curruwilliam 28 Postado Abril 13, 2014 Share Postado Abril 13, 2014 Olá, Podem me ajudar a colocar uma barra de vida, mana e exp igual fiz nessa imagem: Imagem: Quadrado Verde = Vida - Azul = Mana - Azul Claro = Exp e o Preto é aqueles icone de PZ tar com poison etc.. Agradeço desde já!! Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 erenking123 2 Postado Abril 13, 2014 Share Postado Abril 13, 2014 Há um mod do banana aqui no fórum só procurar. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 curruwilliam 28 Postado Abril 13, 2014 Autor Share Postado Abril 13, 2014 Há um mod do banana aqui no fórum só procurar. Você fala disso: ? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 erenking123 2 Postado Abril 13, 2014 Share Postado Abril 13, 2014 Você fala disso: ? Sim, só edita-la. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 curruwilliam 28 Postado Abril 14, 2014 Autor Share Postado Abril 14, 2014 Sim, só edita-la. É mais eu não sei praticamente quase nada de lua ou c++ Alguem sabe como deixar esse mod do Banana sempre ativo e fixo ? Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 IvanAppel 87 Postado Abril 14, 2014 Share Postado Abril 14, 2014 Você descobriu como deixar o chat fixo? se sim posta o script do chat antes, o script dele fixo, e o script da barra de vida e tals. Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 curruwilliam 28 Postado Abril 14, 2014 Autor Share Postado Abril 14, 2014 Acredito que o script das Health é esse: Healthinfo.lua Icons = {} Icons[1] = { tooltip = tr('You are poisoned'), path = '/images/game/states/poisoned', id = 'condition_poisoned' } Icons[2] = { tooltip = tr('You are burning'), path = '/images/game/states/burning', id = 'condition_burning' } Icons[4] = { tooltip = tr('You are electrified'), path = '/images/game/states/electrified', id = 'condition_electrified' } Icons[8] = { tooltip = tr('You are drunk'), path = '/images/game/states/drunk', id = 'condition_drunk' } Icons[16] = { tooltip = tr('You are protected by a magic shield'), path = '/images/game/states/magic_shield', id = 'condition_magic_shield' } Icons[32] = { tooltip = tr('You are paralysed'), path = '/images/game/states/slowed', id = 'condition_slowed' } Icons[64] = { tooltip = tr('You are hasted'), path = '/images/game/states/haste', id = 'condition_haste' } Icons[128] = { tooltip = tr('You may not logout during a fight'), path = '/images/game/states/logout_block', id = 'condition_logout_block' } Icons[256] = { tooltip = tr('You are drowning'), path = '/images/game/states/drowning', id = 'condition_drowning' } Icons[512] = { tooltip = tr('You are freezing'), path = '/images/game/states/freezing', id = 'condition_freezing' } Icons[1024] = { tooltip = tr('You are dazzled'), path = '/images/game/states/dazzled', id = 'condition_dazzled' } Icons[2048] = { tooltip = tr('You are cursed'), path = '/images/game/states/cursed', id = 'condition_cursed' } Icons[4096] = { tooltip = tr('You are strengthened'), path = '/images/game/states/strengthened', id = 'condition_strengthened' } Icons[8192] = { tooltip = tr('You may not logout or enter a protection zone'), path = '/images/game/states/protection_zone_block', id = 'condition_protection_zone_block' } Icons[16384] = { tooltip = tr('You are within a protection zone'), path = '/images/game/states/protection_zone', id = 'condition_protection_zone' } Icons[32768] = { tooltip = tr('You are bleeding'), path = '/images/game/states/bleeding', id = 'condition_bleeding' } Icons[65536] = { tooltip = tr('You are hungry'), path = '/images/game/states/hungry', id = 'condition_hungry' } healthInfoWindow = nil healthBar = nil manaBar = nil experienceBar = nil soulLabel = nil capLabel = nil healthTooltip = 'Your character health is %d out of %d.' manaTooltip = 'Your character mana is %d out of %d.' experienceTooltip = 'You have %d%% to advance to level %d.' function init() connect(LocalPlayer, { onHealthChange = onHealthChange, onManaChange = onManaChange, onLevelChange = onLevelChange, onStatesChange = onStatesChange, onSoulChange = onSoulChange, onFreeCapacityChange = onFreeCapacityChange }) connect(g_game, { onGameEnd = offline }) healthInfoButton = modules.client_topmenu.addRightGameToggleButton('healthInfoButton', tr('Health