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Sobre Iksio


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Iksio's Achievements

  1. ~*Ip*~: ~*Client*~: Custom ~*Website*~: ~*Exp rate*~: from 10x to 1x ~*Map*~: Custom. ~*Loot rate*~: 1x ~*Server type*~: ForFun ~*Skills & Magic rates*~: 3x Skill and 3x Magic. IP: PvP: 50lvl+ House: 100 lvl+ Stamina: yes Frags to RS: 10 frags Skills: 3x Magic level: 3x Exp stages: 1 - 49 level, 10x 50 - 99 level, 8x 100 - 199 level, 4x 200 - 299 level, 2x 300 - 349 level, 1x 350+ level, 0.5x Server is going to start 28.12.2018 at 19:00 (UTC+1) Some screenshots
  2. START: 04.08.2018 06:00 PM, UTC+01:00 I would like to present you Remaked WoDBO Server Server starts on 04.08.2018 - Saturday at 6:00 PM IP: Port: 7171 Fanpage:Fanpage Prefix/client: 8.54 Our systems and features: Stable server Worldtype: PVP-ENFO (Experience for killing players) FREE PREMIUM ACCOUNT FOR ALL Remaked all spells more informations. Every vocation has AOE,TARGET,WAVE (HERE) Autostacking items Tasks, Daily Tasks (INFO HERE), Daily login reward (INFO HERE), 120 Sagas, 70 Missions, 84 Quests, New transformations for 300, 400 levels (INFO HERE), Lottery System (INFO HERE), New spawns, Houses from 100 level, Autoloot system (INFO HERE), Monster VS Player - MVP (Boss System), You can choose your own Aura! Special spells for every vocation! Botters are going to JAIL for long time! EXP Stage: 1 - 49 Level - 3x 50 - 199 Level - 2x 200+ Level - 1x Few screens from game:
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