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aonde coloco ip , porta e protocol para arrumar meu cliente poketibia obs: versão 960 EnterGame = { } -- private variables local loadBox local enterGame local motdWindow local motdButton local enterGameButton local protocolBox local protocolLogin local motdEnabled = true -- private functions local function onError(protocol, message, errorCode) if loadBox then loadBox:destroy() loadBox = nil end if not errorCode then EnterGame.clearAccountFields() end local errorBox = displayErrorBox(tr('Login Error'), message) connect(errorBox, { onOk = EnterGame.show }) end local function onMotd(protocol, motd) G.motdNumber = tonumber(motd:sub(0, motd:find("\n"))) G.motdMessage = motd:sub(motd:find("\n") + 1, #motd) if motdEnabled then motdButton:show() end end local function onCharacterList(protocol, characters, account, otui) -- Try add server to the server list ServerList.add(G.host, G.port, g_game.getProtocolVersion()) if enterGame:getChildById('rememberPasswordBox'):isChecked() then local account = g_crypt.encrypt(G.account) local password = g_crypt.encrypt(G.password) g_settings.set('account', account) g_settings.set('password', password) ServerList.setServerAccount(G.host, account) ServerList.setServerPassword(G.host, password) g_settings.set('autologin', enterGame:getChildById('autoLoginBox'):isChecked()) else -- reset server list account/password ServerList.setServerAccount(G.host, '') ServerList.setServerPassword(G.host, '') EnterGame.clearAccountFields() end loadBox:destroy() loadBox = nil CharacterList.create(characters, account, otui) CharacterList.show() if motdEnabled then local lastMotdNumber = g_settings.getNumber("motd") if G.motdNumber and G.motdNumber ~= lastMotdNumber then g_settings.set("motd", motdNumber) motdWindow = displayInfoBox(tr('Message of the day'), G.motdMessage) connect(motdWindow, { onOk = function() CharacterList.show() motdWindow = nil end }) CharacterList.hide() end end end local function onChangeProtocol(combobox, option) local clients = g_game.getSupportedClients(option) protocolBox:setTooltip("Supports Client" .. (#clients > 1 and "s" or "") .. ": " .. table.tostring(clients)) end local function onUpdateNeeded(protocol, signature) loadBox:destroy() loadBox = nil if EnterGame.updateFunc then local continueFunc = EnterGame.show local cancelFunc = EnterGame.show EnterGame.updateFunc(signature, continueFunc, cancelFunc) else local errorBox = displayErrorBox(tr('Update needed'), tr('Your client needs update, try redownloading it.')) connect(errorBox, { onOk = EnterGame.show }) end end -- public functions function EnterGame.init() enterGame = g_ui.displayUI('entergame') enterGameButton = modules.client_topmenu.addLeftButton('enterGameButton', tr('Login') .. ' (Ctrl + G)', '/images/topbuttons/login', EnterGame.openWindow) motdButton = modules.client_topmenu.addLeftButton('motdButton', tr('Message of the day'), '/images/topbuttons/motd', EnterGame.displayMotd) motdButton:hide() g_keyboard.bindKeyDown('Ctrl+G', EnterGame.openWindow) if motdEnabled and G.motdNumber then motdButton:show() end local account = g_settings.get('account') local password = g_settings.get('password') local host = g_settings.get('host') local port = g_settings.get('port') local autologin = g_settings.getBoolean('autologin') local protocolVersion = g_settings.getInteger('protocol-version') if port == nil or port == 0 then port = 7171 end EnterGame.setAccountName(account) EnterGame.setPassword(password) enterGame:getChildById('serverHostTextEdit'):setText(host) enterGame:getChildById('serverPortTextEdit'):setText(port) enterGame:getChildById('autoLoginBox'):setChecked(autologin) protocolBox = enterGame:getChildById('protocolComboBox') protocolBox.onOptionChange = onChangeProtocol if protocolVersion then protocolBox:setCurrentOption(protocolVersion) end enterGame:hide() if g_app.isRunning() and not g_game.isOnline() then enterGame:show() end end function