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[Custom / 8.54] Dbvictory - start: 08.07.2023r


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DBVictory Server - Best Dragon Ball Server
START: 08.07.2023r(PL 18:00 | BR: 01:00 PM)

AccMaker: Home - DBVictory: WORLD [S1] (http://DBV.DBVictory.eu)
Portal: News - DBVictory :: Official Portal (http://DBVictory.eu) (Info / Spells / Maps / Items List / Guides)
Forum: :: Forum.DBVictory.eu :: Strona Główna (http://Forum.DBVictory.eu) (Help / Guides)
FB: DBVictory - Official (https://www.facebook.com/DBVictoryOfficial)


Server info DBVictory: WORLD [S1]:
Exp (stages): 8x and below
Skill: NO loss (only Exp/Items)
PVP (exp for kill player)
New account have 7 Day PACC
Max Reborn - 700lvl

PVP System:
PlayerReborn [kill] PlayerReborn = NO FRAG
PlayerReborn [kill] PlayerNoReborn = FRAG **
PlayerNoReborn [kill] PlayerNoReborn = FRAG **
Exp PVP: Reborn [kill] Reborn:
+50% Level (killing a higher player)
+35% Level (killing a lower player)

** 8x FRAG = F (RS), 10x FRAG = BAN, 1Frag = 12h

AutoLoot - more info command: !al info
Party Share:
* if there are two of in the party and have share enabled, get +25% more exp
Dungeon system (get prinze to 24h)
Own Lighting | Addon/Change color outfit
Bonus Guilds - for the best of a week (awarded every week)
Unique map (own)
Events (automatic) + Day Bonus
A lot of quests, Sag, missions
Monster / Item List (in site)
MAP (interactive) (in site)
Upgrade / Craft Weapons
Fly / Rider (on mob) / GOD + Skin / Ultra Instinct
Master System (PET Boost!) (Read)
Own Client (OTClient modified)





Edited by granul
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  • granul changed the title to [Custom / 8.54] Dbvictory - start: 08.07.2023r

Unfortunately, due to unrelated reasons (work...) we are forced to postpone the premiere to 08.07.2023r (PL 18:00 | BR: 01:00 PM).
- We are very sorry for the situation....

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