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function onLogout(player) local city, registry = CityWars.getPlayerWar(player) if city then city:onLogout(player) end return trueend function onPrepareDeath(player, killer) local city, registry = CityWars.getPlayerWar(player) city:onDeath(player, registry, killer) return falseend local function newSetting(func, format, id) return { format = format, func = func, current = 0, id = id }end local function getSetting(settings, id) for _, setting in ipairs(settings) do if setting.id == id then return (setting.func(setting.current)) end endend local function filter(list, predicate) local ret = {} for k, v in ipairs(list) do if predicate(v) then table.insert(ret, v) end end return retend local function getGuildLeaders(guild) return filter(guild:getMembersOnline(), function(p) return p:getGuildLevel() >= CityWars.minGuildRank end) end local SETTING_CITY = 0local SETTING_BUYIN = 1local SETTING_FRAGLIMIT = 2local SETTING_UE = 3local SETTING_SD = 4local SETTING_TEAMSIZE = 5 local function sendWarSettings(player, info) local enemyGuild = Guild(info.invitedGuildId) if enemyGuild then local window = ModalWindow { title = 'War against ' .. enemyGuild:getName(), message = 'Settings:' } info.settings = info.settings or { newSetting(function(n) if n < CITY_WAR_FIRST then n = CITY_WAR_FIRST elseif n > CITY_WAR_LAST then n = CITY_WAR_LAST end return CityWars[n].name, n end, 'City: %s', SETTING_CITY), newSetting(function(n) n = math.max(0, n) return n * CityWars.buyInMultiplier, n end, 'Buy in: %d gold coins', SETTING_BUYIN), newSetting(function(n) n = math.max(1, n) return n * CityWars.fragLimitMultiplier, n end, 'Frag limit: %d kills', SETTING_FRAGLIMIT), newSetting(function(n) return n % 2 == 0, n end, 'U.E enabled: %s', SETTING_UE), newSetting(function(n) return n % 2 ~= 0, n end, 'S.D only: %s', SETTING_SD), newSetting(function(n) n = math.max(1, n) return n * CityWars.teamSizeMultiplier, n end, 'Team size: %d', SETTING_TEAMSIZE) } for _, setting in ipairs(info.settings) do local s, n = setting.func(setting.current) local choice = window:addChoice(setting.format:format(s)) choice.setting = setting setting.current = n end window:addButton('<', function(button, choice) choice.setting.current = choice.setting.current - 1 sendWarSettings(player, info) end) window:addButton('Ok', function(button, choice) local guild = player:getGuild() if not guild then return player:sendCancelMessage('You do not belong to a guild.') end local enemyGuild = Guild(info.invitedGuildId) if not enemyGuild then return player:sendCancelMessage('Enemy guild not found.') else local ret = CityWars.isValidGuild(enemyGuild) if ret == CW_RETURNVALUE_TOOFEWPLAYERS then return player:sendCancelMessage('The enemy guild has too few online players to be able to participate in a city war.') elseif ret == CW_RETURNVALUE_TOOFEWUNIQUEIPS then return player:sendCancelMessage('The enemy guild has too few unique ip addresses to be able to participate in a city war.') end end local enemyLeaders = getGuildLeaders(enemyGuild) if #enemyLeaders == 0 then return player:sendCancelMessage('There is no one online in the enemy guild able to accept a city war request.') end local city = CityWars.getCityByName(getSetting(info.settings, SETTING_CITY)) if not city then return player:sendCancelMessage('City not found.') elseif not city:isFree() then return player:sendCancelMessage(city:getName() .. ' is being used at the moment.') end local options = { city = city, ultimateExplosion = getSetting(info.settings, SETTING_UE), fragLimit = getSetting(info.settings, SETTING_FRAGLIMIT), suddenDeathOnly = getSetting(info.settings, SETTING_SD), teamSize = getSetting(info.settings, SETTING_TEAMSIZE), buyIn = getSetting(info.settings, SETTING_BUYIN) } if guild:getBankBalance() < options.buyIn then return player:sendCancelMessage('Your guild does not have enough funds in the bank to pay the buy in.') end local ret = CityWars.onInvite(city, player, enemyGuild, enemyLeaders, options) if ret == CW_RETURNVALUE_LIVEINVITE then return player:sendCancelMessage('The last invite you sent to this guild is still active.') elseif ret == CW_RETURNVALUE_INVITERINWAR then return player:sendCancelMessage('You can only invite another guild for war after your current one ends.') elseif ret == CW_RETURNVALUE_INVITEDINWAR then return player:sendCancelMessage('The guild you invited is currently in war.') elseif ret == CW_RETURNVALUE_NOERROR then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, 'The invite was sent. The enemy guild\'s leader has two minutes to accept it.') local guildName = player:getGuild():getName() for _, leader in ipairs(enemyLeaders) do leader:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, '"' .. player:getName() .. '" from guild "' .. guildName .. '" has invited your guild for a city war. If you wish to accept, head to a temple and read the guild book.') leader:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, CityWars.getOptionsString(options)) end end end) window:setDefaultEnterButton('Ok') window:addButton('>', function(button, choice) choice.setting.current = choice.setting.current + 1 sendWarSettings(player, info) end) window:addButton('Cancel') window:sendToPlayer(player) end return falseend function onTextEdit(player, item, text) player:unregisterEvent('CityWarInvite') if item:getId() == CityWars.inviteItemId then local enemy = {} for k, v in ipairs(Game.getPlayers()) do local tmp = v:getGuild() if tmp and tmp:getName():lower() == text:lower() then enemy.guild = tmp enemy.leaders = getGuildLeaders(enemy.guild) break end end if not enemy.guild then return player:sendCancelMessage('Enemy guild not found.') else local guild = player:getGuild() if not guild then return player:sendCancelMessage('You do not belong to a guild.') end if guild:getId() == enemy.guild:getId() then return player:sendCancelMessage('You can not start a war against your own guild.') end local ret = CityWars.isValidGuild(enemy.guild) if ret == CW_RETURNVALUE_TOOFEWPLAYERS then return player:sendCancelMessage('The enemy guild has too few online players to be able to participate in a city war.') elseif ret == CW_RETURNVALUE_TOOFEWUNIQUEIPS then return player:sendCancelMessage('The enemy guild has too few unique ip addresses to be able to participate in a city war.') end end if #enemy.leaders == 0 then return player:sendCancelMessage('There are no online leaders on the enemy guild.') end return sendWarSettings(player, { invitedGuildId = enemy.guild:getId() }) endend
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