EnterGame.firstShow() EnterGame.show() local account = g_crypt.decrypt(g_settings.get('account')) local password = g_crypt.decrypt(g_settings.get('password')) local host = g_settings.get('host') local autologin = g_settings.getBoolean('autologin') if #host > 0 and #password > 0 and #account > 0 and autologin then addEvent(function() if not g_settings.getBoolean('autologin') then return end EnterGame.doLogin() end) end end function EnterGame.terminate() g_keyboard.unbindKeyDown('Ctrl+G') enterGame:destroy() enterGame = nil enterGameButton:destroy() enterGameButton = nil protocolBox = nil if motdWindow then motdWindow:destroy() motdWindow = nil end if motdButton then motdButton:destroy() motdButton = nil end if loadBox then loadBox:destroy() loadBox = nil end if protocolLogin then protocolLogin:cancelLogin() protocolLogin = nil end EnterGame = nil end function EnterGame.show() if loadBox then return end enterGame:show() enterGame:raise() enterGame:focus() end function EnterGame.hide() enterGame:hide() end function EnterGame.openWindow() if g_game.isOnline() then CharacterList.show() elseif not g_game.isLogging() and not CharacterList.isVisible() then EnterGame.show() end end function EnterGame.setAccountName(account) local account = g_crypt.decrypt(account) enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit'):setText(account) enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit'):setCursorPos(-1) enterGame:getChildById('rememberPasswordBox'):setChecked(#account > 0) end function EnterGame.setPassword(password) local password = g_crypt.decrypt(password) enterGame:getChildById('accountPasswordTextEdit'):setText(password) end function EnterGame.clearAccountFields() enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit'):clearText() enterGame:getChildById('accountPasswordTextEdit'):clearText() enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit'):focus() g_settings.remove('account') g_settings.remove('password') end function EnterGame.doLogin() G.account = enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit'):getText() G.password = enterGame:getChildById('accountPasswordTextEdit'):getText() G.host = enterGame:getChildById('serverHostTextEdit'):getText() G.port = tonumber(enterGame:getChildById('serverPortTextEdit'):getText()) local protocolVersion = tonumber(protocolBox:getText()) local clientVersions = g_game.getSupportedClients(protocolVersion) EnterGame.hide() if g_game.isOnline() then local errorBox = displayErrorBox(tr('Login Error'), tr('Cannot login while already in game.')) connect(errorBox, { onOk = EnterGame.show }) return end g_settings.set('host', G.host) g_settings.set('port', G.port) protocolLogin = ProtocolLogin.create() protocolLogin.onLoginError = onError protocolLogin.onMotd = onMotd protocolLogin.onCharacterList = onCharacterList protocolLogin.onUpdateNeeded = onUpdateNeeded loadBox = displayCancelBox(tr('Please wait'), tr('Connecting to login server...')) connect(loadBox, { onCancel = function(msgbox) loadBox = nil protocolLogin:cancelLogin() EnterGame.show() end }) g_game.chooseRsa(G.host) g_game.setProtocolVersion(protocolVersion) if #clientVersions > 0 then g_game.setClientVersion(clientVersions[#clientVersions]) end if modules.game_things.isLoaded() then protocolLogin:login(G.host, G.port, G.account, G.password) else loadBox:destroy() loadBox = nil EnterGame.show() end end function EnterGame.displayMotd() if not motdWindow then motdWindow = displayInfoBox(tr('Message of the day'), G.motdMessage) motdWindow.onOk = function() motdWindow = nil end end end function EnterGame.setDefaultServer(host, port, protocol) local hostTextEdit = enterGame:getChildById('serverHostTextEdit') local portTextEdit = enterGame:getChildById('serverPortTextEdit') local protocolLabel = enterGame:getChildById('protocolLabel') local accountTextEdit = enterGame:getChildById('accountNameTextEdit') local passwordTextEdit = enterGame:getChildById('accountPasswordTextEdit') if