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Sobre eubrunomiguel


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  1. D2 Server volta dia 22 de janeiro, sexta-feira! Facebook: Site: IP: Port: 7171 Client: 7.72 » Rates: Level 1 to 25 34x Level 26 to 35 21x Level 36 to 45 17x Level 46 to 55 15x Level 56 to 65 13x Level 66 to 75 11x Level 75 to 85 10x Level 86 to 95 7x Level 96 to 105 5x Level 106 to 125 4x Level 126 to 149 3x Level 150+ 2x Skill: 8x Magic: 4x Loot: 2x » Frags: RedSkull Kills/Dia → 6 Ban Kills/Dia → 12 Duracao de ban→ 48 horas » Características do Jogo: -Caracteristicas 7.4 Sem proteção na zona interior de barcos e tapetes. Vocações e feitiços com fórmulas estilo oldschool. Não há Hotkleys! -Sistema de Task, com boss e task points! Mais de 40 novas tasks diferentes, com sistema de boss, e premium points para ser usado no nosso site. Mais informações em -Missões PK! Mate players level 80+ para receber Burning Hearts. Burning Hearts te dá acesso à algumas quests, e pode fazer missões para ganhar experiencia, dinheiro e premium points! Mais informações em -Party Sharing Experience Você pode compartilhar experiência em party com seus amigos, e receber 10% de bônus de experiência quando ativado. (/party enable; /party disable). -Mensagem de loot na tela Ao matar monstros, você receberá uma mensagem em sua tela com informações sobre o loot, semelhante a versões mais recentes do Tibia. (/loot disable; /loot enable) -Offline Trade Você pode comprar e vender itens em nosso mercado offline. -NPCs nao vendem runas Elas precisam ser conjuradas -Runas conjuradas com 2x mais carga -No Soul. Conjure as many as you want. -Runar direto da backpack Nao e necessario colocar as blank runes em suas maos » Mapa & Respaws: -Respaws rápido. -Respaws normais foram expandidas (Dragons de Ankrahmun, Hero de Edron, Demons de Edron, e muitos outros) -Dragons ao norte de Darashia. -Banuta -13, -14, 15 adicionado. -Todos as Tombs com respaws completos. -Nova ilha: ALVA (Localizado no sul de Cormaya) -Alva tem muitos novos respaws e permite acesso a outras ilhas, é o seu trabalho encontrá-los! » Novas Quests: -Pits of Inferno Recompensas: 10,000gps, Froozen Starlight, Soft Boots, e podera escolher entre: Arcane Staff (club atk: 50), Horned Helmet ou Warlord Sword (atk: 53) Requerimentos: lv 80+ Localização: Venore -Annihilator 2 Recompensas: Voce pode escolher entre: Thunder hammer, Demon legs, Blessed shield and Winged Helmet (speed +5) Requerimentos: 5 players lv 110+. Localização: Edron -The Furyosa Recompensas: Dwarven Set Requerimentos: level 100+. Localização: Alva. -Arena Recompensas: Golden helmet e acesso ao NPC Ciganum que compra loot com 25% de valor extra. Requerimentos: 10 players e 20 burning hearts por player. Localização: Thais -PVP Arena Recompensas: 500,000 gps, e 65 pk points. Requerimentos: 8 players e 100k por player. Localização: Thais -Ferumbras Tower Recompensas: Bunnyslipers (2x velocidade da boh). Requerimentos: 6 burning hearts. Localização: Alva. nota: apenas uma por boss! » Características de vocação: -Paladin e Knights tem seu dano aumentado ligeiramente. -Paladin evoca 2x munição. -Spears não quebram, eles caem abaixo do alvo. -Small Stones tem uma chance de quebra de 5%, o que significa que uma small stone pode bater várias vezes (Monstros podem cair até 5x mais small stones, por exemplo: goblins até 25). » NPCs: -Rashid Pode ser encontrado em Edron, Ankrahmun, Port Hope, Darashia e Carlin. -Djinns: Você precise