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Tudo que tavax postou

  1. O scripit nao funciona da logo erro... fiz uma alteraçoes porque o seu tinha uns erros... local text = "<~King~>" local storage = 13192 function onLogin(cid) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,storage) == TRUE then doCreatureSay(getCreaturePosition(cid),text,22) end end return 0 O meu Objectivo é transformar esta TALK \/ numa função OnLogin. local time = 5 -- 1 = 1 sec, 2 = 2 sec, ... local storage = 13192 local say_events = {} local function SayText(cid) if isPlayer(cid) == TRUE then if say_events[getPlayerGUID(cid)] ~= nil then if isPlayer(cid) == TRUE then doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid),"<~King~>", math.random(01,255)) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), math.random(28, 30)) doPlayerAddMana(cid,75) end say_events[getPlayerGUID(cid)] = addEvent(SayText, time * 1000 / 2, cid) end end return TRUE end function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) if(param == '') then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Command param required.") return true end if param == "on" then if isPlayer(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage) >= 1 then doSendAnimatedText(getPlayerPosition(cid),"<~King~>", math.random(10,255)) say_events[getPlayerGUID(cid)] = addEvent(SayText, time * 1000, cid) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING,"You active now the command.") end elseif param == "off" then stopEvent(say_events[getPlayerGUID(cid)]) say_events[getPlayerGUID(cid)] = nil doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING,"You disable the Command.") end return TRUE end
  2. Ola pessoal eu estva tentando criar um evento no player se ele estiver a Storange X Exemplo... se o player completar uma boa quest ele recebe um Titulo... assim se ele entrar vai ficar sempre aparecendo o nome da quest/titulo em cima dele... Eu fiz isso com talk mas fica chato porque os player se esquecem... Entao queria fazer OnLogin Meu scripit.... Da erro quando o player Entra hehehhehe Espero que voces me possam ajudar local time = 5 -- 1 = 1 sec, 2 = 2 sec, ... local storage = 13192 local say_events = {} function onLogin(cid) if isPlayer(cid) == TRUE then if getPlayerGUID(cid) ~= nil then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,storage) == TRUE then doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid),"<~King~>", math.random(01,255)) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), math.random(28, 30)) doPlayerAddMana(cid,75) end getPlayerGUID(cid) = addEvent(SayText, time * 1000 / 2, cid) end end return TRUE end Espero que entendao o meu objectivo se nao entender é so dizerem
  3. Eu reformolei o meu Topico... tenta ver apartir dai
  4. o objectivo é que ele execute esse talk
  5. Ola, eu queria uma função OnLogin... acho uqe não é dificl de fazer, quando o player logasse ele executase essa função so se tiver Storange X Esta é a minha Talk! mas eu nao keria por em Talk Keria por no Login do player local time = 5 -- 1 = 1 sec, 2 = 2 sec, ... local storage = 13192 local say_events = {} function onLogin(cid) if isPlayer(cid) == TRUE then if say_events[getPlayerGUID(cid)] ~= nil then if isPlayer(cid) == TRUE then doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid),"<~King~>", math.random(01,255)) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), math.random(28, 30)) doPlayerAddMana(cid,75) end say_events[getPlayerGUID(cid)] = addEvent(SayText, time * 1000 / 2, cid) end end return TRUE end function onLogin(cid) if(param == '') then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Command param required.") return true end if param == "on" then if isPlayer(cid) and getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage) >= 1 then doSendAnimatedText(getPlayerPosition(cid),"<~King~>", math.random(10,255)) say_events[getPlayerGUID(cid)] = addEvent(SayText, time * 1000, cid) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING,"You active now the command.") end elseif param == "off" then stopEvent(say_events[getPlayerGUID(cid)]) say_events[getPlayerGUID(cid)] = nil doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING,"You disable the Command.") end return TRUE end
  6. Com esse scripit ai o scripit nao da erro mas tambem nem executa ^^
  7. setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_AGGRESSIVE, 1) acho que com agressive decha em batle a unica coisa que vai alterar é que o player nao pode fazer a magia no templo :S
  8. isso é boa ideia ^^ Qual é a função eheheh a lista que ue tenho aqui ja esta desactualizada
  9. isso é indeferente... se voce poser 2 min ele durant min fica dando erro.... o problema é no scripit
  10. Olá pessoal o scripit funciona bem tem um problema é que quando o player faz Lought o server fica mandando uns 5 ERROS por segundo... e acaba por cair... Scripit local combat = createCombatObject() setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_AGGRESSIVE, 0) setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, 36) setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_CREATEITEM, 1494) local condition = createConditionObject(CONDITION_HASTE) setConditionParam(condition, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, 682000) setConditionFormula(condition, 0.4, -24, 0.4, -24) setCombatCondition(combat, condition) local function fire(parameters) doCombat(parameters.cid, parameters.combat, parameters.var) end function onCastSpell(cid, var) local delay = 100 local seconds = 0 local parameters = { cid = cid, var = var, combat = combat } repeat addEvent(fire, seconds, parameters) seconds = seconds + delay until seconds == 682000 end O objectivo dessa magia era diferenciar os player de promotion vip... Exemplo uma haste normal tem 0.3 essa tem 0.4 e ainda ganha um Efeito... mas se o player saiu meu deus o server da em louco... Espero a vossa ajuda... flw
