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Pokemon Nox Ofi

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Tudo que Pokemon Nox Ofi postou

  1. Olá pessoal será que alguém conseguiria me ajudar, estou tendo problema com evento, quando o player executa o catch, da o seguinte erro: será que alguém saberia a causa desse problema? Ele diz que não tem memória, mas como assim?
  2. Então cara, eu tive um problema desses também, e era questão de em algum lugar estar com Letras maiusculas e em outros letras minusculas, faz o seguinte, procure em todo lugar que você adicionou o nome do monstro... e veja se em todos eles a descrição está igual, lembrando que você deve respeitar letras minusculas e letras maiúsculas... em todos os lugares deve estar escrito exatamente igual "Alolan Golem" procure nos arquivos a seguir: lib/configuration.lua -- Em todos os lugares que tem o nome dele inclusive no oldpokedex monster/monster.xml -- Tem que ser "Alolan Golem" <- lembrando que A de Alolan e G de Golem devem ser maiúsculos. "monster/poke/pasta/Alolan Golem.xml" o nome do arquivo "Alolan Golem.xml" tem que ter a descrição igual tb.. e dentro dele procure name="Alolan Golem" <-- aqui deve respeitar também.. o meu era esse problema, eu defini como minusculo na maioria desses locais e em old pokedex estava maiúsculo
  3. local Config = { PosTPSpawn = {x=XXX, y=XXX, z=XXX}, -- pos que o tp irá aparecer PosPlayerTP = {x=XXX, y=XXX, z=XXX}, -- pos que o tp irá teleportar o player Tempo = 10, -- Tempo em segundos que o TP ficará no local até desaparecer e o tempo que irá teleportar os players da sala PosicoesTeleporte = { -- Posições que teleportará cada player, caso a sala tenha 5 players {x = XXX, y = YYY, z = ZZZ}, -- Tp Player Pos1 {x = XXX, y = YYY, z = ZZZ}, -- Tp Player Pos2 {x = XXX, y = YYY, z = ZZZ}, -- Tp Player Pos3 {x = XXX, y = YYY, z = ZZZ}, -- Tp Player Pos4 {x = XXX, y = YYY, z = ZZZ}, -- Tp Player Pos5 }, AreaDe = {x=XXX, y=XXX, z=XXX}, AreaAte = {x=XXX, y=XXX, z=XXX}, } function onThink(interval, lastExecution, thinkInterval) doCreateTeleport(1387, Config.PosTPSpawn, Config.PosPlayerTP) doBroadcastMessage("O portal para o evento foi aberto e se fexará em 5 minutos.") addEvent(function() deleteTp() end, ((Config.Tempo * 1000)*60)) addEvent(function() mover() end, ((Config.Tempo * 1000)*60)) addEvent(function() doBroadcastMessage("O portal do evento foi fexado. Próximo evento em 2 horas.", 25) end, ((Config.Tempo * 1000)*60)) end function deleteTp() local delete = getTileItemById(Config.PosTPSpawn, 1387) doRemoveItem(delete.uid, 1) doSendMagicEffect(positioni, CONST_ME_TELEPORT) end function mover() local PlayersArea = RetornarPlayersArea(Config.AreaDe, Config.AreaAte) local TpTemplo = false if #PlayersArea < 5 then TpTemplo = true end for i = 1, #PlayersArea do if TpTemplo == true doTeleportThing(PlayersArea[i], getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(PlayersArea[i]))) else local IndexPos = math.random(1, #Config.PosicoesTeleporte) doTeleportThing(PlayersArea[i], Config.PosicoesTeleporte[IndexPos]) end end return true end function RetornarPlayersArea(PosIn, PosFn) playersInArea = {} for _, pid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do local Pos = getCreaturePosition(pid) if PosIn.x <= Pos.x and PosIn.y <= Pos.y and PosIn.z == Pos.z then if PosFn.x >= Pos.x and PosFn.y >= Pos.y and PosFn.z == Pos.z then table.insert(playersInArea, pid) end end end return playersInArea end Tenta isso, eu não testei mas acho que vai funcionar, qualquer coisa retorna o print do erro que as vezes pode ter erro bobo... Ai o tempo que esse script será chamado, você coloca no globalevents.xml valeu
  4. Olá passa o script dentro de action, que serve para quebrar? Que eu edito e te mando
  5. Pokemon Nox Ofi

    Portas bugadas

    Olá amigo, passa seu Doors.lua pf?
  6. function adjustWildPoke(cid, optionalLevel) if isMonster(cid) and pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] then local level = (optionalLevel and optionalLevel >= 1) and optionalLevel or getPokemonLevel(cid) --alterado v1.8 local level = 0 local b = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookBody local shiny = 100 local lvl = getPokemonLevel(cid) local monstrinho = getCreatureName(cid) --alterado v1.4 if optionalLevel then level = optionalLevel elseif b > lvl then level = b elseif string.find(monstrinho, "Shiny") then level = lvl * 01.0 else level = lvl end setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000, level) --alterado v1.8 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].offense * level) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].defense) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].vitality * level) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].specialattack * level) doRegainSpeed(cid) --alterado! setCreatureMaxHealth(cid, (getVitality(cid) * HPperVITwild)) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) if pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp then local exp = pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp * baseExpRate + pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].vitality * pokemonExpPerLevelRate setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, (exp * generalExpRate/2)*10) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, 750) doSetCreatureDropLoot(cid, false) end end end end function getPokemonXMLOutfit(name) --alterado v1.9 \/ local path = "data/monster/pokes/Shiny/"".xml" local tpw = io.type( if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 2/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 1/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 3/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 4/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 5/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/especiais/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then return print("[getPokemonXMLOutfit] Poke with name: "" ins't in any paste on monster/pokes/") and 2 end local arq =, "a+") local txt = arq:read("*all") arq:close() local a, b = txt:find('look type="(.-)"') txt = string.sub(txt, a + 11, b - 1) return tonumber(txt) end function doEvolutionOutfit(cid, oldout, outfit) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end if getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == oldout then doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = outfit}, -1) else doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = oldout}, -1) end end function doSendEvolutionEffect(cid, pos, evolution, turn, ssj, evolve, f, h) if not isCreature(cid) then doSendAnimatedText(pos, "CANCEL", 215) return true end if evolve then doEvolvePokemon(getCreatureMaster(cid), {uid = cid}, evolution, 0, 0) return true end doSendMagicEffect(pos, 18) if ssj then sendSSJEffect(evo) end doEvolutionOutfit(cid, f, h) addEvent(doSendEvolutionEffect, math.pow(1900, turn/20), cid, getThingPos(cid), evolution, turn - 1, turn == 19, turn == 2, f, h) end function sendSSJEffect(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end local pos1 = getThingPos(cid) local pos2 = getThingPos(cid) pos2.x = pos2.x + math.random(-1, 1) pos2.y = pos2.y - math.random(1, 2) doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, pos2, 37) addEvent(sendSSJEffect, 45, cid) end function sendFinishEvolutionEffect(cid, alternate) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end local pos1 = getThingPos(cid) if alternate then local pos = { [1] = {-2, 0}, [2] = {-1, -1}, [3] = {0, -2}, [4] = {1, -1}, [5] = {2, 0}, [6] = {1, 1}, [7] = {0, 2}, [8] = {-1, 1}} for a = 1, 8 do local pos2 = getThingPos(cid) pos2.x = pos2.x + pos[a][1] pos2.y = pos2.y + pos[a][2] local pos = getThingPos(cid) doSendDistanceShoot(pos2, pos, 37) addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 300, pos, pos2, 37) end else for a = 0, 3 do doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37) end for a = 4, 7 do addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 600, pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37) end end end function doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, stone1, stone2) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end if not pokes[theevo] or not pokes[theevo].offense then doReturnPokemon(cid, item2.uid, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8), pokeballs[getPokeballType(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid)].effect, false, true) return true end local owner = getCreatureMaster(item2.uid) local pokeball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) local description = "Contains a "..theevo.."." local pct = getCreatureHealth(item2.uid) / getCreatureMaxHealth(item2.uid) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "hp", pct) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "poke", theevo) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "description", "Contains a "..theevo..".") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Congratulations! Your "..getPokeName(item2.uid).." evolved into a "..theevo.."!") doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item2.uid), 18) doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 7).uid, fotos[theevo]) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "tadport", fotos[theevo]) doUpdatePokemonsBar(cid) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 173) local oldpos = getThingPos(item2.uid) local oldlod = getCreatureLookDir(item2.uid) doRemoveCreature(item2.uid) doSummonMonster(cid, theevo) local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1] doTeleportThing(pk, oldpos, false) doCreatureSetLookDir(pk, oldlod) sendFinishEvolutionEffect(pk, true) addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 550, pk, true) addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 1050, pk) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone1, 1) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone2, 1) doAddPokemonInOwnList(cid, theevo) --local happy = getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy") --doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", happy + happyGainedOnEvolution) --if happy + happyGainedOnEvolution > 255 then -- doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", 255) --end --adjustStatus(pk, pokeball.uid, true, false) if useKpdoDlls then doUpdateMoves(cid) end end function doMathDecimal(number, casas) if math.floor(number) == number then return number end local c = casas and casas + 1 or 3 for a = 0, 10 do if math.floor(number) < math.pow(10, a) then local str = string.sub(""..number.."", 1, a + c) return tonumber(str) end end return number end function doAdjustWithDelay(cid, pk, health, vit, status) if isCreature(cid) then adjustStatus(pk, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, health, vir, status) end end function adjustStatus(pk, item, health, vite, conditions) if not isCreature(pk) then return true end -- local gender = getItemAttribute(item, "gender") and getItemAttribute(item, "gender") or 0 -- addEvent(doCreatureSetSkullType, 10, pk, gender) -- Defense -- local bonusdef = {} local Tiers = { [1] = {bonus = DefBonus1}, [2] = {bonus = DefBonus2}, [3] = {bonus = DefBonus3}, [4] = {bonus = DefBonus4}, [5] = {bonus = DefBonus5}, [6] = {bonus = DefBonus6}, [7] = {bonus = DefBonus7}, } local Tier = getItemAttribute(item, "heldx") if Tier and Tier > 0 and Tier < 8 then bonusdef = Tiers[Tier].bonus else bonusdef = 1 end -- Defense -- -- Boost -- local bonusboost = {} local Tiers2 = { [36] = {bonus = BoostBonus1}, [37] = {bonus = BoostBonus2}, [38] = {bonus = BoostBonus3}, [39] = {bonus = BoostBonus4}, [40] = {bonus = BoostBonus5}, [41] = {bonus = BoostBonus6}, [42] = {bonus = BoostBonus7}, } if Tier and Tier > 35 and Tier < 43 then bonusboost = Tiers2[Tier].bonus else bonusboost = 0 end -- Boost -- if (getItemAttribute(item, "ehditto") == 1) then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1001, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].offense * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) * 0.75) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1002, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].defense) * 0.75) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].vitality * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) * 0.75) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1005, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].specialattack * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) * 0.75) else setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1001, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].offense * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1002, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].defense) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].vitality * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1005, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].specialattack * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) end if vite == true then local pct = getCreatureHealth(pk) / getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) local vit = getVitality(pk) setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, ( vit * HPperVITsummon )) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, pct * vit * HPperVITsummon) end doRegainSpeed(pk) local nick = getItemAttribute(item, "poke") if isGhostPokemon(pk) then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 8981, 1) updateGhostWalk(pk) end if nick == "Meganium" then if nick:find("Mega") then nick = nick:match("Mega (.*)") if not pokes[nick] and nick ~= nil and #nick:explode(" ") == 2 then nick = nick:explode(" ")[1] end end if nick == nil then nick = " " end end if getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then nick = getItemAttribute(item, "nick") end setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1007, nick) if not hideBoost then boost = getItemAttribute(item, "boost") or 0 nick = nick.." [+"..boost.."]" end doCreatureSetNick(pk, nick) if health == true then local mh = HPperVITsummon * getVitality(pk) local rd = 1 - (tonumber(getItemAttribute(item, "hp"))) setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, mh) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk)) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, -(getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) * rd)) end if isSummon(pk) and conditions then local burn = getItemAttribute(item, "burn") if burn and burn >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = burn, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "burndmg"), cond = "Burn"} addEvent(doCondition2, 3500, ret) end local poison = getItemAttribute(item, "poison") if poison and poison >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = poison, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "poisondmg"), cond = "Poison"} addEvent(doCondition2, 1500, ret) end local confuse = getItemAttribute(item, "confuse") if confuse and confuse >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = confuse, check = false, cond = "Confusion"} addEvent(doCondition2, 1200, ret) end local sleep = getItemAttribute(item, "sleep") if sleep and sleep >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = sleep, check = false, first = true, cond = "Sleep"} doCondition2(ret) end local miss = getItemAttribute(item, "miss") if miss and miss >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = miss, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "missEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "missSpell"), cond = "Miss"} doCondition2(ret) end local fear = getItemAttribute(item, "fear") if fear and fear >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = fear, check = false, skill = getItemAttribute(item, "fearSkill"), cond = "Fear"} doCondition2(ret) end local silence = getItemAttribute(item, "silence") if silence and silence >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = silence, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "silenceEff"), check = false, cond = "Silence"} doCondition2(ret) end local stun = getItemAttribute(item, "stun") if stun and stun >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = stun, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "stunEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "stunSpell"), cond = "Stun"} doCondition2(ret) end local paralyze = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyze") if paralyze and paralyze >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = paralyze, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyzeEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Paralyze"} doCondition2(ret) end local slow = getItemAttribute(item, "slow") if slow and slow >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = slow, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "slowEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Slow"} doCondition2(ret) end local leech = getItemAttribute(item, "leech") if leech and leech >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = leech, attacker = 0, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "leechdmg"), cond = "Leech"} doCondition2(ret) end for i = 1, 3 do local buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i) if buff and buff >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = buff, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."eff"), check = false, buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."skill"), first = true, attr = "Buff"..i} doCondition2(ret) end end end --alterado v1.9 if getItemAttribute(item, "boost") and getItemAttribute(item, "boost") >= 50 and getItemAttribute(item, "aura") then sendAuraEffect(pk, auraSyst[getItemAttribute(item, "aura")]) end if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598754) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598754, 1) elseif getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598755) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598755, 1) end return true end function getOffense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001)) end function getDefense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002)) end function getSpeed(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003)) end function getVitality(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004)) end function getSpecialAttack(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005)) end function getHappiness(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1008)) end function getSpecialDefense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return getSpecialAttack(cid) * 0.85 + getDefense(cid) * 0.2 end function getPokemonLevel(cid, dex) if not isCreature(cid) or not pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] then return 0 end if not dex then --alterado v1.9 if ehMonstro(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000) > 0 then return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000) elseif ehMonstro(cid) then return pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].wildLvl end end return pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].level end function getPokemonLevelByName(name) return pokes[name] and pokes[name].level or 0 --alterado v1.9 end function getMasterLevel(poke) if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end return getPlayerLevel(getCreatureMaster(poke)) end function getPokemonBoost(poke) if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end return getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(poke), 8).uid, "boost") or 0 end function getPokeballBoost(ball) if not isPokeball(ball.itemid) then return 0 end --alterado v1.8 return getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "boost") or 0 end function getPokeName(cid) if not isSummon(cid) then return getCreatureName(cid) end if getCreatureName(cid) == "Evolution" then return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1007) end local item = getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8) if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick") then return getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick") end if string.find(tostring(getCreatureName(cid)), "Shiny") then local newName = tostring(getCreatureName(cid)):match("Shiny (.