completar a quest para vender itens com o seu preço regular. Se você não tem a quest, a sua recompensa vai valer o valor de 50%. Nota: Você pode fazer Green and Blue Djinn com o mesmo personagem. -Você pode comprar bp de mana fluid usando as palavras: 'buy bp of mana' -Você pode comprar bp de blank runes usando as palavras: 'buy bp of blank' -Eremo vende amulet of loss. » Características do Jogo: -Todos os monstros podem dropar até 100 gold coin, 40-60% de chance. -Sistema de Bank -Flasks desaparecem quando utilizar fluidos de mana. -Invasoes automaticas -Você pode acessar Demona através de um teleporte, ou a pé. -Itens como ouro será automaticamente agrupadas. -HP e MP completes ao subir de nível. -Stone Skin Amulet não esta disponíveis na loja ou em qualquer NPC. A única maneira de adquire-los é dropando de Warlocks ou Hydras. » Informação extra: -Real Tibia map: Mapa global complete, incluindo todos os NPCs, quests e areas novas. -Uptime: 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana. -Team: Dedicado e livre de corrupcao. 1 - Djins and Rashid 2 - Arena Warlord Quest: 10 players required. Reward: Golden Helmet, and access to NPC Ciganum (sell loot 20% more expensive) 3 - Task Bosses: Access on Thais -1 depot after you finish a task 4 - NPC Nelson: Access to Hydrana and Okolnir. 5 - Access to Island Alva: More than 10 new hunts, and The Furyosa Quest (Dwarven Set, level 100+). 6 - Ferumbras Tower Quest:Access thru Alva, needed 6 burning heart for each player. Reward: Bunny Slippers (Speed +50) 7 - Okolnir: Dragons and Dragon Lords. 8 - Alva Island: New respaws and quests 9 - Hydrana: Hydra and Serpent Spawns 10 - Darashia Dragons: Dragons and Dragon Lords 11 - Expanded Banuta with -11,-12,-13,-14,-15: 12 - Pits of Inferno Quest: Level 80+. Reward: Pair of Soft Boots, Arcane Staff (club atk 50), Horned Helmet or Warlord Sword (Atk: 53, one handed) 13 - Annihilator 2 Quest: Thunder Hammer, Demon legs, Blessed Shield or Winged Helmet (speed +10). Level 110+, 5 players 14 - PVP Quest: 500k, and 10 Premium Points. Required: 8 players and 100k
  2. D2 Server esta de volta! Site: IP: Port: 7171 Client: 7.40 Download Cliente » Mudancas nesta nova versao: - Novos gráficos 7.4 - Anti-Bot Cliente - Sem resets. - Além do nosso cliente anti-bot, temos novos recursos no nosso servidor para ajudar a encontrar botters. - Todos itens de doacao podem ser adquiridos no jogo através de missões, e foram removidos itens editados. - Agora, a fim de vender itens com os preços regulares, você precisa para completar as Djinns Quests. Você pode fazer o Blue e Green Djinn com o mesmo personagem. - Também pode vender o seu loot sem ter feito a quest Djinn, mas eles vão pagar-lhe 50% do preço total. - Não há requisitos para o comércio com Rashid. » Rates: Level 1 to 25 25x Level 26 to 35 18x Level 36 to 45 15x Level 46 to 55 12x Level 56 to 65 10x Level 66 to 75 9x Level 75 to 85 8x Level 86 to 95 6x Level 96 to 105 5x Level 106 to 125 4x Level 126 to 149 3x Level 150+ 2x Skill: 8x Magic: 4x Loot: 2x » Frags: RedSkull Kills/Dia → 6 Ban Kills/Dia → 12 Duracao de ban→ 48 horas » Características do Jogo: -Caracteristicas 7.4 Sem proteção na zona interior de barcos e tapetes. Vocações e feitiços com fórmulas estilo oldschool. Não há Hotkleys! -Sistema de Task, com boss e task points! Mais de 40 novas tasks diferentes, com sistema de boss, e task points para ser usado no nosso site. -PK Points Dependendo do nível de seu alvo, você receberá pontos de PK para ser gastos