hostTextEdit:getText() ~= host then hostTextEdit:setText(host) portTextEdit:setText(port) protocolBox:setCurrentOption(protocol) accountTextEdit:setText('') passwordTextEdit:setText('') end end function EnterGame.setUniqueServer(host, port, protocol, windowWidth, windowHeight) local hostTextEdit = enterGame:getChildById('serverHostTextEdit') hostTextEdit:setText(host) hostTextEdit:setVisible(false) hostTextEdit:setHeight(0) local portTextEdit = enterGame:getChildById('serverPortTextEdit') portTextEdit:setText(port) portTextEdit:setVisible(false) portTextEdit:setHeight(0) protocolBox:setCurrentOption(protocol) protocolBox:setVisible(false) protocolBox:setHeight(0) local serverLabel = enterGame:getChildById('serverLabel') serverLabel:setVisible(false) serverLabel:setHeight(0) local portLabel = enterGame:getChildById('portLabel') portLabel:setVisible(false) portLabel:setHeight(0) local protocolLabel = enterGame:getChildById('protocolLabel') protocolLabel:setVisible(false) protocolLabel:setHeight(0) local serverListButton = enterGame:getChildById('serverListButton') serverListButton:setVisible(false) serverListButton:setHeight(0) serverListButton:setWidth(0) local rememberPasswordBox = enterGame:getChildById('rememberPasswordBox') rememberPasswordBox:setMarginTop(-5) if not windowWidth then windowWidth = 236 end enterGame:setWidth(windowWidth) if not windowHeight then windowHeight = 200 end enterGame:setHeight(windowHeight) end function EnterGame.setServerInfo(message) local label = enterGame:getChildById('serverInfoLabel') label:setText(message) end function EnterGame.disableMotd() motdEnabled = false motdButton:hide() end
cara o pokemon nao é muito easy mas xp tambem nao é foda de upar
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Ola Galerinha do X-tibia venho trazer a vocês um novo Pokemon (Pgalaxy) Bom creio que alguns sabe do padventures? o mapa desse pokemon é igual a dele. Contem : Ilha de pokemons clonados Sistema autoloot Pokedéx 100% Pokemons com level , ( macho e femea) 24 Horas Online (servidor dedicado) Ao começar o pokemon , voce estara na ilha inicial para voce pegar seu pokemon inicial , basta atacar as small stone neles e até matar voce captura com uma pokebola que é 100% chance de pegar. E muito mais. Acessem http://pgalaxy.net/ Te espero la By: Mexsor
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poketibia [Encerrado] Dúvida Sobre Poketibia
um tópico no fórum postou luan9874 Tópicos Sem Resposta
Eu Coloco o serve online , só que não da para ninguem entrar só eu , ja liberei as portas . Não sei mais oque eu faço -
sim tem shinys e johtos!
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- vejammmmmmmmmm
- tibia
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Novo Serve De Poketibia ( Pokemonx) Pergunta : é 24 horas ? Sim é estou com dedicado até pro mês de agosto . Download Do Client : http://www.4shared.com/rar/BVR272tz/Pokemon_X.html Para Fazer a conta usem o account manager Por Enquanto , Estou fazendo o site Account Manager : login : 1 , senha: 1 ( para quem nao souber) Informaçoes Do Serve : Pokemon Com Level Sistema TV/Cam e PC Comandos m1 até m12 Bom Tem Mais Coisas Mas Nao Vou Por Muitas . Só as mais perguntada. Espero que gostem .
- 4 respostas
- vejammmmmmmmmm
- tibia
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eu fiz site do poketibia , dai ta tudo certo crio a conta mas na hora de logar fala que nao existe . oque é sera ? se alguem souber ajuda ai . tipo só grava a conta no php my admin , mas no sqlite nao grava :S
GuuhTorres começou a seguir luan9874
Eu to com duvida gente ajudem ai pf , Tem como criar um poketibia sem usar aquele ip changer se tiver poste abaixo!!!
Background Erro sqlite , alguem me ajuda arrumar esse erro quando eu add ele no sql vo em accounts e aparece esse erro alguem ajuda ai !!!!
Alguem pode me enviar um tutorial como se faz um poketibia + link de download por mp vlw !!!!!
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