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Sobre JohnColner


  • Char no Tibia
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  1. Da uma força ai .. me ajudem to querendo uma Runa por actions que encha MP e HP.. vlw REP +
  2. Alguem poderia me ajuda eu queria uma porta ou um tile que so passe que mtem um certo rebirth para meu serv de rebirth.. se ajuda aki vai meu NPC de rebirth local config = { price = 0, -- Price of first rebirth priceIncrease = 0, -- Works as 'price' + current rebirths * priceIncrease. rebirthLevel = 717000, -- Level for first rebirth. rebirthIncrease = 0, -- Works as 'rebirthLevel' + current rebirths * rebirthIncrease. maxRebirths = 400, -- Number of times a player can rebirth. level = 8, -- The level the player is set to apon rebirth. healthPercent = 1.0, -- 1.00 = 100%. health = 0, -- Only used if 'healthPercent' = 0. manaPercent = 1.0, -- 1.00 = 100%. mana = 0, -- Only used if 'manaPercent' = 0. keepSkills = false, -- Wether players keep skills and level apon rebirth. skillLevel = false, -- Only used if 'keepSkills' = false. magicLevel = false, -- Only used if 'keepSkills' = false. capacity = 300, -- The capacity players are set to apon rebirth. storage = 72345 -- Player storage rebirth count is kept on. } local focuses = {} local function isFocused(cid) for i, v in pairs(focuses) do if(v == cid) then return true end end return false end local function addFocus(cid) if(not isFocused(cid)) then table.insert(focuses, cid) end end local function removeFocus(cid) for i, v in pairs(focuses) do if(v == cid) then table.remove(focuses, i) break end end end local function lookAtFocus() for i, v in pairs(focuses) do if(isPlayer(v)) then doNpcSetCreatureFocus(v) return end end doNpcSetCreatureFocus(0) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid) if(isFocused(cid)) then selfSay("Goodbye.") removeFocus(cid) end end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) if((msg == "hi") and not (isFocused(cid))) then selfSay("Welcome, ".. getCreatureName(cid) ..".", cid, true) selfSay("I can {rebirth} you!", cid) addFocus(cid) status = 1 elseif((isFocused(cid)) and (msg == "rebirth") and (status == 1)) then if (getCreatureStorage(cid, < config.maxRebirths) then storage = getCreatureStorage(cid, rebirthLevel = config.rebirthLevel + (config.rebirthIncrease * storage) if (getPlayerLevel(cid) >= rebirthLevel) then money = config.price + (config.priceIncrease * storage) if (getPlayerMoney(cid) >= money) then selfSay("I can rebirth you for " .. money .. " gold.", cid) selfSay("Do you want me to rebirth you?", cid) status = 2 else selfSay("You need at least " .. money .. " gold before you can rebirth.", cid) status = 1 end else selfSay("You need to be at least level " .. rebirthLevel .. " before you can rebirth.", cid) status = 1 end else selfSay("It seems you can not rebirth anymore.", cid) status = 1 end elseif((isFocused(cid)) and (msg == "yes") and (status == 2)) then selfSay("Ok then i will rebirth you.", cid) selfSay("You will now be logged out.", cid) doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, money) addEvent(doRebirthPlayer, 100, {cid=cid}) removeFocus(cid) elseif((isFocused(cid)) and (msg == "no") and (status == 2)) then selfSay("Maybe one day you will wise up and change your mind!", cid) status = 1 elseif((isFocused(cid)) and (msg == "bye" or msg == "goodbye" or msg == "cya")) then selfSay("Goodbye!", cid, true) removeFocus(cid) end end function onPlayerCloseChannel(cid) if(isFocused(cid)) then selfSay("Goodbye.") removeFocus(cid) end end function onThink() for i, focus in pairs(focuses) do if(not isCreature(focus)) then removeFocus(focus) else local distance = getDistanceTo(focus) or -1 if((distance > 4) or (distance == -1)) then selfSay("Goodbye.") removeFocus(focus) end end end lookAtFocus() end function doRebirthPlayer(cid) cid = cid.cid if (cid == nil) then return true end local guid = getPlayerGUID(cid) if (config.healthPercent > 0) then health = getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) * config.healthPercent else health = end if (config.manaPercent > 0) then mana = getCreatureMaxMana(cid) * config.manaPercent else mana = config.mana end doCreatureSetStorage(cid,, getCreatureStorage(cid, + 1) doRemoveCreature(cid, true) db.query("UPDATE `players` SET level = " .. config.level .. " WHERE id = " .. guid .. ";") db.query("UPDATE `players` SET cap = " .. config.capacity .. " WHERE id = " .. guid .. ";") db.query("UPDATE `players` SET health = " .. health .. " WHERE id = " .. guid .. ";") db.query("UPDATE `players` SET healthmax = " .. health .. " WHERE id = " .. guid .. ";") db.query("UPDATE `players` SET mana = " .. mana .. " WHERE id = " .. guid .. ";") db.query("UPDATE `players` SET manamax = " .. mana .. " WHERE id = " .. guid .. ";") db.query("UPDATE `players` SET posx = " .. pos.x .. " WHERE id = " .. guid .. ";") db.query("UPDATE `players` SET posy = " .. pos.y .. " WHERE id = " .. guid .. ";") db.query("UPDATE `players` SET posz = " .. pos.z .. " WHERE id = " .. guid .. ";") if (not config.keepSkills) then db.query("UPDATE `players` SET maglevel = " .. config.magicLevel .. " WHERE id = " .. guid .. ";") db.query("UPDATE `player_skills` SET value = " .. config.skillLevel .. " WHERE id = " .. guid .. ";") end return true end Ajuda REP mais!
  3. Deu erro muinto sinistro... meu char agora noa posui nenhuma vocation.. e nao tem nenhuma spell .. e tipo eu queria que quanto eu clicase no bau o char deslogase e voltase pro level 8 por action axo nao pega...vlw ai a ajuda ja ganhou meu REP
  4. JohnColner

