[Official Release] [8.6] New Horizon 0.1.1 (EverythingTibia)
Well, as promised, the newer version of New Horizon. (0.1.1)
Well, another update there needs to be since the new client patch. (Damn Real Tibia).
Update will include:
•8.60/8.61 Login
•Updated Items
•New Horizon will be the release of the OLD PVP System. Our other distro (New Sun) (soon to be released), will have the new updated PVP System. (Thanks to Xeta).
•Thanks to everyone who has used this, and whoever told us bugs, much big thanks!
Here you go!:
Official Boards: http://everythingtibia.com/forumdisplay.php?85
Bug Reports: http://everythingtibia.com/forumdisplay.php?86-Bugs
Sources: http://www.speedyshare.com/files/24011485/New_Horizon_0.1.1_Sources.7z
Distro: http://www.speedyshare.com/files/24011530/New_Horizon_0.1.1.7z
Enjoy, and I've gave a download to the change log for you guys to see what I mostly edited, I'm not saying it's the best or full, it's the best I can do, since I'm really busy.
Just open it with WordPad, or Notepad, for Linux Gedit. (Which I've used to make this.)