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  1. Fala Ai Galera vi que varias pessoas precisam do System de Price nos loot Igual da PxG para Pokemon então achei esse System e irei Postar para vocês lembrando que o Autor desse Script vai para o ZerefShirou... Bom uma Print Sobre o System \/ Bom agora configurando. vai em data/creaturescript/scripts e vai no arquivo .lua chamado look.lua ai se Procura if isPokeball(thing.itemid) then e coloca antes disso /\ coloca isso \/ if not isPokeball(thing.itemid) then if priceList[getItemInfo(thing.itemid).name] then price = priceList[getItemInfo(thing.itemid).name].price if thing.type > 1 then str = "You see "..thing.type.." "..getItemInfo(thing.itemid).plural.."." price = price * thing.type else str = "You see "..getItemInfo(thing.itemid).article.." "..getItemInfo(thing.itemid).name.."." end str = str.." Price: $"..price.."." if getItemAttribute(thing.uid, "description") then str = str.."\n"..getItemAttribute(thing.uid, "description").."." end if getPlayerGroupId(cid) >= 4 and getPlayerGroupId(cid) <= 6 then str = str.."\nItemID: ["..thing.itemid.."]." --alterado v1.7 local pos = getThingPos(thing.uid) str = str.."\nPosition: [X: "..pos.x.."][Y: "..pos.y.."][Z: "..pos.z.."]" end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, str) return false end end e no configuration.lua localizado em data/lib/configuration.lua desse tudo e add essas linhas \/ priceList = { ["water gem"] = {price = 0.50}, ["normal ball"] = {price = 50}, ["great ball"] = {price = 200}, ["super ball"] = {price = 500}, ["ultra ball"] = {price = 1300}, ["saffariball"] = {price = 1300}, ["Small potion"] = {price = 50}, ["Great potion"] = {price = 100}, ["Ultra potion"] = {price = 220}, ["Hyper potion"] = {price = 500}, ["Revive"] = {price = 2500}, ["Medicine"] = {price = 100}, ["Recording camera"] = {price = 10000}, ["Essence of fire"] = {price = 0.50}, ["Small stone"] = {price = 0.50}, ["Pot of moss bug"] = {price = 0.50}, ["Screw"] = {price = 0.50}, ["Straw"] = {price = 0.50}, ["Water gems"] = {price = 0.50}, ["Remains of magikarp"] = {price = 10}, ["Teeth"] = {price = 100}, ["Bottle of poison"] = {price = 100}, ["Water pendant"] = {price = 100}, ["Feather"] = {price = 7.50}, ["Seed"] = {price = 10}, ["Pair of leaves"] = {price = 30}, ["Apple bite"] = {price = 30}, ["Bat wing"] = {price = 50}, ["Bag of pollem"] = {price = 80}, ["Belt of Champion"] = {price =1000}, ["Bird Beak"] = {price = 100}, ["Blue Vines"] = {price = 400}, ["Bone"] = {price = 40}, ["Bulv"] = {price = 3250}, ["Chansey egg"] = {price = 1000}, ["Comb"] = {price =100}, ["Crab Claw"] = {price = 22}, ["Dragon Tooth"] = {price = 610}, ["Electric Box"] = {price = 20}, ["Electric Tail"] = {price = 000}, ["Farfetch'd Stick"] = {price = 610}, ["Fox Tail"] = {price = 50}, ["Fur"] = {price = 13}, ["Future Orb"] = {price = 15.50}, ["Gosme"] = {price = 2.50}, ["Gyarados Tail"] = {price = 800}, ["Horn"] = {price = 25}, ["Ice Orb"] = {price = 32.50}, ["Imam"] = {price = 60}, ["Iron Bracelet"] = {price = 250}, ["Locksmith of Shell"] = {price = 80}, ["Luck Medalion"] = {price = 1000}, ["Mimic Clothes"] = {price = 1000}, ["Mushroom"] = {price = 80}, ["Nail"] = {price = 10}, ["Onix Tail"] = {price = 1000}, ["Pot Of Lava"] = {price = 18}, ["Psychic Spoon"] = {price = 40}, ["Punch Machine"] = {price = 40}, ["Ruby"] = {price = 200}, ["Sandbag"] = {price = 15}, ["Scythe"] = {price = 1000}, ["Slow Tail"] = {price = 80}, ["Squirtle Hull"] = {price = 32.50}, ["Stone Orb"] = {price = 16.50}, ["Traces of ghost"] = {price = 26.50}, ["Venom Flute"] = {price = 300}, ["Wool Ball"] = {price = 80}, ["Thunder Feather"] = {price = 5000}, ["Ice Feather"] = {price = 5000}, ["Fire Feather"] = {price = 5000}, ["Psyduck Mug"] = {price = 610}, ["Tongue"] = {price = 1000} } essa lista eu que fiz com os preços da PxG galera se quiser add mais itens para dar look e ver o price só ir add como esta nessa Lista /\ haha é Isso galera Obrigado! fuiz \o/
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