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$char = $_REQUEST['char'];
$monster_folder = "folder/monsters";
$folderplayer = "folder/players";
$file= "$folderplayer$char.xml";
$f = @fopen($file, "r");
if(!$char) {
} else if(!$f) {
print("<font color=\"red\">Esse player não existe!</font><br><br>\n\n");
} else {
$contents = fread($f, filesize($file));
$tags = explode("<", $contents);
$name = "";
$level = 0;
$magic_level = 0;
$voc = 0;
$lastlogin = 0;
$skills = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
foreach($tags as $tag) {
if(substr($tag, 0, 6) == "player") {
if($temppos = stristr($tag, "name=\"")) {
$temp = explode("\"", $temppos);
$name = $temp[1];
if($temppos = stristr($tag, "level=\"")) {
$temp = explode("\"", $temppos);
$level = $temp[1];
if($temppos = stristr($tag, "maglevel=\"")) {
$temp = explode("\"", $temppos);
$magic_level = $temp[1];
if($temppos = stristr($tag, "voc=\"")) {
$temp = explode("\"", $temppos);
$voc = $temp[1];
if($temppos = stristr($tag, "lastlogin=\"")) {
$temp = explode("\"", $temppos);
$lastlogin = $temp[1];
if(substr($tag, 0, 6) == "skill ") {
if($temppos = stristr($tag, "skillid=\"")) {
$temp = explode("\"", $temppos);
$tempid = $temp[1];
if($temppos = stristr($tag, "level=\"")) {
$temp = explode("\"", $temppos);
$templvl = $temp[1];
if($tempid && $templvl) {
$skills[$tempid] = $templvl;
if(substr($tag, 0, 6) == "death ") {
if($temppos = stristr($tag, "name=\"")) {
$temp = explode("\"", $temppos);
$tempname = $temp[1];
if($temppos = stristr($tag, "level=\"")) {
$temp = explode("\"", $temppos);
$templvl = $temp[1];
if($tempname && $templvl) {
if(file_exists("$monster_folder$tempname.xml")) {
$deathtext[] = " $templvl by a $tempname";
} else if(file_exists("$folderplayer$tempname.xml")) {
$deathtext[] = " $templvl by <a href=\"search.php?where=search&char=$tempname\">$tempname</a>";
} else {
$deathtext[] = " $templvl by $tempname";
print("<b>Name:</b> $name<br>\n");
print("<b>Level:</b> $level<br>\n");
print("<b>Magic Level:</b> $magic_level<br>\n");
$vocations = array("None", "Sorcerer", "Druid", "Paladin", "Knight");
print("<b>Vocation:</b> $vocations[$voc]<br>\n");
//print("<b>Last Login:</b> $lastlogin<br>\n");
$skillnames = array("", "Club Fighting", "Sword Fighting", "Axe Fighting", "Distance Fighting", "Shielding", "Fishing");
foreach($skills as $k => $skill) {
if(!$skill) continue;
print("<b>$skillnames[$k]:</b> $skill<br>\n");
if($deathtext) {
foreach($deathtext as $temp) {
print("Killed at level $temp.<br>\n");
<form method="GET" action="<?=$PHP_SELF?>">
<input type="hidden" name="where" value="search">
<input type="text" name="char">
<input type="submit" value="Search">
<input type="button" value="Back" onclick="history.back()">


Creditos: Cadis




Editado por Kardec
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  • 5 weeks later...

Fiz td como ta ae.Qdo eu coloco o nick do char e cliko em procurar aparece isso :




You don't have permission to access /<br /><b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in <b>c:\arquivos de programas\easyphp1-7\www\procurar.php</b> on line <b>405</b><br /> on this server.


Alguem sabe como arruma?


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