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Tudo que shanden4502 postou

  1. Super obrigado amigo, deu certo, muito obrigado mesmo.
  2. vou testar irmão, super obrigado, jaja lhe dou a resposta. @Yan18Deu esse erro irmão: [Error - Action Interface] data/actions/scripts/mining.lua:onUse Description: data/lib/050-function.lua:10: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil) stack traceback: [C]: in function 'ipairs' data/lib/050-function.lua:10: in function 'isInArray' data/actions/scripts/mining.lua:115: in function <data/actions/scripts/mining.lua:107>
  3. Estão no Script de cima, mas isso eu edito, só queria conseguir fazer funcionar se poder me ajudar ficarei mt grato
  4. não acontece nada amigo, o script original era assim antes de eu editar local STORAGE_SKILL_LEVEL = 10002 local STORAGE_SKILL_TRY = 10003 local config = { levels = { {level = {0,9}, quant = {1,2}, percent = 5}, {level = {10,19}, quant = {2,4}, percent = 10}, {level = {20,29}, quant = {3,6}, percent = 15}, {level = {30,39}, quant = {4,8}, percent = 20}, {level = {40,49}, quant = {5,10}, percent = 25}, {level = {50,59}, quant = {6,12}, percent = 30}, {level = {60,69}, quant = {7,14}, percent = 30}, {level = {70,79}, quant = {8,16}, percent = 35}, {level = {80,89}, quant = {9,18}, percent = 35}, {level = {90,99}, quant = {10,20}, percent = 40}, {level = {100}, quant = {11,22}, percent = 50} }, rocks = {1356, 1285, 3607, 3616}, -- Id das rochas que podem ser quebradas stones = {}, -- Modelo = {rock_id, rock_id} default_stone = 2157, -- pedra padrão rock_delay = 480, -- Tempo de volta da rocha (Em segundos) bonus_chance = 3, -- Chance (em porcentagem) de se conseguir um bonus de exp bonus_exp = 1 -- Bonus extra } ------------------------------------ -- END Configurations --- ------------------------------------ function getMiningLevel(cid) return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, STORAGE_SKILL_LEVEL) end function setPlayerMiningLevel(cid, n) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, STORAGE_SKILL_LEVEL, n) end function addMiningLevel(cid, n) setPlayerMiningLevel(cid, getMiningLevel(cid) + (isNumber(n) and n or 1)) setMiningTry(cid, 0) end function getMiningInfo(cid) for i = 1, #config.levels do min = config.levels[i].level[1]; max = config.levels[i].level[2] if (getMiningLevel(cid) >= min and getMiningLevel(cid) <= max) then return {quantity = {min = config.levels[i].quant[1], max = config.levels[i].quant[2]}, chance = config.levels[i].percent} end end end function getStoneByRock(rockid) for i = 1, #config.stones do if (config.stones[2] == rockid) then return config.stones[1] end end return config.default_stone end function getMiningTries(cid) return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, STORAGE_SKILL_TRY) end function setMiningTry(cid, n) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, STORAGE_SKILL_TRY, n) end function addMiningTry(cid, bonus) setMiningTry(cid, getMiningTries(cid) + 1 + (bonus and config.bonus_exp or 0)) if (getMiningTries(cid) >= getMiningExpTo(getMiningLevel(cid))) then -- Up doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 22, "You advanced from level " .. getMiningLevel(cid) .. " to level ".. (getMiningLevel(cid) + 1) .." in mining.") if ((getMiningLevel(cid)+1) == getMiningMaxLevel()) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 22, "Max level reached in mining.") end addMiningLevel(cid) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), math.random(28,30)) setMiningTry(cid, 0) end end function getMiningExpTo(level) return ((level*1.5)+((level+1)*7)) end function getMiningMaxLevel() return config.levels[#config.levels].level[#config.levels[#config.levels].level] end --------------------------- function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) rock = { id = itemEx.itemid, uid = itemEx.uid, position = toPosition } player = { position = getCreaturePosition(cid) } if (getMiningLevel(cid) < 0) then setPlayerMiningLevel(cid, 0) end if (isInArray(, then addMiningTry(cid) if (math.random(1,100) <= getMiningInfo(cid).chance) then local collected = math.random(getMiningInfo(cid).quantity.min, getMiningInfo(cid).quantity.max) doPlayerAddItem(cid, getStoneByRock(, collected) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 22, "You got " .. collected .. " gold" .. (collected > 1 and "s" or "") .. " nuggets.") if (math.random(1,100) <= config.bonus_chance) then -- Bonus calc addMiningTry(cid, true) doSendAnimatedText(player.position, "Bonus!", COLOR_ORANGE) end event_rockCut(rock) else if (math.random(1,100) <= (10-getMiningInfo(cid).chance/10)) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 22, "You got nothing.") event_rockCut(rock) else doSendMagicEffect(rock.position, 3) doSendAnimatedText(rock.position, "Poff!", COLOR_GREEN) end end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This can't be cut.") end end function event_rockCut(rock) addEvent(event_rockGrow, config.rock_delay * 1000, rock.position, doTransformItem(rock.uid, 3610) doSendMagicEffect(rock.position, 3) doSendAnimatedText(rock.position, "Tack!", COLOR_GREEN) doItemSetAttribute(rock.uid, "name", "A trunk of " .. getItemNameById( end function event_rockGrow(rockPos, old_id) local rock = getThingFromPos(rockPos).uid doTransformItem(rock, old_id) doItemSetAttribute(rock, "name", getItemNameById(old_id)) doSendMagicEffect(rockPos, 3) end talvez com meu edit tenha complicado algo, eu so queria que ao bater na pedra "x", vinhesse o item "y", e na outra pedra "n", vinhesse o item "k"
