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Este é o Guard NPC para TFS1.0 (10.31). Descrição Ataca monstros Ataca players com skull (Red ou White) Persegue o alvo Usa ataque corpo-a-corpo ou à distância Instalação Crie um arquivo chamado new npc.xml e adicione: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <npc name="Townguard Steve" script="townsteve.lua" walkinterval="0" floorchange="0" speed="400"> <health now="100" max="100"/> <look type="268" head="0" body="0" legs="79" feet="76" addons="3"/> </npc> Agora em npc/scripts crie townsteve.lua e adicione: -- config local npcname = "Townguard Steve" --Name of your guard NPC local maxdmg = 500 -- maximum dmg dealt local mindmg = 200 -- minimum dmg dealt local speed = 200 -- NPC will follow target every 0.2 seconds (that's "ok" fast) local atkspeed = 1 -- 1= 1 attack per second (!lowest value!) 2= 1 attack per 2 seconds, 3= 1 attack per 3 seconds,... local maxchase = 12 -- 12 tiles chase length (depends on PZs, spawnpoint from NPC, surroundings,... local area = 4 -- 4x4 area will be checked for monsters/players (6 is too much in my oppinion) -- texts local lost = {"I'll get you next time!","I'm to old for this..","Run, coward, RUN!"} -- text if NPC lost target local ktext = {"One for me!","...unworthy!","Bad luck!"} -- text if NPC kills the target local ctext = {"I'm here to help!","Let me handle this!","Die!"} -- text while NPC is in battle (talktype orange!) local ttext = {"Come out ","You coward ","I'll be waiting for you "} -- taunt if player walks into PZ -- Do not edit if you have no clue what you're doing! local hit = 0 local target = 0 local opos = 0 local nid = 0 local spec = {} local kill = 0 local pz = 0 local tpos = 0 local npos = 0 local function goback(nid, opos) if (kill == 0) and (pz == 0) then selfSay(lost[math.random(1,#lost)]) end doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(nid), 2) doTeleportThing(nid, opos, false) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(nid), 101) target = 0 spec = {} pz = 0 kill = 0 end local function closedis(nid, target, opos) if target ~= 0 then tpos = getCreaturePosition(target) npos = getCreaturePosition(nid) if isMonster(target) or isPlayer(target) then if getDistanceBetween(opos, tpos) <= maxchase then if getDistanceBetween(npos, tpos) <= area then if not getTilePzInfo(tpos) then if ((tpos.y - npos.y) >= 2) and ((tpos.y - npos.y)<= area) then if queryTileAddThing(nid, {x=npos.x,y=npos.y+1,z=npos.z}) == 1 then doMoveCreature(nid, SOUTH) elseif queryTileAddThing(nid, {x=npos.x,y=npos.y+1,z=npos.z}) ~= 1 then doTeleportThing(nid, tpos, true) else target = 0 goback(nid,opos) end end if ((npos.y - tpos.y) >= 2) and ((npos.y - tpos.y) <= area) then if queryTileAddThing(nid, {x=npos.x,y=npos.y-1,z=npos.z}) == 1 then doMoveCreature(nid, NORTH) elseif queryTileAddThing(nid, {x=npos.x,y=npos.y-1,z=npos.z}) ~= 1 then doTeleportThing(nid, tpos, true) else target = 0 goback(nid,opos) end end if((tpos.x - npos.x) >= 2) and ((tpos.x - npos.x) <= area) then if queryTileAddThing(nid, {x=npos.x+1,y=npos.y,z=npos.z}) == 1 then doMoveCreature(nid, EAST) elseif queryTileAddThing(nid, {x=npos.x+1,y=npos.y,z=npos.z}) ~= 1 then doTeleportThing(nid, tpos, true) else target = 0 goback(nid,opos) end end if((npos.x - tpos.x) >= 2) and ((npos.x - tpos.x) <= area) then if queryTileAddThing(nid, {x=npos.x-1,y=npos.y,z=npos.z}) == 1 then doMoveCreature(nid, WEST) elseif queryTileAddThing(nid, {x=npos.x-1,y=npos.y,z=npos.z}) ~= 1 then doTeleportThing(nid, tpos, true) else target = 0 goback(nid,opos) end end elseif pz == 0 then selfSay(ttext[math.random(1,#ttext)]..""..getCreatureName(target).."!") pz = 1 target = 0 goback(nid,opos) end end else target = 0 goback(nid,opos) end addEvent(closedis, speed, nid, target, opos) else goback(nid, opos) end end end local function check_target(nid, opos) local position = getThingPos(nid) spec = getSpectators(position, area, area,false,false) if spec then for i = 1, #spec do if isMonster(spec[i]) then target = spec[i] closedis(nid, target, opos) break elseif isPlayer(spec[i]) then if getPlayerSkullType(spec[i]) == (SKULL_WHITE or SKULL_RED) then target = spec[i] closedis(nid, target, opos) break end else target = 0 end end end end function onCreatureAppear(cid) if isNpc(cid) then nid = cid opos = getThingPos(nid) end end function onThink(cid) if target == 0 then check_target(nid, opos) end if target == 0 and kill == 1 then goback(nid,opos) end if (os.clock() - hit) >= atkspeed then if target ~= 0 then if not getTilePzInfo(getCreaturePosition(target)) then if math.random(1,10) < 3 then doSendDistanceShoot(getCreaturePosition(nid), getCreaturePosition(target), 30) doTargetCombatHealth(nid, target, COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE, -mindmg, -maxdmg, 39) else doTargetCombatHealth(nid, target, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE, -mindmg, -maxdmg, 0) end if getCreatureHealth(target) <= 0 then kill = 1 selfSay(ktext[math.random(1,#ktext)]) target = 0 else kill = 0 end hit = os.clock() if math.random(1,10) < 3 then doCreatureSay(nid, ctext[math.random(1,#ctext)],34) end end end end end Créditos: Zyntax