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Sobre Prontofreundo


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Prontofreundo's Achievements

  1. to postando aqui o aries so q add algumas coisas xD
  2. (obs: SO NOVATO EM POSTAR ENTÃO Ñ SEI POR TODO COLORIDO MAIS TA AI DE QUALQUER FORMA) Ola Pessoal To Aqui Postando Esse OT Pra Galera Ai xD o Server É o Aries So Q Add Coisas Novas ^^ Algumas Das Coisas Q Eu Add ^^ Anihi DH POI Training Respaw De Ferumbras e Orshabaal, Add Tb Teleports No 2º Andar Do Templo .. Add TB dois NPC UM de Recarregar Soft Boots e Vender Potions (Descendo DP) Area De Encantamento 3 novas Citys, Tinha Enigma City e Mystic Island ADD Premy Island, Folda, e Tiquanda City. Fiz 4 Magias Novas e add TB Exana Flam q Tira O Fogo Do Corpo ^^ Exana Flam Exevo Gran Mas Snowball(sorc) Exevo Gran Purple Music Exevo Star Vis Exori Gran Blood Scan Com Meu Anti Virus Avira, Se Alguem quiser Por um Scan Poe Ai To com Pouco De Preguisa Mais Ñ tem Virus Ñ se Tiver é Akela Dll ^^ Bom Galera è Isso Ai O linK Pro DownLoaD Tem Esse aI caso Não Funcionar Usa Esse Eu To Com Meu Ot On Com Esse Mapa Ai ^^, 100x xp Te Garanto q Ñ Tem Virus Pode Confiar To Aqui Pra Ajuda e Ñ Como Muitos Ai q Posta Virus Cambada de Criança Flws Galera Comentem Ai Bem Ou Mal ^^ QUEM QUISER ME ADD NO MSN TIAGOS2AGATHA@HOTMAIL.COM TB SE QUISER DAR UMAS DICAS DE COMO UPLOADAR ARQUIVOS ^^
  3. (obs: SO NOVATO EM POSTAR ENTÃO Ñ SEI POR TODO COLORIDO MAIS TA AI DE QUALQUER FORMA) Ola Pessoal To Aqui Postando Esse OT Pra Galera Ai xD o Server É o Aries So Q Add Coisas Novas ^^ Algumas Das Coisas Q Eu Add ^^ Anihi DH POI Training Respaw De Ferumbras e Orshabaal, Add Tb Teleports No 2º Andar Do Templo .. Add TB dois NPC UM de Recarregar Soft Boots e Vender Potions (Descendo DP) Area De Encantamento 3 novas Citys, Tinha Enigma City e Mystic Island ADD Premy Island, Folda, e Tiquanda City. Fiz 4 Magias Novas e add TB Exana Flam q Tira O Fogo Do Corpo ^^ Exana Flam Exevo Gran Mas Snowball(sorc) Exevo Gran Purple Music Exevo Star Vis Exori Gran Blood Scan Com Meu Anti Virus Avira, Se Alguem quiser Por um Scan Poe Ai To com Pouco De Preguisa Mais Ñ tem Virus Ñ se Tiver é Akela Dll ^^ Bom Galera è Isso Ai O linK Pro DownLoaD Tem Esse aI caso Não Funcionar Usa Esse Eu To Com Meu Ot On Com Esse Mapa Ai ^^, 100x xp Te Garanto q Ñ Tem Virus Pode Confiar To Aqui Pra Ajuda e Ñ Como Muitos Ai q Posta Virus Cambada de Criança Flws Galera Comentem Ai Bem Ou Mal ^^ QUEM QUISER ME ADD NO MSN TIAGOS2AGATHA@HOTMAIL.COM TB SE QUISER DAR UMAS DICAS DE COMO UPLOADAR ARQUIVOS ^^
  4. Comando : getPlayerFood(uid) -- Returns the food ticks of player getPlayerHealth(uid) -- Returns the player's health getPlayerMana(uid) -- Returns the player's mana getPlayerLevel(uid) -- Returns the player's level getPlayerMagLevel(uid) -- Returns the player's magic level getPlayerName(uid) -- Returns the player's name getPlayerAccess(uid) -- Returns the player's access getPlayerPosition(uid) -- Returns the player's position getPlayerSkill(uid,skillid) -- Returns the player's skill level of a skill getPlayerMasterPos(cid) -- Returns the player's temple position getPlayerTown(cid) -- Returns the player's town-id getPlayerVocation(cid) -- Returns the player's vocation getPlayerItemCount(cid,itemid) -- Returns the amount of an item that the player has getPlayerSoul(cid) -- Returns the player's soul getPlayerFreeCap(cid) -- Returns the player's free capacity getPlayerLight(cid) -- Returns the player's light ticks getPlayerSlotItem(cid, slot) -- Returns an item if an item is found in the slot getPlayerDepotItems(uid, depotid) -- Returns the player's depot items of a decent depot getPlayerSex(cid) -- Returns the player's gender getPlayerLookDir(cid) -- Returns the player's look direction getPlayerStorageValue(uid,valueid) -- Returns the value of the value id of a player setPlayerStorageValue(uid,valueid, newvalue) -- Adds a new value-id to the storage map of player getGlobalStorageValue(valueid) -- Returns the value of the value id setGlobalStorageValue(valueid, newvalue) -- Adds a new value-id to the storage map getTilePzInfo(pos) 1 is pz. 0 no pz. -- Returns the protection zone status of a tile getTileHouseInfo(pos). 