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  1. Olá, a Inquisition Quest do meu server, não está funcionando normalmente, antes, estava dando debug quando entrava no teleport, eu consegui ajeitar, portanto, uso tfs 0.4 (9.52), e não sei ao certo a tag que usar. O erro é quando mato o boss, o corpo some e o teleport continua para a sala principal da quest, segue o script. Ajudem por favor ! :\ data\creaturescript\script\InquisitionBosses.lua config = { timeToRemove = 180, -- seconds message = "You now have 3 minutes to exit this room through the teleportr. It will bring you to the next room only during this time.", teleportId = 1387, bosses = { -- Monster Name, Teleport Position ["Ushuriel"] = { pos={ x=33069, y=31782, z=13, stackpos=2 }, aid=1001 }, ["Zugurosh"] = { pos={ x=33372, y=31613, z=14, stackpos=2 }, aid=1002}, ["Madareth"] = { pos={ x=33153, y=31782, z=12, stackpos=2 }, aid=1003}, ["Annihilon"] = { pos={ x=33199, y=31686, z=12, stackpos=2 }, aid=1005}, ["Hellgorak"] = { pos={ x=33110, y=31682, z=12, stackpos=2 }, aid=1006} }, brothers ={ ["Golgordan"] = {pos={ x=33038, y=31753, z=15, stackpos=1 },aid=1004, brother = "Latrivan"}, ["Latrivan"] = {pos={ x=33038, y=31753, z=15, stackpos=1 },aid=1004, brother = "Golgordan"}, brothersArea ={ fromPos = {x = 33224, y = 31722, z = 11}, toPos = {x = 33240, y = 31734, z = 11} } } } local function change(position) doItemSetAttribute(getTileItemById(position, config.teleportId).uid, "aid", 3000) return TRUE end function onDeath(cid, target, lastHit) if(monsters[getCreatureName(target)]) then local t = monsters[getCreatureName(target)] doCreateTeleport(1387, t.toPos, t.teleportPos) doSendMagicEffect(t.teleportPos, CONST_ME_POFF) doCreatureSay(cid, "You now have 3 minutes to exit this room through the teleporter. It will bring you to the next room only during his time or the teleporter will disappear", TALKTYPE_MONSTER, getCreaturePosition(target)) addEvent(doRemoveTeleport, time * 1000, t.teleportPos) elseif(brothers[getCreatureName(target)]) then t = brothers[getCreatureName(target)] local brother = getCreatureByName( if(isMonster(brother) == true) then if(isInRange(getCreaturePosition(brother), brothers.brothersArea.fromPos, brothers.brothersArea.toPos) == true) then return true else doCreateTeleport(1387, t.toPos, t.teleportPos) doSendMagicEffect(t.teleportPos, CONST_ME_POFF) doCreatureSay(cid, "You now have 3 minutes to exit this room through the teleporter. It will bring you to the next room only during his time or the teleporter will disappear", TALKTYPE_MONSTER, getCreaturePosition(target)) addEvent(doRemoveTeleport, time * 1000, t.teleportPos) end end end return true end function doRemoveTeleport(position) if(getTileThingByPos(position).itemid > 0) then doRemoveItem(getTileThingByPos(position).uid) doSendMagicEffect(position, CONST_ME_POFF) end end
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