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  1. This is Evolution ots 8.1 by Sentil. Hello, here u can download and read something about ots Evolution 8.1 Informations about new quests: [b]Temple of time[/b] In Temple of Time we can travel into the future:) It sounds nice, but when you are in the future you discover that whole town is destroyed and all people are dead. You wonder how can all these brave warriors and powerfull sorcerers could be killed, but during the quest you discover a lot of amazing facts about "something" which attaked the city .. [b]Strange Rooms Quest[/b] In this mission you have to figure out the riddle of the crazy man Andy. You have to pass through teleports of the strange rooms and stay alive. The main problem is that there is 5 identical rooms so you don't know if you are on the correct way untill you reach the final room. [b]Death Tower Quest[/b] Here you can face the DEATH TOWER. When you enter the first level there won't be way back. The only chance to survive is going up through all tower's floors. If you think that a horde of undeads living in tower is a big problem, you will be suprised when you meet the owner of the tower, living on its top ENJOY !! [/i] Here are some screenshots: Here u cna download it: Have fun!!
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