em nossa loja PK, localizada no nosso site. -Party Sharing Experience Você pode compartilhar experiência em party com seus amigos, e receber 10% de bônus de experiência quando ativado. (/party enable; /party disable). -Mensagem de loot na tela Ao matar monstros, você receberá uma mensagem em sua tela com informações sobre o loot, semelhante a versões mais recentes do Tibia. (/loot disable; /loot enable) -Offline Trade Você pode comprar e vender itens em nosso mercado offline. -NPCs nao vendem runas Elas precisam ser conjuradas -Runas conjuradas com 2x mais carga -No Soul. Conjure as many as you want. -Runar direto da backpack Nao e necessario colocar as blank runes em suas maos » Mapa & Respaws: -Respaws rápido. -Respaws normais foram expandidas (Dragons de Ankrahmun, Hero de Edron, Demons de Edron, e muitos outros) -Dragons ao norte de Darashia. -Banuta -13, -14, 15 adicionado. -Todos as Tombs com respaws completos. -Nova ilha: ALVA (Localizado no sul de Cormaya) -Alva tem muitos novos respaws e permite acesso a outras ilhas, é o seu trabalho encontrá-los! » Novas Quests: -Pits of Inferno Recompensas: 10,000gps, Froozen Starlight, Soft Boots, e podera escolher entre: Arcane Staff (club atk: 50), Horned Helmet ou Warlord Sword (atk: 53) Requerimentos: lv 80+ Localização: Venore -Annihilator 2 Recompensas: Voce pode escolher entre: Thunder hammer, Demon legs, Blessed shield and Winged Helmet (speed +5) Requerimentos: 5 players lv 110+. Localização: Edron -The Furyosa Recompensas: Dwarven Set Requerimentos: level 100+. Localização: Alva. -Arena Recompensas: Golden helmet e acesso ao NPC Ciganum que compra loot com 25% de valor extra. Requerimentos: 10 players e 20 burning hearts por player. Localização: Thais -PVP Arena Recompensas: 500,000 gps, e 65 pk points. Requerimentos: 8 players e 100k por player. Localização: Thais -Ferumbras Tower Recompensas: Bunnyslipers (2x velocidade da boh). Requerimentos: 6 burning hearts. Localização: Alva. nota: apenas uma por boss! » Características de vocação: -Paladin e Knights tem seu dano aumentado ligeiramente. -Paladin evoca 2x munição. -Spears não quebram, eles caem abaixo do alvo. -Small Stones tem uma chance de quebra de 5%, o que significa que uma small stone pode bater várias vezes (Monstros podem cair até 5x mais small stones, por exemplo: goblins até 25). » NPCs: -Rashid Pode ser encontrado em Edron, Ankrahmun, Port Hope, Darashia e Carlin. -Djinns: Você precise completar a quest para vender itens com o seu preço regular. Se você não tem a quest, a sua recompensa vai valer o valor de 50%. Nota: Você pode fazer Green and Blue Djinn com o mesmo personagem. -Você pode comprar bp de mana fluid usando as palavras: 'buy bp of mana' -Você pode comprar bp de blank runes usando as palavras: 'buy bp of blank' -Eremo vende amulet of loss. » Características do Jogo: -Todos os monstros podem dropar até 100 gold coin, 40-60% de chance. -Sistema de Bank -Flasks desaparecem quando utilizar fluidos de mana. -Invasoes automaticas -Você pode acessar Demona através de um teleporte, ou a pé. -Itens como ouro será automaticamente agrupadas. -HP e MP completes ao subir de nível. -Stone Skin Amulet não esta disponíveis na loja ou em qualquer NPC. A única maneira de adquire-los é dropando de Warlocks ou Hydras. » Informação extra: -Real Tibia map: Mapa global complete, incluindo todos os NPCs, quests e areas novas. -Uptime: 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana. -Team: Dedicado e livre de corrupcao.
