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Modificar sistema de reward system


Boa noite comunidade!

Encontrei um sistema de reward system que ao matar um monstro ele tem niveis de loot, sendo ele comum, raro, semi raro, muito raro e uma opção SEMPRE, esse sempre so dropa para uma pessoa, porem, eu queria colocar que esse sempre fosse apenas para o jogador que da o ultimo hit no monstro, isso seria possivel?





-- Sistema de recompensa criado por luanluciano93

	rewardBagId = 2595,
	formula = {hit = 3, block = 3, suport = 7},
	storageExaust = 60000,
	town_id = 1,
	bosses = {
		["king of baiak"] = -- todo o nome do boss em letras minúsculas.
			comum = {
				{8302, 1, 100}, -- dodge
				{8303, 1, 100}, -- critical
				{8301, 1, 100}, -- ppoint
				{2160, 100, 100}, -- crystal coin
				{9971, 10, 100}, -- diamond coin
				{2798, 10, 100}, -- blood herb
				{12609, 1, 100}, -- linx wand
				{12362, 1, 100}, -- linx rp
				{7959, 1, 100}, -- linx sword
				{7434, 1, 100}, -- linx axe
				{12631, 1, 100}, -- linx club

			semi_raro = {
				{9971, 15, 100}, -- diamond coin
				{7140, 1, 100}, -- mead horn
				{7488, 1, 100}, -- stamina potion
				{8310, 2, 100}, -- roullet coin
				{2366, 1, 100}, -- removedor de frags

			raro = {
				{8929, 1, 100}, -- dragon elite club
				{8293, 1, 100}, -- dragon elite axe
				{8932, 1, 100}, -- dragon elite sword
				{7958, 1, 100}, -- dragon mage staff
				{8858, 1, 100}, -- dragon archer crossbow
				{2662, 1, 100}, -- dragon mage
				{8866, 1, 100}, -- dragon mage
				{7730, 1, 100}, -- dragon mage
				{11113, 1, 100}, -- dragon mage
				{3972, 1, 100}, -- dragon ek
				{2505, 1, 100}, -- dragon ek
				{2507, 1, 100}, -- dragon ek
				{2644, 1, 100}, -- dragon ek
				{7458, 1, 100}, -- dragon rp
				{7463, 1, 100}, -- dragon rp
				{7464, 1, 100}, -- dragon rp
				{9931, 1, 100}, -- dragon rp

			muito_raro = {
				{5015, 1, 100}, -- mandrake
				{5804, 1, 100}, -- nose ring
				{5919, 1, 100}, -- dragon claw
				{5809, 1, 100}, -- soul stone
				{12621, 1, 100}, -- exp potion
				{12634, 1, 100}, -- bag you mysterious
				{12635, 1, 100}, -- bag you dragon
				{12636, 1, 100}, -- bag you legend
			sempre = {
				{5805, 1, 100}, -- goldne goblt
			storage = 65479, 
		["astaroth"] = -- nome do boss em todo em letras minísculas
			comum = {
				{8302, 1, 100}, -- dodge
				{8303, 1, 100}, -- critical
				{8301, 1, 100}, -- ppoint
				{2160, 100, 100}, -- crystal coin
				{9971, 10, 100}, -- diamond coin
				{2798, 10, 100}, -- blood herb
				{12609, 1, 100}, -- linx wand
				{12362, 1, 100}, -- linx rp
				{7959, 1, 100}, -- linx sword
				{7434, 1, 100}, -- linx axe
				{12631, 1, 100}, -- linx club

			semi_raro = {
				{9971, 15, 100}, -- diamond coin
				{7140, 1, 100}, -- mead horn
				{7488, 1, 100}, -- stamina potion
				{8310, 2, 100}, -- roullet coin
				{2366, 1, 100}, -- removedor de frags