Information'), '/images/topbuttons/healthinfo', toggle) healthInfoButton:setOn(true) healthInfoWindow = g_ui.loadUI('healthinfo', modules.game_interface.getRightPanel()) healthInfoWindow:disableResize() healthBar = healthInfoWindow:recursiveGetChildById('healthBar') manaBar = healthInfoWindow:recursiveGetChildById('manaBar') experienceBar = healthInfoWindow:recursiveGetChildById('experienceBar') soulLabel = healthInfoWindow:recursiveGetChildById('soulLabel') capLabel = healthInfoWindow:recursiveGetChildById('capLabel') healthInfoWindowHp = g_ui.displayUI('healthinfoHp', modules.game_interface.getRightPanel()) healthInfoWindowMp = g_ui.displayUI('healthinfoMp', modules.game_interface.getRightPanel()) healthInfoWindowXp = g_ui.displayUI('healthinfoXp', modules.game_interface.getRightPanel()) healthInfoWindowHp:hide() healthInfoWindowMp:hide() healthInfoWindowXp:hide() healthBarP = healthInfoWindowHp:recursiveGetChildById('healthBar') manaBarP = healthInfoWindowMp:recursiveGetChildById('manaBar') experienceBarP = healthInfoWindowXp:recursiveGetChildById('experienceBar') -- load condition icons for k,v in pairs(Icons) do g_textures.preload(v.path) end if g_game.isOnline() then local localPlayer = g_game.getLocalPlayer() onHealthChange(localPlayer, localPlayer:getHealth(), localPlayer:getMaxHealth()) onManaChange(localPlayer, localPlayer:getMana(), localPlayer:getMaxMana()) onLevelChange(localPlayer, localPlayer:getLevel(), localPlayer:getLevelPercent()) onStatesChange(localPlayer, localPlayer:getStates(), 0) onSoulChange(localPlayer, localPlayer:getSoul()) onFreeCapacityChange(localPlayer, localPlayer:getFreeCapacity()) end healthInfoWindow:setup() end function terminate() disconnect(LocalPlayer, { onHealthChange = onHealthChange, onManaChange = onManaChange, onLevelChange = onLevelChange, onStatesChange = onStatesChange, onSoulChange = onSoulChange, onFreeCapacityChange = onFreeCapacityChange }) disconnect(g_game, { onGameEnd = offline }) healthInfoWindow:destroy() healthInfoButton:destroy() healthInfoWindowHp:destroy() healthInfoWindowMp:destroy() healthInfoWindowXp:destroy() end function toggle() if healthInfoButton:isOn() then healthInfoWindow:close() healthInfoButton:setOn(false) else healthInfoWindow:open() healthInfoButton:setOn(true) end end function showHp() if onHp == 'yes' then healthInfoWindowHp:hide() onHp = 'no' else healthInfoWindowHp:show() onHp = 'yes' end end function showMp() if onMp == 'yes' then healthInfoWindowMp:hide() onMp = 'no' else healthInfoWindowMp:show() onMp = 'yes' end end function showXp() if onXp == 'yes' then healthInfoWindowXp:hide() onXp = 'no' else healthInfoWindowXp:show() onXp = 'yes' end end function toggleIcon(bitChanged) local content = healthInfoWindow:recursiveGetChildById('conditionPanel') local icon = content:getChildById(Icons[bitChanged].id) if icon then icon:destroy() else icon = loadIcon(bitChanged) icon:setParent(content) end end function loadIcon(bitChanged) local icon = g_ui.createWidget('ConditionWidget', content) icon:setId(Icons[bitChanged].id) icon:setImageSource(Icons[bitChanged].path) icon:setTooltip(Icons[bitChanged].tooltip) return icon end function offline() healthInfoWindow:recursiveGetChildById('conditionPanel'):destroyChildren() end -- hooked events function onMiniWindowClose() healthInfoButton:setOn(false) end function onHealthChange(localPlayer, health, maxHealth) healthBar:setText(health .. ' / ' .. maxHealth) healthBar:setTooltip(tr(healthTooltip, health, maxHealth)) healthBar:setValue(health, 0, maxHealth) healthBarP:setText(health .. ' / ' .. maxHealth) healthBarP:setTooltip(tr(healthTooltip, health, maxHealth)) healthBarP:setValue(health, 0, maxHealth) end function onManaChange(localPlayer, mana, maxMana) manaBar:setText(mana .. ' / ' .. maxMana) manaBar:setTooltip(tr(manaTooltip, mana, maxMana)) manaBar:setValue(mana, 0, maxMana) manaBarP:setText(mana .. ' / ' .. maxMana) manaBarP:setTooltip(tr(manaTooltip, mana, maxMana)) manaBarP:setValue(mana, 0, maxMana) end function onLevelChange(localPlayer, value, percent) experienceBar:setText(percent .. '%') experienceBar:setTooltip(tr(experienceTooltip, percent, value+1)) experienceBar:setPercent(percent) experienceBarP:setText(percent .. '%') experienceBarP:setTooltip(tr(experienceTooltip, percent, value+1)) experienceBarP:setPercent(percent) end