0 no house. != 0 house id -- Returns the house status of a tile getItemRWInfo(uid) -- Check if the item is writeable getThingfromPos(pos) -- Returns something that matches the position getThingPos(uid) -- Returns the position of something doRemoveItem(uid,n) -- Removes any item (from the map or player 18:48:04 doesn't matter) doPlayerFeed(uid,food) -- Increase the food ticks of a player doPlayerSendCancel(uid,text) -- Send any cancel message to a player doPlayerSendDefaultCancel(uid, ReturnValue) -- Send a cancel message to player doTeleportThing(uid,newpos) -- Teleports something to a position doTransformItem(uid,toitemid) -- Changes the item's id doPlayerSay(uid,text,type) -- Let's the player say any text doSendMagicEffect(position,type) -- Show a magic effect at a position doChangeTypeItem(uid,new_type) -- Change the type/count of an item doSetItemActionId(uid,actionid) -- Set the item's action id doSetItemText(uid,text) -- Set the text of an item if you open it doSetItemSpecialDescription(uid,desc) -- Set an item's description doSendAnimatedText(position,text,color) -- Show animated text at a position (any text or color) doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid,skillid,tries) -- Add skill tries to a decent skill doPlayerAddHealth(cid,health) -- Add health to a player doCreatureAddHealth(cid,health) -- Add health to a creature doPlayerAddMana(cid,mana) -- Add mana to a player doPlayerAddSoul(cid,soul) -- Add soul points to a player doPlayerAddItem(cid,itemid,count or type) -- Add an item to a player -- returns uid of the created item doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MessageClasses,message) -- Send a message to a player doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid,money) -- Remove money from a player doShowTextWindow(cid,maxlen,canWrite) -- Show a text dialog which is writable doShowTextDialog(cid,itemid,text) -- Show a text dialog to a player that contains text doDecayItem(uid) -- Start to decay an item doCreateItem(itemid,type or count,position) -- Only working on ground; Returns uid of the created item doSummonCreature(name, position) -- Creates a creature doMoveCreature(cid, direction) -- Move a creature to a decent direction doPlayerSetMasterPos(cid,pos) -- Set the player's temple position doPlayerSetTown(cid,townid) -- Set the player's 18:48:05 town-id doPlayerSetVocation(cid,voc) -- Set the player's vocation doPlayerRemoveItem(cid,itemid,count) -- Remove an item from a player doPlayerAddExp(cid,exp) -- Add experience to a player doSetCreatureLight(cid, lightLevel, lightColor, time) -- Add a new light condtion to a player isPlayer(cid) -- Check if something is a creature isCreature(cid) -- Check if something is a creature isContainer(uid)-- Check if something is a container isMoveable(uid) -- Check if something is moveable getPlayerByName(name) -- Returns a player if the name matches any player on the server registerCreature(cid) -- Returns and adds a new creature to the script getContainerSize(uid) -- Returns the size of a container getContainerCap(uid) -- Returns the capacity of a container getContainerItem(uid, slot) -- Check if the slot contains a container doAddContainerItem(uid, itemid, count or subtype) -- Add an item to a container getHouseOwner(houseid) -- Returns the owner of a house getHouseName(houseid) -- Returns the name of a house getHouseEntry(houseid) -- Return