*)") return newName end return getCreatureName(cid) end function getPokeballName(item, truename) if not truename and getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then return getItemAttribute(item, "nick") end return getItemAttribute(item, "poke") end function getPokemonName(cid) return getCreatureName(cid) end function getPokemonGender(cid) --alterado v1.9 return getCreatureSkullType(cid) end --function setPokemonGender(cid, gender) --if isCreature(cid) and gender then --alterado v1.8 -- doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, gender) -- return true --end --return false --end function getWildPokemonExp(cid) return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006) end function adjustWildPoke(cid, optionalLevel) if isMonster(cid) and pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] then local level = (optionalLevel and optionalLevel >= 1) and optionalLevel or getPokemonLevel(cid) --alterado v1.8 local level = 0 local b = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookBody local shiny = 100 local lvl = getPokemonLevel(cid) local monstrinho = getCreatureName(cid) --alterado v1.4 if optionalLevel then level = optionalLevel elseif b > lvl then level = b elseif string.find(monstrinho, "Shiny") then level = lvl * 01.0 else level = lvl end setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000, level) --alterado v1.8 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].offense * level) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].defense) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].vitality * level) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].specialattack * level) doRegainSpeed(cid) --alterado! setCreatureMaxHealth(cid, (getVitality(cid) * HPperVITwild)) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) if pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp then local exp = pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp * baseExpRate + pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].vitality * pokemonExpPerLevelRate setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, (exp * generalExpRate/2)*10) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, 750) doSetCreatureDropLoot(cid, false) end end end end function getPokemonXMLOutfit(name) --alterado v1.9 \/ local path = "data/monster/pokes/Shiny/"".xml" local tpw = io.type( if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 2/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 1/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 3/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 4/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 5/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/especiais/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then return print("[getPokemonXMLOutfit] Poke with name: "" ins't in any paste on monster/pokes/") and 2 end local arq =, "a+") local txt = arq:read("*all") arq:close() local a, b = txt:find('look type="(.-)"') txt = string.sub(txt, a + 11, b - 1) return tonumber(txt) end function doEvolutionOutfit(cid, oldout, outfit) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end if getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == oldout then doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = outfit}, -1) else doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = oldout}, -1) end end function doSendEvolutionEffect(cid, pos, evolution, turn, ssj, evolve, f, h) if not isCreature(cid) then doSendAnimatedText(pos, "CANCEL", 215) return true end if evolve then doEvolvePokemon(getCreatureMaster(cid), {uid = cid}, evolution, 0, 0) return true end doSendMagicEffect(pos, 18) if ssj then sendSSJEffect(evo) end doEvolutionOutfit(cid, f, h) addEvent(doSendEvolutionEffect, math.pow(1900, turn/20), cid, getThingPos(cid), evolution, turn - 1, turn == 19, turn == 2, f, h) end function sendSSJEffect(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end local pos1 = getThingPos(cid) local pos2 = getThingPos(cid) pos2.x = pos2.x + math.random(-1, 1) pos2.y = pos2.y - math.random(1, 2) doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, pos2, 37) addEvent(sendSSJEffect, 45, cid) end function sendFinishEvolutionEffect(cid, alternate) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end local pos1 = getThingPos(cid) if alternate then local pos = { [1] = {-2, 0}, [2] = {-1, -1}, [3] = {0, -2}, [4] = {1, -1}, [5] = {2, 0}, [6] = {1, 1}, [7] = {0, 2}, [8] = {-1, 1}} for a = 1, 8 do local pos2 = getThingPos(cid) pos2.x = pos2.x + pos[a][1] pos2.y = pos2.y + pos[a][2] local pos = getThingPos(cid) doSendDistanceShoot(pos2, pos, 37) addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 300, pos, pos2, 37) end else for a = 0, 3 do doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37) end for a = 4, 7 do addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 600, pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37) end end end function doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, stone1, stone2) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end if not pokes[theevo] or not pokes[theevo].offense then doReturnPokemon(cid, item2.uid, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8), pokeballs[getPokeballType(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid)].effect, false, true) return true end local owner = getCreatureMaster(item2.uid) local pokeball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, ? local description = "Contains a "..theevo.."." local pct = getCreatureHealth(item2.uid) / getCreatureMaxHealth(item2.uid) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "hp", pct) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "poke", theevo) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "description", "Contains a "..theevo..".") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Congratulations! Your "..getPokeName(item2.uid).." evolved into a "..theevo.."!") doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item2.uid), 18) doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 7).uid, fotos[theevo]) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "tadport", fotos[theevo]) doUpdatePokemonsBar(cid) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 173) local oldpos = getThingPos(item2.uid) local oldlod = getCreatureLookDir(item2.uid) doRemoveCreature(item2.uid) doSummonMonster(cid, theevo) local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1] doTeleportThing(pk, oldpos, false) doCreatureSetLookDir(pk, oldlod) sendFinishEvolutionEffect(pk, true) addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 550, pk, true) addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 1050, pk) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone1, 1) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone2, 1) doAddPokemonInOwnList(cid, theevo) --local happy = getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy") --doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", happy + happyGainedOnEvolution) --if happy + happyGainedOnEvolution > 255 then -- doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", 255) --end --adjustStatus(pk, pokeball.uid, true, false) if useKpdoDlls then doUpdateMoves(cid) end end function doMathDecimal(number, casas) if math.floor(number) == number then return number end local c = casas and casas + 1 or 3 for a = 0, 10 do if math.floor(number) < math.pow(10, a) then local str = string.sub(""..number.."", 1, a + c) return tonumber(str) end end return number end function doAdjustWithDelay(cid, pk, health, vit, status) if isCreature(cid) then adjustStatus(pk, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, health, vir, status) end end function adjustStatus(pk, item, health, vite, conditions) if not isCreature(pk) then return true end -- local gender = getItemAttribute(item, "gender") and getItemAttribute(item, "gender") or 0 -- addEvent(doCreatureSetSkullType, 10, pk, gender) -- Defense -- local bonusdef = {} local Tiers = { [1] = {bonus = DefBonus1}, [2] = {bonus = DefBonus2}, [3] = {bonus = DefBonus3}, [4] = {bonus = DefBonus4}, [5] = {bonus = DefBonus5}, [6] = {bonus = DefBonus6}, [7] = {bonus = DefBonus7}, } local Tier = getItemAttribute(item, "heldx") if Tier and Tier > 0 and Tier < 8 then bonusdef = Tiers[Tier].bonus else bonusdef = 1 end -- Defense -- -- Boost -- local bonusboost = {} local Tiers2 = { [36] = {bonus = BoostBonus1}, [37] = {bonus = BoostBonus2}, [38] = {bonus = BoostBonus3}, [39] = {bonus = BoostBonus4}, [40] = {bonus = BoostBonus5}, [41] = {bonus = BoostBonus6}, [42] = {bonus = BoostBonus7}, } if Tier and Tier > 35 and Tier < 43 then bonusboost = Tiers2[Tier].bonus else bonusboost = 0 end -- Boost -- if (getItemAttribute(item, "ehditto") == 1) then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1001, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].offense * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) * 0.75) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1002, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].defense) * 0.75) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].vitality * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) * 0.75) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1005, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].specialattack * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) * 0.75) else setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1001, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].offense * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1002, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].defense) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].vitality * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1005, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].specialattack * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) end if vite == true then local pct = getCreatureHealth(pk) / getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) local vit = getVitality(pk) setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, ( vit * HPperVITsummon )) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, pct * vit * HPperVITsummon) end doRegainSpeed(pk) local nick = getItemAttribute(item, "poke") if isGhostPokemon(pk) then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 8981, 1) updateGhostWalk(pk) end doBroadcastMessage(Nick,25) if nick == nil then nick = " " elseif nick == "Meganium" then elseif nick:find("Mega ") then nick = nick:match("Mega (.*)") if not pokes[nick] and nick ~= nil and #nick:explode(" ") == 2 then nick = nick:explode(" ")[1] end end if getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then nick = getItemAttribute(item, "nick") end setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1007, nick) if not hideBoost then boost = getItemAttribute(item, "boost") or 0 nick = nick.." [+"..boost.."]" end doCreatureSetNick(pk, nick) if health == true then local mh = HPperVITsummon * getVitality(pk) local rd = 1 - (tonumber(getItemAttribute(item, "hp"))) setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, mh) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk)) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, -(getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) * rd)) end if isSummon(pk) and conditions then local burn = getItemAttribute(item, "burn") if burn and burn >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = burn, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "burndmg"), cond = "Burn"} addEvent(doCondition2, 3500, ret) end local poison = getItemAttribute(item, "poison") if poison and poison >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = poison, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "poisondmg"), cond = "Poison"} addEvent(doCondition2, 1500, ret) end local confuse = getItemAttribute(item, "confuse") if confuse and confuse >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = confuse, check = false, cond = "Confusion"} addEvent(doCondition2, 1200, ret) end local sleep = getItemAttribute(item, "sleep") if sleep and sleep >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = sleep, check = false, first = true, cond = "Sleep"} doCondition2(ret) end local miss = getItemAttribute(item, "miss") if miss and miss >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = miss, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "missEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "missSpell"), cond = "Miss"} doCondition2(ret) end local fear = getItemAttribute(item, "fear") if fear and fear >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = fear, check = false, skill = getItemAttribute(item, "fearSkill"), cond = "Fear"} doCondition2(ret) end local silence = getItemAttribute(item, "silence") if silence and silence >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = silence, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "silenceEff"), check = false, cond = "Silence"} doCondition2(ret) end local stun = getItemAttribute(item, "stun") if stun and stun >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = stun, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "stunEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "stunSpell"), cond = "Stun"} doCondition2(ret) end local paralyze = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyze") if paralyze and paralyze >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = paralyze, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyzeEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Paralyze"} doCondition2(ret) end local slow = getItemAttribute(item, "slow") if slow and slow >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = slow, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "slowEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Slow"} doCondition2(ret) end local leech = getItemAttribute(item, "leech") if leech and leech >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = leech, attacker = 0, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "leechdmg"), cond = "Leech"} doCondition2(ret) end for i = 1, 3 do local buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i) if buff and buff >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = buff, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."eff"), check = false, buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."skill"), first = true, attr = "Buff"..i} doCondition2(ret) end end end --alterado v1.9 if getItemAttribute(item, "boost") and getItemAttribute(item, "boost") >= 50 and getItemAttribute(item, "aura") then sendAuraEffect(pk, auraSyst[getItemAttribute(item, "aura")]) end if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598754) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598754, 1) elseif getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598755) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598755, 1) end return true end function getOffense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001)) end function getDefense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002)) end function getSpeed(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003)) end function getVitality(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004)) end function getSpecialAttack(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005)) end function getHappiness(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1008)) end function getSpecialDefense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return getSpecialAttack(cid) * 0.85 + getDefense(cid) * 0.2 end function getPokemonLevel(cid, dex) if not isCreature(cid) or not pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] then return 0 end if not dex then --alterado v1.9 if ehMonstro(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000) > 0 then return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000) elseif ehMonstro(cid) then return pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].wildLvl end end return pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].level end function getPokemonLevelByName(name) return pokes[name] and pokes[name].level or 0 --alterado v1.9 end function getMasterLevel(poke) if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end return getPlayerLevel(getCreatureMaster(poke)) end function getPokemonBoost(poke) if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end return getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(poke), 8).uid, "boost") or 0 end function getPokeballBoost(ball) if not isPokeball(ball.itemid) then return 0 end --alterado v1.8 return getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "boost") or 0 end function getPokeName(cid) if not isSummon(cid) then return getCreatureName(cid) end if getCreatureName(cid) == "Evolution" then return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1007) end local item = getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), ? if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick") then return getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick") end if string.find(tostring(getCreatureName(cid)), "Shiny") then local newName = tostring(getCreatureName(cid)):match("Shiny (.