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  1. Eu já consegui vlw aí todos pela atenção e a disponibilidade de ajudar !! Senhores, por favor alguém de vocês tem algum Script de Boost stone que aumente o HP do PoKemon? Agradeço desde já senhores !!
  2. Me passa ele aí te arrumo um convite do B2-Share topa?
  3. Eu já consegui arrumar esse erro obrigado pela atenção e ajuda. você tem algum Script de Boost Stone que aumenta o HP dos Pokemons?
  4. Então ainda não funcionou : O Script ficou assim :
  5. Ainda continua usando 2 shiny stone, por mais que eu declaro para 10 !
  6. Galera boa noite, Alguém por favor pode me ajudar nesse Script aqui: Ajuda seria que o Pokemon está usando só 2 Stones !! Agradeço desde já quem puder me ajudar nesse Script Retribuo ajuda em Web: ^^ function onUse(cid, item, topos, item2, frompos) local myball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, local boost = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "boost") or 0 local boosts = 5 if boost == 70 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Your pokemon is already at maximum boost.") return true end if not isSummon(item2.uid) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Use only in your pokemons.") return true end boosts = boosts local pokemon = getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "poke") local off = pokes[pokemon].offense * boost_rate * boosts local def = pokes[pokemon].defense * boost_rate * boosts local agi = pokes[pokemon].agility * boosts local spatk = pokes[pokemon].specialattack * boost_rate * boosts local vit = pokes[pokemon].vitality * boost_rate * boosts newBoost = boost + boosts if newBoost > 70 then newBoost = 70 end doSetItemAttribute(myball.uid, "boost", newBoost) doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "offense", getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "offense") + off) doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "defense", getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "defense") + def) doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "speed", getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "speed") + agi) doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "specialattack", getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "specialattack") + spatk) doItemSetAttribute(myball.uid, "vitality", getItemAttribute(myball.uid, "vitality") + vit) doRemoveItem(item.uid) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item2.uid), 103) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Congrulations, your "..pokemon..", as beem boosted +"..boosts..".") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Now your "..pokemon.." have a boost +"..newBoost..".") doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(item2.uid), "+"..boosts.." Boost", 215) return true end -----Shiny stone: local evo = { --nome do shiny, qnts stones precisa ["Snorlax"] = {"Shiny Snorlax", 8}, ["Gengar"] = {"Shiny Gengar", 9}, ["Ninetales"] = {"Shiny Ninetales", 7}, ["Raichu"] = {"Shiny Raichu", 7}, ["Alakazam"] = {"Shiny Alakazam", 10}, ["Venusaur"] = {"Shiny Venusaur", 6}, ["Charizard"] = {"Shiny Charizard", 7}, ["Blastoise"] = {"Shiny Blastoise", 6}, --alterado v2.4 ["Butterfree"] = {"Shiny Butterfree", 3}, ["Beedrill"] = {"Shiny