			raro = {
				{8929, 1, 100}, -- dragon elite club
				{8293, 1, 100}, -- dragon elite axe
				{8932, 1, 100}, -- dragon elite sword
				{7958, 1, 100}, -- dragon mage staff
				{8858, 1, 100}, -- dragon archer crossbow
				{2662, 1, 100}, -- dragon mage
				{8866, 1, 100}, -- dragon mage
				{7730, 1, 100}, -- dragon mage
				{11113, 1, 100}, -- dragon mage
				{3972, 1, 100}, -- dragon ek
				{2505, 1, 100}, -- dragon ek
				{2507, 1, 100}, -- dragon ek
				{2644, 1, 100}, -- dragon ek
				{7458, 1, 100}, -- dragon rp
				{7463, 1, 100}, -- dragon rp
				{7464, 1, 100}, -- dragon rp
				{9931, 1, 100}, -- dragon rp

			muito_raro = {
				{5015, 1, 100}, -- mandrake
				{5804, 1, 100}, -- nose ring
				{5919, 1, 100}, -- dragon claw
				{5809, 1, 100}, -- soul stone
				{12621, 1, 100}, -- exp potion
				{12634, 1, 100}, -- bag you mysterious
				{12635, 1, 100}, -- bag you dragon
				{12636, 1, 100}, -- bag you legend
			sempre = {
				{5805, 1, 100}, -- goldne goblt
			storage = 65480, 
		["legendary ferumbras"] = -- todo o nome do boss em letras minúsculas.
			comum = {
				{8302, 1, 100}, -- dodge
				{8303, 1, 100}, -- critical
				{8301, 1, 100}, -- ppoint
				{2160, 100, 100}, -- crystal coin
				{9971, 10, 100}, -- diamond coin
				{2798, 10, 100}, -- blood herb
				{12609, 1, 100}, -- linx wand
				{12362, 1, 100}, -- linx rp
				{7959, 1, 100}, -- linx sword
				{7434, 1, 100}, -- linx axe
				{12631, 1, 100}, -- linx club

			semi_raro = {
				{9971, 15, 100}, -- diamond coin
				{7140, 1, 100}, -- mead horn
				{7488, 1, 100}, -- stamina potion
				{8310, 2, 100}, -- roullet coin
				{2366, 1, 100}, -- removedor de frags

			raro = {
				{8929, 1, 100}, -- dragon elite club
				{8293, 1, 100}, -- dragon elite axe
				{8932, 1, 100}, -- dragon elite sword
				{7958, 1, 100}, -- dragon mage staff
				{8858, 1, 100}, -- dragon archer crossbow
				{2662, 1, 100}, -- dragon mage
				{8866, 1, 100}, -- dragon mage
				{7730, 1, 100}, -- dragon mage
				{11113, 1, 100}, -- dragon mage
				{3972, 1, 100}, -- dragon ek
				{2505, 1, 100}, -- dragon ek
				{2507, 1, 100}, -- dragon ek
				{2644, 1, 100}, -- dragon ek
				{7458, 1, 100}, -- dragon rp
				{7463, 1, 100}, -- dragon rp
				{7464, 1, 100}, -- dragon rp
				{9931, 1, 100}, -- dragon rp

			muito_raro = {
				{5015, 1, 100}, -- mandrake
				{5804, 1, 100}, -- nose ring
				{5919, 1, 100}, -- dragon claw
				{5809, 1, 100}, -- soul stone
				{12621, 1, 100}, -- exp potion
				{12634, 1, 100}, -- bag you mysterious
				{12635, 1, 100}, -- bag you dragon
				{12636, 1, 100}, -- bag you legend
			sempre = {
                                {5903, 1, 100}, -- ferumbras'hat
			storage = 65481, 
		["azazel"] = -- todo o nome do boss em letras minúsculas.
			comum = {
				{2158, 1, 100}, -- blue gem
				{2156, 1, 100}, -- red gem
				{2155, 1, 100}, -- green gem
				{2154, 1, 100}, -- yellow gem
				{2153, 1, 100}, -- violet gem

