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Sobre brunolvl2


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    Guerreiro Armanelli
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  1. Por favor, posta em outro server não consigu baixa!
  2. Nome: NPC WireWox Versão: 8.31++ Tipo do script: NPC Servidor Testado: IBREAK Server 1.5 Autor: Brunolvl2 NPC Que vende todos os amuletos e colares - Portugues Va em data/npc/ Crie um arquivo com o nome WireWox.xml Copie o texto abaixo e cole dentro do WireWox.xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <npc name="WireWox" script="data/npc/scripts/amuletswox.lua" access="1" lookdir="3"> <mana now="800" max="800"/> <health now="200" max="200"/> <look type="133" head="78" body="0" legs="114" feet="0"/> <attack type="melee" damage="10"/> <loot> <lootitem id="1729" chance="1"/> </loot> </npc> Depois va em data/npc/scripts/ Crie um arquivo com o nome amuletswox.lua Copie o texto abaixo e cole dentro do amuletswox.lua local focus = 0 local talk_start = 0 local target = 0 local following = false local attacking = false function onThingMove(creature, thing, oldpos, oldstackpos) end function onCreatureAppear(creature) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid, pos) if focus == cid then selfSay('Good bye then.') focus = 0 talk_start = 0 end end function onCreatureTurn(creature) end function msgcontains(txt, str) return (string.find(txt, str) and not string.find(txt, '(%w+)' .. str) and not string.find(txt, str .. '(%w+)')) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) msg = string.lower(msg) if (msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and focus == 0) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then selfSay('Ola ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. '! Eu vendo todos os colares e amuletos. diga colares e veja os amuletos e colares que vendo!') focus = cid talk_start = os.clock() TurnToPlayer(cid) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and (focus ~= cid) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then selfSay('Desculpe, ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. '! Eu falo com voce daqui a pouco.') elseif focus == cid then talk_start = os.clock() if msgcontains(msg, 'colares') then selfSay('Eu vendo amulet of loss (10k), ancient amulet (1.6k), broken amulet (20k), bronze amulet (100gps), bronzen necklace (300gps), crystal necklace (250gps), dragon necklace (400gps), garlic necklace (450gps), golden amulet (3k), platinum amulet (3.5k), protection amulet (300gps), elven amulet (500gps), ruby necklace (2k), scarab amulet (1.3k), scarf (500gps), silver amulet (300gps), silver necklace (1k), star amulet (1.2k), stone skin amulet (3k), strange symbol (200gps), strange talisman (350gps) e wolves teeth chain (50gps).') elseif msgcontains(msg, 'amulet of loss') or msgcontains(msg, 'aol') then buy(cid,2173,1,10000) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'ancient amulet') then buy(cid,2142,1,1600) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'broken amulet') then buy(cid,2196,1,20000) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'bronze amulet') then buy(cid,2172,1,100) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'bronzen necklace') then buy(cid,2126,1,300) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'crystal necklace') then buy(cid,2125,15,250) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'dragon necklace') then buy(cid,2201,15,400) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'garlic necklace') then buy(cid,2199,10,450) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'golden amulet') then buy(cid,2130,6,3000) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'platinum amulet') then buy(cid,2171,6,3500) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'protection amulet') then buy(cid,2200,15,300) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'elven amulet') then buy(cid,2198,4,500) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'ruby necklace') then buy(cid,2133,5,2000) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'scarab amulet') then buy(cid,2135,1,1300) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'scarf') then buy(cid,2135,1,500) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'silver amulet') then buy(cid,2170,1,300) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'silver necklace') then buy(cid,2132,1,1000) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'star amulet') then buy(cid,2131,1,1200) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'stone skin amulet') then buy(cid,2197,1,3000) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'strange symbol') then buy(cid,2319,1,200) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'strange talisman') then buy(cid,2161,1,350) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'wolves teeth chain') then buy(cid,2129,1,50) elseif msgcontains(msg, 'bye') and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then selfSay('Ate mais, ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. '!') focus = 0 talk_start = 0 end end end function onCreatureChangeOutfit(creature) end function onThink() if (os.clock() - talk_start) > 30 then if focus > 0 then selfSay('Proximo Por favor...') end focus = 0 end if focus ~= 0 then if getDistanceToCreature(focus) > 5 then selfSay('Ate mais.') focus = 0 end end end -------------------------------------------------------------
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