the entry-position of a house getHouseRent(houseid) -- Returns the rent of a house getHouseTown(houseid) -- Returns the town-id of a house getHouseAccessList(houseod, listid) -- Returns the house-id of a house that matches the listid getHouseByPlayerName(playername) -- Returns the house-id of a house that matches the player's name setHouseAccessList(houseid, listid, listtext) -- Set the accesslist of a door or anything else in a house setHouseOwner(houseid, ownername) -- Set the owner of a house getWorldType() -- Returns the worldtype (0 = no-pvp, 1 = pvp, 2 = pvp-enf) getWorldTime() -- Returns the ingame time getWorldLight() -- Returns the light level of the server getWorldCreatures(type) Returns the amount of creatures (0 players, 1 monsters, 2 npcs, 3 all) getWorldUpTime() -- Returns the uptime of the server createCombatArea( {area}, {extArea} ) -- Create a new combat 18:48:05 area createConditionObject(type) -- Creates a new condition (condition-type required) setCombatArea(combat, area) -- Set the area of a combat object setCombatCondition(combat, condition) -- Adds a condtion to a combat object setCombatParam(combat, key, value) -- Adds a parameter to a combat object with a decent value setConditionParam(condition, key, value) -- Adds a parameter to a condition with a decent value addDamageCondition(condition, key, rounds, time, value) -- Adds a damage value to a condtion addOutfitCondition(condition, lookTypeEx, lookType, lookHead, lookBody, lookLegs, lookFeet) -- Adds a new outfit condtion to a creature setCombatCallBack(combat, key, function_name) -- Set the callback of a combat object setCombatFormula(combat, type, mina, minb, maxa, maxb) -- Set the combat's formula setConditionFormula(combat, mina, minb, maxa, maxb) -- Set the condition's formula doCombat(cid, combat, param) -- Execute the combat object createCombatObject() -- Creates a new combat object doAreaCombatHealth(cid, type, pos, area, min, max, effect) -- Change any creature's health (area) doTargetCombatHealth(cid, target, type, min, max, effect) -- Change any creature's health (target) doAreaCombatMana(cid, pos, area, min, max, effect) -- Change any creature's mana (area) doTargetCombatMana(cid, target, min, max, effect) -- Change any creature's mana (target) doAreaCombatCondition(cid, pos, area, condition, effect) -- Adds a condition (area) doTargetCombatCondition(cid, target, condition, effect) -- Adds a condition (target) doAreaCombatDispel(cid, pos, area, type, effect) -- Removes a condition (area) doTargetCombatDispel(cid, target, type, effect) -- Removes a condition (target) doChallengeCreature(cid, target) -- Challenge a creature doConvinceCreature(cid, target) -- Convince a creature doChangeSpeed(cid, delta) -- Change the creature's speed doSetMonsterOutfit(cid, name, time) -- Sets the creature's outfit to a 18:48:06 monster look doSetItemOutfit(cid, item, time) -- Sets the creature's outfit to an item doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, outfit, time) -- Sets the creature's outfit (table required) getCreatureOutfit(cid) -- Returns the creature's outfit (in a table) getCreaturePosition(cid) -- Returns the creature's position (in a table) getCreatureName(cid) -- Returns the name of a creature isItemStackable(itemid) -- Check if an item is stackable isItemRune(itemid) -- Check if an item is a rune isItemDoor(itemid) -- Check if an item is a door isItemContainer(itemid) -- Check if an item is a container isItemFluidContainer(itemid) -- Check if an item is a fluid getItemName(itemid) -- Returns the item's name getPlayerSkull(cid) -- Returns the skull-type of a player getPlayerConditionTicks(cid, conditionid) -- Returns the ticks of a decent condtion of a player doPlayerAddAddon(cid, looktype, addon) -- Add an addon to an outfit of the player