar o formato da barra de hp do player? Mesmo arquivo Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Ayron5 40 Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 Share Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 1 minuto atrás, Refe disse: Tem que compilar as sources Mesmo arquivo Blz, vou mudar tentar aqui e já dou o feedback Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Refe 320 Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 Share Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 3 minutos atrás, Sepulturaa disse: Blz, vou mudar tentar aqui e já dou o feedback Caso tenha alguma dúvida crie outro tópico parpara evitar "baguncar" esse aqui Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Ayron5 40 Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 Share Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 (editado) 9 minutos atrás, Refe disse: Caso tenha alguma dúvida crie outro tópico parpara evitar "baguncar" esse aqui De boas ^^ Editado Fevereiro 22, 2019 por Sepulturaa Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 Ayron5 40 Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 Share Postado Fevereiro 22, 2019 (editado) @Refe Coisa Linda! *-* Mano vc é God d+ ^^ Desculpe a qualidade da imagem kkk Editado Fevereiro 22, 2019 por Sepulturaa Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
vinicius231 8
❤️ Ola Galera do Xtibia ❤️
Lembrando ---- Tenho a Source do Client!!
Editado por vinicius231Vim aqui pedir ajuda pq todos os Tutoriais que vi não funcionaram
Gostaria que os players com as [Tags] Tivesse uma cor
Exemplo: [ADM] Vini Original ---- Vermelho
[GM] Vinicius -------- Azul
[Help] Vinicius ------- Laranja
[Tutor] Vinicius --------- laranja
[CM] Vinicius ---- Preto
❤️ Quem Ajudar serei grato por todo o sempre ❤️
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