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⭐[France And America] [7.10] [Authentic Real Map] Classicot [Start 2020-10-24]⭐
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servidor começa amanhã -
⭐[France And America] [7.10] [Authentic Real Map] Classicot [Start 2020-10-24]⭐
um tópico no fórum postou olddies OTServlist
Classicot Abit Special Server Never Seen.Classicot is a server based on the leaked CipSoft files from 2006 version 7.70 that means we are using the exact formulas as original Tibia doe’s but with some modification's to the spells, runes and vocation's to fit the old system gameplay, this server is being developed since 2017 and we are there finally. We are using a completely 7.40 based server to launch Classicot 7.10, if you remember what was the gameplay between 7.10 and 7.40 the difference is only Visual, Game Mechanics and Map also the skull's system didn't exist in that version but we keep them here to maintain the fair gameplay, as mentioned before we are using the official tracked CipSoft map from 7.40 and downgraded to 7.10, removed level door's, edited the map to look like it was back in 7.10, we invite you and your friend*'s to play this first edition of Classicot Launching this October 16!![Launching 2 Server's] Antica, located in America (South) with regular PvP combat Lunara, located in Germany with regular PvP combat[Server Information]:Version: 7.10Port: 7171Map: Original Map 7.10Support: Directx9 & OpenGLShared Party Experience (Premium only)Anti-Bot SystemHouses: 100%Spawns: 100%NPC's: 100%Quests: 100%Tasks: No![Server Rates]:Exp: 1xSkill: 1xMagic: 1xLoot: 1xRegeneration: 1x[Gameplay]:-Promotion lowered to (10k)-Properly oldchool UHTrap-Monster's No diagonal pathing-Monster's No run away on low hp-Monster's Always attempt to attack in melee range-Monster's Cant cross fields if they are not immune to them-Monster's Strong creatures didnt kill weaker creatures on the way-Monster's No retargetting[Cheating]:Cheating is strictly forbidden under the threat of deletion of all accounts that belong to, or are played by, the offender.Keep in mind that you are supposed to play the game yourself, not to have a tool or program play it for you. Doing so gives you an unfair advantage over players who invest time and effort to gain power. Using unofficial software such as a macro program or a so-called "tasker" or "bot" to automatically execute actions in Classicot for you may lead to a punishment. Thus, play fair. It is allowed to have only 1 character online at a time ( No MC )[Old items!]All the old items exist and they are completely identical to what they used to be in version 7.10 of Tibia.Amulet of Life is the replacement of amulet of loss with blessings ( wich cost 75k ) [Old creatures!]All creatues are completely identical to how they used to be in version 7.10 of Tibia.Creatures will behave as they used to do, formulas are the same and the loot dropped by creatures are accurate! [Old runes and spells!]Runes can be conjured by players x1 and bought from other players.Spells can be used by reaching a certain required magic level for a specific spell.Account creation is open now!!Create Your Account Here! -
[USA][Classicot][7.10][RealMap][Servidor de teste aberto classicot]
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servidor de teste aberto classicot www.classicot.com Pequena Introdução O Classicot é um servidor baseado nos arquivos vazados da CipSoft da versão 7.7 de 2006, o que significa que estamos usando as fórmulas exatas como corças originais do Tibia, com uma pequena edição para se adequar mais à velha escola, esse servidor está sendo desenvolvido desde 2017 e finalmente chegamos. Estamos usando um servidor completamente baseado em 7.40 para iniciar o Classicot 7.10, incluindo o mapa. Se você se lembra qual era a jogabilidade entre 7.1 e 7.4, a diferença é apenas visual e do mapa e algo relacionado aos crânios, e os mantemos aqui para manter a jogabilidade justa, como mencionei antes, estamos usando o mapa oficial da CipSoft da 7.10, verifique a seção Mapas. Principais alterações a partir da 7.10: -Nenhum caminho diagonal (Concluído) -Não fuja em baixa hp (Concluído) -Sempre tente atacar no alcance corpo a corpo (Concluído) -Pode cruzar campos se eles não estiverem imunes a eles (Concluído) -Criaturas fortes não mataram criaturas mais fracas no caminho (Concluído) -Não redirecionar (Concluído) Quest: Classicot manterá o sistema de missões real (1 missão por jogador) e não as missões diárias geradas, pois será fácil para jogadores de alto nível obter o mesmo item novamente e mais uma vez, essa é a principal razão pela qual Classicot usará o sistema de missões real. www.classicot.com -
7.1 [Canada][7.1] Tibiana 7.1 is back - 23 April 16:00 CEST
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Joga bonito -
7.1 [Canada][7.1] Tibiana 7.1 is back - 23 April 16:00 CEST
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[Experience stage]: 1. Stage : Level 1 to 8 : 10x 2. Stage : Level 9 to 20 : 9x 3. Stage : Level 21 to 30 : 8x 4. Stage : Level 31 to 40 : 7x 5. Stage : Level 41 to 50 : 6x 6. Stage : Level 51 to 60 : 5x 7. Stage : Level 61 to 70 : 4x 8. Stage : Level 71 to 80 : 3x 9. Stage : Level 81 to 999 : 2x [Game Configuration]: -Loot rate: 3x -Magic rate: 2x -Skill rate: 4x -