  5. Boa noite, então eu tenho esse codigo: local STORAGE_SKILL_LEVEL = 10009 local STORAGE_SKILL_TRY = 10007 local config = { levels = { {level = {0,9}, quant = {1,1}, percent = 5}, {level = {10,19}, quant = {1,1}, percent = 10}, {level = {20,29}, quant = {1,1}, percent = 15}, {level = {30,39}, quant = {1,1}, percent = 20}, {level = {40,49}, quant = {1,1}, percent = 25}, {level = {50,59}, quant = {1,1}, percent = 30}, {level = {60,69}, quant = {1,1}, percent = 30}, {level = {70,79}, quant = {1,1}, percent = 35}, {level = {80,89}, quant = {1,1}, percent = 35}, {level = {90,99}, quant = {1,1}, percent = 40}, {level = {100}, quant = {1,1}, percent = 50} }, rocks = {5092}, -- Id das rochas que podem ser quebradas rocks2 = {5093}, rocks3 = {5094}, rocks4 = {5095}, stones = {5097}, -- Modelo = {rock_id, rock_id} stones2 = {5099}, stones3 = {5100}, stones4 = {5098}, rock_delay = 60, -- Tempo de volta da rocha (Em segundos) bonus_chance = 3, -- Chance (em porcentagem) de se conseguir um bonus de exp bonus_exp = 1 -- Bonus extra } ------------------------------------ -- END Configurations --- ------------------------------------ function getCuttingLevel(cid) return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, STORAGE_SKILL_LEVEL) end function setPlayerCuttingLevel(cid, n) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, STORAGE_SKILL_LEVEL, n) end function addCuttingLevel(cid, n) setPlayerCuttingLevel(cid, getCuttingLevel(cid) + (isNumber(n) and n or 1)) setCuttingTry(cid, 0) end function getCuttingInfo(cid) for i = 1, #config.levels do min = config.levels[i].level[1]; max = config.levels[i].level[2] if (getCuttingLevel(cid) >= min and getCuttingLevel(cid) <= max) then return {quantity = {min = config.levels[i].quant[1], max = config.levels[i].quant[2]}, chance = config.levels[i].percent} end end end function getStoneByRock(rockid) for i = 1, #config.stones do if (config.stones[2] == rockid) then return config.stones[1] elseif (config.stones2[3] == rockid2) then return config.stones2[4] end end end function getCuttingTries(cid) return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, STORAGE_SKILL_TRY) end function setCuttingTry(cid, n) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, STORAGE_SKILL_TRY, n) end function addCuttingTry(cid, bonus) setCuttingTry(cid, getCuttingTries(cid) + 1 + (bonus and config.bonus_exp or 0)) if (getCuttingTries(cid) >= getCuttingExpTo(getCuttingLevel(cid))) then -- Up doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 22, "You advanced from level " .. getCuttingLevel(cid) .. " to level ".. (getCuttingLevel(cid) + 1) .." in miner.") if ((getCuttingLevel(cid)+1) == getCuttingMaxLevel()) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 22, "Max level reached in miner.") end addCuttingLevel(cid) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), math.random(28,30)) setCuttingTry(cid, 0) end end function getCuttingExpTo(level) return ((level*1.5)+((level+1)*7)) end function getCuttingMaxLevel() return config.levels[#config.levels].level[#config.levels[#config.levels].level] end --------------------------- function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) rock = { id = itemEx.itemid, uid = itemEx.uid, position = toPosition } player = { position = getCreaturePosition(cid) } if (getCuttingLevel(cid) < 0) then setPlayerCuttingLevel(cid, 0) end if (isInArray(, rocks2, rocks3, rocks4,, rock.id2, rock.id3, rock.id4)) then addCuttingTry(cid) if (math.random(1,100) <= getCuttingInfo(cid).chance) then local collected = math.random(getCuttingInfo(cid).quantity.min, getCuttingInfo(cid).quantity.max) doPlayerAddItem(cid, getStoneByRock(, collected) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 22, "You got " .. collected .. " brass" .. (collected > 1 and "s" or "") .. " ore.") if (math.random(1,100) <= config.bonus_chance) then -- Bonus calc addCuttingTry(cid, true) doSendAnimatedText(player.position, "Bonus!", COLOR_ORANGE) end event_rockCut(rock) else if (math.random(0,100) <= (0-getCuttingInfo(cid).chance/0)) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 22, "You got nothing.") event_rockCut(rock) else doSendMagicEffect(rock.position, 3) doSendAnimatedText(rock.position, "Poff!", COLOR_GREEN) end end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "This can't be cut.") end end function event_rockCut(rock) addEvent(event_rockGrow, config.rock_delay * 1000, rock.position, doTransformItem(rock.uid, 5104) doSendMagicEffect(rock.position, 3) doSendAnimatedText(rock.position, "Tack!", COLOR_GREEN) doItemSetAttribute(rock.uid, "name", "A trunk of " .. getItemNameById( end function event_rockGrow(rockPos, old_id) local rock = getThingFromPos(rockPos).uid doTransformItem(rock, old_id) doItemSetAttribute(rock, "name", getItemNameById(old_id)) doSendMagicEffect(rockPos, 3) end eu estou tentando editar para que dependendo da pedra, exemplo, 5092, venha o minerio 5097 e somente ele, eu tentei: if (config.stones[2] == rockid) then return config.stones[1] elseif (config.stones2[3] == rockid2) then return config.stones2[4] end mas não estou tendo resultado nenhum, nem erro, alguem poderia me dar uma luz?
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