  11. Olá pessoal.... Estava pensando em fazer uam magia e contra ataque... por exemplo o player activa a magia de contra ataque,,, quando um player atacar ele... ele tem uma chance de atacar o player automaticamente.... è difificl de explicar... Player 1 Player 2 Activa a Magia Este manda SD Este Sofre o HIT Player sofre dano do Player 1 mas automaticamente ele ataca o player 2 Se tiverem duvidas eu tento explicar melhor
  12. dame um pouco mais de ajuda hehehe quais as tabelas que hey de adiconar?
  13. Olá pessoal! eu saquei um ot que trazia um sistema de guildwar e achei interesante tive a tentar adapra no meu servidor actual! Mas ele fala que esta faltando as colunas na base de dados o que é normal. pois foi ver ao outro servidor mas por desgraça minha o outro servidor nao tenha nada nas colunas da guild sobe guild war .. ennimy etcs.... porque o servidor que eu baxei tinha a base de dados MySql e nao SQL :S Porcurei varios tutoriais mas nenhum deles diz qual é a coluna k tenho de adcionar... Se alguem poder me ajudar! na lid/funcion.lua Maps = { ["map 1"] = { Guild1Pos = {x=32348, y=31928, z=7}, Guild2Pos = {x=32420, y=31927, z=7} }, ["map 2"] = { Guild1Pos = {x=32370, y=31965, z=7}, Guild2Pos = {x=32376, y=31916, z=7} } } TimeToTeleport = 1 --minutes, when start a challenge StopBattle = TRUE --Stop battle after X time ? TRUE / FALSE TimeToStop = 60 --Minutes Time to Stop if StopBattle = TRUE. --Cancel messages~ CancelMessagesWar = { --Message when player try accept/reject/cancel a war but there is no a invitation. [1] = "Not pending invitations.", --Message when the player is not the guild leader. [2] = "Only Guild Leader can execute this command.", --Message when try Cancel the invitation but the war is already accepted. [3] = "The war is already accepted.", --MEssage when the invited guild name is not correct or does not exist. [4] = "Not correct guild name.", --Message when try invite any guild to a war but his guild already have a war or a pending invitation. [5] = "Your guild is already in war or have a pending invitation.", --Same of the cancel message 5 but the the enemy guild. [6] = "This guild is already in war or have a pending invitation.", --Message when use invite command but not write guild name. [7] = "Command needs param.", --Message when try invite his guild. [8] = "You can\'t invite you guild.", --Message when the map name is not correct. [9] = "Please write a correct name.", --Message when try go to any map but the guild is have no received/sent any war invitation [10] = "Your guild is not in any war.", --When try to cancel a war before the delay [11] = "You should wait ".. DelayToCancel .." minutes to cancel the war" } --Broadcast messages when invite/accept/reject/cancel ~ Remember the Spaces. BroadCast_Type = MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE BroadCast = { --Message when inviting [1] = { "Guild ", --Here will be the guild name " have invited guild ", --Here will be the invited guild name " to have a war." }, --Message when accept. [2] = { "Guild ", --Here will be the guild name " have accepted the invitation of the guild " , --Here will be the name of the guild who have invited em. " to have a war." }, --Message when reject. [3] = { "Guild ", --Here will be the guild name " have rejected the invitation of the guild " , --Here will be the name of the guild who have invited em. " to have a war." }, --Message when cancel. [4] = { "Guild ", --Here will be the guild name " have canceled the invitation to the guild " , --Here will be the name of the guild who have invited em. " to have a war." }, --Message whenstar a battle.. [5] = { "Guild ", --Here will be the guild name " and guild " , --Here will be the name of the guild who have invited em. " will have a battle in the map :" }, --message when a battle ends. [6] = { "The battle betwen guild ", --Here will be the guild name " and guild " , --Here will be the name of the guild who have invited em. " its over." }, } --Functions ~. function getShowInfo(id) local Info = db.getResult("SELECT `show` FROM `guilds` WHERE `id` = " .. id .. "") if Info:getID() ~= LUA_ERROR then local showy = Info:getDataInt("show") Info:free() return {S = showy} end return LUA_ERROR end function getGuildWarInfo(id) local Info = db.getResult("SELECT `invited_to`, `invited_by`, `in_war_with`,`war_time` FROM `guilds` WHERE `id` = " .. id .. "") if Info:getID() ~= LUA_ERROR then local invTo, invBy, warWith, Time = Info:getDataInt("invited_to"), Info:getDataInt("invited_by"), Info:getDataInt("in_war_with"), Info:getDataInt("war_time") Info:free() return {To = invTo, By = invBy, With = warWith, T = Time} end return LUA_ERROR end function getGuildNameById(id) local Info = db.getResult("SELECT `name` FROM `guilds` WHERE `id` = " .. id .. "") if Info:getID() ~= LUA_ERROR then local Name = Info:getDataString("name") Info:free() return Name end return LUA_ERROR end function GuildIsInPEace(id) local Info = getGuildWarInfo(id) return (Info.To == 0 and Info.By == 0 and Info.With == 0) end function doInviteToWar(myGuild, enemyGuild) local StartTime = os.time() db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `invited_to` = ".. enemyGuild ..", `war_time` = ".. StartTime .." WHERE `id` = ".. myGuild .."") db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `invited_by` = ".. myGuild .." WHERE `id` = ".. enemyGuild .."") end function WarAccept(myGuild, enemyGuild) local StartTime = os.time() db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `invited_to` = 0, `invited_by` = 0, `in_war_with` = ".. myGuild ..", `kills` = 0, `show` = 1 WHERE `id` = ".. enemyGuild .."") db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `invited_to` = 0, `invited_by` = 0, `war_time` = ".. StartTime ..", `in_war_with` = ".. enemyGuild ..", `kills` = 0, `show` = 0 WHERE `id` = ".. myGuild .."") end function cleanInfo(myGuild) db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `invited_to` = 0, `invited_by` = 0, `war_time` = 0, `in_war_with` = 0, `kills` = 0, `show` = 0 WHERE `id` = ".. myGuild .."") end function registerDeathOne(myGuild, enemyGuild, cid, target) db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `deaths_in_wars` (`guild_id`, `player_id`, `killer_guild`, `killer`, `date`, `result1`, `result2`) VALUES ("..enemyGuild..", "..getPlayerGUID(target)..", "..myGuild..", "..getPlayerGUID(cid)..", " .. os.time() ..", 1, 0);") db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `kills` = `kills` + 1 WHERE `id` = ".. myGuild .."") end function registerDeathTwo(myGuild, enemyGuild, cid, target) db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `deaths_in_wars` (`guild_id`, `player_id`, `killer_guild`, `killer`, `date`, `result1`, `result2`) VALUES ("..enemyGuild..", "..getPlayerGUID(target)..", "..myGuild..", "..getPlayerGUID(cid)..", " .. os.time() ..", 0, 1);") db.executeQuery("UPDATE `guilds` SET `kills` = `kills` + 1 WHERE `id` = ".. myGuild .."") end function StopWar(myGuild, enemyGuild) cleanInfo(myGuild) cleanInfo(enemyGuild) removeDeaths(myGuild) removeDeaths(enemyGuild) end function removeDeaths(id) db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `deaths_in_wars` WHERE `guild_id` = " .. ";") end function WeAreInWar(myGuild, enemyGuild) local myGuildInfo = getGuildWarInfo(myGuild) local enemyGuildInfo = getGuildWarInfo(enemyGuild) if myGuild == enemyGuildInfo.With and enemyGuild == myGuildInfo.With then if enemyGuildInfo.ON == 1 and myGuildInfo.ON == 1 then return TRUE end end return FALSE end Espero que alguem me possa ajudar flw
  14. eu ja tive um problema deste antes mal ele siau com o tmepo mas era apenas 2 ou 3 erros por isso nunca die importancia ... mas este deu cercas de uns 50 ou mais erros foi por isso que fiquei preocupado:S se continuar a dar erros ou se ficar pior eu falo flw
  15. Olá pessoal! Meu mapa dá erros que nunca mais acabda! Esper que alguem possa me ajudar Erros \/ [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32287 / 31222 / 007 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32287 / 31224 / 007 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32288 / 31224 / 007 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32297 / 31222 / 007 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32297 / 31223 / 007 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32300 / 31223 / 007 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32301 / 31223 / 007 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32310 / 31222 / 007 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32310 / 31223 / 007 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32311 / 31222 / 007 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32311 / 31223 / 007 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32313 / 31224 / 007 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32314 / 31224 / 007 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32298 / 31234 / 007 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32299 / 31234 / 007 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32300 / 31234 / 007 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32301 / 31234 / 007 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32311 / 31233 / 007 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32312 / 31233 / 007 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32312 / 31236 / 007 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32312 / 31237 / 007 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32305 / 31241 / 007 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32305 / 31242 / 007 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32306 / 31241 / 007 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32306 / 31242 / 007 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32315 / 31243 / 007 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32316 / 31243 / 007 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32315 / 31244 / 007 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32316 / 31244 / 007 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32270 / 32756 / 006 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32270 / 32759 / 006 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32271 / 32756 / 006 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32271 / 32759 / 006 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32270 / 32760 / 006 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32270 / 32763 / 006 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32271 / 32760 / 006 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32271 / 32763 / 006 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32275 / 32756 / 006 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32275 / 32757 / 006 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32275 / 32758 / 006 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32275 / 32759 / 006 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32273 / 32763 / 006 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32274 / 32763 / 006 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32276 / 32763 / 006 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32277 / 32763 / 006 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32279 / 32763 / 006 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32280 / 32763 / 006 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32282 / 32761 / 006 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32282 / 32763 / 006 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32283 / 32761 / 006 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32283 / 32763 / 006 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32279 / 32764 / 008 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32279 / 32765 / 008 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32283 / 32764 / 008 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32283 / 32765 / 008 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32279 / 32768 / 008 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32280 / 32768 / 008 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32282 / 32768 / 008 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32591 / 31951 / 005 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32589 / 31951 / 006 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32590 / 31951 / 006 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32593 / 31951 / 005 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32592 / 31951 / 006 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32595 / 31951 / 006 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32596 / 31951 / 005 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32600 / 31951 / 006 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32591 / 31952 / 005 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32589 / 31952 / 006 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32590 / 31952 / 006 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32593 / 31952 / 005 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32592 / 31952 / 006 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32595 / 31952 / 006 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32596 / 31952 / 005 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32600 / 31952 / 006 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32598 / 31959 / 006 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32598 / 31960 / 006 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32281 / 31763 / 007 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32282 / 31763 / 007 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32280 / 31768 / 007 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32281 / 31768 / 007 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32268 / 31761 / 007 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32268 / 31762 / 007 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32274 / 31763 / 007 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32274 / 31764 / 007 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32274 / 31724 / 007 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32274 / 31725 / 007 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32281 / 31725 / 007 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32281 / 31726 / 007 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32265 / 32010 / 008 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32265 / 32011 / 008 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32267 / 32010 / 008 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32267 / 32011 / 008 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32269 / 32010 / 008 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32269 / 32011 / 008 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32271 / 32010 / 008 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32271 / 32011 / 008 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32265 / 32015 / 008 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32267 / 32015 / 008 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32269 / 32015 / 008 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32271 / 32015 / 008 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32273 / 32010 / 008 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32273 / 32011 / 008 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32275 / 32010 / 008 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32275 / 32011 / 008 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32273 / 32015 / 008 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32275 / 32015 / 008 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32265 / 32016 / 008 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32267 / 32016 / 008 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32269 / 32016 / 008 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32271 / 32016 / 008 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32273 / 32016 / 008 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32275 / 32016 / 008 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32576 / 31815 / 010 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32578 / 31815 / 010 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32579 / 31815 / 010 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32581 / 31815 / 010 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32582 / 31815 / 010 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32584 / 31815 / 010 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32585 / 31815 / 010 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32587 / 31815 / 010 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32576 / 31816 / 010 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32576 / 31819 / 010 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32577 / 31819 / 010 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32578 / 31816 / 010 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32579 / 31816 / 010 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32581 / 31816 / 010 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32582 / 31816 / 010 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32584 / 31816 / 010 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32585 / 31816 / 010 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32586 / 31819 / 010 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32587 / 31816 / 010 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32587 / 31819 / 010 ) (type = 1758, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32576 / 31820 / 010 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32577 / 31820 / 010 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32586 / 31820 / 010 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32587 / 31820 / 010 ) (type = 1759, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32576 / 31827 / 010 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32577 / 31827 / 010 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32581 / 31827 / 010 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32582 / 31827 / 010 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32585 / 31827 / 010 ) (type = 1756, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32586 / 31827 / 010 ) (type = 1757, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32182 / 32415 / 008 ) (type = 1634, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32174 / 32416 / 008 ) (type = 1818, sid = 1, pid = 0) [Warning - IOMapSerialize::loadItems] NULL item at ( 32174 / 32417 / 008 ) (type = 1818, sid = 1, pid = 0) Os erros continuam só que nao da para copiar tudo :S Espero ajuda! Vlw pela atenção
  16. Vou testar ja falo para vc ^^ ------------------------------ Posso fazer o mesmo para o level? UPDATE `players` SET `level` = 8; UPDATE `players` SET `health` = 185; UPDATE `players` SET `healthmax` = 185; UPDATE `players` SET `experience` = 4200; UPDATE `players` SET `mana` = 35; UPDATE `players` SET `manamax` = 35; UPDATE `players` SET `cap` = 485;
  17. Olá pessoal... eu vou mudar de mapa e gostava de modar a MainCity a todos os Player! Para eres irem automaticamente para o novo templo mal entrem pela primeira vez naquele mapa! Porque Existe uma cidade nas Coordenadas do mapa que eu tenho agora! Mapa Actual Youruts Editado -> Templo 160; 54; 9 Quero trocar para -> Custm Map -> Templo 1545; 1545; 6 Existe alguma maneira de fazer isso sem ser mudar player a player? Eu tenho a base de dados no serviço Xampp Se diverem duvidas sobre a minha questao avisem eu tento explicar melhor Espero ajuda Vlw pela atenção
  18. Ja deu ^^ obrigado ai "apocarai" Seu scripit esta rullando heheheh Vou reportar o topico esperem que atribuam pontos a voce e aqueles que tentaram ajudar flw obrigado
  19. obriga pela atenção mas esse scripit ai da este erro \/ [Error - TalkAction Interface] In a timer event called from: data/talkactions/scripts/other/style.lua:onSay Description: (luaGetCreatureStorage) Creature not found Acho que temos de mexer um pouco a ordem
  20. Agoa os player mesmo sem o STORANGE 100 conseguem fazer ... :S ja exprimentei colocar 1 onde esta o 0 ... TRUE... ... Vlw a ajuda.. espero respostas
  21. Esse assim não da mano :S Ele assim não executa o commando! Nem da erro nem nada :S vc fala !style on masn ao acontece nada :S
  22. Olá pessoal, eu encontrei um scripit aqui no pc e achei engraçado elaborar ele mas fiquei perdido porque ainda sou noobinho nos scripits ... eu acho que a resolução deste é bem facil! O Objectivo é: O player executar o commando !style on mas so se tive o STORAGEID == 100(EXMEPLO) Scripit local time = 5 -- 1 = 1 sec, 2 = 2 sec, ... local say_events = {} local function SayText(cid) if isPlayer(cid) == TRUE then if say_events[getPlayerGUID(cid)] ~= nil then if isPlayer(cid) == TRUE then doSendAnimatedText(getPlayerPosition(cid),"<~King~>", math.random(01,255)) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), math.random(28, 30)) end say_events[getPlayerGUID(cid)] = addEvent(SayText, time * 1000 / 2, cid) end end return TRUE end function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) if(param == '') then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Command param required.") return true end if param == "on" then if isPlayer(cid) == TRUE and getPlayerStorageValue(cid) == 100 then doSendAnimatedText(getPlayerPosition(cid),"<~King~>", math.random(01,255)) end say_events[getPlayerGUID(cid)] = addEvent(SayText, time * 1000, cid) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING,"You active now the command.") elseif param == "off" then stopEvent(say_events[getPlayerGUID(cid)]) say_events[getPlayerGUID(cid)] = nil doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING,"You disable the Command.") end return TRUE end Espero a vossa ajuda... eu acho que a resolução é bem facil xD mas eu sou noobinho ainda hehehe Flw
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