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Comandos 8.40-8.50


/attr group 1 a 6 * * /attr group 1 (tira gm,cm,tutor,god) /attr group 2 (tutor) /attr group 3 (s. tutor) /attr group 4 (GameMaster) /attr group 5 (CommunityManager) /attr group 6 (GoD) *

/attr attack 9999 * * Almenta Attack De Armas , Menos Wand *

/attr position * * De Look Em Algum Lugar e pegue a position e coloque tipo : [X : 160] [Z : 54] [Y : 7 ] ( /attr position 160 54 7 )*

/attr defense 9999 * * Almenta Defesa De Shield e Armas *

/attr armor 9999 * *Almenta Armadura ,Armor,Legs,Backpack,Bag,Helmet,Boots,Ring*

/attr name " * * Muda O Nome Do Iten Precisa Do " *

/attr text " * * Coloca (You Read Na Placa) *

/a -2 * *Anda Em Quadrados De Traz Pra Frente *

/mode 1,2,3 * *Muda PVP ( /mode 1,NOPVP | /mode 2,PVP | /mode 3,PvPe *


/a 2 * * Anda Em Quadrados

/i * * Cria Item * EX : /i crystal coin ... /i 2160

/n * * Cria Npc's *

/m * * Cria Monster's *

/c * * Puxa Player's *

/goto * * Vai Ate Players *

/t * * Leva Voce Ou Player Ate O Templo *

/bc * * Fala Em Vermelho Sem Nome * Tambem Pode Ser /bc green ; white,blue

/b * * Fala Em Vermelho Com Nome *

/pvp * * Ve Em Que Tipo Esta PvP *

/ghost * * Invisibilidade *

/info PLAYER * * Ve As Informaçoes e a conta do player *

/down 1,2,3* * Pra Baixo *

/up 1,2,3 * * Pra Cima *

/kick PLAYER * * Kika O Player *

/r 0 a 100 * * Kika Player,Tira Monster,Tira Item *

/openserver * * Abre O Server Para Todos *

/closeserver * * Fexa O Server Para Players *

/save * Salva O Server *


Comandos 8.54-8.60





/attr group 1 a 6 * * /attr group 1 (tira gm,cm,tutor,god) /attr group 2 (tutor) /attr group 3 (s. tutor) /attr group 4 (GameMaster) /attr group 5 (CommunityManager) /attr group 6 (GoD) *

/attr set attack 9999 * * Almenta Attack De Armas , Menos Wand *

/attr set defense 9999 * * Almenta Defesa De Shield e Armas *

/attr set armor 9999 * *Almenta Armadura ,Armor,Legs,Backpack,Bag,Helmet,Boots,Ring*

/attr set name " * * Muda O Nome Do Iten Precisa Do " *

/attr set text " * * Coloca (You Read Na Placa) *

/a -2 * *Anda Em Quadrados De Traz Pra Frente *

/a 2 * * Anda Em Quadrados

/i NOME OU ID DE ITEM* * Cria Item * EX : /i crystal coin ... /i 2160

/n NOME DO NPC* * Cria Npc's *

/m NOME * * Cria Monster's *

/c NOME * * Puxa Player's *

/goto * * Vai Ate Players *

/t NOME * * Leva Voce Ou Player Ate O Templo *

/bc * * Fala Em Vermelho Sem Nome * Tambem Pode Ser /bc green ; white,blue

/b * * Fala Em Vermelho Com Nome *

/pvp * * Ve Em Que Tipo Esta PvP *

/ghost * * Invisibilidade *

/info PLAYER * * Ve As Informaçoes e a conta do player *

/down 1,2,3* * Pra Baixo *

/up 1,2,3 * * Pra Cima *

/kick PLAYER * * Kika O Player *

/r 0 a 100 * * Kika Player,Tira Monster,Tira Item *

/openserver * * Abre O Server Para Todos *

/closeserver * * Fexa O Server Para Players *

/save * Salva O Server *

/attr position * * De Look Em Algum Lugar e pegue a position e coloque tipo : [X : 160] [Z : 54] [Y : 7 ] ( /attr position 160 54 7 )*

Editado por ApocaDoido
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  • 2 weeks later...

os comandos podem ser achados no ot serve com um tutorial e exemplos

ele fica na pasta Docs.

