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Ola gente como vai vim aqui pedir a ajuda de voces, estou trabalhando para abrir meu server global ja estou a 3 meses pois quero abrir o server só quando eu nao achar mais bugs so que estou tentando fazer a the elemental spheres funcionar eu ate consegui fazer funcionar só que modificada do global eu peguei o script da desert quest e modifiquei, ai pro player ir pra sala ele precisa colocar o item no basin O meu problema e que se os players estão na pos certa e com os itens certo eles são teletransportado, mais se tiver algo fora do lugar a parece uma par de msg no console gostaria de saber oque esta errado cod da action function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) -- Item ID and Uniqueid -- switchUniqueID = 29796 switchID = 1945 switch2ID = 1946 swordID = 8306 -- Pure Energy para knights crossbowID = 8300 -- Flawless Ice Crystal para paladins appleID = 8305 -- Mother Soil para druids spellbookID = 8304 -- Eternal Flames para sorcerer -- Level to do the quest -- questlevel = 80 piece1pos = {x=33265, y=31835, z=10, stackpos=1} -- Where the first piece will be placed knight getpiece1 = getThingfromPos(piece1pos) piece2pos = {x=33271, y=31835, z=10, stackpos=1} -- Where the second piece will be placed paladin getpiece2 = getThingfromPos(piece2pos) piece3pos = {x=33268, y=31839, z=10, stackpos=1} -- Where the third piece will be placed druid getpiece3 = getThingfromPos(piece3pos) piece4pos = {x=33268, y=31832, z=10, stackpos=1} -- Where the fourth piece will be placed sorcerer getpiece4 = getThingfromPos(piece4pos) player1pos = {x=33266, y=31835, z=10, stackpos=253} -- Where player1 will stand before pressing lever knight player1 = getThingfromPos(player1pos) player2pos = {x=33270, y=31835, z=10, stackpos=253} -- Where player2 will stand before pressing lever paladin player2 = getThingfromPos(player2pos) player3pos = {x=33268, y=31838, z=10, stackpos=253} -- Where player3 will stand before pressing lever druid player3 = getThingfromPos(player3pos) player4pos = {x=33268, y=31833, z=10, stackpos=253} -- Where player4 will stand before pressing lever sorcerer player4 = getThingfromPos(player4pos) knightvoc = getPlayerVocation(player1.uid) -- The vocation of player1 paladinvoc = getPlayerVocation(player2.uid) -- The vocation of player2 druidvoc = getPlayerVocation(player3.uid) -- The vocation of player3 sorcerervoc = getPlayerVocation(player4.uid) -- The vocation of player4 nplayer1pos = {x=33263, y=31831, z=12} -- The new position of player1 nplayer2pos = {x=33272, y=31831, z=12} -- The new position of player2 nplayer3pos = {x=33263, y=31840, z=12} -- The new position of player3 nplayer4pos = {x=33272, y=31840, z=12} -- The new position of player4 player1level = getPlayerLevel(player1.uid) -- Checking the level of player1 player2level = getPlayerLevel(player2.uid) -- Checking the level of player2 player3level = getPlayerLevel(player3.uid) -- Checking the level of player3 player4level = getPlayerLevel(player4.uid) -- Checking the level of player4 -- Check if all players has the correct vocation if knightvoc == 4 or knightvoc == 8 and paladinvoc == 3 or paladinvoc == 7 and druidvoc == 2 or druidvoc == 6 and sorcerervoc == 1 or sorcerervoc == 5 then -- Check if all players are standing on the correct positions if player1.itemid > 0 and player2.itemid > 0 and player3.itemid > 0 and player4.itemid > 0 then if player1level >= questlevel and player2level >= questlevel and player3level >= questlevel and player4level >= questlevel then if item.uid == switchUniqueID and item.itemid == switchID and getpiece1.itemid == swordID and getpiece2.itemid == crossbowID and getpiece3.itemid == appleID and getpiece4.itemid == spellbookID then doSendMagicEffect(player1pos,2) doTeleportThing(player1.uid,nplayer1pos) doSendMagicEffect(nplayer1pos,10) doRemoveItem(getpiece1.uid,1) doSendMagicEffect(player2pos,2) doTeleportThing(player2.uid,nplayer2pos) doSendMagicEffect(nplayer2pos,10) doRemoveItem(getpiece2.uid,1) doSendMagicEffect(player3pos,2) doTeleportThing(player3.uid,nplayer3pos) doSendMagicEffect(nplayer3pos,10) doRemoveItem(getpiece3.uid,1) doSendMagicEffect(player4pos,2) doTeleportThing(player4.uid,nplayer4pos) doSendMagicEffect(nplayer4pos,10) doRemoveItem(getpiece4.uid,1) doTransformItem(item.uid,item.itemid+1) doSummonCreature("Lord of the Elements", {x= 33267,y=31835,z=12}) elseif item.uid == switchUniqueID and item.itemid == switch2ID then doTransformItem(item.uid,item.itemid-1) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,19,"Sorry, you need to put the correct stuffs at the correct basins.") end else return 0 end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,19,"All Players have to be level 80 to do this quest.") end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,19,"You need 4 players to do this quest.") end return 1 end