  3. Site: IP: Port: 7171 Client: 7.72 Download Client and IP Changer Our server is featured with 7.4 and 7.6 characteristics, but e use client 7.72 because it supports DirectX 9 » Rates: Level 1 to 25 25x Level 26 to 35 15x Level 36 to 45 10x Level 46 to 55 10x Level 56 to 65 8x Level 66 to 75 7x Level 75 to 85 6x Level 86 to 95 5x Level 96 to 105 3x Level 106 to 125 2x Level 126 to 169 1.8x Level 170+ 1.5x Skill: 8x Magic: 4x Loot: 2x RedSkull Kills/Day → 5 Ban Kill/Day → 10 Ban Lenght → 48 hours » Unique Features: -7.4 Features: No Protection zone on boats and carpet. Spells, vocations and spells formuled based on Tibia 7.4. There is no Hotkleys! -Task System: Killing monsters to receive experience, itens and spend Task Points on our Task Shop. -Party Sharing Experience. You can share experience in-party with your friends, and receive 10% bonus experience when actived (/party enable; /party disable). -Offline Trade: You can buy and sell itens on our offline market. -No runes on Shop. They must be conjured. -Double Charged Runes. You conjure runes with twice more charges then real tibia (eg. Sd 2x). -No Soul. Conjure as many as you want. -Conjure Runes on your backpack. You can leave blank rune on your backpack to conjure them! » New Respaw: -Quick respaws. -North Darashia's Dragons -Banuta -13, -14, 15. -All Tombs with loaded monsters, and coins working. » Vocation Features: -Damage increased by 9% and attack speed increased by 17% for Knights and Paladins. -Paladins conjure 2x more ammunition. (eg. exeta con = 30 arrows) -Spears no not break, they fall to below the target. -Small Stones has a 5% break chance, meaning that one small stone can hit multiple times (Monsters can drop up to 5x more small stones, eg: goblins up to 25). -There is no Soul -Paladins conjure 2x more ammunition. (eg. exeta con = 30 arrows) -Blank Rune conjuring: You can create blank rune using 'adori blank' words. » NPCs: -They do not sell runes. -You can buy backpack of mana fluid using the words: 'buy bp of mana' -You can buy backpack of blank rune using the words: 'buy bp of blank' -Djins can be found on their regular respaws, or east of thais (east exit gate) -Rashid can be found at Edron Depot, or east of thais (underground from east gate) -You can buy bless from NPC Avar Tar located on Edron. -Eremo sells amulet of loss. » Game Features: -All monster drop up to 100 gold coins at 40-60% chance. -Bank system. -Flasks disappear when using mana fluids. -Automatic Raids. -You can access Demona thru teleport , or walking. -Auto-stack items: Items like gold will be automatically grouped. -Full HP and MP at level up. -Stone Skin Amulet not avaiable on shop or NPC's, you need to drop them from Warlock or Hydra. »Extra Information: -Real Tibia map: Full real Tibia map, incluiding all NPCs, monsters and quests. Also, new respaws as mentioned before. -Uptime: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. -Team: Dedicated team, ready to give you the proper support. -You: We want you as a player! Your opinions, advice and / or complaints will be welcome in our forums. »Few Pictures:
  4. Site: IP: Port: 7171 Client: 7.72 Download Client and IP Changer Our server is featured with 7.4 and 7.6 characteristics, but e use client 7.72 because it supports DirectX 9 » Rates: Level 1 → 25 34x Level 26 → 35 21x Level 36 → 45 17x Level 46 → 55 15x Level 56 → 65 13x Level 66 → 75 11x Level 75 → 85 9x Level 86 → 95 7x Level 96 → 105 5x Level 106 → 125 4x Level 126+ 3x Skill: 10x Magic: 7x Loot: 3x » Frags: RedSkull Kills/Day → 5 Ban Kill/Day → 10 Ban Lenght → 48 hours » Unique Features: -7.4 Features: No Protection zone on boats and carpet. Spells, vocations and spells formuled based on Tibia 7.4. There is no Hotkleys! -Task System: Killing monsters to receive experience, itens and spend Task Points on our Task Shop. -Party Sharing Experience. You can share experience in-party with your friends, and receive 10% bonus experience when actived (/party enable; /party disable). -Offline Trade: You can buy and sell itens on our offline market. -No runes on Shop. They must be conjured. -Double Charged Runes. You conjure runes with twice more charges then real tibia (eg. Sd 2x). -No Soul. Conjure as many as you want. -Conjure Runes on your backpack. You can leave blank rune on your backpack to conjure them! » New Respaw: -Quick respaws. -North Darashia's Dragons -Banuta -13, -14, 