*)") return newName end return getCreatureName(cid) end function getPokeballName(item, truename) if not truename and getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then return getItemAttribute(item, "nick") end return getItemAttribute(item, "poke") end function getPokemonName(cid) return getCreatureName(cid) end function getPokemonGender(cid) --alterado v1.9 return getCreatureSkullType(cid) end --function setPokemonGender(cid, gender) --if isCreature(cid) and gender then --alterado v1.8 -- doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, gender) -- return true --end --return false --end function getWildPokemonExp(cid) return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006) end function adjustWildPoke(cid, optionalLevel) if isMonster(cid) and pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] then local level = (optionalLevel and optionalLevel >= 1) and optionalLevel or getPokemonLevel(cid) --alterado v1.8 local level = 0 local b = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookBody local shiny = 100 local lvl = getPokemonLevel(cid) local monstrinho = getCreatureName(cid) --alterado v1.4 if optionalLevel then level = optionalLevel elseif b > lvl then level = b elseif string.find(monstrinho, "Shiny") then level = lvl * 01.0 else level = lvl end setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000, level) --alterado v1.8 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].offense * level) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].defense) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].vitality * level) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].specialattack * level) doRegainSpeed(cid) --alterado! setCreatureMaxHealth(cid, (getVitality(cid) * HPperVITwild)) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) if pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp then local exp = pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp * baseExpRate + pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].vitality * pokemonExpPerLevelRate setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, (exp * generalExpRate/2)*10) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, 750) doSetCreatureDropLoot(cid, false) end end end end function getPokemonXMLOutfit(name) --alterado v1.9 \/ local path = "data/monster/pokes/Shiny/"".xml" local tpw = io.type( if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 2/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 1/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 3/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 4/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 5/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/especiais/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then return print("[getPokemonXMLOutfit] Poke with name: "" ins't in any paste on monster/pokes/") and 2 end local arq =, "a+") local txt = arq:read("*all") arq:close() local a, b = txt:find('look type="(.-)"') txt = string.sub(txt, a + 11, b - 1) return tonumber(txt) end function doEvolutionOutfit(cid, oldout, outfit) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end if getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == oldout then doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = outfit}, -1) else doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = oldout}, -1) end end function doSendEvolutionEffect(cid, pos, evolution, turn, ssj, evolve, f, h) if not isCreature(cid) then doSendAnimatedText(pos, "CANCEL", 215) return true end if evolve then doEvolvePokemon(getCreatureMaster(cid), {uid = cid}, evolution, 0, 0) return true end doSendMagicEffect(pos, 18) if ssj then sendSSJEffect(evo) end doEvolutionOutfit(cid, f, h) addEvent(doSendEvolutionEffect, math.pow(1900, turn/20), cid, getThingPos(cid), evolution, turn - 1, turn == 19, turn == 2, f, h) end function sendSSJEffect(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end local pos1 = getThingPos(cid) local pos2 = getThingPos(cid) pos2.x = pos2.x + math.random(-1, 1) pos2.y = pos2.y - math.random(1, 2) doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, pos2, 37) addEvent(sendSSJEffect, 45, cid) end function sendFinishEvolutionEffect(cid, alternate) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end local pos1 = getThingPos(cid) if alternate then local pos = { [1] = {-2, 0}, [2] = {-1, -1}, [3] = {0, -2}, [4] = {1, -1}, [5] = {2, 0}, [6] = {1, 1}, [7] = {0, 2}, [8] = {-1, 1}} for a = 1, 8 do local pos2 = getThingPos(cid) pos2.x = pos2.x + pos[a][1] pos2.y = pos2.y + pos[a][2] local pos = getThingPos(cid) doSendDistanceShoot(pos2, pos, 37) addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 300, pos, pos2, 37) end else for a = 0, 3 do doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37) end for a = 4, 7 do addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 600, pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37) end end end function doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, stone1, stone2) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end if not pokes[theevo] or not pokes[theevo].offense then doReturnPokemon(cid, item2.uid, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8), pokeballs[getPokeballType(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid)].effect, false, true) return true end local owner = getCreatureMaster(item2.uid) local pokeball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) local description = "Contains a "..theevo.."." local pct = getCreatureHealth(item2.uid) / getCreatureMaxHealth(item2.uid) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "hp", pct) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "poke", theevo) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "description", "Contains a "..theevo..".") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Congratulations! Your "..getPokeName(item2.uid).." evolved into a "..theevo.."!") doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item2.uid), 18) doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 7).uid, fotos[theevo]) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "tadport", fotos[theevo]) doUpdatePokemonsBar(cid) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 173) local oldpos = getThingPos(item2.uid) local oldlod = getCreatureLookDir(item2.uid) doRemoveCreature(item2.uid) doSummonMonster(cid, theevo) local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1] doTeleportThing(pk, oldpos, false) doCreatureSetLookDir(pk, oldlod) sendFinishEvolutionEffect(pk, true) addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 550, pk, true) addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 1050, pk) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone1, 1) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone2, 1) doAddPokemonInOwnList(cid, theevo) --local happy = getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy") --doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", happy + happyGainedOnEvolution) --if happy + happyGainedOnEvolution > 255 then -- doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", 255) --end --adjustStatus(pk, pokeball.uid, true, false) if useKpdoDlls then doUpdateMoves(cid) end end function doMathDecimal(number, casas) if math.floor(number) == number then return number end local c = casas and casas + 1 or 3 for a = 0, 10 do if math.floor(number) < math.pow(10, a) then local str = string.sub(""..number.."", 1, a + c) return tonumber(str) end end return number end function doAdjustWithDelay(cid, pk, health, vit, status) if isCreature(cid) then adjustStatus(pk, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, health, vir, status) end end function adjustStatus(pk, item, health, vite, conditions) if not isCreature(pk) then return true end -- local gender = getItemAttribute(item, "gender") and getItemAttribute(item, "gender") or 0 -- addEvent(doCreatureSetSkullType, 10, pk, gender) -- Defense -- local bonusdef = {} local Tiers = { [1] = {bonus = DefBonus1}, [2] = {bonus = DefBonus2}, [3] = {bonus = DefBonus3}, [4] = {bonus = DefBonus4}, [5] = {bonus = DefBonus5}, [6] = {bonus = DefBonus6}, [7] = {bonus = DefBonus7}, } local Tier = getItemAttribute(item, "heldx") if Tier and Tier > 0 and Tier < 8 then bonusdef = Tiers[Tier].bonus else bonusdef = 1 end -- Defense -- -- Boost -- local bonusboost = {} local Tiers2 = { [36] = {bonus = BoostBonus1}, [37] = {bonus = BoostBonus2}, [38] = {bonus = BoostBonus3}, [39] = {bonus = BoostBonus4}, [40] = {bonus = BoostBonus5}, [41] = {bonus = BoostBonus6}, [42] = {bonus = BoostBonus7}, } if Tier and Tier > 35 and Tier < 43 then bonusboost = Tiers2[Tier].bonus else bonusboost = 0 end -- Boost -- if (getItemAttribute(item, "ehditto") == 1) then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1001, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].offense * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) * 0.75) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1002, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].defense) * 0.75) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].vitality * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) * 0.75) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1005, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].specialattack * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) * 0.75) else setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1001, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].offense * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1002, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].defense) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].vitality * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1005, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].specialattack * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) end if vite == true then local pct = getCreatureHealth(pk) / getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) local vit = getVitality(pk) setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, ( vit * HPperVITsummon )) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, pct * vit * HPperVITsummon) end doRegainSpeed(pk) local nick = getItemAttribute(item, "poke") if isGhostPokemon(pk) then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 8981, 1) updateGhostWalk(pk) end doBroadcastMessage(Nick,25) if nick == nil then nick = " " elseif nick == "Meganium" then elseif nick:find("Mega ") then nick = nick:match("Mega (.*)") if not pokes[nick] and nick ~= nil and #nick:explode(" ") == 2 then nick = nick:explode(" ")[1] end end if getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then nick = getItemAttribute(item, "nick") end setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1007, nick) if not hideBoost then boost = getItemAttribute(item, "boost") or 0 nick = nick.." [+"..boost.."]" end doCreatureSetNick(pk, nick) if health == true then local mh = HPperVITsummon * getVitality(pk) local rd = 1 - (tonumber(getItemAttribute(item, "hp"))) setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, mh) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk)) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, -(getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) * rd)) end if isSummon(pk) and conditions then local burn = getItemAttribute(item, "burn") if burn and burn >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = burn, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "burndmg"), cond = "Burn"} addEvent(doCondition2, 3500, ret) end local poison = getItemAttribute(item, "poison") if poison and poison >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = poison, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "poisondmg"), cond = "Poison"} addEvent(doCondition2, 1500, ret) end local confuse = getItemAttribute(item, "confuse") if confuse and confuse >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = confuse, check = false, cond = "Confusion"} addEvent(doCondition2, 1200, ret) end local sleep = getItemAttribute(item, "sleep") if sleep and sleep >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = sleep, check = false, first = true, cond = "Sleep"} doCondition2(ret) end local miss = getItemAttribute(item, "miss") if miss and miss >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = miss, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "missEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "missSpell"), cond = "Miss"} doCondition2(ret) end local fear = getItemAttribute(item, "fear") if fear and fear >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = fear, check = false, skill = getItemAttribute(item, "fearSkill"), cond = "Fear"} doCondition2(ret) end local silence = getItemAttribute(item, "silence") if silence and silence >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = silence, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "silenceEff"), check = false, cond = "Silence"} doCondition2(ret) end local stun = getItemAttribute(item, "stun") if stun and stun >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = stun, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "stunEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "stunSpell"), cond = "Stun"} doCondition2(ret) end local paralyze = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyze") if paralyze and paralyze >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = paralyze, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyzeEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Paralyze"} doCondition2(ret) end local slow = getItemAttribute(item, "slow") if slow and slow >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = slow, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "slowEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Slow"} doCondition2(ret) end local leech = getItemAttribute(item, "leech") if leech and leech >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = leech, attacker = 0, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "leechdmg"), cond = "Leech"} doCondition2(ret) end for i = 1, 3 do local buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i) if buff and buff >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = buff, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."eff"), check = false, buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."skill"), first = true, attr = "Buff"..i} doCondition2(ret) end end end --alterado v1.9 if getItemAttribute(item, "boost") and getItemAttribute(item, "boost") >= 50 and getItemAttribute(item, "aura") then sendAuraEffect(pk, auraSyst[getItemAttribute(item, "aura")]) end if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598754) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598754, 1) elseif getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598755) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598755, 1) end return true end function getOffense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001)) end function getDefense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002)) end function getSpeed(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003)) end function getVitality(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004)) end function getSpecialAttack(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005)) end function getHappiness(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1008)) end function getSpecialDefense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return getSpecialAttack(cid) * 0.85 + getDefense(cid) * 0.2 end function getPokemonLevel(cid, dex) if not isCreature(cid) or not pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] then return 0 end if not dex then --alterado v1.9 if ehMonstro(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000) > 0 then return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000) elseif ehMonstro(cid) then return pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].wildLvl end end return pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].level end function getPokemonLevelByName(name) return pokes[name] and pokes[name].level or 0 --alterado v1.9 end function getMasterLevel(poke) if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end return getPlayerLevel(getCreatureMaster(poke)) end function getPokemonBoost(poke) if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end return getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(poke), 8).uid, "boost") or 0 end function getPokeballBoost(ball) if not isPokeball(ball.itemid) then return 0 end --alterado v1.8 return getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "boost") or 0 end function getPokeName(cid) if not isSummon(cid) then return getCreatureName(cid) end if getCreatureName(cid) == "Evolution" then return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1007) end local item = getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8) if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick") then return getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick") end if string.find(tostring(getCreatureName(cid)), "Shiny") then local newName = tostring(getCreatureName(cid)):match("Shiny (.