function onSoulChange(localPlayer, soul) soulLabel:setText(tr('Soul') .. ': ' .. soul) end function onFreeCapacityChange(player, freeCapacity) capLabel:setText(tr('Cap') .. ': ' .. freeCapacity) end function onStatesChange(localPlayer, now, old) if now == old then return end local bitsChanged = bit32.bxor(now, old) for i = 1, 32 do local pow = math.pow(2, i-1) if pow > bitsChanged then break end local bitChanged =, pow) if bitChanged ~= 0 then toggleIcon(bitChanged) end end end -- personalization functions function hideLabels() local removeHeight = math.max(capLabel:getMarginRect().height, soulLabel:getMarginRect().height) capLabel:setOn(false) soulLabel:setOn(false) healthInfoWindow:setHeight(math.max(healthInfoWindow.minimizedHeight, healthInfoWindow:getHeight() - removeHeight)) end function hideExperience() local removeHeight = experienceBar:getMarginRect().height experienceBar:setOn(false) healthInfoWindow:setHeight(math.max(healthInfoWindow.minimizedHeight, healthInfoWindow:getHeight() - removeHeight)) end function setHealthTooltip(tooltip) healthTooltip = tooltip local localPlayer = g_game.getLocalPlayer() if localPlayer then healthBar:setTooltip(tr(healthTooltip, localPlayer:getHealth(), localPlayer:getMaxHealth())) healthBarP:setTooltip(tr(healthTooltip, localPlayer:getHealth(), localPlayer:getMaxHealth())) end end function setManaTooltip(tooltip) manaTooltip = tooltip local localPlayer = g_game.getLocalPlayer() if localPlayer then manaBar:setTooltip(tr(manaTooltip, localPlayer:getMana(), localPlayer:getMaxMana())) manaBarP:setTooltip(tr(manaTooltip, localPlayer:getMana(), localPlayer:getMaxMana())) end end function setExperienceTooltip(tooltip) experienceTooltip = tooltip local localPlayer = g_game.getLocalPlayer() if localPlayer then experienceBar:setTooltip(tr(experienceTooltip, localPlayer:getLevelPercent(), localPlayer:getLevel()+1)) experienceBarP:setTooltip(tr(experienceTooltip, localPlayer:getLevelPercent(), localPlayer:getLevel()+1)) end end healthinfoHp.otui HealthBar < ProgressBar id: healthBar size: 300 25 phantom: true background-color: #ff4444 anchors.left: parent.left margin-top: 4 UIWindow id: healthInfoPlayerWindow size: 300 25 HealthBar healthinfoMp.otui ManaBar < ProgressBar id: manaBar size: 300 25 phantom: true background-color: #4444ff anchors.left: healthBar.right margin-top: 4 UIWindow id: healthInfoPlayerWindow size: 300 25 opacity: 0.8 ManaBar healthinfoXp.otui ExperienceBar < ProgressBar id: experienceBar size: 500 15 phantom: true background-color: #B6E866 prev.bottom anchors.left: parent.left margin-top: 4 UIWindow id: healthInfoPlayerWindow size: 500 15 ExperienceBar E do chat não sei, vo procura aqui, qualquer coisa edito. 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0 IvanAppel 87 Postado Abril 15, 2014 Share Postado Abril 15, 2014 (editado) Humm, cara aqui no meu OTC os 3 .otui são um só, tu que separou? O chat não tem nada a ver pois é só sobre o ctrl . que já tiraste do otc, mas pode mexer ele certo? se puder mexer não adianta em nada, vou pesquisar sobre alguma func para "travar" ali Editado Abril 15, 2014 por eryrrel Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 curruwilliam 28 Postado Abril 15, 2014 Autor Share Postado Abril 15, 2014 (editado) Humm, cara aqui no meu OTC os 3 .otui são um só, tu que separou? O chat não tem nada a ver pois é só sobre o ctrl . que já tiraste do otc, mas pode mexer ele certo? se puder mexer não adianta em nada, vou pesquisar sobre alguma func para "travar" ali Ah esses script que coloquei ai no tópico é desse MOD: E sim, tirei o comando ctrl . e deixei fixo o client todo aberto. Obrigado Editado Abril 15, 2014 por curruwilliam Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
0 erenking123 2 Postado Abril 15, 2014 Share Postado Abril 15, 2014 Acho que No otui dos arquivos modifique a gosto: UIWindow id: healthInfoPlayerWindow size: 300 25 Link para o comentário Compartilhar em outros sites More sharing options...
curruwilliam 28
Podem me ajudar a colocar uma barra de vida, mana e exp igual fiz nessa imagem:
Quadrado Verde = Vida - Azul = Mana - Azul Claro = Exp e o Preto é aqueles icone de PZ tar com poison etc..
Agradeço desde já!!
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