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Preciso De Um Npc Que Der Pra Viajar



gent preciso da ajuda de vcs.

queria um npc que desse teleport em player, tipo leva o player para outro local. oq tenho aki em casa n ta pegando queria um que pegasse em dash advancer =D rep+ xD

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local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)
function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end
function onCreatureDisappear(cid)  npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end
function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)  npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end
function onThink()  npcHandler:onThink() end
local travelNode = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'enigma city'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = 'Do you wish to travel to Enigma City for 50 gold coins?'})
travelNode:addChildKeyword({'yes'},, {npcHandler = npcHandler, premium = true, level = 1000, cost = 50, destination = {x=942, y=978, z=6} })
travelNode:addChildKeyword({'no'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, reset = true, text = 'Too expensive, eh?'})
keywordHandler:addKeyword({'destination'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = 'I can take you to \'Enigma City\' for just a small fee.'})


premium = true -- se precisa ser premium
level = 1000 -- que level precisa ter
cost = 50 -- o custo da viagem
destination = {x=942, y=978, z=6} -- a pos para onde ele vai

Editado por GabrielSv
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vey n ta pegando, tem como explica ai n?



onde boto o nome dele?

onde fica o type dele?

kd o arquivo.lua dele?


explica aew xd dou rep +


Amigo agradeço pela sua ajuda mas..


eu mexendo aki nos meus arquivos conssegui encontrar um npc que pegou mais obrigado mesmo assim =D

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em data/npc copie e cole algum arquivo.xml, renomeie para NOMEDONPC e coloque isso dentro:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<npc name="NOMEDONPC" script="data/npc/scripts/NOMEDONPC.lua" walkinterval="2000" floorchange="0">
<health now="185" max="185"/>
<look type="151" head="78" body="68" legs="39" feet="76" addons="3"/>
<voice text="Ask me for a passage..." interval2="100" margin="1" yell="no"/>
<parameter key="message_farewell" value="Good bye." />
<parameter key="message_walkaway" value="Good bye then." />
<parameter key="module_keywords" value="1" />
 <parameter key="keywords" value="passage;" />
<parameter key="keyword_reply1" value="Do you want me take you to {cidade1} or {cidade2}?" />
<parameter key="message_greet" value="Welcome, |PLAYERNAME|! I sell {passage}."/>


agora em data/npc/scrips copie e cole algum arquivo.lua e renomeie para o NOMEDONPC e coloque isso dentro:

local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new()
	local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler)

	-- OTServ event handling functions start
	function onCreatureAppear(cid)	npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end
	function onCreatureDisappear(cid)	npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end
	function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)  npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end
	function onThink()	   npcHandler:onThink() end
	-- OTServ event handling functions end

	-- Don't forget npcHandler = npcHandler in the parameters. It is required for all StdModule functions!
	local travelNode = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'cidade1'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = 'Do you want to go to cidade1 for free?'})
	 travelNode:addChildKeyword({'yes'},, {npcHandler = npcHandler, premium = true, level = 0, cost = 0, destination = {x=POsX, y=POsY, z=POsZ} })
	 travelNode:addChildKeyword({'no'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, reset = true, text = 'Then not.'})

	   local travelNode = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'cidade2'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = 'Do you want to go to cidade2 for free?'})
	 travelNode:addChildKeyword({'yes'},, {npcHandler = npcHandler, premium = false, level = 0, cost = 0, destination = {x=POsX, y=POsY, z=POsZ} })
	 travelNode:addChildKeyword({'no'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, reset = true, text = 'Then not.'})

	keywordHandler:addKeyword({'job'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = 'Yes, I\'m the captain of this ship.'})
 keywordHandler:addKeyword({'captain'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = 'Yes, I\'m the captain of this ship.'})



x=POsX, y=POsY, z=POsZ = coloque aqui as cordenadas para onde o player sera teleportado
cidade1, cidade2 = Nomes das cidades ou lugares que o player deve falar para o npc
NOMEDONPC = nome que voce quiser dar ao seu npc
tem mais algumas opçoes nesse script, só edite se vc quiser (:

Editado por öKTöBëR
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