*)") return newName end return getCreatureName(cid) end function getPokeballName(item, truename) if not truename and getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then return getItemAttribute(item, "nick") end return getItemAttribute(item, "poke") end function getPokemonName(cid) return getCreatureName(cid) end function getPokemonGender(cid) --alterado v1.9 return getCreatureSkullType(cid) end --function setPokemonGender(cid, gender) --if isCreature(cid) and gender then --alterado v1.8 -- doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, gender) -- return true --end --return false --end function getWildPokemonExp(cid) return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006) end Fala Maciel, estou postando a resolução aqui para caso alguém tenha o mesmo servidor que o seu e o mesmo problema, consiga achar algo que ajude. function adjustWildPoke(cid, optionalLevel) if isMonster(cid) and pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] then local level = (optionalLevel and optionalLevel >= 1) and optionalLevel or getPokemonLevel(cid) --alterado v1.8 local level = 0 local b = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookBody local shiny = 100 local lvl = getPokemonLevel(cid) local monstrinho = getCreatureName(cid) --alterado v1.4 if optionalLevel then level = optionalLevel elseif b > lvl then level = b elseif string.find(monstrinho, "Shiny") then level = lvl * 01.0 else level = lvl end setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000, level) --alterado v1.8 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].offense * level) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].defense) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].vitality * level) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].specialattack * level) doRegainSpeed(cid) --alterado! setCreatureMaxHealth(cid, (getVitality(cid) * HPperVITwild)) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) if pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp then local exp = pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp * baseExpRate + pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].vitality * pokemonExpPerLevelRate setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, (exp * generalExpRate/2)*10) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, 750) doSetCreatureDropLoot(cid, false) end end end end function getPokemonXMLOutfit(name) --alterado v1.9 \/ local path = "data/monster/pokes/Shiny/"".xml" local tpw = io.type( if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 2/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 1/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 3/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 4/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 5/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/especiais/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then return print("[getPokemonXMLOutfit] Poke with name: "" ins't in any paste on monster/pokes/") and 2 end local arq =, "a+") local txt = arq:read("*all") arq:close() local a, b = txt:find('look type="(.-)"') txt = string.sub(txt, a + 11, b - 1) return tonumber(txt) end function doEvolutionOutfit(cid, oldout, outfit) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end if getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == oldout then doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = outfit}, -1) else doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = oldout}, -1) end end function doSendEvolutionEffect(cid, pos, evolution, turn, ssj, evolve, f, h) if not isCreature(cid) then doSendAnimatedText(pos, "CANCEL", 215) return true end if evolve then doEvolvePokemon(getCreatureMaster(cid), {uid = cid}, evolution, 0, 0) return true end doSendMagicEffect(pos, 18) if ssj then sendSSJEffect(evo) end doEvolutionOutfit(cid, f, h) addEvent(doSendEvolutionEffect, math.pow(1900, turn/20), cid, getThingPos(cid), evolution, turn - 1, turn == 19, turn == 2, f, h) end function sendSSJEffect(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end local pos1 = getThingPos(cid) local pos2 = getThingPos(cid) pos2.x = pos2.x + math.random(-1, 1) pos2.y = pos2.y - math.random(1, 2) doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, pos2, 37) addEvent(sendSSJEffect, 45, cid) end function sendFinishEvolutionEffect(cid, alternate) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end local pos1 = getThingPos(cid) if alternate then local pos = { [1] = {-2, 0}, [2] = {-1, -1}, [3] = {0, -2}, [4] = {1, -1}, [5] = {2, 0}, [6] = {1, 1}, [7] = {0, 2}, [8] = {-1, 1}} for a = 1, 8 do local pos2 = getThingPos(cid) pos2.x = pos2.x + pos[a][1] pos2.y = pos2.y + pos[a][2] local pos = getThingPos(cid) doSendDistanceShoot(pos2, pos, 37) addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 300, pos, pos2, 37) end else for a = 0, 3 do doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37) end for a = 4, 7 do addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 600, pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37) end end end function doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, stone1, stone2) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end if not pokes[theevo] or not pokes[theevo].offense then doReturnPokemon(cid, item2.uid, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8), pokeballs[getPokeballType(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid)].effect, false, true) return true end local owner = getCreatureMaster(item2.uid) local pokeball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) local description = "Contains a "..theevo.."." local pct = getCreatureHealth(item2.uid) / getCreatureMaxHealth(item2.uid) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "hp", pct) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "poke", theevo) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "description", "Contains a "..theevo..".") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Congratulations! Your "..getPokeName(item2.uid).." evolved into a "..theevo.."!") doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item2.uid), 18) doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 7).uid, fotos[theevo]) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "tadport", fotos[theevo]) doUpdatePokemonsBar(cid) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 173) local oldpos = getThingPos(item2.uid) local oldlod = getCreatureLookDir(item2.uid) doRemoveCreature(item2.uid) doSummonMonster(cid, theevo) local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1] doTeleportThing(pk, oldpos, false) doCreatureSetLookDir(pk, oldlod) sendFinishEvolutionEffect(pk, true) addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 550, pk, true) addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 1050, pk) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone1, 1) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone2, 1) doAddPokemonInOwnList(cid, theevo) --local happy = getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy") --doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", happy + happyGainedOnEvolution) --if happy + happyGainedOnEvolution > 255 then -- doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", 255) --end --adjustStatus(pk, pokeball.uid, true, false) if useKpdoDlls then doUpdateMoves(cid) end end function doMathDecimal(number, casas) if math.floor(number) == number then return number end local c = casas and casas + 1 or 3 for a = 0, 10 do if math.floor(number) < math.pow(10, a) then local str = string.sub(""..number.."", 1, a + c) return tonumber(str) end end return number end function doAdjustWithDelay(cid, pk, health, vit, status) if isCreature(cid) then adjustStatus(pk, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, health, vir, status) end end function adjustStatus(pk, item, health, vite, conditions) if not isCreature(pk) then return true end -- local gender = getItemAttribute(item, "gender") and getItemAttribute(item, "gender") or 0 -- addEvent(doCreatureSetSkullType, 10, pk, gender) -- Defense -- local bonusdef = {} local Tiers = { [1] = {bonus = DefBonus1}, [2] = {bonus = DefBonus2}, [3] = {bonus = DefBonus3}, [4] = {bonus = DefBonus4}, [5] = {bonus = DefBonus5}, [6] = {bonus = DefBonus6}, [7] = {bonus = DefBonus7}, } local Tier = getItemAttribute(item, "heldx") if Tier and Tier > 0 and Tier < 8 then bonusdef = Tiers[Tier].bonus else bonusdef = 1 end -- Defense -- -- Boost -- local bonusboost = {} local Tiers2 = { [36] = {bonus = BoostBonus1}, [37] = {bonus = BoostBonus2}, [38] = {bonus = BoostBonus3}, [39] = {bonus = BoostBonus4}, [40] = {bonus = BoostBonus5}, [41] = {bonus = BoostBonus6}, [42] = {bonus = BoostBonus7}, } if Tier and Tier > 35 and Tier < 43 then bonusboost = Tiers2[Tier].bonus else bonusboost = 0 end -- Boost -- if (getItemAttribute(item, "ehditto") == 1) then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1001, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].offense * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) * 0.75) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1002, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].defense) * 0.75) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].vitality * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) * 0.75) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1005, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].specialattack * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) * 0.75) else setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1001, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].offense * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1002, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].defense) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].vitality * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1005, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].specialattack * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) end if vite == true then local pct = getCreatureHealth(pk) / getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) local vit = getVitality(pk) setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, ( vit * HPperVITsummon )) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, pct * vit * HPperVITsummon) end doRegainSpeed(pk) local nick = getItemAttribute(item, "poke") if isGhostPokemon(pk) then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 8981, 1) updateGhostWalk(pk) end if nick == nil then nick = " " elseif nick == "Meganium" then elseif nick:find("Mega ") then nick = nick:match("Mega (.*)") if not pokes[nick] and nick ~= nil and #nick:explode(" ") == 2 then nick = nick:explode(" ")[1] end end if getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then nick = getItemAttribute(item, "nick") end setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1007, nick) if not hideBoost then boost = getItemAttribute(item, "boost") or 0 nick = nick.." [+"..boost.."]" end doCreatureSetNick(pk, nick) if health == true then local mh = HPperVITsummon * getVitality(pk) local rd = 1 - (tonumber(getItemAttribute(item, "hp"))) setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, mh) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk)) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, -(getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) * rd)) end if isSummon(pk) and conditions then local burn = getItemAttribute(item, "burn") if burn and burn >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = burn, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "burndmg"), cond = "Burn"} addEvent(doCondition2, 3500, ret) end local poison = getItemAttribute(item, "poison") if poison and poison >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = poison, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "poisondmg"), cond = "Poison"} addEvent(doCondition2, 1500, ret) end local confuse = getItemAttribute(item, "confuse") if confuse and confuse >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = confuse, check = false, cond = "Confusion"} addEvent(doCondition2, 1200, ret) end local sleep = getItemAttribute(item, "sleep") if sleep and sleep >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = sleep, check = false, first = true, cond = "Sleep"} doCondition2(ret) end local miss = getItemAttribute(item, "miss") if miss and miss >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = miss, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "missEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "missSpell"), cond = "Miss"} doCondition2(ret) end local fear = getItemAttribute(item, "fear") if fear and fear >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = fear, check = false, skill = getItemAttribute(item, "fearSkill"), cond = "Fear"} doCondition2(ret) end local silence = getItemAttribute(item, "silence") if silence and silence >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = silence, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "silenceEff"), check = false, cond = "Silence"} doCondition2(ret) end local stun = getItemAttribute(item, "stun") if stun and stun >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = stun, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "stunEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "stunSpell"), cond = "Stun"} doCondition2(ret) end local paralyze = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyze") if paralyze and paralyze >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = paralyze, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyzeEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Paralyze"} doCondition2(ret) end local slow = getItemAttribute(item, "slow") if slow and slow >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = slow, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "slowEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Slow"} doCondition2(ret) end local leech = getItemAttribute(item, "leech") if leech and leech >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = leech, attacker = 0, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "leechdmg"), cond = "Leech"} doCondition2(ret) end for i = 1, 3 do local buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i) if buff and buff >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = buff, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."eff"), check = false, buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."skill"), first = true, attr = "Buff"..i} doCondition2(ret) end end end --alterado v1.9 if getItemAttribute(item, "boost") and getItemAttribute(item, "boost") >= 50 and getItemAttribute(item, "aura") then sendAuraEffect(pk, auraSyst[getItemAttribute(item, "aura")]) end if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598754) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598754, 1) elseif getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598755) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598755, 1) end return true end function getOffense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001)) end function getDefense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002)) end function getSpeed(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003)) end function getVitality(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004)) end function getSpecialAttack(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005)) end function getHappiness(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1008)) end function getSpecialDefense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return getSpecialAttack(cid) * 0.85 + getDefense(cid) * 0.2 end function getPokemonLevel(cid, dex) if not isCreature(cid) or not pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] then return 0 end if not dex then --alterado v1.9 if ehMonstro(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000) > 0 then return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000) elseif ehMonstro(cid) then return pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].wildLvl end end return pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].level end function getPokemonLevelByName(name) return pokes[name] and pokes[name].level or 0 --alterado v1.9 end function getMasterLevel(poke) if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end return getPlayerLevel(getCreatureMaster(poke)) end function getPokemonBoost(poke) if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end return getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(poke), 8).uid, "boost") or 0 end function getPokeballBoost(ball) if not isPokeball(ball.itemid) then return 0 end --alterado v1.8 return getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "boost") or 0 end function getPokeName(cid) if not isSummon(cid) then return getCreatureName(cid) end if getCreatureName(cid) == "Evolution" then return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1007) end local item = getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8) if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick") then return getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick") end if string.find(tostring(getCreatureName(cid)), "Shiny") then local newName = tostring(getCreatureName(cid)):match("Shiny (.*)") return newName end return getCreatureName(cid) end function getPokeballName(item, truename) if not truename and getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then return getItemAttribute(item, "nick") end return getItemAttribute(item, "poke") end function getPokemonName(cid) return getCreatureName(cid) end function getPokemonGender(cid) --alterado v1.9 return getCreatureSkullType(cid) end --function setPokemonGender(cid, gender) --if isCreature(cid) and gender then --alterado v1.8 -- doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, gender) -- return true --end --return false --end function getWildPokemonExp(cid) return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006) end