Beedrill", 3}, ["Pidgeot"] = {"Shiny Pidgeot", 7}, ["Rattata"] = {"Shiny Rattata", 1}, ["Raticate"] = {"Shiny Raticate", 3}, ["Fearow"] = {"Shiny Fearow", 6}, ["Zubat"] = {"Shiny Zubat", 1}, ["Golbat"] = {"Shiny Golbat", 3}, ["Onix"] = {"Shiny Onix", 9}, ["Salamence"] = {"Shiny Salamence", 10}, ["Oddish"] = {"Shiny Oddish", 1}, ["Paras"] = {"Shiny Paras", 1}, ["Parasect"] = {"Shiny Parasect", 1}, ["Venonat"] = {"Shiny Venonat", 2}, ["Venomoth"] = {"Shiny Venomoth", 7}, ["Growlithe"] = {"Shiny Growlithe", 4}, ["Arcanine"] = {"Shiny Arcanine", 9}, ["Abra"] = {"Shiny Abra", 7}, ["Tentacool"] = {"Shiny Tentacool", 3}, ["Tentacruel"] = {"Shiny Tentacruel", 7}, ["Farfetch'd"] = {"Shiny Farfetch'd", 4}, ["Muk"] = {"Shiny Muk", 5}, ["Kingler"] = {"Shiny Kingler", 4}, ["Voltorb"] = {"Shiny Voltorb", 3}, ["Electrode"] = {"Shiny Electrode", 6}, ["Cubone"] = {"Shiny Cubone", 4}, ["Marowak"] = {"Shiny Marowak", 7}, ["Hitmonlee"] = {"Shiny Hitmonlee", 7}, ["Hitmonchan"] = {"Shiny Hitmonchan", 7}, ["Tangela"] = {"Shiny Tangela", 7}, ["Horsea"] = {"Shiny Horsea", 1}, ["Seadra"] = {"Shiny Seadra", 5}, ["Scyther"] = {"Shiny Scyther", 6}, ["Jynx"] = {"Shiny Jynx", 7}, ["Electabuzz"] = {"Shiny Electabuzz", 7}, ["Pinsir"] = {"Shiny Pinsir", 5}, ["Magikarp"] = {"Shiny Magikarp", 1}, ["Gyarados"] = {"Shiny Gyarados", 10}, ["Dratini"] = {"Shiny Dratini", 3}, ["Dragonair"] = {"Shiny Dragonair", 7}, ["Dragonite"] = {"Shiny Dragonite", 10}, ["Salamence"] = {"Shiny Salamence", 10}, ["Metagross"] = {"Shiny Metagross", 10}, ["Tropius"] = {"Shiny Tropius", 10}, ["Milotic"] = {"Shiny Milotic", 10}, } local balls = { [11826] = {newBall = 11826}, [11832] = {newBall = 11832}, [11835] = {newBall = 11835}, [11829] = {newBall = 11829}, } function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) if isMonster(itemEx.uid) and getCreatureMaster(itemEx.uid) == cid then local monster = getCreatureName(itemEx.uid) if evo[monster] then if getPlayerItemCount(cid, item.itemid) >= evo[monster][2] then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Parabens! Seu "..getPokeName(itemEx.uid).." evoluiu para "..evo[monster][1].."!") local health, maxHealth = getCreatureHealth(itemEx.uid), getCreatureMaxHealth(itemEx.uid) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(itemEx.uid), 18) doRemoveCreature(itemEx.uid) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, item.itemid, evo[monster][2]-1) doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1) doSummonMonster(cid,evo[monster][1]) local pokeball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "poke", evo[monster][1]) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "level", pokes[evo[monster][1]].level) doItemSetAttribute(ball, "hp", 1) doItemSetAttribute(ball, "happy", 110) local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1] adjustStatus(pk, pokeball.uid, true, false, true) return TRUE else return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "You need atleast ".. evo[monster][2] .." stones to do it!") end end end return FALSE end
  7. Amigão obrigado mesmo de coração vlws aí !!! Só que man, quando vai usar a shiny stone não se transforma em Shiny, até solucionou o problema de aparecer mais agora não dá para evoluir rsrs, você pode me ajudar?
  8. Amigo boa tarde,