15. -All Tombs with loaded monsters, and coins working. » Vocation Features: -Damage increased by 9% and attack speed increased by 17% for Knights and Paladins. -Paladins conjure 2x more ammunition. (eg. exeta con = 30 arrows) -Spears no not break, they fall to below the target. -Small Stones has a 5% break chance, meaning that one small stone can hit multiple times (Monsters can drop up to 5x more small stones, eg: goblins up to 25). -There is no Soul -Paladins conjure 2x more ammunition. (eg. exeta con = 30 arrows) -Blank Rune conjuring: You can create blank rune using 'adori blank' words. » NPCs: -They do not sell runes. -You can buy backpack of mana fluid using the words: 'buy bp of mana' -You can buy backpack of blank rune using the words: 'buy bp of blank' -Djins can be found on their regular respaws, or east of thais (east exit gate) -Rashid can be found at Edron Depot, or east of thais (underground from east gate) -You can buy bless from NPC Avar Tar located on Edron. -Eremo sells amulet of loss. » Game Features: -All monster drop up to 100 gold coins at 40-60% chance. -Bank system. -Flasks disappear when using mana fluids. -Automatic Raids. -You can access Demona thru teleport , or walking. -Auto-stack items: Items like gold will be automatically grouped. -Full HP and MP at level up. -Stone Skin Amulet not avaiable on shop or NPC's, you need to drop them from Warlock or Hydra. »Extra Information: -Real Tibia map: Full real Tibia map, incluiding all NPCs, monsters and quests. Also, new respaws as mentioned before. -Uptime: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. -Team: Dedicated team, ready to give you the proper support. -You: We want you as a player! Your opinions, advice and / or complaints will be welcome in our forums. »Few Pictures: bump bump
  5. COMEÇA SEGUNDA 08/24/15 Site: ip: protocol: 8.60 Informações Exp rate 1 - 50 level, 250x 51 - 80 level, 140x 81 - 100 level, 90x 101 - 120 level, 40x 121 - 140 level, 30x 141 - 160 level, 25x 161 - 180 level, 15x 181 - 200 level, 8x 201 - 245 level, 5x 246 - 280 level, 4x 281 - 340 level, 3x 341 - 380 level, 2.5x 381 - 400 level, 2x 401+ level, 1.7x Exp de players: formula nova Skill rate: 30x Magic rate: 10x Loot rate: 3x Frags frags para red por dia: 7 por semana: 40 por mes: 150 Unique Features Updates Semanais Cast System War System Sistema de Pontos para Guild Sistema de Task Inedito (com boss, ranks e task points para usar no task shop do site) Pk Points e Pk Shop no site Auto-loot: pega o loot automaticamente quando dropar de um monstro, e o dinheiro vai para seu banco! Você pode configurar os items que serão pegos usando os comandos citados abaixo na area comandos Quest Log Addon Bonus Character Market Offline Trade Advance Server Save sem rollbacks Raids Automaticas Stamina recupera 2x mais rapida Nao dropa itens ate level 30 Premio por level Items do site podem ser adquiridos no jogo 15% mais de experiencia quando compartilhar experiencia na party Mana e HP cheia quando upar Wand e Rod evoluem automaticamente Spear e Royal Spear sao infinitas Upgrade Rune: Adiciona até +5 seu item, cada adicional adiciona 2 de attack para armas, e 1 de defesa para armaduras, legs, helmets ou boots. Para comprar voce precisa ser Elite Hunter e falar com o Grizzly Adams, ou comprar no nosso PK, Task ou Donate Shop! Eventoos Battlefield Rush Hour (bonus experience) War of Emperium Vocações: Vocations All: Attack Speed increased by 15% Knight: 15%+ attack damage, 10%+ defense, 10%+ heal Paladin:15%+ attack damage, +10% heal, +10% magic def, +5% defense Mages: +15% magic damage, +15 heal, +15% magic defense Map 100% Full Real Map (Zao/Farmine included) Respaws rapidos Todas as quests funcionando Todos os NPC funcionando A maioria dos respaws originais foram expandidos! (Dragons Anks, Okolnir, Demons, Heros, Black Knights, Hydras, etc...) Novas quests com donate items! Rookguard teve seu respaw original removido, e no lugar foram feitos novos respaws como: necromancers, slimes, crocodiles, tarantulas, giant spiders, heros, black knights, earth elementals, nightmares, dragons, dragon lords, hydras, medusas, serpent spawns, destroyers, dark tortures, grim reapers, demons, juggernauts. Comandos !kills/!frags - informações de frags /guild - manda mensagem para a guild inteira /guildchange - muda a outfit dos players /war - comando base do sistema de war, mais informações no site /cast - comando básico para o sistema de cast, mais informações no site /addon - addon doll /autoloot - mostra a lista de loot a ser pego /autoloot add, nome do item - adiciona um item a sua lista de autoloot /autoloot remove, nome do item, remove um item da lista de loot bump