  7. Bom eu sabia que ia acontecer com os pokemons que iniciam de nome Mega... , te add no discord aceita la
  8. Desculpe erro meu: function adjustWildPoke(cid, optionalLevel) if isMonster(cid) and pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] then local level = (optionalLevel and optionalLevel >= 1) and optionalLevel or getPokemonLevel(cid) --alterado v1.8 local level = 0 local b = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookBody local shiny = 100 local lvl = getPokemonLevel(cid) local monstrinho = getCreatureName(cid) --alterado v1.4 if optionalLevel then level = optionalLevel elseif b > lvl then level = b elseif string.find(monstrinho, "Shiny") then level = lvl * 01.0 else level = lvl end setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000, level) --alterado v1.8 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].offense * level) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].defense) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].vitality * level) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].specialattack * level) doRegainSpeed(cid) --alterado! setCreatureMaxHealth(cid, (getVitality(cid) * HPperVITwild)) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) if pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp then local exp = pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp * baseExpRate + pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].vitality * pokemonExpPerLevelRate setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, (exp * generalExpRate/2)*10) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, 750) doSetCreatureDropLoot(cid, false) end end end end function getPokemonXMLOutfit(name) --alterado v1.9 \/ local path = "data/monster/pokes/Shiny/"".xml" local tpw = io.type( if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 2/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 1/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 3/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 4/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 5/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/especiais/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then return print("[getPokemonXMLOutfit] Poke with name: "" ins't in any paste on monster/pokes/") and 2 end local arq =, "a+") local txt = arq:read("*all") arq:close() local a, b = txt:find('look type="(.-)"') txt = string.sub(txt, a + 11, b - 1) return tonumber(txt) end function doEvolutionOutfit(cid, oldout, outfit) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end if getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == oldout then doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = outfit}, -1) else doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = oldout}, -1) end end function doSendEvolutionEffect(cid, pos, evolution, turn, ssj, evolve, f, h) if not isCreature(cid) then doSendAnimatedText(pos, "CANCEL", 215) return true end if evolve then doEvolvePokemon(getCreatureMaster(cid), {uid = cid}, evolution, 0, 0) return true end doSendMagicEffect(pos, 18) if ssj then sendSSJEffect(evo) end doEvolutionOutfit(cid, f, h) addEvent(doSendEvolutionEffect, math.pow(1900, turn/20), cid, getThingPos(cid), evolution, turn - 1, turn == 19, turn == 2, f, h) end function sendSSJEffect(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end local pos1 = getThingPos(cid) local pos2 = getThingPos(cid) pos2.x = pos2.x + math.random(-1, 1) pos2.y = pos2.y - math.random(1, 2) doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, pos2, 37) addEvent(sendSSJEffect, 45, cid) end function sendFinishEvolutionEffect(cid, alternate) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end local pos1 = getThingPos(cid) if alternate then local pos = { [1] = {-2, 0}, [2] = {-1, -1}, [3] = {0, -2}, [4] = {1, -1}, [5] = {2, 0}, [6] = {1, 1}, [7] = {0, 2}, [8] = {-1, 1}} for a = 1, 8 do local pos2 = getThingPos(cid) pos2.x = pos2.x + pos[a][1] pos2.y = pos2.y + pos[a][2] local pos = getThingPos(cid) doSendDistanceShoot(pos2, pos, 37) addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 300, pos, pos2, 37) end else for a = 0, 3 do doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37) end for a = 4, 7 do addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 600, pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37) end end end function doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, stone1, stone2) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end if not pokes[theevo] or not pokes[theevo].offense then doReturnPokemon(cid, item2.uid, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8), pokeballs[getPokeballType(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid)].effect, false, true) return true end local owner = getCreatureMaster(item2.uid) local pokeball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) local description = "Contains a "..theevo.."." local pct = getCreatureHealth(item2.uid) / getCreatureMaxHealth(item2.uid) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "hp", pct) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "poke", theevo) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "description", "Contains a "..theevo..".") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Congratulations! Your "..getPokeName(item2.uid).." evolved into a "..theevo.."!") doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item2.uid), 18) doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 7).uid, fotos[theevo]) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "tadport", fotos[theevo]) doUpdatePokemonsBar(cid) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 173) local oldpos = getThingPos(item2.uid) local oldlod = getCreatureLookDir(item2.uid) doRemoveCreature(item2.uid) doSummonMonster(cid, theevo) local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1] doTeleportThing(pk, oldpos, false) doCreatureSetLookDir(pk, oldlod) sendFinishEvolutionEffect(pk, true) addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 550, pk, true) addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 1050, pk) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone1, 1) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone2, 1) doAddPokemonInOwnList(cid, theevo) --local happy = getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy") --doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", happy + happyGainedOnEvolution) --if happy + happyGainedOnEvolution > 255 then -- doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", 255) --end --adjustStatus(pk, pokeball.uid, true, false) if useKpdoDlls then doUpdateMoves(cid) end end function doMathDecimal(number, casas) if math.floor(number) == number then return number end local c = casas and casas + 1 or 3 for a = 0, 10 do if math.floor(number) < math.pow(10, a) then local str = string.sub(""..number.."", 1, a + c) return tonumber(str) end end return number end function doAdjustWithDelay(cid, pk, health, vit, status) if isCreature(cid) then adjustStatus(pk, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, health, vir, status) end end function adjustStatus(pk, item, health, vite, conditions) if not isCreature(pk) then return true end -- local gender = getItemAttribute(item, "gender") and getItemAttribute(item, "gender") or 0 -- addEvent(doCreatureSetSkullType, 10, pk, gender) -- Defense -- local bonusdef = {} local Tiers = { [1] = {bonus = DefBonus1}, [2] = {bonus = DefBonus2}, [3] = {bonus = DefBonus3}, [4] = {bonus = DefBonus4}, [5] = {bonus = DefBonus5}, [6] = {bonus = DefBonus6}, [7] = {bonus = DefBonus7}, } local Tier = getItemAttribute(item, "heldx") if Tier and Tier > 0 and Tier < 8 then bonusdef = Tiers[Tier].bonus else bonusdef = 1 end -- Defense -- -- Boost -- local bonusboost = {} local Tiers2 = { [36] = {bonus = BoostBonus1}, [37] = {bonus = BoostBonus2}, [38] = {bonus = BoostBonus3}, [39] = {bonus = BoostBonus4}, [40] = {bonus = BoostBonus5}, [41] = {bonus = BoostBonus6}, [42] = {bonus = BoostBonus7}, } if Tier and Tier > 35 and Tier < 43 then bonusboost = Tiers2[Tier].bonus else bonusboost = 0 end -- Boost -- if (getItemAttribute(item, "ehditto") == 1) then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1001, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].offense * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) * 0.75) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1002, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].defense) * 0.75) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].vitality * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) * 0.75) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1005, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].specialattack * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) * 0.75) else setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1001, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].offense * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1002, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].defense) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].vitality * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1005, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].specialattack * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) end if vite == true then local pct = getCreatureHealth(pk) / getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) local vit = getVitality(pk) setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, ( vit * HPperVITsummon )) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, pct * vit * HPperVITsummon) end doRegainSpeed(pk) local nick = getItemAttribute(item, "poke") if isGhostPokemon(pk) then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 8981, 1) updateGhostWalk(pk) end if nick:find("Mega") then nick = nick:match("Mega (.*)") if not pokes[nick] and nick ~= nil and #nick:explode(" ") == 2 then nick = nick:explode(" ")[1] end end if nick == nil then nick = " " end if getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then nick = getItemAttribute(item, "nick") end setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1007, nick) if not hideBoost then boost = getItemAttribute(item, "boost") or 0 nick = nick.." [+"..boost.."]" end doCreatureSetNick(pk, nick) if health == true then local mh = HPperVITsummon * getVitality(pk) local rd = 1 - (tonumber(getItemAttribute(item, "hp"))) setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, mh) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk)) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, -(getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) * rd)) end if isSummon(pk) and conditions then local burn = getItemAttribute(item, "burn") if burn and burn >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = burn, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "burndmg"), cond = "Burn"} addEvent(doCondition2, 3500, ret) end local poison = getItemAttribute(item, "poison") if poison and poison >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = poison, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "poisondmg"), cond = "Poison"} addEvent(doCondition2, 1500, ret) end local confuse = getItemAttribute(item, "confuse") if confuse and confuse >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = confuse, check = false, cond = "Confusion"} addEvent(doCondition2, 1200, ret) end local sleep = getItemAttribute(item, "sleep") if sleep and sleep >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = sleep, check = false, first = true, cond = "Sleep"} doCondition2(ret) end local miss = getItemAttribute(item, "miss") if miss and miss >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = miss, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "missEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "missSpell"), cond = "Miss"} doCondition2(ret) end local fear = getItemAttribute(item, "fear") if fear and fear >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = fear, check = false, skill = getItemAttribute(item, "fearSkill"), cond = "Fear"} doCondition2(ret) end local silence = getItemAttribute(item, "silence") if silence and silence >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = silence, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "silenceEff"), check = false, cond = "Silence"} doCondition2(ret) end local stun = getItemAttribute(item, "stun") if stun and stun >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = stun, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "stunEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "stunSpell"), cond = "Stun"} doCondition2(ret) end local paralyze = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyze") if paralyze and paralyze >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = paralyze, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyzeEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Paralyze"} doCondition2(ret) end local slow = getItemAttribute(item, "slow") if slow and slow >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = slow, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "slowEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Slow"} doCondition2(ret) end local leech = getItemAttribute(item, "leech") if leech and leech >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = leech, attacker = 0, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "leechdmg"), cond = "Leech"} doCondition2(ret) end for i = 1, 3 do local buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i) if buff and buff >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = buff, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."eff"), check = false, buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."skill"), first = true, attr = "Buff"..i} doCondition2(ret) end end end --alterado v1.9 if getItemAttribute(item, "boost") and getItemAttribute(item, "boost") >= 50 and getItemAttribute(item, "aura") then sendAuraEffect(pk, auraSyst[getItemAttribute(item, "aura")]) end if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598754) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598754, 1) elseif getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598755) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598755, 1) end return true end function getOffense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001)) end function getDefense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002)) end function getSpeed(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003)) end function getVitality(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004)) end function getSpecialAttack(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005)) end function getHappiness(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1008)) end function getSpecialDefense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return getSpecialAttack(cid) * 0.85 + getDefense(cid) * 0.2 end function getPokemonLevel(cid, dex) if not isCreature(cid) or not pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] then return 0 end if not dex then --alterado v1.9 if ehMonstro(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000) > 0 then return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000) elseif ehMonstro(cid) then return pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].wildLvl end end return pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].level end function getPokemonLevelByName(name) return pokes[name] and pokes[name].level or 0 --alterado v1.9 end function getMasterLevel(poke) if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end return getPlayerLevel(getCreatureMaster(poke)) end function getPokemonBoost(poke) if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end return getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(poke), 8).uid, "boost") or 0 end function getPokeballBoost(ball) if not isPokeball(ball.itemid) then return 0 end --alterado v1.8 return getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "boost") or 0 end function getPokeName(cid) if not isSummon(cid) then return getCreatureName(cid) end if getCreatureName(cid) == "Evolution" then return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1007) end local item = getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8) if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick") then return getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick") end if string.find(tostring(getCreatureName(cid)), "Shiny") then local newName = tostring(getCreatureName(cid)):match("Shiny (.*)") return newName end return getCreatureName(cid) end function getPokeballName(item, truename) if not truename and getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then return getItemAttribute(item, "nick") end return getItemAttribute(item, "poke") end function getPokemonName(cid) return getCreatureName(cid) end function getPokemonGender(cid) --alterado v1.9 return getCreatureSkullType(cid) end --function setPokemonGender(cid, gender) --if isCreature(cid) and gender then --alterado v1.8 -- doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, gender) -- return true --end --return false --end function getWildPokemonExp(cid) return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006) end enviei amizade no discord