			semi_raro = {
				{5944, 5, 100}, -- soul orb

			raro = {
				{2514, 1, 100}, -- mastermind shield

			muito_raro = {
				{11114, 1, 100}, -- dragon scale boots
				{8882, 1, 100}, -- earthborn titan armor
			sempre = {
				{2152, 90, 100}, -- platinum coin
				{9971, 5, 100}, -- gold ingot
			storage = 65482, 
		["verminor"] = -- todo o nome do boss em letras minúsculas.
			comum = {
				{2143, 10, 100}, -- white pearl
				{2146, 10, 100}, -- small sapphire
				{2145, 10, 100}, -- small diamond
				{2144, 10, 100}, -- black pearl
				{2149, 10, 100}, -- small emeralds
				{5954, 3, 100}, -- demon horn
				{7896, 1, 100}, -- glacier kilt
				{2432, 1, 100}, -- fire axe
				{2462, 1, 100}, -- devil helmet
				{7590, 1, 100}, -- great mana potion
				{2179, 1, 100}, -- gold ring
				{2151, 1, 100}, -- talon

			semi_raro = {
				{2195, 1, 100}, -- boots of haste
				{2393, 1, 100}, -- giant sword
				{5954, 5, 100}, -- demon horn
				{2123, 1, 100}, -- ring of the sky

			raro = {
				{8886, 1, 100}, -- molten plate
				{2472, 1, 100}, -- magic plate armor
				{8867, 1, 100}, -- dragon robe
				{2514, 1, 100}, -- mastermind shield
				{2520, 1, 100}, -- demon shield
				{1982, 1, 100}, -- purple tome
				{8851, 1, 100}, -- Royal Crossbow

			muito_raro = {
				{2421, 1, 100}, -- thunder hammer
				{2522, 1, 100}, -- great shield
				{8850, 1, 100}, -- chain bolter
			sempre = {
				{5943, 1, 100}, -- morgaroths brain
				{2171, 1, 100}, -- platinum amulet
				{2148, 90, 100}, -- gold coin
				{2146, 10, 100}, -- small sapphire
			storage = 65483, 



local function addRewardLoot(uid, bossName, tabela_reward)
	local money = math.random(10, 100)
	local msg = "Um parcel foi enviado para o seu depot com os seguintes itens:"
	local chest = doCreateItemEx(REWARDCHEST.rewardBagId)

	doItemSetAttribute(chest, "description", "Recompensa por ajudar na batalha contra: ".. bossName ..".")

	if table.maxn(tabela_reward) > 0 then
		for x = 1, table.maxn(tabela_reward) do
			local rand = math.random(100)
			if rand <= tabela_reward[x][3] then
				local count = math.random(1, tabela_reward[x][2])
				doAddContainerItem(chest, tabela_reward[x][1], count)
				msg = msg .. " ".. (count > 1 and count or "") .." "..getItemNameById(tabela_reward[x][1])..","
		doPlayerSendTextMessage(uid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, msg .. " and ".. money .." platinum coins.")
		doPlayerSendTextMessage(uid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, msg .. " ".. money .." platinum coins.")

	doAddContainerItem(chest, 2160, money)
	doPlayerSendMailByName(getPlayerName(uid), chest, REWARDCHEST.town_id)

	local boss = REWARDCHEST.bosses[bossName]
	setPlayerStorageValue(uid,, 0)
	doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(uid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE)

local function addLoot(tabela_loot, tabela_reward, all_loot)
	if table.maxn(tabela_loot) > 0 then
		if all_loot then
			for x = 1, table.maxn(tabela_loot) do
				table.insert(tabela_reward, tabela_loot[x])
			table.insert(tabela_reward, tabela_loot[math.random(table.maxn(tabela_loot))])

	return tabela_reward

local function rewardChestSystem(bossName)
	local players = {}
	local boss = REWARDCHEST.bosses[bossName]