getPlayerOutfitAddon(cid, looktype) -- Returns the addon-value of an outfit of a player getItemStackable(itemid) -- Check if the item is stackable isPremium(cid) -- Check if the player is premium addPremium(cid, days) -- Add x days to the player's account foundNewGuild(guildname) -- Create a new guild getPlayerGuildStatus(name) -- Returns the player's guild status setPlayerGuildStatus(guildstatus, name) -- Set the player's guild status getPlayerGuildName(name) -- Returns the guild's name if the player has a guild setPlayerGuild(name, guildstatus, guilrank, guildname) -- Edit the guild stats of a player clearPlayerGuild(name) -- Remove a player from a guild setPlayerGuildNick(name, guildnick) -- Set the nick of the player setPlayerGuildTitle(name, guildnick) -- Set the nick of the player doPlayerLearnSpell(cid, spellwords) -- Learn a spell to a player doPlayerAddBlesing(cid, blessid) -- Add a blessing to a player getPlayerBlessing(cid, blessid) -- Check if the player has this 18:48:06 blessing debugPrint(text) -- Print a message in the console isInArray(array, value) -- Check if an array contains a decent value addEvent(callback, delay, parameter) -- Add an event stopEvent(eventid) -- Stops an added event getDataDir() -- Returns a string that is the data directory LINK :
  5. Comando : getPlayerFood(uid) -- Returns the food ticks of player getPlayerHealth(uid) -- Returns the player's health getPlayerMana(uid) -- Returns the player's mana getPlayerLevel(uid) -- Returns the player's level getPlayerMagLevel(uid) -- Returns the player's magic level getPlayerName(uid) -- Returns the player's name getPlayerAccess(uid) -- Returns the player's access getPlayerPosition(uid) -- Returns the player's position getPlayerSkill(uid,skillid) -- Returns the player's skill level of a skill getPlayerMasterPos(cid) -- Returns the player's temple position getPlayerTown(cid) -- Returns the player's town-id getPlayerVocation(cid) -- Returns the player's vocation getPlayerItemCount(cid,itemid) -- Returns the amount of an item that the player has getPlayerSoul(cid) -- Returns the player's soul getPlayerFreeCap(cid) -- Returns the player's free capacity getPlayerLight(cid) -- Returns the player's light ticks getPlayerSlotItem(cid, slot) -- Returns an item if an item is found in the slot getPlayerDepotItems(uid, depotid) -- Returns the player's depot items of a decent depot getPlayerSex(cid) -- Returns the player's gender getPlayerLookDir(cid) -- Returns the player's look direction getPlayerStorageValue(uid,valueid) -- Returns the value of the value id of a player setPlayerStorageValue(uid,valueid, newvalue) -- Adds a new value-id to the storage map of player getGlobalStorageValue(valueid) -- Returns the value of the value id setGlobalStorageValue(valueid, newvalue) -- Adds a new value-id to the storage map getTilePzInfo(pos) 1 is pz. 0 no pz. -- Returns the protection zone status of a tile getTileHouseInfo(pos). 0 no house. != 0 house id -- Returns the house status of a tile getItemRWInfo(uid) -- Check if the item is writeable getThingfromPos(pos) -- Returns something that matches the position getThingPos(uid) -- Returns the position of something doRemoveItem(uid,n) -- Removes any item (from the map or player 18:48:04 doesn't matter) doPlayerFeed(uid,food) -- Increase the food ticks of a player doPlayerSendCancel(uid,text) -- Send any cancel message to a player doPlayerSendDefaultCancel(uid, ReturnValue) -- Send a cancel message to player doTeleportThing(uid,newpos) -- Teleports something to a position doTransformItem(uid,toitemid) -- Changes the item's id doPlayerSay(uid,text,type) -- Let's the player say any text doSendMagicEffect(position,type) -- Show a magic effect at a position doChangeTypeItem(uid,new_type) -- Change the type/count of an item doSetItemActionId(uid,actionid) -- Set