  9. cara o problema é que uma variavel está nula por algum motivo entendeu, é meio dificil barrar esse erro sem fazer alguns testes rsrs, primeiro eu teria que descobrir pra que vale esse nick, faz assim, coloca isso, e não terá mais erro do tipo "Nick", caso de outro tipo de erro passa seu discord, que fica mais fácil function adjustWildPoke(cid, optionalLevel) if isMonster(cid) and pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] then local level = (optionalLevel and optionalLevel >= 1) and optionalLevel or getPokemonLevel(cid) --alterado v1.8 local level = 0 local b = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookBody local shiny = 100 local lvl = getPokemonLevel(cid) local monstrinho = getCreatureName(cid) --alterado v1.4 if optionalLevel then level = optionalLevel elseif b > lvl then level = b elseif string.find(monstrinho, "Shiny") then level = lvl * 01.0 else level = lvl end setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000, level) --alterado v1.8 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].offense * level) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].defense) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].vitality * level) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].specialattack * level) doRegainSpeed(cid) --alterado! setCreatureMaxHealth(cid, (getVitality(cid) * HPperVITwild)) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) if pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp then local exp = pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp * baseExpRate + pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].vitality * pokemonExpPerLevelRate setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, (exp * generalExpRate/2)*10) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, 750) doSetCreatureDropLoot(cid, false) end end end end function getPokemonXMLOutfit(name) --alterado v1.9 \/ local path = "data/monster/pokes/Shiny/"".xml" local tpw = io.type( if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 2/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 1/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 3/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 4/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 5/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/especiais/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then return print("[getPokemonXMLOutfit] Poke with name: "" ins't in any paste on monster/pokes/") and 2 end local arq =, "a+") local txt = arq:read("*all") arq:close() local a, b = txt:find('look type="(.-)"') txt = string.sub(txt, a + 11, b - 1) return tonumber(txt) end function doEvolutionOutfit(cid, oldout, outfit) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end if getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == oldout then doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = outfit}, -1) else doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = oldout}, -1) end end function doSendEvolutionEffect(cid, pos, evolution, turn, ssj, evolve, f, h) if not isCreature(cid) then doSendAnimatedText(pos, "CANCEL", 215) return true end if evolve then doEvolvePokemon(getCreatureMaster(cid), {uid = cid}, evolution, 0, 0) return true end doSendMagicEffect(pos, 18) if ssj then sendSSJEffect(evo) end doEvolutionOutfit(cid, f, h) addEvent(doSendEvolutionEffect, math.pow(1900, turn/20), cid, getThingPos(cid), evolution, turn - 1, turn == 19, turn == 2, f, h) end function sendSSJEffect(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end local pos1 = getThingPos(cid) local pos2 = getThingPos(cid) pos2.x = pos2.x + math.random(-1, 1) pos2.y = pos2.y - math.random(1, 2) doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, pos2, 37) addEvent(sendSSJEffect, 45, cid) end function sendFinishEvolutionEffect(cid, alternate) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end local pos1 = getThingPos(cid) if alternate then local pos = { [1] = {-2, 0}, [2] = {-1, -1}, [3] = {0, -2}, [4] = {1, -1}, [5] = {2, 0}, [6] = {1, 1}, [7] = {0, 2}, [8] = {-1, 1}} for a = 1, 8 do local pos2 = getThingPos(cid) pos2.x = pos2.x + pos[a][1] pos2.y = pos2.y + pos[a][2] local pos = getThingPos(cid) doSendDistanceShoot(pos2, pos, 37) addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 300, pos, pos2, 37) end else for a = 0, 3 do doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37) end for a = 4, 7 do addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 600, pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37) end end end function doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, stone1, stone2) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end if not pokes[theevo] or not pokes[theevo].offense then doReturnPokemon(cid, item2.uid, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8), pokeballs[getPokeballType(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid)].effect, false, true) return true end local owner = getCreatureMaster(item2.uid) local pokeball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) local description = "Contains a "..theevo.."." local pct = getCreatureHealth(item2.uid) / getCreatureMaxHealth(item2.uid) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "hp", pct) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "poke", theevo) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "description", "Contains a "..theevo..".") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Congratulations! Your "..getPokeName(item2.uid).." evolved into a "..theevo.."!") doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item2.uid), 18) doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 7).uid, fotos[theevo]) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "tadport", fotos[theevo]) doUpdatePokemonsBar(cid) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 173) local oldpos = getThingPos(item2.uid) local oldlod = getCreatureLookDir(item2.uid) doRemoveCreature(item2.uid) doSummonMonster(cid, theevo) local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1] doTeleportThing(pk, oldpos, false) doCreatureSetLookDir(pk, oldlod) sendFinishEvolutionEffect(pk, true) addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 550, pk, true) addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 1050, pk) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone1, 1) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone2, 1) doAddPokemonInOwnList(cid, theevo) --local happy = getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy") --doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", happy + happyGainedOnEvolution) --if happy + happyGainedOnEvolution > 255 then -- doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", 255) --end --adjustStatus(pk, pokeball.uid, true, false) if useKpdoDlls then doUpdateMoves(cid) end end function doMathDecimal(number, casas) if math.floor(number) == number then return number end local c = casas and casas + 1 or 3 for a = 0, 10 do if math.floor(number) < math.pow(10, a) then local str = string.sub(""..number.."", 1, a + c) return tonumber(str) end end return number end function doAdjustWithDelay(cid, pk, health, vit, status) if isCreature(cid) then adjustStatus(pk, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, health, vir, status) end end function adjustStatus(pk, item, health, vite, conditions) if not isCreature(pk) then return true end -- local gender = getItemAttribute(item, "gender") and getItemAttribute(item, "gender") or 0 -- addEvent(doCreatureSetSkullType, 10, pk, gender) -- Defense -- local bonusdef = {} local Tiers = { [1] = {bonus = DefBonus1}, [2] = {bonus = DefBonus2}, [3] = {bonus = DefBonus3}, [4] = {bonus = DefBonus4}, [5] = {bonus = DefBonus5}, [6] = {bonus = DefBonus6}, [7] = {bonus = DefBonus7}, } local Tier = getItemAttribute(item, "heldx") if Tier and Tier > 0 and Tier < 8 then bonusdef = Tiers[Tier].bonus else bonusdef = 1 end -- Defense -- -- Boost -- local bonusboost = {} local Tiers2 = { [36] = {bonus = BoostBonus1}, [37] = {bonus = BoostBonus2}, [38] = {bonus = BoostBonus3}, [39] = {bonus = BoostBonus4}, [40] = {bonus = BoostBonus5}, [41] = {bonus = BoostBonus6}, [42] = {bonus = BoostBonus7}, } if Tier and Tier > 35 and Tier < 43 then bonusboost = Tiers2[Tier].bonus else bonusboost = 0 end -- Boost -- if (getItemAttribute(item, "ehditto") == 1) then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1001, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].offense * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) * 0.75) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1002, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].defense) * 0.75) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].vitality * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) * 0.75) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1005, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].specialattack * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) * 0.75) else setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1001, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].offense * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1002, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].defense) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].vitality * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1005, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].specialattack * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) end if vite == true then local pct = getCreatureHealth(pk) / getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) local vit = getVitality(pk) setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, ( vit * HPperVITsummon )) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, pct * vit * HPperVITsummon) end doRegainSpeed(pk) local nick = getItemAttribute(item, "poke") if isGhostPokemon(pk) then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 8981, 1) updateGhostWalk(pk) end if nick:find("Mega") then nick = nick:match("Mega (.*)") elseif not pokes[nick] and nick ~= nil then nick = nick:explode(" ")[1] else nick = " " end end if getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then nick = getItemAttribute(item, "nick") end setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1007, nick) if not hideBoost then boost = getItemAttribute(item, "boost") or 0 nick = nick.." [+"..boost.."]" end doCreatureSetNick(pk, nick) if health == true then local mh = HPperVITsummon * getVitality(pk) local rd = 1 - (tonumber(getItemAttribute(item, "hp"))) setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, mh) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk)) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, -(getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) * rd)) end if isSummon(pk) and conditions then local burn = getItemAttribute(item, "burn") if burn and burn >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = burn, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "burndmg"), cond = "Burn"} addEvent(doCondition2, 3500, ret) end local poison = getItemAttribute(item, "poison") if poison and poison >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = poison, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "poisondmg"), cond = "Poison"} addEvent(doCondition2, 1500, ret) end local confuse = getItemAttribute(item, "confuse") if confuse and confuse >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = confuse, check = false, cond = "Confusion"} addEvent(doCondition2, 1200, ret) end local sleep = getItemAttribute(item, "sleep") if sleep and sleep >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = sleep, check = false, first = true, cond = "Sleep"} doCondition2(ret) end local miss = getItemAttribute(item, "miss") if miss and miss >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = miss, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "missEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "missSpell"), cond = "Miss"} doCondition2(ret) end local fear = getItemAttribute(item, "fear") if fear and fear >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = fear, check = false, skill = getItemAttribute(item, "fearSkill"), cond = "Fear"} doCondition2(ret) end local silence = getItemAttribute(item, "silence") if silence and silence >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = silence, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "silenceEff"), check = false, cond = "Silence"} doCondition2(ret) end local stun = getItemAttribute(item, "stun") if stun and stun >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = stun, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "stunEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "stunSpell"), cond = "Stun"} doCondition2(ret) end local paralyze = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyze") if paralyze and paralyze >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = paralyze, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyzeEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Paralyze"} doCondition2(ret) end local slow = getItemAttribute(item, "slow") if slow and slow >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = slow, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "slowEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Slow"} doCondition2(ret) end local leech = getItemAttribute(item, "leech") if leech and leech >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = leech, attacker = 0, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "leechdmg"), cond = "Leech"} doCondition2(ret) end for i = 1, 3 do local buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i) if buff and buff >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = buff, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."eff"), check = false, buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."skill"), first = true, attr = "Buff"..i} doCondition2(ret) end end end --alterado v1.9 if getItemAttribute(item, "boost") and getItemAttribute(item, "boost") >= 50 and getItemAttribute(item, "aura") then sendAuraEffect(pk, auraSyst[getItemAttribute(item, "aura")]) end if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598754) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598754, 1) elseif getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598755) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598755, 1) end return true end function getOffense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001)) end function getDefense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002)) end function getSpeed(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003)) end function getVitality(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004)) end function getSpecialAttack(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005)) end function getHappiness(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1008)) end function getSpecialDefense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return getSpecialAttack(cid) * 0.85 + getDefense(cid) * 0.2 end function getPokemonLevel(cid, dex) if not isCreature(cid) or not pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] then return 0 end if not dex then --alterado v1.9 if ehMonstro(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000) > 0 then return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000) elseif ehMonstro(cid) then return pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].wildLvl end end return pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].level end function getPokemonLevelByName(name) return pokes[name] and pokes[name].level or 0 --alterado v1.9 end function getMasterLevel(poke) if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end return getPlayerLevel(getCreatureMaster(poke)) end function getPokemonBoost(poke) if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end return getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(poke), 8).uid, "boost") or 0 end function getPokeballBoost(ball) if not isPokeball(ball.itemid) then return 0 end --alterado v1.8 return getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "boost") or 0 end function getPokeName(cid) if not isSummon(cid) then return getCreatureName(cid) end if getCreatureName(cid) == "Evolution" then return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1007) end local item = getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8) if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick") then return getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick") end if string.find(tostring(getCreatureName(cid)), "Shiny") then local newName = tostring(getCreatureName(cid)):match("Shiny (.*)") return newName end return getCreatureName(cid) end function getPokeballName(item, truename) if not truename and getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then return getItemAttribute(item, "nick") end return getItemAttribute(item, "poke") end function getPokemonName(cid) return getCreatureName(cid) end function getPokemonGender(cid) --alterado v1.9 return getCreatureSkullType(cid) end --function setPokemonGender(cid, gender) --if isCreature(cid) and gender then --alterado v1.8 -- doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, gender) -- return true --end --return false --end function getWildPokemonExp(cid) return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006) end
