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  1. Pessoal, estou aqui para pedir uma ajuda, estou fazendo uma spellbar para um servidor 8.54, no meu otclient 0.6.5. A dúvida é o seguinte, minha spellbar está usando o sendcancel, e queria utilizar o extendedopcode, algúem pode me dizer como ficaria o script para usar o opcode(lembrando já instalei o opcode na sources do servidor) Segue script do otclient cdBar.lua --[[Coisas para saber! local button = optionsWindow:recursiveGetChildById('Button'):setText("Fuu") == muda o nome do botao! optionsWindow = g_ui.loadUI('bot.otui', modules.game_interface.getRightPanel()) == faz a janela ficar nos cantos! local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer() == pega o player! player:getInventoryItem(8):getId() == pega o id do item, id do .spr ]] -- Privates variables local cdBarWin = nil local isIn = 'H' --[[ 'H' = horizontal; 'V' = vertical ]]-- local namesAtks = '' local icons = {} -- End privates variables -- Public functions function init() cdBarWin = g_ui.displayUI('cdBar', modules.game_interface.getRootPanel()) cdBarWin:setVisible(false) cdBarWin:move(250,50) connect(g_game, 'onTextMessage', getParams) connect(g_game, { onGameEnd = hide } ) connect(LocalPlayer, { onLevelChange = onLevelChange }) g_mouse.bindPress(cdBarWin, function() createMenu() end, MouseRightButton) createIcons() end function terminate() disconnect(g_game, { onGameEnd = hide }) disconnect(g_game, 'onTextMessage', getParams) disconnect(LocalPlayer, { onLevelChange = onLevelChange }) destroyIcons() cdBarWin:destroy() end function onLevelChange(localPlayer, value, percent)"/reloadCDs") end function getParams(mode, text) if not g_game.isOnline() then return end if mode == MessageModes.Failure then if string.find(text, '12//,') then if string.find(text, 'hide') then hide() else show() end elseif string.find(text, '12|,') then atualizarCDs(text) elseif string.find(text, '12&,') then FixTooltip(text) end end end function atualizarCDs(text) if not g_game.isOnline() then return end if not cdBarWin:isVisible() then return end local t = text:explode(",") table.remove(t, 1) for i = 1, 12 do local t2 = t[i]:explode("|") barChange(i, tonumber(t2[1]), tonumber(t2[2]), tonumber(t2[3])) end end function changePercent(progress, icon, perc, num, init) if not cdBarWin:isVisible() then return end if init then progress:setPercent(0) else progress:setPercent(progress:getPercent()+perc) end if progress:getPercent() >= 100 then progress:setText("") return end progress:setText(num) icons[icon:getId()].event = scheduleEvent(function() changePercent(progress, icon, perc, num-1) end, 1000) end function barChange(ic, num, lvl, lvlPoke) if not g_game.isOnline() then return end if not cdBarWin:isVisible() then return end local icon = icons['Icon'..ic].icon local progress = icons['Icon'..ic].progress if not progress:getTooltip() then return end local player = g_game.getLocalPlayer() local pathOn = "moves_icon/"..progress:getTooltip().."_on.png" icon:setImageSource(pathOn) if num and num >= 1 then cleanEvents('Icon'..ic) changePercent(progress, icon, 100/num, num, true) else if (lvlPoke and lvlPoke < lvl) or player:getLevel() < lvl then progress:setPercent(0) progress:setText('L.'.. lvl) progress:setColor('#FF0000') else progress:setPercent(100) progress:setText("") end end end function FixTooltip(text) cdBarWin:setHeight(isIn == 'H' and 450 or 70) cdBarWin:setWidth(isIn == 'H' and 70 or 450) if not text then text = namesAtks else namesAtks = text end local t2 = text:explode(",") local count = 0 for j = 2, 13 do local ic = icons['Icon'..(j-1)] ic.icon:setMarginLeft(isIn == 'H' and 4 or ic.dist) ic.icon:setMarginTop(isIn == 'H' and ic.dist or 4) if t2[j] == 'n/n' then ic.icon:hide() count = count+1 else ic.icon:show() ic.progress:setTooltip(t2[j]) ic.progress:setVisible(true) end end if count > 0 and count ~= 12 then if isIn == "H" then cdBarWin:setHeight(450 - (count*34)) else cdBarWin:setWidth(450 - (count*34)) end elseif count == 12 then cdBarWin:setHeight(70) cdBarWin:setWidth(70) local p = icons['Icon1'].progress p:setTooltip(false) p:setVisible(false) end end function createIcons() local d = 38 for i = 1, 12 do local icon = g_ui.createWidget('SpellIcon', cdBarWin) local progress = g_ui.createWidget('SpellProgress', cdBarWin) icon:setId('Icon'..i) progress:setId('Progress' ..i) icons['Icon'..i] = {icon = icon, progress = progress, dist = (i == 1 and 5 or i == 2 and 38 or d + ((i-2)*34)), event = nil} icon:setMarginTop(icons['Icon'..i].dist) icon:setMarginLeft(4) progress:fill(icon:getId()) progress.onClick = function()'m'..i) end end end function destroyIcons() for i = 1, 12 do icons['Icon'..i].icon:destroy() icons['Icon'..i].progress:destroy() end cleanEvents() icons = {} end function cleanEvents(icon) local e = icons[icon] if icon then if e and e.event ~= nil then removeEvent(e.event) e.event = nil end else for i = 1, 12 do e = icons['Icon'..i] cleanEvents('Icon'..i) e.progress:setPercent(100) e.progress:setText("") end end end function createMenu() local menu = g_ui.createWidget('PopupMenu') menu:addOption("Set "..(isIn == 'H' and 'Vertical' or 'Horizontal'), function() toggle() end) menu:display() end function toggle() if not cdBarWin:isVisible() then return end cdBarWin:setVisible(false) if isIn == 'H' then isIn = 'V' else isIn = 'H' end FixTooltip() show() end function hide() cleanEvents() cdBarWin:setVisible(false) end function show() cdBarWin:setVisible(true) end -- End public functions cdBar.OTUI MainWindow id: optionsWindow text: Moves size: 70 450 focusable: false &save: true SpellIcon < Button width: 32 height: 32 image-size: 32 32 image-source: /game_pokemoves/moves_icon/Base.png image-clip: 0 0 0 0 image-color: white focusable: false anchors.left: parent.left !tooltip: '' anchors.fill: parent anchors.bottom: text.bottom SpellProgress < UIProgressRect background: #585858AA percent: 100 focusable: false font: verdana-11px-rounded color: #FFFFFF Abrir a barra no Servidor (goback) doPlayerSendCancel(cid, '12//,show') Fechar a barra no Servidor (goback) doPlayerSendCancel(cid, '12//,hide')
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