7.1 [Canada][7.1] Tibiana 7.1 is back - 23 April 16:00 CEST
tópico respondeu ao olddies de olddies em OTServlist
1 hora!!! entrem -
7.1 [Canada][7.1] Tibiana 7.1 is back - 23 April 16:00 CEST
um tópico no fórum postou olddies OTServlist
Tibiana is a server based on the leaked CipSoft files from 2006 version 7.7 that means we are using the exact formulas as original Tibia doe’s this server is being developed since 2017 and we are there finally. We are using a completely 7.4 based server to launch Tibiana 7.1, if you remember what was the gameplay between 7.1 and 7.4 the difference is only visual and map and something related to the skulls and we keep them here for maintain the fair gameplay, like i mentioned before we are using the official CipSoft map from 7.7 that include port hope with a little edit to make it look more oldschool, removed level door's, edited the map to look like it was back in then 7,1, we keep the original ankrahmun...etc... we want to keep the map like that because it will help the server to handle more people playing. Tibiana invite you to this new edition. Server Information: Version: 7.1 Map: CipSoft map adapted to 7.1 Support: Directx9 & OpenGL Shared Party Experience Anti-Bot System Houses: 100% Spawns: 100% NPC's: 100% Quests: 100% Tasks: YES! [Experience stage]: 1. Stage : Level 1 to 8 : 10x 2. Stage : Level 9 to 20 : 9x 3. Stage : Level 21 to 30 : 8x 4. Stage : Level 31 to 40 : 7x 5. Stage : Level 41 to 50 : 6x 6. Stage : Level 51 to 60 : 5x 7. Stage : Level 61 to 70 : 4x 8. Stage : Level 71 to 80 : 3x 9. Stage : Level 81 to 999 : 2x [Game Configuration]: -Loot rate: 3x -Magic rate: 2x -Skill rate: 4x Old items! All the old items exist and they are completely identical to what they used to be in version 7.1 of Tibia. Amulet of Life is similar to Amulet of Loss. Old creatures! All creatues are completely identical to how they used to be in version 7.1 of Tibia. Creatures will behave as they used to do, formulas are the same and the loot dropped by creatures are accurate! For example Fire Sword can be looted from Dragons with a bit of luck!`, Old runes and spells! Runes can be conjured by players x2 and bought from other players. Spells can be used by reaching a certain required magic level for a specific spell. Account creation is open now!! create your account here! -
otserv hardcore pvp [Germany] Tibiana 7.1 RealMap [Guild War, Cast System, Task System]
tópico respondeu ao olddies de olddies em OTServlist
abierto! -
otserv hardcore pvp [Germany] Tibiana 7.1 RealMap [Guild War, Cast System, Task System]
tópico respondeu ao olddies de olddies em OTServlist
www.tibianas.com 3 horas!! www.tibianas.com -
otserv hardcore pvp [Germany] Tibiana 7.1 RealMap [Guild War, Cast System, Task System]
tópico respondeu ao olddies de olddies em OTServlist
crie sua conta!! -
otserv hardcore pvp [Germany] Tibiana 7.1 RealMap [Guild War, Cast System, Task System]
tópico respondeu ao olddies de olddies em OTServlist
3 dias!!! -
otserv hardcore pvp [Germany] Tibiana 7.1 RealMap [Guild War, Cast System, Task System]
tópico respondeu ao olddies de olddies em OTServlist
venga entrem!!! -
otserv hardcore pvp [Germany] Tibiana 7.1 RealMap [Guild War, Cast System, Task System]
tópico respondeu ao olddies de olddies em OTServlist
1 hora!!! bump -
otserv hardcore pvp [Germany] Tibiana 7.1 RealMap [Guild War, Cast System, Task System]
tópico respondeu ao olddies de olddies em OTServlist
@God Maya no vengas a postear tu server bug aki k yo se muy bien cual es ese server asi k @Lelodro o @brewsterl k se valla k con su m por otro lado xDD -
otserv hardcore pvp [Germany] Tibiana 7.1 RealMap [Guild War, Cast System, Task System]
um tópico no fórum postou olddies OTServlist
www.tibianas.com Fico feliz em anunciar a segunda edição do Tibiana 7.1, mais bug's free e estabilidade. Você precisará do Tibiana Client para poder jogar Inscreva-se para uma conta gratuita e comece sua jornada! O site estará aberto para registro de conta. Crie sua conta!! click aki Ingame NPC'S Shops! Há adições personalizadas para Tibiana, você pode comprar runas na loja (x1 hmm, sd, uh, explo, lmm, gfb, mwall) (bp mf e bp lf) Os NPCs só vendem runas únicas não por (BP) Antibot System! Tibiana tem um sistema anti-bot que manterá uma jogabilidade justa. O Sistema Anti-Bot irá pegar os trapaceiros óbvios e os jogadores suspeitos serão investigados. Shared Party Experience! Compartilhe a experiência obtida com criaturas mortas enquanto estiver em uma festa com seus amigos. Simplesmente digite! Compartilhe como um líder da parte para ativar o Sistema Compartilhado de Experiência Compartilhada. Certos requisitos devem ser cumpridos. Task System! Complete tarefas diferentes e ganhe recompensas em troca de sua bravura! Cada tarefa requer que você mate uma certa quantidade de criaturas. Ganhe recompensas em troca de completar uma tarefa, com base na dificuldade das criaturas mortas. Server Information! Premium: Free Version: 7.1 Map: CipSoft map adaptado do 7.1 Supporte: Directx9 & OpenGL Shared Party Experience Anti-Bot System Task System Houses: 100% Spawns: 100% NPC's: 100% Quests: 100% Experience Stages! 1-12 = 30x 13-20 = 20x 20-30 = 10x 30-50 = 7x 50-75 = 5x 75-100 = 3x 100+ = 2x Rates! Skill: 8x Magic: 4x Loot: 3x Old Items! Old Creatures! Old Runes And Spells!
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