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Admin Ghonim

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  1. WarteraOT goes Starts in Sunday 10 March 20:00 PM GMT +2 PMServer Info:IP: GermanyClient: 8.60 (Custom)3 years project, 1 year of beta, high exp with 20+ new customs and unique systems.Full custom server110+ new custom monsters30+ boss, with UNIQUE SYSTEM100+ custom outfits100+ custom mounts40+ task hunts80+ daily tasktask mission roomcraft systemdungeonslife leech/mana leechnew spellspremium points systemlottery systemdaily questautoloot systemtradeoff systempvp mission systemwarzone systemcast system bonus of 5% experience,No pay to win as everything can be obtainedfrom the game and items in the shop only to support server to keep it onlineBalanced VocationsUnique Map,EventsTop Guild Event, every weekly.Top LMS, everyday 6pm.Zombie EventTeam BattleFire StormCTFBattlefieldDesert WarSnowBall WarRun For Exp Event, Every 2 hours.enjoy now the BEST CUSTOM SERVER.Custom OT PvP-E | War & RPG & Fun, (1 year of beta), a lot of systems.Trust in our work, we will not disappoint you,your fun is my greatest fun.I wish everyone an excellent game!Register Now:
  2. ⚔️Welcome to Funtera⚔️ 🔥 Funtera is launching on Thursday, [20.04.2023 - 20:00 PM Poland Time] 🔥 We have the most complete custom map server • Customized Class; • New areas; • Events; • All systems at 100%. • XP: 600x (Stages) • MagicLevel: 15x • Skills: 25x • Loot: 6x • Spawn: 3x • Create your Account Now on the website: • No errors or delays • 24/7 dedicated server • Anti DDoS Security Everything for better fun. Play with us!
  3. Hello everyone, I would like to announce that our FunteraOT is going to start a new season next Friday 6-1-2023 at 20:00 PM CET!. I hope you like changes and things i have done with it. I did a lot of changes to make it more better than before. Free premium points At the beginning we will give away 100 premium points, to get them you just need to be online and have the appropriate level. There will be two 50pp offers: - First bid at 20:30 PM must be online and be over 50 - Used at 21:00, must be online and be over 100 Let me share some information about it Connection information: Website: Host: France Client: Normal 8.60 Android Client Download - FunteraOT ( Create account: Create Account - FunteraOT ( Game information: Daily and hourly bosses. Daily events with premium points reward. Normal tasks and daily tasks with great rewards. Custom hunts, quests and monsters. Great systems like (Auto loot, Live cast, Boss reward) Balanced vocations. No pay to win as everything can be obtained from the game and items in the shop only to support server to keep it online. Active and kind team which can offer support at any time. Contact information: Discord: Join the FunteraOT Discord Server! ( E-mail: I hope you enjoy your time with us! rozpocznie sie w piatek 6 styczen 2023 20:00 CET! Darmowe punkty premium Na start rozdamy 100 punktow premium, aby je zdobyc wystarczy byc online i miec odpowiedni poziom. Beda dwie oferty 50pp: - Pierwsza oferta o 18:30 musi byc online i miec ponad 50 - Uzywane o 19:00 musza byc online i miec ponad 100
  4. Hello everyone, I would like to announce that our FunteraOT is going to start a new season next Friday 25-3-2022 at 20:00 PM CET!. I hope you like changes and things i have done with it. I did a lot of changes to make it more better than before. Free premium points At the beginning we will give away 100 premium points, to get them you just need to be online and have the appropriate level. There will be two 50pp offers: First bid at 20:30 PM must be online and be over 50 Used at 21:00, must be online and be over 100 Let me share some information about it Connection information: Website: Host: Germany. Client: Normal 8.60 Android Client Download - FunteraOT ( Create account: Create Account - FunteraOT ( Server information: Exp rate: Stages (Exp Stages - FunteraOT ( Game information: Daily and hourly bosses. Daily events with premium points reward. Normal tasks and daily tasks with great rewards. Custom hunts, quests and monsters. Great systems like (Auto loot,upgrade items, Live cast, Boss reward) Balanced vocations. No pay to win as everything can be obtained from the game and items in the shop only to support server to keep it online. Active and kind team which can offer support at any time. Contact information: Discord: Join the FunteraOT Discord Server! ( E-mail: I hope you enjoy your time with us! Now, let me share some photos from FunteraOT, We've added Task Mission, you can only access to this area upon completion The Task Mission! Task Mission - FunteraOT ( We've added Desert Area Exp with new monsters. You need to have Uber Tokens to access this area Uber Tokens - FunteraOT ( We've added New bosses Upgrade System! Upgrade System - Bosses - FunteraOT ( We've added Premium Exchanger Now you can exchange your Event Tokens for Premium points! Event Tokens - FunteraOT (
  5. Ip: Client: 8.60 Custom Uptime: 24/7 Hosted in: Germany Website: Map: Custom Real Map Welcome on ValorianOT server, which is developed and tested by a professional team, with frequent updates, i.e. new monsters, new spells, new systems, new events, new bosses! The best and most complete RealMAP EU server at today's stage, and we will always enjoy the best updates and features every day! There will be a new wonderful peninsula for all players - a new island arriving in the lands of Valorian, with new houses available to all players, and new hunting grounds. Exp Rate : 1-40 = 40x› 50-99 = 30x› 100-149 = 25x› 150-199 = 20x› 200-219 = 15x› 220-239 = 14x› 240-249 = 13x› 250-269 = 12x› 270-299 = 12x› 300-349 = 10x› 350-399 = 8x› 400-449 = 6x› 450-499 = 3x› 450-499 = 2x› 450-499 = 1.5x› 501-* = 1x› After level 600 the exp rate from monsters gets reduced by some different factors but you still gain 1x experience. Skills rate: Skills: 25x Magic: 20x Loot: 5x Type: PVPE Map: Custom RealMap Protection Level: 80 More information: Daily bosses, events, raids. Dungeons. Custom hunts, quests, bosses and items. - Boss raids in special rooms + raids on hunting grounds (eg Izcandar Champion of Summer respawns periodically on summer elves exp)! - Special Task system for monsters from hunting grounds - A new boss room has been added for everyone! Points system We promote players who reach a certain achievement with premium points: - New, better proffesion balance ! we also added places such as Issavi, Roshamuul, Oramond and Krailos, for players who like to play Real Tibia, everyone can enter for free as well, there are also cities with all npc, and houses, if in the main city ran out of them Start 25th of August! Let's go to register! Remember - If you want Free premium points, create guild with 10+ players. If everyone will have 200+ lvl, you all get free points :) Official Trailer
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