the item's action id doSetItemText(uid,text) -- Set the text of an item if you open it doSetItemSpecialDescription(uid,desc) -- Set an item's description doSendAnimatedText(position,text,color) -- Show animated text at a position (any text or color) doPlayerAddSkillTry(cid,skillid,tries) -- Add skill tries to a decent skill doPlayerAddHealth(cid,health) -- Add health to a player doCreatureAddHealth(cid,health) -- Add health to a creature doPlayerAddMana(cid,mana) -- Add mana to a player doPlayerAddSoul(cid,soul) -- Add soul points to a player doPlayerAddItem(cid,itemid,count or type) -- Add an item to a player -- returns uid of the created item doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MessageClasses,message) -- Send a message to a player doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid,money) -- Remove money from a player doShowTextWindow(cid,maxlen,canWrite) -- Show a text dialog which is writable doShowTextDialog(cid,itemid,text) -- Show a text dialog to a player that contains text doDecayItem(uid) -- Start to decay an item doCreateItem(itemid,type or count,position) -- Only working on ground; Returns uid of the created item doSummonCreature(name, position) -- Creates a creature doMoveCreature(cid, direction) -- Move a creature to a decent direction doPlayerSetMasterPos(cid,pos) -- Set the player's temple position doPlayerSetTown(cid,townid) -- Set the player's 18:48:05 town-id doPlayerSetVocation(cid,voc) -- Set the player's vocation doPlayerRemoveItem(cid,itemid,count) -- Remove an item from a player doPlayerAddExp(cid,exp) -- Add experience to a player doSetCreatureLight(cid, lightLevel, lightColor, time) -- Add a new light condtion to a player isPlayer(cid) -- Check if something is a creature isCreature(cid) -- Check if something is a creature isContainer(uid)-- Check if something is a container isMoveable(uid) -- Check if something is moveable getPlayerByName(name) -- Returns a player if the name matches any player on the server registerCreature(cid) -- Returns and adds a new creature to the script getContainerSize(uid) -- Returns the size of a container getContainerCap(uid) -- Returns the capacity of a container getContainerItem(uid, slot) -- Check if the slot contains a container doAddContainerItem(uid, itemid, count or subtype) -- Add an item to a container getHouseOwner(houseid) -- Returns the owner of a house getHouseName(houseid) -- Returns the name of a house getHouseEntry(houseid) -- Return the entry-position of a house getHouseRent(houseid) -- Returns the rent of a house getHouseTown(houseid) -- Returns the town-id of a house getHouseAccessList(houseod, listid) -- Returns the house-id of a house that matches the listid getHouseByPlayerName(playername) -- Returns the house-id of a house that matches the player's name setHouseAccessList(houseid, listid, listtext) -- Set the accesslist of a door or anything else in a house setHouseOwner(houseid, ownername) -- Set the owner of a house getWorldType() -- Returns the worldtype (0 = no-pvp, 1 = pvp, 2 = pvp-enf) getWorldTime() -- Returns the ingame time getWorldLight() -- Returns the light level of the server getWorldCreatures(type) Returns the amount of creatures (0 players, 1 monsters, 2 npcs, 3 all) getWorldUpTime() -- Returns the uptime of the server createCombatArea( {area}, {extArea} ) -- Create a new combat 18:48:05 area createConditionObject(type) -- Creates a new condition (condition-type required) setCombatArea(combat, area) -- Set the area of a combat object setCombatCondition(combat, condition) -- Adds a condtion to a combat object setCombatParam(combat, key, value) -- Adds a parameter to a combat object with a decent value setConditionParam(condition, key, value) -- Adds a parameter to a condition with a decent value