  10. tenta assim e caso de erro me manda aqui: function adjustWildPoke(cid, optionalLevel) if isMonster(cid) and pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] then local level = (optionalLevel and optionalLevel >= 1) and optionalLevel or getPokemonLevel(cid) --alterado v1.8 local level = 0 local b = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookBody local shiny = 100 local lvl = getPokemonLevel(cid) local monstrinho = getCreatureName(cid) --alterado v1.4 if optionalLevel then level = optionalLevel elseif b > lvl then level = b elseif string.find(monstrinho, "Shiny") then level = lvl * 01.0 else level = lvl end setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000, level) --alterado v1.8 setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].offense * level) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].defense) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].vitality * level) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005, pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].specialattack * level) doRegainSpeed(cid) --alterado! setCreatureMaxHealth(cid, (getVitality(cid) * HPperVITwild)) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) if pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp then local exp = pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].exp * baseExpRate + pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].vitality * pokemonExpPerLevelRate setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, (exp * generalExpRate/2)*10) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 22546) == 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006, 750) doSetCreatureDropLoot(cid, false) end end end end function getPokemonXMLOutfit(name) --alterado v1.9 \/ local path = "data/monster/pokes/Shiny/"".xml" local tpw = io.type( if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 2/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 1/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 3/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 4/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/geracao 5/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then path = "data/monster/pokes/especiais/"".xml" tpw = io.type( end if not tpw then return print("[getPokemonXMLOutfit] Poke with name: "" ins't in any paste on monster/pokes/") and 2 end local arq =, "a+") local txt = arq:read("*all") arq:close() local a, b = txt:find('look type="(.-)"') txt = string.sub(txt, a + 11, b - 1) return tonumber(txt) end function doEvolutionOutfit(cid, oldout, outfit) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end if getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType == oldout then doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = outfit}, -1) else doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = oldout}, -1) end end function doSendEvolutionEffect(cid, pos, evolution, turn, ssj, evolve, f, h) if not isCreature(cid) then doSendAnimatedText(pos, "CANCEL", 215) return true end if evolve then doEvolvePokemon(getCreatureMaster(cid), {uid = cid}, evolution, 0, 0) return true end doSendMagicEffect(pos, 18) if ssj then sendSSJEffect(evo) end doEvolutionOutfit(cid, f, h) addEvent(doSendEvolutionEffect, math.pow(1900, turn/20), cid, getThingPos(cid), evolution, turn - 1, turn == 19, turn == 2, f, h) end function sendSSJEffect(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end local pos1 = getThingPos(cid) local pos2 = getThingPos(cid) pos2.x = pos2.x + math.random(-1, 1) pos2.y = pos2.y - math.random(1, 2) doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, pos2, 37) addEvent(sendSSJEffect, 45, cid) end function sendFinishEvolutionEffect(cid, alternate) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end local pos1 = getThingPos(cid) if alternate then local pos = { [1] = {-2, 0}, [2] = {-1, -1}, [3] = {0, -2}, [4] = {1, -1}, [5] = {2, 0}, [6] = {1, 1}, [7] = {0, 2}, [8] = {-1, 1}} for a = 1, 8 do local pos2 = getThingPos(cid) pos2.x = pos2.x + pos[a][1] pos2.y = pos2.y + pos[a][2] local pos = getThingPos(cid) doSendDistanceShoot(pos2, pos, 37) addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 300, pos, pos2, 37) end else for a = 0, 3 do doSendDistanceShoot(pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37) end for a = 4, 7 do addEvent(doSendDistanceShoot, 600, pos1, getPosByDir(pos1, a), 37) end end end function doEvolvePokemon(cid, item2, theevo, stone1, stone2) if not isCreature(cid) then return true end if not pokes[theevo] or not pokes[theevo].offense then doReturnPokemon(cid, item2.uid, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8), pokeballs[getPokeballType(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).itemid)].effect, false, true) return true end local owner = getCreatureMaster(item2.uid) local pokeball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8) local description = "Contains a "..theevo.."." local pct = getCreatureHealth(item2.uid) / getCreatureMaxHealth(item2.uid) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "hp", pct) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "poke", theevo) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "description", "Contains a "..theevo..".") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Congratulations! Your "..getPokeName(item2.uid).." evolved into a "..theevo.."!") doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item2.uid), 18) doTransformItem(getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 7).uid, fotos[theevo]) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "tadport", fotos[theevo]) doUpdatePokemonsBar(cid) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 173) local oldpos = getThingPos(item2.uid) local oldlod = getCreatureLookDir(item2.uid) doRemoveCreature(item2.uid) doSummonMonster(cid, theevo) local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1] doTeleportThing(pk, oldpos, false) doCreatureSetLookDir(pk, oldlod) sendFinishEvolutionEffect(pk, true) addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 550, pk, true) addEvent(sendFinishEvolutionEffect, 1050, pk) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone1, 1) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, stone2, 1) doAddPokemonInOwnList(cid, theevo) --local happy = getItemAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy") --doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", happy + happyGainedOnEvolution) --if happy + happyGainedOnEvolution > 255 then -- doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "happy", 255) --end --adjustStatus(pk, pokeball.uid, true, false) if useKpdoDlls then doUpdateMoves(cid) end end function doMathDecimal(number, casas) if math.floor(number) == number then return number end local c = casas and casas + 1 or 3 for a = 0, 10 do if math.floor(number) < math.pow(10, a) then local str = string.sub(""..number.."", 1, a + c) return tonumber(str) end end return number end function doAdjustWithDelay(cid, pk, health, vit, status) if isCreature(cid) then adjustStatus(pk, getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 8).uid, health, vir, status) end end function adjustStatus(pk, item, health, vite, conditions) if not isCreature(pk) then return true end -- local gender = getItemAttribute(item, "gender") and getItemAttribute(item, "gender") or 0 -- addEvent(doCreatureSetSkullType, 10, pk, gender) -- Defense -- local bonusdef = {} local Tiers = { [1] = {bonus = DefBonus1}, [2] = {bonus = DefBonus2}, [3] = {bonus = DefBonus3}, [4] = {bonus = DefBonus4}, [5] = {bonus = DefBonus5}, [6] = {bonus = DefBonus6}, [7] = {bonus = DefBonus7}, } local Tier = getItemAttribute(item, "heldx") if Tier and Tier > 0 and Tier < 8 then bonusdef = Tiers[Tier].bonus else bonusdef = 1 end -- Defense -- -- Boost -- local bonusboost = {} local Tiers2 = { [36] = {bonus = BoostBonus1}, [37] = {bonus = BoostBonus2}, [38] = {bonus = BoostBonus3}, [39] = {bonus = BoostBonus4}, [40] = {bonus = BoostBonus5}, [41] = {bonus = BoostBonus6}, [42] = {bonus = BoostBonus7}, } if Tier and Tier > 35 and Tier < 43 then bonusboost = Tiers2[Tier].bonus else bonusboost = 0 end -- Boost -- if (getItemAttribute(item, "ehditto") == 1) then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1001, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].offense * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) * 0.75) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1002, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].defense) * 0.75) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].vitality * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) * 0.75) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1005, (pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].specialattack * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) * 0.75) else setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1001, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].offense * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1002, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].defense) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1003, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].agility) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1004, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].vitality * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1005, pokes[getCreatureName(pk)].specialattack * (getMasterLevel(pk) + getPokemonBoost(pk))) end if vite == true then local pct = getCreatureHealth(pk) / getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) local vit = getVitality(pk) setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, ( vit * HPperVITsummon )) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, pct * vit * HPperVITsummon) end doRegainSpeed(pk) local nick = getItemAttribute(item, "poke") if isGhostPokemon(pk) then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 8981, 1) updateGhostWalk(pk) end if nick:find("Mega") then nick = nick:match("Mega (.*)") if not pokes[nick] and nick ~= nil then nick = nick:explode(" ")[1] end end if getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then nick = getItemAttribute(item, "nick") end setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 1007, nick) if not hideBoost then boost = getItemAttribute(item, "boost") or 0 nick = nick.." [+"..boost.."]" end doCreatureSetNick(pk, nick) if health == true then local mh = HPperVITsummon * getVitality(pk) local rd = 1 - (tonumber(getItemAttribute(item, "hp"))) setCreatureMaxHealth(pk, mh) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, getCreatureMaxHealth(pk)) doCreatureAddHealth(pk, -(getCreatureMaxHealth(pk) * rd)) end if isSummon(pk) and conditions then local burn = getItemAttribute(item, "burn") if burn and burn >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = burn, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "burndmg"), cond = "Burn"} addEvent(doCondition2, 3500, ret) end local poison = getItemAttribute(item, "poison") if poison and poison >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = poison, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "poisondmg"), cond = "Poison"} addEvent(doCondition2, 1500, ret) end local confuse = getItemAttribute(item, "confuse") if confuse and confuse >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = confuse, check = false, cond = "Confusion"} addEvent(doCondition2, 1200, ret) end local sleep = getItemAttribute(item, "sleep") if sleep and sleep >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = sleep, check = false, first = true, cond = "Sleep"} doCondition2(ret) end local miss = getItemAttribute(item, "miss") if miss and miss >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = miss, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "missEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "missSpell"), cond = "Miss"} doCondition2(ret) end local fear = getItemAttribute(item, "fear") if fear and fear >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = fear, check = false, skill = getItemAttribute(item, "fearSkill"), cond = "Fear"} doCondition2(ret) end local silence = getItemAttribute(item, "silence") if silence and silence >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = silence, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "silenceEff"), check = false, cond = "Silence"} doCondition2(ret) end local stun = getItemAttribute(item, "stun") if stun and stun >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = stun, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "stunEff"), check = false, spell = getItemAttribute(item, "stunSpell"), cond = "Stun"} doCondition2(ret) end local paralyze = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyze") if paralyze and paralyze >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = paralyze, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "paralyzeEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Paralyze"} doCondition2(ret) end local slow = getItemAttribute(item, "slow") if slow and slow >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = slow, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "slowEff"), check = false, first = true, cond = "Slow"} doCondition2(ret) end local leech = getItemAttribute(item, "leech") if leech and leech >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = leech, attacker = 0, check = false, damage = getItemAttribute(item, "leechdmg"), cond = "Leech"} doCondition2(ret) end for i = 1, 3 do local buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i) if buff and buff >= 0 then local ret = {id = pk, cd = buff, eff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."eff"), check = false, buff = getItemAttribute(item, "Buff"..i.."skill"), first = true, attr = "Buff"..i} doCondition2(ret) end end end --alterado v1.9 if getItemAttribute(item, "boost") and getItemAttribute(item, "boost") >= 50 and getItemAttribute(item, "aura") then sendAuraEffect(pk, auraSyst[getItemAttribute(item, "aura")]) end if getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598754) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598754, 1) elseif getPlayerStorageValue(getCreatureMaster(pk), 6598755) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(pk, 6598755, 1) end return true end function getOffense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1001)) end function getDefense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1002)) end function getSpeed(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1003)) end function getVitality(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1004)) end function getSpecialAttack(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1005)) end function getHappiness(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return tonumber(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1008)) end function getSpecialDefense(cid) if not isCreature(cid) then return 0 end return getSpecialAttack(cid) * 0.85 + getDefense(cid) * 0.2 end function getPokemonLevel(cid, dex) if not isCreature(cid) or not pokes[getCreatureName(cid)] then return 0 end if not dex then --alterado v1.9 if ehMonstro(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000) > 0 then return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1000) elseif ehMonstro(cid) then return pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].wildLvl end end return pokes[getCreatureName(cid)].level end function getPokemonLevelByName(name) return pokes[name] and pokes[name].level or 0 --alterado v1.9 end function getMasterLevel(poke) if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end return getPlayerLevel(getCreatureMaster(poke)) end function getPokemonBoost(poke) if not isSummon(poke) then return 0 end return getItemAttribute(getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(poke), 8).uid, "boost") or 0 end function getPokeballBoost(ball) if not isPokeball(ball.itemid) then return 0 end --alterado v1.8 return getItemAttribute(ball.uid, "boost") or 0 end function getPokeName(cid) if not isSummon(cid) then return getCreatureName(cid) end if getCreatureName(cid) == "Evolution" then return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1007) end local item = getPlayerSlotItem(getCreatureMaster(cid), 8) if getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick") then return getItemAttribute(item.uid, "nick") end if string.find(tostring(getCreatureName(cid)), "Shiny") then local newName = tostring(getCreatureName(cid)):match("Shiny (.*)") return newName end return getCreatureName(cid) end function getPokeballName(item, truename) if not truename and getItemAttribute(item, "nick") then return getItemAttribute(item, "nick") end return getItemAttribute(item, "poke") end function getPokemonName(cid) return getCreatureName(cid) end function getPokemonGender(cid) --alterado v1.9 return getCreatureSkullType(cid) end --function setPokemonGender(cid, gender) --if isCreature(cid) and gender then --alterado v1.8 -- doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, gender) -- return true --end --return false --end function getWildPokemonExp(cid) return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 1006) end
  11. olá, o erro está no seguinte arquivo: "data/lib/level system.lua" se puder disponibiliza-lo para download, assim consigo ajudar você.
  12. olá amigo, consegue postar aqui o arquivo que se encontra em: data/lib/wild Trainer" e "data/creaturescript/login"... Esse erro do spawm está ocorrendo pois você adicionou o monstro, mas em algum lugar está faltando adiciona-lo, funciona igual quando você tem que colocar os moves, portraits, evoluções etc... Algum lugar faltou adicionar o nome dele e sua config rsrs
  13. Pokemon Nox Ofi

    Erro RME

    Fala Marmita, usa esse remeres. Remere's Map
  14. então, essa é a imagem que deveria estar mostrando, tem discord? Se tiver passa aqui, fica on que entro la pra te ajudar
  15. certo, verifique dentro desse diretório "/images/topbuttons/" e veja se tem um arquivo chamado loot.png ou loot.jpg algo do tipo, pois é essa imagem que seria o ícone
  16. Certo, então eu vi seu client, ele é meio diferente, consegue me passar a pasta modules? Pois eu teria que ver em qual arquivo está mandando adicionar o botão do autoloot, pois assim eu não consigo te ajudar.
  17. Entendi cara, mas pq você não faz a quest e solicita apenas os scripts?
  18. Cara, então... Não basta adicionar o botão, tem que fazer ele chamar o método que irá dizer o comando do autoloot... Atualmente já tem um botão mas ele está sem icone é isso?