    Por favor sobre esse script de shiny stone que você postou, ele funciona só que não pega o nome Shiny só pega o nome Alakazam [80] [+5] você poderia me ajudar?

  9. Pessoal estou com esse script aqui de Shiny Stone é de lvl system, ele funciona só que ele não pega o nome "Shiny" fica só nome "Alakazam" do pokemon, Agora eu pergunto não deveria existir uma variavel que pegue o Nome: Shiny e outra o Sobrenome : Alakazam? -----------------Alguém pode me ajudar por favor nesse script --------------------------------------------------------- !!! local evo = { --nome do shiny, qnts stones precisa ["Snorlax"] = {"Shiny Snorlax", 7}, ["Gengar"] = {"Shiny Gengar", 7}, ["Ninetales"] = {"Shiny Ninetales", 5}, ["Raichu"] = {"Shiny Raichu", 5}, ["Alakazam"] = {"Shiny Alakazam", 10}, ["Venusaur"] = {"Shiny Venusaur", 7}, ["Charizard"] = {"Shiny Charizard", 7}, ["Blastoise"] = {"Shiny Blastoise", 7}, --alterado v2.4 ["Butterfree"] = {"Shiny Butterfree", 5}, ["Beedrill"] = {"Shiny Beedrill", 3}, ["Pidgeot"] = {"Shiny Pidgeot", 5}, ["Rattata"] = {"Shiny Rattata", 1}, ["Raticate"] = {"Shiny Raticate", 3}, ["Fearow"] = {"Shiny Fearow", 5}, ["Zubat"] = {"Shiny Zubat", 1}, ["Golbat"] = {"Shiny Golbat", 3}, ["Onix"] = {"Shiny Onix", 7}, ["Hitmontop"] = {"Shiny Hitmontop", 7}, ["Oddish"] = {"Shiny Oddish", 1}, ["Paras"] = {"Shiny Paras", 1}, ["Parasect"] = {"Shiny Parasect", 3}, ["Venonat"] = {"Shiny Venonat", 1}, ["Venomoth"] = {"Shiny Venomoth", 5}, ["Growlithe"] = {"Shiny Growlithe", 3}, ["Arcanine"] = {"Shiny Arcanine", 5}, ["Abra"] = {"Shiny Abra", 1}, ["Tentacool"] = {"Shiny Tentacool", 3}, ["Tentacruel"] = {"Shiny Tentacruel", 7}, ["Farfetch'd"] = {"Shiny Farfetch'd", 3}, ["Muk"] = {"Shiny Muk", 5}, ["Kingler"] = {"Shiny Kingler", 3}, ["Voltorb"] = {"Shiny Voltorb", 3}, ["Electrode"] = {"Shiny Electrode", 5}, ["Cubone"] = {"Shiny Cubone", 3}, ["Marowak"] = {"Shiny Marowak", 5}, ["Hitmonlee"] = {"Shiny Hitmonlee", 7}, ["Hitmonchan"] = {"Shiny Hitmonchan", 7}, ["Tangela"] = {"Shiny Tangela", 3}, ["Horsea"] = {"Shiny Horsea", 1}, ["Seadra"] = {"Shiny Seadra", 5}, ["Scyther"] = {"Shiny Scyther", 3}, ["Jynx"] = {"Shiny Jynx", 7}, ["Electabuzz"] = {"Shiny Electabuzz", 5}, ["Pinsir"] = {"Shiny Pinsir", 5}, ["Magikarp"] = {"Shiny Magikarp", 1}, ["Gyarados"] = {"Shiny Gyarados", 7}, ["Dratini"] = {"Shiny Dratini", 3}, ["Dragonair"] = {"Shiny Dragonair", 5}, ["Dragonite"] = {"Shiny Dragonite", 8}, ["Metagross"] = {"Shiny Metagross", 10}, ["Tropius"] = {"Shiny Tropius", 10}, ["Milotic"] = {"Shiny Milotic", 8}, ["Ariados"] = {"Shiny Ariados", 5}, ["Dodrio"] = {"Shiny Dodrio", 5}, ["Espeon"] = {"Shiny Espeon", 7}, ["Flareon"] = {"Shiny Flareon", 7}, ["Golem"] = {"Shiny Golem", 7}, ["Grimer"] = {"Shiny Grimer", 1}, ["Hypno"] = {"Shiny Hypno", 5}, ["Jolteon"] = {"Shiny Jolteon", 7}, ["Krabby"] = {"Shiny Krabby", 1}, ["Magby"] = {"Shiny Magby", 3}, ["Magneton"] = {"Shiny Magneton", 5}, ["Mr. Mime"] = {"Shiny Mr. Mime", 5}, ["Nidoking"] = {"Shiny Nidoking", 7}, ["Politoed"] = {"Shiny Politoed", 5}, ["Rhydon"] = {"Shiny Rhydon", 7}, ["Stantler"] = {"Shiny Stantler", 5}, ["Umbreon"] = {"Shiny Umbreon", 7}, ["Vaporeon"] = {"Shiny Vaporeon", 7}, ["Villeplume"] = {"Shiny Vileplume", 5}, ["Cleflable"] = {"Shiny Clefable", 7}, ["tangrowth"] = {"Shiny tangrowth", 8}, ["Roserade"] = {"Shiny Roserade", 7}, } local balls = { [2394] = {newBall = 11737}, [2391] = {newBall = 11740}, [2393] = {newBall = 11743}, [11829] = {newBall = 11746}, [12617] = {newBall = 12621}, } function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) if isMonster(itemEx.uid) and getCreatureMaster(itemEx.uid) == cid then local monster = getCreatureName(itemEx.uid) if evo[monster] then if getPlayerItemCount(cid, item.itemid) >= evo[monster][2] then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "Parabens! Seu "..getPokeName(itemEx.uid).." evoluiu para "..evo[monster][1].."!") local health, maxHealth = getCreatureHealth(itemEx.uid), getCreatureMaxHealth(itemEx.uid) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(itemEx.uid), 18) doRemoveCreature(itemEx.uid) doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, item.itemid, evo[monster][2]-1) doRemoveItem(item.uid, 1) doSummonMonster(cid,evo[monster][1]) local pokeball = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "poke", evo[monster][1]) doItemSetAttribute(pokeball.uid, "level", pokes[evo[monster][1]].level) doItemSetAttribute(ball, "hp", 1) doItemSetAttribute(ball, "happy", 110) local pk = getCreatureSummons(cid)[1] adjustStatus(pk, pokeball.uid, true, false, true) return TRUE else return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 27, "You need atleast ".. evo[monster][2] .." stones to do it!") end end end return FALSE end
  10. Amigo boa noite !!


    Esse script de shiny stone para PDA com lvl system ele até funciona mais fica assim : Alakazam [80] [+10]

    Tem alguma solução para ele ficar assim : Shiny Alakazam [80] [+10]. Por favor !!

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