    Quest Vocations

    Queria um bau que desse um Vocation que eu fis mas pesso que me expliquem bem detalhado meu Vocations e esse! <vocation id="12" name="Daredevil" description="Daredevil" needpremium="0" gaincap="25" gainhp="15" gainmana="5" gainhpticks="2" gainhpamount="1" gainmanaticks="6" gainmanaamount="2" manamultiplier="3.0" attackspeed="2000" soulmax="200" gainsoulticks="15" fromvoc="8" lessloss="50"> <formula meleeDamage="1.0" distDamage="1.0" wandDamage="1.0" magDamage="1.0" magHealingDamage="1.0" defense="1.0" magDefense="1.0" armor="1.0"/> <skill fist="1.1" club="1.1" sword="1.1" axe="1.1" distance="1.4" shielding="1.1" fishing="1.1" experience="1.0"/> </vocation> se estiver algo errado me ajumde REP +
  5. noa funcionou nao amigo nao tem outro jeito ai nao tipo um livro q der spell ou uma pçedra tanto fas ajuda plis!!
  6. me ajudem eu queria uma quest que der uma magia!! muinto obrigado desde já!
  7. pra troca ro outfit.. e uns ovinho que da outfit aleatorio e bo mpra serv RPG..
  8. JohnColner

    Exevo Grav Vis

    So queria uma runa que igual a do videoo..
  9. queria Um item que adicionasse Soul.. igual a o vidioo... REP +
  10. adicionar essa tag em actions.xml <action itemid="6544" event="script" value="outfit.lua"/> adicionar em actions/script/outfit.lua local effects = {66,} function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) for i = 1, #effects do doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), effects) end doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, {lookType = math.random(2, 134), lookHead = 0, lookBody = 0, lookLegs = 0, lookFeet = 0, lookTypeEx = 0, lookAddons = 0}) doSendAnimatedText(getPlayerPosition(cid),"Changed!", math.random(01,255)) doRemoveItem(cid, item.uid, 1) return TRUE end Se ajudeii REP +
  11. JohnColner

    Mont Quest

    Queria Um bau.. que desse tall mount.. facil ? .. ajuda ai plis REP mais!!
  12. Queria Um bau.. que desse tall mount.. facil ? .. ajuda ai plis REP mais!!
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