  19. local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new() local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler) NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) local talkState = {} function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg) if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then return false end local talkUser = NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR == CONVERSATION_DEFAULT and 0 or cid local Itemremover = ITEM_ID_REMOVER local QtdeItemRemover = 1 local rewards = { { item = ITEM_ID_1, count = 10 }, { item = ITEM_ID_2, count = 52 }, { item = ITEM_ID_3, count = 13 } } if msgcontains(string.lower(msg), 'item') then if doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, Itemremover, QtdeItemRemover) then local random = math.random(1, #rewards) doPlayerAddItem(cid, rewards[random].item, rewards[random].count) selfSay("Pegue seu item", cid) return true else selfSay("Você não tem o item "..getItemNameById(Itemremover).." Para trocar.", cid) end end return true end npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback) npcHandler:addModule(FocusModule:new()) pronto, procure por local ItemRemover = ID_ITEM_REMOVER e coloque o id do item que o npc irá pegar do player, e em QtdeItemRemover = 1 seria a quantidade desse item que o npc vai pegar do player
  20. Cara segue o script: local PosBloqTp = { { PosInicial = {x=900, y=900, z=7}, PosFinal = {x = 1000, y= 1000, z = 7} StorageBloq = 100129838, MensagemErro = "Você não pode se teleportar enquanto estiver na arena" }, } function onSay(cid, words, param) local lugar = { ["anfallas"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=982, y=1298, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["dol"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1206, y=753, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["edoras"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1066, y=1008, z=5},level = 1,price = 0}, ["bree"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=742, y=537, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["belfallas"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1187, y=1514, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["ashenport"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=334, y=611, z=6},level = 1,price = 0}, ["esg"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1413, y=502, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["argond"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=607, y=867, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["moria"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1018, y=636, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["forod"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=709, y=105, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["condado"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=621, y=533, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["dunedain"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1591, y=371, z=6},level = 1,price = 0}, ["minas"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1345, y=1371, z=6},level = 1,price = 0}, ["troll1"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1071, y=877, z=8},level = 1,price = 0}, ["troll2"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1168, y=922, z=8},level = 1,price = 0}, ["rot"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1152, y=930, z=9},level = 1,price = 0}, ["pirata"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=193, y=651, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["mino1"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=740, y=415, z=8},level = 1,price = 0}, ["mino2"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=556, y=570, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["pantano"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1247, y=1074, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["eriador"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=825, y=724, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["dwarf1"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1410, y=438, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["dwarf2"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1000, y=617, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["macacos1"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1270, y=753, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["macacos2"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=624, y=610, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["slime1"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1362, y=1426, z=6},level = 1,price = 0}, ["slime2"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1365, y=475, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["slime3"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=433, y=651, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["ghoul"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1136, y=1052, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["bandit1"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1120, y=1090, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["bandit2"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=710, y=383, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["cyc1"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1038, y=869, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["cyc2"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1104, y=788, z=10},level = 1,price = 0}, ["cyc3"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1276, y=914, z=6},level = 1,price = 0}, ["stonegolem"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1324, y=1047, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["dworc1"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=640, y=214, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["eregion"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=901, y=725, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["promoOrc"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1696, y=1278, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["rhun"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1759, y=813, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["dragonvip"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1539, y=723, z=6},level = 1,price = 0}, ["erebor"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1415, y=424, z=4},level = 1,price = 0}, ["mirkwood"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1253, y=637, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["forochel"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=507, y=116, z=6},level = 1,price = 0}, ["carn"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=676, y=199, z=6},level = 1,price = 0}, ["enedwaith"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=867, y=1004, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["elven"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=999, y=582, z=2},level = 1,price = 0}, ["wyvern"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=823, y=354, z=6},level = 1,price = 0}, ["corsario"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=872, y=1472, z=6},level = 1,price = 0}, ["dunland"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=808, y=930, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["beleghost"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=182, y=589, z=6},level = 1,price = 0}, ["evendim"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=580, y=242, z=6},level = 1,price = 0}, ["bonebeast1"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1302, y=658, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["bonebeast2"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1327, y=1300, z=5},level = 1,price = 0}, ["blacknight1"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=861, y=416, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["blacknight2"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1257, y=1371, z=5},level = 1,price = 0}, ["hero1"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1137, y=1453, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["hero2"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1200, y=1440, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["hero3"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1257, y=1367, z=5},level = 1,price = 0}, ["hydra1"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=667, y=724, z=6},level = 1,price = 0}, ["hydra2"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=526, y=641, z=6},level = 1,price = 0}, ["hydra3"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=498, y=686, z=6},level = 1,price = 0}, ["lich"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1470, y=1034, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["icewitch1"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=723, y=74, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["crystal"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=696, y=80, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["barbarian"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=951, y=98, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["dragon1"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=679, y=327, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["dragon2"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=368, y=660, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["vamp"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1275, y=1382, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["turtle"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=452, y=509, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["purga"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1085, y=346, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["northern"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1541, y=142, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["ered"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1282, y=90, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["orodruin"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1578, y=1208, z=0},level = 1,price = 0}, ["ice"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=859, y=127, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["nimrais"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=740, y=1210, z=0},level = 1,price = 0}, ["defiler"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=642, y=492, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["behedemon"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=996, y=611, z=10},level = 1,price = 0}, ["harlond"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=379, y=812, z=5},level = 1,price = 0}, ["erech"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=681, y=1294, z=5},level = 1,price = 0}, ["riv"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1052, y=541, z=4},level = 1,price = 0}, ["mordor"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1510, y=1235, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["orc"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1275, y=804, z=7},level = 1,price = 0}, ["icewitch2"] = { -- nome do lugar pos = {x=1306, y=1290, z=3},level = 1,price = 0}, } local MensagemErroTP = VerificarTPPlayer(cid) local a = lugar[param] if not(a) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "As playerades que você pode ir são: edoras, belfallas, ashenport, bree, riv, dol, esg, argond, moria, mordor, forod, condado, dunedain, anfallas, minas") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "As hunts que você pode ir são:") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Até Level 30: troll1, troll2, rot, pirata, mino1, mino2, pantano, eriador, dwarf1, dwarf2, macacos1, macacos2, slime1, slime2, slime3, ghoul, bandit1, bandit2, cyc1, cyc2, cyc3, stonegolem, dworc1, eregion, promoOrc") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "De level 31 a 100: rhun, dragonvip, erebor, mirkwood, forochel, carn, enedwaith, elven, wyvern, corsario, dunland, beleghost, evendim, bonebeast1, bonebeast2, orc, blacknight1, blacknight2, hero1, hero2, hero3, hydra1, hydra2, hydra3, lich, icewitch1, icewitch2, crystal, barbarian, dragon1, dragon2, vamp, turtle, purga, quara") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Level maior que 100: northern, ered, orodruin, ice, nimrais, defiler, behedemon, harlond, erech") return false elseif not isPremium(cid) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Apenas contas vip tem esse recurso.") return false elseif getCreatureCondition(cid, CONDITION_INFIGHT) == true then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, "Você não pode se teleportar em uma batalha.") return false elseif MensagemErroTP ~= "" then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_DEFAULT, MensagemErroTP) return false end doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), 28) doTeleportThing(cid, a.pos) doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), 41) return false end function VerificarTPPlayer(cid) local PosPlayer = getPlayerPosition(cid) for i = 1, #PosBloqTp do local StorageBq = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, PosBloqTp[i].StorageBloq) if StorageBq == 1 then return PosBloqTp[i].MensagemErro end if PosBloqTp[i].PosInicial.x <= PosPlayer.x and PosBloqTp[i].PosInicial.y <= PosPlayer.y and PosBloqTp[i].PosInicial.z == PosPlayer.z then if PosBloqTp[i].PosFinal.x >= PosPlayer.x and PosBloqTp[i].PosFinal.y >= PosPlayer.y and PosBloqTp[i].PosFinal.z == PosPlayer.z then return PosBloqTp[i].MensagemErro end end end return "" end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- Configuração ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procure por: local PosBloqTp = { { PosInicial = {x=900, y=900, z=7}, PosFinal = {x = 1000, y= 1000, z = 7} StorageBloq = 100129838, MensagemErro = "Você não pode se teleportar enquanto estiver na arena" }, } no caso onde está PosInicial você deve colocar a posição inicial da arena e onde está PosFinal, seria a posição final da arena, abra o remeres editor e imagine que a arena é quadrada como a imagem abaixo, veja os pontos da posição inicial e final da arena: Colocando a posição inicial e a posição final, se não quiser preencher o storage pode manter o número 0, eu deixei pois caso você queira bloquear o tp com storage também da certo, ou seja, vamos supor que você tenha uma quest, e quando você entra nessa quest o player ganha a storage 201928381... Se você colocar essa storage assim: local PosBloqTp = { { PosInicial = {x=900, y=900, z=7}, PosFinal = {x = 1000, y= 1000, z = 7} StorageBloq = 100129838, MensagemErro = "Você não pode se teleportar enquanto estiver na arena" }, } o player também não poderá teleportar, e onde está "MensagemErro", será a mensagem que aparecerá para o player caso seja verificado que o player possui as configurações que você definiu acima
  21. elf bot você consegue usar eu acho, mas assim, se for new client, você conseguiria mexer nas sources hahaha, mas assim, tem que pesquisar elf bot para new otclient
  22. Fala cara então, tem sim, mas o problema é que old client foi feito para versões antigas e muitas vezes as funcionalidade do servidor depende tb do otclient, como sistemas váriados, ou seja não é recomendado... Você deve solicitar para o desenvolvedor do server, caso ele tenha algum old client, ai sim recomendo.
  23. Pokemon Nox Ofi

    Comando /goto

    cara se você quiser, substitua todo esse seu código por esse function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) if(param == '') then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Comando necessario") return true end local creature = getCreatureByName(param) if creature ~= nil then local Pos = getCreaturePosition(creature) local PosFreeTile = getClosestFreeTile(creature, Pos) doTeleportThing(cid, PosFreeTile) doSendMagicEffect(PosFreeTile, CONST_ME_TELEPORT) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, param..' inválido') end end
  24. Abre a pasta Server/Data/NPC e crie um arquivo.xml com o nome do npc e cole dentro do arquivo o código abaixo: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <npc name="NOME DO NPC" script="npcitemaleatorio.lua" floorchange="0" speed="0"> <health now="150" max="150"/> <look type="522" head="97" body="114" legs="114" feet="0"/> <!-- aqui são os addons dele --> <parameters> <parameter key="message_greet" value="Tudo bem, |PLAYERNAME|, MENSAGEM DE INICIO"/> </parameters> </npc> agora vá na pasta Server/data/npc/script e crie o arquivo: npcitemaleatorio.lua e cole o código abaixo: local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new() local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler) NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) local talkState = {} function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg) if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then return false end local talkUser = NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR == CONVERSATION_DEFAULT and 0 or cid local rewards = { { item = ITEM_ID_1, count = 10 }, { item = ITEM_ID_2, count = 52 }, { item = ITEM_ID_3, count = 13 } } if string.lower(msg) == 'item' then local random = math.random(1, #rewards) doPlayerAddItem(cid, rewards[random].item, rewards[random].count) selfSay("Pegue seu item", cid) return true end return true end npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback) npcHandler:addModule(FocusModule:new()) caso de erro, substitua o código acima por esse: local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new() local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler) NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) local talkState = {} function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg) if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then return false end local talkUser = NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR == CONVERSATION_DEFAULT and 0 or cid local rewards = { { item = ITEM_ID_1, count = 10 }, { item = ITEM_ID_2, count = 52 }, { item = ITEM_ID_3, count = 13 } } if msgcontains(string.lower(msg), 'item') then local random = math.random(1, #rewards) doPlayerAddItem(cid, rewards[random].item, rewards[random].count) selfSay("Pegue seu item", cid) return true end return true end npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback) npcHandler:addModule(FocusModule:new()) lembrando onde está ITEM_ID_1 / ITEM_ID_2 / ITEM_ID_3 são os itens ids do item que irá entregar para o player Abre a pasta Server/Data/NPC e crie um arquivo.xml com o nome do npc e cole dentro do arquivo o código abaixo: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <npc name="NOME DO NPC" script="npcitemaleatorio.lua" floorchange="0" speed="0"> <health now="150" max="150"/> <look type="522" head="97" body="114" legs="114" feet="0"/> <!-- aqui são os addons dele --> <parameters> <parameter key="message_greet" value="Tudo bem, |PLAYERNAME|, MENSAGEM DE INICIO"/> </parameters> </npc> agora vá na pasta Server/data/npc/script e crie o arquivo: npcitemaleatorio.lua e cole o código abaixo: local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new() local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler) NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) local talkState = {} function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg) if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then return false end local talkUser = NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR == CONVERSATION_DEFAULT and 0 or cid local rewards = { { item = ITEM_ID_1, count = 10 }, { item = ITEM_ID_2, count = 52 }, { item = ITEM_ID_3, count = 13 } } if string.lower(msg) == 'item' then local random = math.random(1, #rewards) doPlayerAddItem(cid, rewards[random].item, rewards[random].count) selfSay("Pegue seu item", cid) return true end return true end npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback) npcHandler:addModule(FocusModule:new()) caso de erro, substitua o código acima por esse: local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new() local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler) NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) local talkState = {} function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end function creatureSayCallback(cid, type, msg) if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then return false end local talkUser = NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR == CONVERSATION_DEFAULT and 0 or cid local rewards = { { item = ITEM_ID_1, count = 10 }, { item = ITEM_ID_2, count = 52 }, { item = ITEM_ID_3, count = 13 } } if msgcontains(string.lower(msg), 'item') then local random = math.random(1, #rewards) doPlayerAddItem(cid, rewards[random].item, rewards[random].count) selfSay("Pegue seu item", cid) return true end return true end npcHandler:setCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT, creatureSayCallback) npcHandler:addModule(FocusModule:new()) lembrando onde está ITEM_ID_1 / ITEM_ID_2 / ITEM_ID_3 são os itens ids do item que irá entregar para o player
  25. o que é ? Dependendo eu posso te ajudar, mas não sei o que é isso rsrs imbuiment o que é ? Dependendo eu posso te ajudar, mas não sei o que é isso rsrs imbuiment
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