addDamageCondition(condition, key, rounds, time, value) -- Adds a damage value to a condtion addOutfitCondition(condition, lookTypeEx, lookType, lookHead, lookBody, lookLegs, lookFeet) -- Adds a new outfit condtion to a creature setCombatCallBack(combat, key, function_name) -- Set the callback of a combat object setCombatFormula(combat, type, mina, minb, maxa, maxb) -- Set the combat's formula setConditionFormula(combat, mina, minb, maxa, maxb) -- Set the condition's formula doCombat(cid, combat, param) -- Execute the combat object createCombatObject() -- Creates a new combat object doAreaCombatHealth(cid, type, pos, area, min, max, effect) -- Change any creature's health (area) doTargetCombatHealth(cid, target, type, min, max, effect) -- Change any creature's health (target) doAreaCombatMana(cid, pos, area, min, max, effect) -- Change any creature's mana (area) doTargetCombatMana(cid, target, min, max, effect) -- Change any creature's mana (target) doAreaCombatCondition(cid, pos, area, condition, effect) -- Adds a condition (area) doTargetCombatCondition(cid, target, condition, effect) -- Adds a condition (target) doAreaCombatDispel(cid, pos, area, type, effect) -- Removes a condition (area) doTargetCombatDispel(cid, target, type, effect) -- Removes a condition (target) doChallengeCreature(cid, target) -- Challenge a creature doConvinceCreature(cid, target) -- Convince a creature doChangeSpeed(cid, delta) -- Change the creature's speed doSetMonsterOutfit(cid, name, time) -- Sets the creature's outfit to a 18:48:06 monster look doSetItemOutfit(cid, item, time) -- Sets the creature's outfit to an item doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, outfit, time) -- Sets the creature's outfit (table required) getCreatureOutfit(cid) -- Returns the creature's outfit (in a table) getCreaturePosition(cid) -- Returns the creature's position (in a table) getCreatureName(cid) -- Returns the name of a creature isItemStackable(itemid) -- Check if an item is stackable isItemRune(itemid) -- Check if an item is a rune isItemDoor(itemid) -- Check if an item is a door isItemContainer(itemid) -- Check if an item is a container isItemFluidContainer(itemid) -- Check if an item is a fluid getItemName(itemid) -- Returns the item's name getPlayerSkull(cid) -- Returns the skull-type of a player getPlayerConditionTicks(cid, conditionid) -- Returns the ticks of a decent condtion of a player doPlayerAddAddon(cid, looktype, addon) -- Add an addon to an outfit of the player getPlayerOutfitAddon(cid, looktype) -- Returns the addon-value of an outfit of a player getItemStackable(itemid) -- Check if the item is stackable isPremium(cid) -- Check if the player is premium addPremium(cid, days) -- Add x days to the player's account foundNewGuild(guildname) -- Create a new guild getPlayerGuildStatus(name) -- Returns the player's guild status setPlayerGuildStatus(guildstatus, name) -- Set the player's guild status getPlayerGuildName(name) -- Returns the guild's name if the player has a guild setPlayerGuild(name, guildstatus, guilrank, guildname) -- Edit the guild stats of a player clearPlayerGuild(name) -- Remove a player from a guild setPlayerGuildNick(name, guildnick) -- Set the nick of the player setPlayerGuildTitle(name, guildnick) -- Set the nick of the player doPlayerLearnSpell(cid, spellwords) -- Learn a spell to a player doPlayerAddBlesing(cid, blessid) -- Add a blessing to a player getPlayerBlessing(cid, blessid) -- Check if the player has this 18:48:06 blessing debugPrint(text) -- Print a message in the console isInArray(array, value) -- Check if an array contains a decent value addEvent(callback, delay, parameter) -- Add an event stopEvent(eventid) -- Stops an added event getDataDir() -- Returns a string that is the data directory LINK :
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