	for _, uid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do
		if getPlayerStorageValue(uid, > 0 then
			table.insert(players, uid)

	table.sort(players, function(a, b) return getPlayerStorageValue(a, > getPlayerStorageValue(b, end)

	local porcentagem = math.ceil(getPlayerStorageValue(players[1],

	for i = 1, table.maxn(players) do

		local tabela_reward = {}
		local pontos = getPlayerStorageValue(players[i],

		if i == 1 then
			addLoot(boss.comum, tabela_reward, false)
			addLoot(boss.semi_raro, tabela_reward, false)
			addLoot(boss.raro, tabela_reward, false)
			addLoot(boss.sempre, tabela_reward, true)
		elseif i >= 2 and pontos >= math.ceil((porcentagem * 0.8)) then
			addLoot(boss.comum, tabela_reward, false)
			addLoot(boss.semi_raro, tabela_reward, false)
			addLoot(boss.raro, tabela_reward, false)
			addLoot(boss.muito_raro, tabela_reward, false)
		elseif pontos < math.ceil((porcentagem * 0.8)) and pontos >= math.ceil((porcentagem * 0.6)) then
			addLoot(boss.comum, tabela_reward, false)
			addLoot(boss.semi_raro, tabela_reward, false)
			addLoot(boss.raro, tabela_reward, false)
		elseif pontos < math.ceil((porcentagem * 0.6)) and pontos >= math.ceil((porcentagem * 0.4)) then
			addLoot(boss.comum, tabela_reward, false)
			addLoot(boss.semi_raro, tabela_reward, false)
		elseif pontos < math.ceil((porcentagem * 0.4)) and pontos >= math.ceil((porcentagem * 0.1)) then
			addLoot(boss.comum, tabela_reward, false)

		addRewardLoot(players[i], bossName, tabela_reward)

function onDeath(cid, corpse, killer)
	local boss = REWARDCHEST.bosses[getCreatureName(cid):lower()]
	if boss then
		addEvent(rewardChestSystem, 1000, getCreatureName(cid):lower())
	return true

function onStatsChange(cid, attacker, type, combat, value)
	if isMonster(cid) and type == STATSCHANGE_HEALTHLOSS and isPlayer(attacker) then
		local boss = REWARDCHEST.bosses[getCreatureName(cid):lower()]
		if boss and attacker then
			setPlayerStorageValue(attacker,, getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, + math.ceil((value / REWARDCHEST.formula.hit)))
	return true



function onLogin(cid)
	for key, value in pairs(REWARDCHEST.bosses) do
		if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, > 0 then
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, 0)
	registerCreatureEvent(cid, "RewardChestStats")
	return true

function onStatsChange(cid, attacker, type, combat, value)
	if isMonster(attacker) and (type == STATSCHANGE_HEALTHLOSS or type == STATSCHANGE_MANALOSS) then
		local boss = REWARDCHEST.bosses[getCreatureName(attacker):lower()]
		if boss then
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, + math.ceil((value / REWARDCHEST.formula.block)))
			setPlayerStorageValue(cid, REWARDCHEST.storageExaust, os.time() + 5)
	elseif (isPlayer(attacker) and (type == STATSCHANGE_HEALTHGAIN or type == STATSCHANGE_MANAGAIN) and (getCreatureHealth(cid) < getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) and (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, REWARDCHEST.storageExaust) >= os.time())) then
		for key, valor in pairs(REWARDCHEST.bosses) do
			if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, > 0 then
				if getCreatureHealth(cid) + value > getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) then
					local add = getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) - getCreatureHealth(cid)
					setPlayerStorageValue(attacker,, getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, + math.ceil((add / REWARDCHEST.formula.suport)))
					setPlayerStorageValue(attacker,, getPlayerStorageValue(attacker, + math.ceil((value / REWARDCHEST.formula.suport)))
	return true



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