procure o arquivo COMMANDS_HELP abra como WolrdPad


[ COMMANDS HELP Project Name The Forgotten Server Version 0.3.6 Codenamed Crying Damson License GNU GPLv3 Forum ] [ ABOUT List of all commands 'aka talkactions. Parameters, values, example usage, etc. ] [ LIST /addskill Adds player a specified amount of a skill. Parameters playerName, skillType, <optional>amount Values skillType level/magic/fist/club/sword/axe/distance/shielding/fishing Examples /addskill Eternal Oblivion, sword (+1 sword skill) /addskill GM Test, level, 30 (+30 levels) /attr Changes thing properties. Parameters type, value Values type * Items set erase action/actionid/aid unique/uniqueid/uid destination/position/pos/destpos * Creatures health maxhealth mana maxmana basespeed droploot lossskill cannotmove skull speaktype * Players fyi tutorial guildrank guildnick group vocation sex stamina town balance marriage rates resetidle execute saving Examples /attr aid 300 /attr set text "Hello guys /attr skull 2 /serverdiag Works only if software is precompiled with __ENABLE_SERVER_DIAGNOSTIC__ Displays diagnostic informations. /closeserver Closes server. All players without proper access will be kicked. /openserver Opens server. /shutdown Saves & Shutdowns server. Parameters <optional>time/kill/stop Examples /shutdown 3 (Shutdown after 3 minutes) /shutdown stop (Stop shutdown event) /shutdown kill (Exit without save) /shutdown (Immediately) /mode Changes world's pvp type. Parameters pvpType nopvp/pvp/pvpenforced Example /mode nopvp /promote & /demote Promote or demote specified player to higher/lower group. Parameters playerName Examples /promote Tester /demote Tester /s Summons a monster. Parameters monsterName <optional>playerName Examples /s Dragon /s rat, GM Tester (Summon rat at GM Tester position) /n Creates a NPC. Parameters npcName <optional>playerName Example /n Eryn /n Eryn, GM Tester (Create NPC at GM Tester position) /m Creates a monster. Parameters monsterName <optional>playerName Examples /m Orshabaal /m Rotworm, GM Tester (Create monster at GM Tester position) /reload Reloads selected values/scripts. Parameters: what (What should be reloaded) actions/channels/config/creatureevents/gameservers/globalevents groups/highscores/houseprices/items/monsters/moveevents/npcs outfits/quests/raids/spells/stages/talkactions/vocations/weapons all Examples /reload spells /reload houseprices /reload all /raid Executes a raid. Parameters raidName Examples /raid orshabaal /newtype Outfit changer. Parameters lookType, <optional>playerName Examples /newtype 266 /newtype 13, Eternal Oblivion /r Removes an item or a creature from a tile. Notice: Player is a creature so you may use it with players. Parameters <otional>amount/all Examples /r all (Removes all items from tile) /r 3 (Removes first 3 items from tile) /owner Changes house owner. Parameters newOwnerName Values: player name, or 'none/nobody/0' (Clear owner) <optional>clean (Default: yes) Examples /owner Eternal Oblivion,no (Change owner without cleaning house) /owner Eternal Oblivion,yes (Change owner and clean house) /owner Eternal Oblivion (Same as above) /owner none /storage Displays or modify player storage. Parameters playerName storageKey <optional>newValue Examples /storage Eternal Oblivion,30015 (display value of storage 30015) /storage Eternal Oblivion,30015,1 (set value to 1) /config Displays config value. Parameters configOption Examples /config serverName /config gamePort /config displayCriticalHitNotify /i Creates an item. Parameters id/name <optional>count <optional>onGround Should item be created on ground? <optional>lookDir Should item be created on player looking pos? Examples /i magic plate armor /i 2160, 50 (50 crystal coins) /i 2160, 50, yes (Will be created under player) /i 2160, 50, yes, yes (Will be created at ground, where player is looking) /z Displays magic effect. Parameters effectId Example !z 4 /x Displays animation effect. Parameters animationId Example !x 29 /y Displays animated text. Parameters <optional>colorId (0-255) text Examples !y Hello !y 50, Hi! Colored text ;-) /bc Broadcast message in color. Parameters <optional>color (Default: red) Values: advance/event/white/orange/info/green/small/blue/red/warning/status message Examples: /bc green;Hello! /bc Hiho /mkick Mass kick. Parameters rangeX rangeY <optional>multiFloor (Default: no) Example /mkick 3,3 (Kick all players on same floor in 3x3 range) /ghost Enables/disables ghost mode. You're invisible for other players, if enabled. /squelch Enables/disables private messages ignoring. Player aren't be able to message you, if enabled. /cliport Enables/disables map click teleportation. /t Teleports to a temple. Parameters <optional>playerName Examples /t /t Eternal Oblivion /c Teleports a creature to you. Notice: Player is a creature so you may use it with players Example /c Demon /goto Teleports you to creature/place/position Parameters creatureName/waypointName/position Examples /goto 123,60,7 /goto eryn /goto dragon /goto GM Tester /a Teleports you n tiles forward (direction same as looking at). Parameters <optional> n (Default: 1) <optional>playerName Examples /a 3 /a /a 28, GM Tester /kick Kicks a creature. If you leave param blank - will try to kick your target creature if selected. Parameters playerName Example /kick Taifun Devilry /send Send player to specified position/waypoint/creature Parameters playerName position/waypoint/creature Examples /send GM Tester; 100, 50, 7 /send GM Tester, dragon /send GM Tester, GM Someone /unban Unbans by account or player name. Parameters account/playerName /town Teleports to a town. Parameters townName, <optional>playerName Examples /town main city /town desert city, Test Player Name Here /up Teleports up. Parameters <optional>floors Examples /up /up 3 (3 floors up) /down Teleports down. Parameters <optional>floors Examples /down /down 2 (2 floors down) /save Saves server. /clean Cleans map or tile. Parameters <optional>tile <optional>time Time in minutes to clean. Examples /clean 5 (Clean map after 5 minutes) /clean (Clean map immediately) /clean tile (Clean tile you're standing on) /reports Displays server reports. Parameters <optional>reportId Examples /reports (Display all reports) /reports 52 (Display detailed info about report with id 52) /mc Checks for multiclients. Parameters <optional>playerName/ip Examples /mc (Check for all MC-players) /mc (Display all players with IP = /mc Tester (Display all players with same IP as Tester) /wp Displays map waypoints. /notations Display notation informations. Parameters playerName /info Displays detailed info about a player Parameters playerName /gethouse Display player house. Parameters playerName <optional>teleport Examples /gethouse GM Tester (get house name) /gethouse GM Tester, yes (get house name and teleport) /b Broadcast message in red color. Parameters message /baninfo Displays detailed banishment info about a player Parameters playerName /pos Displays player's current position. !createguild Works only in ingameGuildManagement is enabled. Creates a guild. Parameters guildName !joinguild Works only in ingameGuildManagement is enabled. Joins you to a guild once you have been invited to it. !frags Display a numer of your unjustificated kills (frags) and a time for one to decrease. !online Displays a list of online players. !uptime Displayes an uptime of a server. It's a time for which server has been online since it's last start-up !deathlist Displays a death list of specificated player. Parameters playerName !pvp Displays world type. !q Checks money value in your inventory. Notice: It isn't counting the money in depots/houses. !serverinfo Displays server information such as experience rate and loot rate. /commands Displays all available commands for your access.