  6. Site: IP: Port: 7171 Client: 7.72 Download Client and IP Changer Our server is featured with 7.4 and 7.6 characteristics, but e use client 7.72 because it supports DirectX 9 » Rates: Level 1 → 25 34x Level 26 → 35 21x Level 36 → 45 17x Level 46 → 55 15x Level 56 → 65 13x Level 66 → 75 11x Level 75 → 85 9x Level 86 → 95 7x Level 96 → 105 5x Level 106 → 125 4x Level 126 → 180 3x Level 181 → 200 2x Level 201+ 1.5x Skill: 10x Magic: 7x Loot: 3x » Frags: RedSkull Kills/Day → 6 Ban Kill/Day → 12 Ban Lenght → 48 hours » Unique Features: -7.4 Features: No Protection zone on boats and carpet. Spells, vocations and spells formuled based on Tibia 7.4. There is no Hotkleys! -Task System: Killing monsters to receive experience, itens and spend Task Points on our Task Shop. -PK Tasks: Kill players and receive their heart. You can start tasks using these hearts, and receive experience, cash, and Task Points to use on our Task Shop. -PK Points: Kill players and receive PK points based on their level. You can spend these points on our PK Shop. -Party Sharing Experience. You can share experience in-party with your friends, and receive 10% bonus experience when actived (/party enable; /party disable). -Offline Trade: You can buy and sell itens on our offline market. -No runes on Shop. They must be conjured. -No protection zone on boats or tapestry. They must be conjured. -Double Charged Runes. You conjure runes with twice more charges then real tibia (eg. Sd 2x). -No Soul. Conjure as many as you want. -Conjure Runes on your backpack. You can leave blank rune on your backpack to conjure them! -All donates can be adquired thru game, from quests or tasks! » New Respaw: -Quick respaws. -North Darashia's Dragons -Banuta -13, -14, 15. -All Tombs properly working with full respaws. -Okolnir and Hydrana(access thru NPC Nielson). -Edron: Hero and Demons respaws expanded. -Ankrahmun: Dragons north/center/south respaw expanded. -New island south of cormaya: Alva. » Custom Quests: -Annihilator 2 (thunder hammer, demon legs, blessed shield, winged helmet (speed+10) ). Required: 5 players lv 110+.Location: Edron -The Furyosa (dwarven set). Required: level 80+. Location: Alva. -Arena (golden helmet, access to NPC Ciganum who buys loot with 25% more value). Required: 10 players and 20 burning hearts for each player. Location: Thais -Ferumbras Tower (bunny slipers (speed + 50)). Required: 6 burning hearts. Location: Alva. » Vocation Features: -Damage increased by 9% and attack speed increased by 17% for Knights and Paladins. -Paladins conjure 2x more ammunition. (eg. exevo con = 30 arrows) -Spears no not break, they fall to below the target. -Small Stones has a 5% break chance, meaning that one small stone can hit multiple times (Monsters can drop up to 5x more small stones, eg: goblins up to 25). -There is no Soul -Blank Rune conjuring: You can create blank rune using 'adori blank' words. » NPCs: -They do not sell runes. -You can buy backpack of mana fluid using the words: 'buy bp of mana' -You can buy backpack of blank rune using the words: 'buy bp of blank' -Djins can be found on their regular respaws, or east of thais (east exit gate) -Rashid can be found at Edron Depot, or east of thais (underground from east gate) -You can buy bless from NPC Avar Tar located on Edron. -Eremo sells amulet of loss. » Game Features: -All monster drop up to 100 gold coins at 40-60% chance. -Bank system. -Flasks disappear when using mana fluids. -Automatic Raids. -You can access Demona thru teleport , or walking. -Auto-stack items: Items like gold will be automatically grouped. -Full HP and MP at level up. -Stone Skin Amulet not avaiable on shop or NPC's, you need to drop them from Warlock or Hydra. »Extra Information: -Real Tibia map: Full real Tibia map, incluiding all NPCs, monsters and quests. Also, new respaws as mentioned before. -Uptime: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. -Team: Dedicated team, ready to give you the proper support. -You: We want you as a player! Your opinions, advice and / or complaints will be welcome in our forums.
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