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Name of the project: Dragon Ball New Story Project version: v1.51 TFS version: 0.3.6pl1r102 Version of the protocol: 8.54 Dragon Ball New Story v1.51 What does our server have?: [*] Advanced and expanded SAG SYSTEM [*] The two weapons system [*] A lot of "chest quests" and those more discerning [*] Many bonus spells: (including "Mystic Chou Maretsugeki" and a lot more) [*] 19 "Balanced" vocations [*] Attack Speed System [*] Huge map (Comparing to other server) [*] And a lot more! *Can't remember tho* Once upon a a time (I mean, before Akram robbed me) the server was in the lead [in terms of anime servers and not only]. The record was 524 people online! :) Many people think, that this version was "the greatest of DBNS history". We don't have "orsh weapons", funny systems like in dbns v14?? XD VIDEO <-- Click to check video Screens: Download: [*]Engine: >> Click << [*]DLL's (only Windows): >> Click << [*]Client: >> Click << [*]Database: >> Click << Scans: [*]Engine: [*]DLL's (only Windows): [*]Client: [*]Database: In "engine" pack there are two files - First one to run it on Windows, secon one to run it on Debian 7 (DBNS v1.51 Engine.exe = WINDOWS / dbns_engine = LINUX). PROJECT ISN'T OpenSource. ///28.06.2018 To connect with the server u want to use this client .exe download;!Q5N0gIwJ!PFl5K51A2w8f001UWaGk_zpUbnSSUlZHtMeIP7vPacY scan;
- 7 respostas