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Comando Para Ver Quantidade De Skills


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bom se for um comando para o próprio player usar, para saber valores dele mesmo ( que eu axei uma coisa estranha, pois para ver seus status é facil ), vc vai usar este script:


function onSay(cid, words)
local tab = {
["!level"] =  getPlayerLevel(cid),
["!magic"] = getPlayerMagLevel(cid),
["!hp"] = getCreatureMaxHealth(cid),
["!mana"] = getPlayerMana(cid),
["!first"] = getPlayerSkill(cid, 0),
["!club"] = getPlayerSkill(cid, 1),
["!sword"] = getPlayerSkill(cid, 2),
["!axe"] = getPlayerSkill(cid, 3),
["!distance"] = getPlayerSkill(cid, 4),
["!shield"] = getPlayerSkill(cid, 5),
["!fishing"] =  getPlayerSkill(cid, 6)
return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "You have "..words:sub(2, #words)):upper()..": "[words])



<talkaction words="!level;!magic;!hp;!mana;!fist;!club;!sword;!axe;!distance;!shield;!fishing" event="script" value="NOME DO ARQUIVO.lua"/>


agora se for um script para saber os skills de outro player exemplo !level Fulano, vc vai usar este script:


function onSay(cid, words, param)
if not param or param == "" then
	return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Param Require.")
local pid = getPlayerByName(param)
if pid then
	local tab = {
		["!level"] =  getPlayerLevel(pid),
		["!magic"] = getPlayerMagLevel(pid),
		["!hp"] = getCreatureMaxHealth(pid),
		["!mana"] = getPlayerMana(pid),
		["!first"] = getPlayerSkill(pid, 0),
		["!club"] = getPlayerSkill(pid, 1),
		["!sword"] = getPlayerSkill(pid, 2),
		["!axe"] = getPlayerSkill(pid, 3),
		["!distance"] = getPlayerSkill(pid, 4),
		["!shield"] = getPlayerSkill(pid, 5),
		["!fishing"] =  getPlayerSkill(pid, 6)
	return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, getCreatureName(pid).." have "..words:sub(2, #words)):upper()..": "[words])
	return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Player not found.")



<talkaction words="!level;!magic;!hp;!mana;!fist;!club;!sword;!axe;!distance;!shield;!fishing" event="script" value="NOME DO ARQUIVO.lua"/>


e se for só para adms usar a tag é:

<talkaction words="!level;!magic;!hp;!mana;!fist;!club;!sword;!axe;!distance;!shield;!fishing" event="script" access="5" value="NOME DO ARQUIVO.lua"/>



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