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Sobre baiak09


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baiak09's Achievements

  1. baiak09

    [ Vírus ]

    Baiak Server 8.53 Stavel. Estou Trabalhando faz Um Grande Tempo Em Otserv. Mapa Proprio. Varias Quests. Mais de 50 Teleports. Removido bug do mage bomb Demon Oak 100% Global Inquisition 100% Global Pits of Inferno (Poi) 85% feito por mim Novos monstros. Black Skull Red Skull Withe Skull Yellow Skull Green Skull Green Reaper Vip Frost Dragon Vip Warlock Vip Demon Vip Orshabaal Vip Morgaroth Vip Ferumbras Vip Bog RAider Vip Sea Serpent Vip Novos Equipamentos. Baiak Armor Def:50 Baiak Legs Def:50 Baiak Helmet Def:50 Baiak Shield Def:75 Baiak Sword Atk:100 Baiak Axe Atk:100 Baiak Hammer Atk:100 Baiak Boots Speed + 100 Baiak Bow Atk 25 + Range 25 Baiak Arrow Atk 100 Systema Vip. Completando Inquisition e Pits of Inferno. :camera: Screen Shots. Templo Aqui Teleports Aqui Teleports Vip Aqui Nevada City Aqui Vip City Aqui Removido. Presciso de um Hoster Pago na RL. ( ::heart: Creditos.
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