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Posts postados por Rodrigo94

  1. Fala galera do Xtibia, estou usando um gesior 0.3.8 mas não gostaria de trocar pois eu fiz varios sistemas legais nele... Mas estou com um problema, tem pessoas criando char com uma letra só nome exemplo: "X", "A"... Gostaria de bloquear para pelo menos 3 caractéres no nome, e meu account manager também está igual... Você consegue criar uma acc com 1 letra só, grato pela atenção!

  2. Boa tarde galera! estou precisando do código fonte pra compilar o emoted spells, achei um mas sem sucesso ao compilalo...

    Explicando: você consegue ativar o emoted spells ON (MAGIAS SEM SPAWNAR O CHAT EM LARANJAe desativar !emotedspells OFF (MAGIAS NO CHAT AMARELO).


    Segue o código que eu tentei compilar: 



    bool internalCreatureSay(Creature* creature, SpeakClasses type, const std::string& text,
                bool ghostMode, SpectatorVec* spectators = NULL, Position* pos = NULL, bool isSpell = false);




    bool Game::internalCreatureSay(Creature* creature, SpeakClasses type, const std::string& text,
        bool ghostMode, SpectatorVec* spectators/* = NULL*/, Position* pos/* = NULL*/, bool isSpell/* = false*/)
    for(it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)
            if(!(tmpPlayer = (*it)->getPlayer()))
            if(!ghostMode || tmpPlayer->canSeeCreature(creature))
                    // to jest spell
                    std::string strValue;
                    if(tmpPlayer->getStorage("58678", strValue))
                        // storage jest ustawione
                        int32_t intValue = atoi(strValue.c_str());
                            // storage jest liczba i ma wartosc inna niz 0, typ tekstu 'monster'
                            tmpPlayer->sendCreatureSay(creature, SPEAK_MONSTER_SAY, text, &destPos);
                            // storage rowne 0, domyslny typ tekstu
                            tmpPlayer->sendCreatureSay(creature, type, text, &destPos);
                        // storage nie ustawione, domyslny typ tekstu
                        tmpPlayer->sendCreatureSay(creature, type, text, &destPos);
                    tmpPlayer->sendCreatureSay(creature, type, text, &destPos);




    return g_game.internalCreatureSay(player, type, ret, player->isGhost(), NULL, &pos, true) ? RET_NOERROR : RET_NOTPOSSIBLE;


    Talkaction para ativar o comando


    function onSay(cid, words, param)
        if param == "emote" and getCreatureStorage(cid, 58678) < 1 then
            doCreatureSetStorage(cid, 58678, 1)
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You have enabled emoted spells.")
        elseif param == "normal" and getCreatureStorage(cid, 58678) == 1 then
            doCreatureSetStorage(cid, 58678, 0)
            doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You have disabled emoted spells.")
        return false





  3. Fala galera, sou iniciante em website entendo bem pouco..

    Estou tentando adicionar o market char system no meu gesior acc maker


    Peguei um script de um forum e estou tentando editar.. o script está funcionando, porém eu não estou conseguindo criar um botão pra cancelar a venda de um char e não consigo criar um código para que venda char acima do level 100+ Algum bom scripter consegue me ajuda?


    Script: accountmanager

    		$main_content .= '<TABLE BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=4 WIDTH=100%><TR BGCOLOR='.$config['site']['vdarkborder'].'><TD CLASS=white width="64px"><CENTER><B>Sell your characters</B></CENTER></TD></TR>';
    		$main_content .= '<TR BGCOLOR='.$config['site']['darkborder'].'><TD CLASS=black width="64px"><B></B>';
            $charArray = array();
            $acct = false;
            $players_from_logged_acc = $account_logged->getPlayersList();
                $main_content .= '<form action="" method="post"><select name="char">';
                foreach($players_from_logged_acc as $player)
                    $charArray[] = $player->getName();
                    $main_content .= '<option>'.$player->getName().'</option>';
    		$main_content .= '</select>Select a character to sell<br>';
    		$main_content .= '<input type="text" name="price" maxlength="10" size="4" >Select the price of the character<br>';
    		$main_content .= '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Sell character"></TD></TR>';
    							$main_content .= '</form></table>';
    							if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    							$char = stripslashes($_POST['char']);
    							$price = stripslashes($_POST['price']);
                $tmp = str_replace("'", '', $char);  
                if (in_array($tmp, $charArray )) { $acct = true; }
               if ($char && $price && $acct) {
    								if(is_numeric(trim($_POST['price']))) {
    										$check2 = $SQL->query("SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `name` = '$char'") or die(mysql_error());
    								foreach ($check2 as $re) {
    									$voc = $re['vocation'];
    									$oid = $re['account_id'];
    								$check1 = $SQL->query("UPDATE `players` SET `account_id` = 1 WHERE `name` = '$char'") or die(mysql_error());
    								$check3 = $SQL->query("INSERT INTO `sellchar` VALUES ('','$char','$voc','$price','1','$oid')");
    								$main_content .= '<b><center>You added your character correctly, thanks!</b></center>';
    								header("Location: index.php?subtopic=buychar");
    								} else {
    								$main_content .= '<b><center>Set a numeric price!!</b></center>';
    							} else {
    									$main_content .= '<b><center>Fill out all fields!</b></center>';
    							$main_content .= '<br>';
    										$main_content .= '<div class="SmallBox" ><div class="MessageContainer" >    <div class="BoxFrameHorizontal" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-horizontal.gif);" /></div><div class="BoxFrameEdgeLeftTop" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);" /></div><div class="BoxFrameEdgeRightTop" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);" /></div><div class="Message" ><div class="BoxFrameVerticalLeft" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);" /></div><div class="BoxFrameVerticalRight" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-vertical.gif);" /></div><table><tr><td class="LabelV" >Hint:</td><td style="width:100%;" >If you put your character on sale anyone can buy it, you will lose acces to that character and you wont be able to log in with that character until someone buys it, you can also delete your offer by buying your own character!<br><b>When someone buys your character you will get the price in points!</td></tr></table><div align="center" ><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" ><form action="?subtopic=accountmanagement&action=registeraccount" method="post" ><tr><td style="border:0px;" ></div></div></td></tr></form></table></div></div>    <div class="BoxFrameHorizontal" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-horizontal.gif);" /></div><div class="BoxFrameEdgeRightBottom" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);" /></div><div class="BoxFrameEdgeLeftBottom" style="background-image:url('.$layout_name.'/images/content/box-frame-edge.gif);" /></div>  </div></div><br/>';


  4. ProTibia Global 8.60



    Novo servidor, mapa 100% full todos os sistemas implantados!




    IP: PORT: 7171













    401+: 27x

    Magic: 9.5x

    Loot: 2.0x






    Red Skull Time = 5 day
    Black Sukll Time = 10 day
    White Skull Time = 10 minutes
    Protection Level = 60
    Level To Buy House = 100
    Free Premium = Yes


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