os comandos podem ser achados no ot serve com um tutorial e exemplos

ele fica na pasta Docs.

procure o arquivo COMMANDS_HELP abra como WolrdPad


[ COMMANDS HELP Project Name The Forgotten Server Version 0.3.6 Codenamed Crying Damson License GNU GPLv3 Forum ] [ ABOUT List of all commands 'aka talkactions. Parameters, values, example usage, etc. ] [ LIST /addskill Adds player a specified amount of a skill. Parameters playerName, skillType, <optional>amount Values skillType level/magic/fist/club/sword/axe/distance/shielding/fishing Examples /addskill Eternal Oblivion, sword (+1 sword skill) /addskill GM Test, level, 30 (+30 levels) /attr Changes thing properties. Parameters type, value Values type * Items set erase action/actionid/aid unique/uniqueid/uid destination/position/pos/destpos * Creatures health maxhealth mana maxmana basespeed droploot lossskill cannotmove skull speaktype * Players fyi tutorial guildrank guildnick group vocation sex stamina town balance marriage rates resetidle execute saving Examples /attr aid 300 /attr set text "Hello guys /attr skull 2 /serverdiag Works only if software is precompiled with __ENABLE_SERVER_DIAGNOSTIC__ Displays diagnostic informations. /closeserver Closes server. All players without proper access will be kicked. /openserver Opens server. /shutdown Saves & Shutdowns server. Parameters <optional>time/kill/stop Examples /shutdown 3 (Shutdown after 3 minutes) /shutdown stop (Stop shutdown event) /shutdown kill (Exit without save) /shutdown (Immediately) /mode Changes world's pvp type. Parameters pvpType nopvp/pvp/pvpenforced Example /mode nopvp /promote & /demote Promote or demote specified player to higher/lower group. Parameters playerName Examples /promote Tester /demote Tester /s Summons a monster. Parameters monsterName <optional>playerName Examples /s Dragon /s rat, GM Tester (Summon rat at GM Tester position) /n Creates a NPC. Parameters npcName <optional>playerName Example /n Eryn /n Eryn, GM Tester (Create NPC at GM Tester position) /m Creates a monster. Parameters monsterName <optional>playerName Examples /m Orshabaal /m Rotworm, GM Tester (Create monster at GM Tester position) /reload Reloads selected values/scripts. Parameters: what (What should be reloaded) actions/channels/config/creatureevents/gameservers/globalevents groups/highscores/houseprices/items/monsters/moveevents/npcs outfits/quests/raids/spells/stages/talkactions/vocations/weapons all Examples /reload spells /reload houseprices /reload all /raid Executes a raid. Parameters raidName Examples /raid orshabaal /newtype Outfit changer. Parameters lookType, <optional>playerName Examples /newtype 266 /newtype 13, Eternal Oblivion /r Removes an item or a creature from a tile. Notice: Player is a creature so you may use it with players. Parameters <otional>amount/all Examples /r all (Removes all items from tile) /r 3 (Removes first 3 items from tile) /owner Changes house owner. Parameters newOwnerName Values: player name, or 'none/nobody/0' (Clear owner) <optional>clean (Default: yes) Examples /owner Eternal Oblivion,no (Change owner without cleaning house) /owner Eternal Oblivion,yes (Change owner and clean house) /owner Eternal Oblivion (Same as above) /owner none /storage Displays or modify player storage. Parameters playerName storageKey <optional>newValue Examples /storage Eternal Oblivion,30015 (display value of storage 30015) /storage Eternal Oblivion,30015,1 (set value to 1) /config Displays config value. Parameters configOption Examples /config serverName /config gamePort /config displayCriticalHitNotify /i Creates an item. Parameters id/name <optional>count <optional>onGround Should item be created on ground? <optional>lookDir Should item be created on player looking pos? Examples /i magic plate armor /i 2160, 50 (50 crystal coins) /i 2160, 50, yes (Will be created under player) /i 2160, 50, yes, yes (Will be created at ground, where player is looking) /z Displays magic effect. Parameters effectId Example !z 4 /x Displays animation effect. Parameters animationId Example !x 29 /y Displays animated text. Parameters <optional>colorId (0-255) text Examples !y Hello !y 50, Hi! Colored text ;-) /bc Broadcast message in color. Parameters <optional>color (Default: red) Values: advance/event/white/orange/info/green/small/blue/red/warning/status message Examples: /bc green;Hello! /bc Hiho /mkick Mass kick. Parameters rangeX rangeY <optional>multiFloor (Default: no) Example /mkick 3,3 (Kick all players on same floor in 3x3 range) /ghost Enables/disables ghost mode. You're invisible for other players, if enabled. /squelch Enables/disables private messages ignoring. Player aren't be able to message you, if enabled. /cliport Enables/disables map click teleportation. /t Teleports to a temple. Parameters <optional>playerName Examples /t /t Eternal Oblivion /c Teleports a creature to you. Notice: Player is a creature so you may use it with players Example /c Demon /goto Teleports you to creature/place/position Parameters creatureName/waypointName/position Examples /goto 123,60,7 /goto eryn /goto dragon /goto GM Tester /a Teleports you n tiles forward (direction same as looking at). Parameters <optional> n (Default: 1) <optional>playerName Examples /a 3 /a /a 28, GM Tester /kick Kicks a creature. If you leave param blank - will try to kick your target creature if selected. Parameters playerName Example /kick Taifun Devilry /send Send player to specified position/waypoint/creature Parameters playerName position/waypoint/creature Examples /send GM Tester; 100, 50, 7 /send GM Tester, dragon /send GM Tester, GM Someone /unban Unbans by account or player name. Parameters account/playerName /town Teleports to a town. Parameters townName, <optional>playerName Examples /town main city /town desert city, Test Player Name Here /up Teleports up. Parameters <optional>floors Examples /up /up 3 (3 floors up) /down Teleports down. Parameters <optional>floors Examples /down /down 2 (2 floors down) /save Saves server. /clean Cleans map or tile. Parameters <optional>tile <optional>time Time in minutes to clean. Examples /clean 5 (Clean map after 5 minutes) /clean (Clean map immediately) /clean tile (Clean tile you're standing on) /reports Displays server reports. Parameters <optional>reportId Examples /reports (Display

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 2 weeks later...
/attr position * * De Look Em Algum Lugar e pegue a position e coloque tipo : [X : 160] [Z : 54] [Y : 7 ] ( /attr position 160 54 7 )*

este comando n é só pra 8.54~8.60, é um comando existente desde o 8.50 só você não sabia suponho.. é um comando para editar portais ingame!! espero ter esclarecido isso..


fio att de attack defense e armor estao errados, faltou o "aet"

/attr set attack " (numero q qr)

/attr set defense " (numero q qr)

e por ai vai!


nadaver, /attr attack """" funciona perfeitamente.. '-' n precisa do set.. ;x

Editado por Deadly123
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