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Sobre Beluci


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Beluci's Achievements

  1. RESETOU DIA 08/10/2015 CORRA E PEGUE TOP! Olá Bem Vindo ao HEBaiak! Site: ------------- Rates ------------- Exp: 300x (Stages) Skill: 30x Magic: 15x Loot: 2.5x --------------------------------- O que tem de bom?: *Fast Attack *Servidor dedicado 24/7 *Staff Dedicada *Updates Semanais *VIP Barata Características: - Cast System - Dodge System - Look Frags - Refine System - Hit Rank - Task System - Teleport System (!FLY) - War System Eventos: - Run Event - BP Event - Battlefield Event - Blood Castle Event - Castle 24H - Firestorm Event - Capture the Flags Event - Zombie Event E MUITO MAIS! ACESSE O SITE E VEJA!
  2. Beluci

    HEBaiak 24/7 2000x

    Olá Bem Vindo ao HEBaiak! ------------ Rates ------------ Exp: 300x (Stages) Skill: 30x Magic: 15x Loot: 2.5x --------------------------------- Fast Attack Servidor dedicado 24/7 Staff Dedicada Updates Semanais Donate com preço acessivel Características: - Cast System - Dodge System - Look Frags - Refine System - Task System - Teleport System (!FLY) - War System Eventos: - Run Event - BP Event - Battlefield Event - Blood Castle Event - Castle 24H - Firestorm Event - Capture the Flags Event E MUITO MAIS! ACESSE O SITE E VEJA!
  3. avuenja, não vi nada sobre o pagseguro no config.php pode me ajudar?
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