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Sobre Diogozore


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Diogozore's Achievements

  1. Assim que o player morrer ele volta para o level 400 perdendo todo experiência ganha, preciso que o player só ganhe level 400 quando ele entrar a primeira vez no sevidor e que não perca todo o level ganho quando morrer. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <mod name="TeamWarOT HardCore Mod -" version="0.3" author="HeberPcL" contact="" enabled="yes"> <config name="TeamWar-config"><![CDATA[ -- [[ ## Config TeamWarOT HardCore ## ]] -- configTWH = { maxTopRanking = 12, diffFragsToEqui = 15, antiMC = { enable = true, -- enable or disable max = 5, -- max chars with the same ip allowedIP = {""}, timeForKick = 1500, MsgKick = "You have been kicked because you are using Multi-Client.", group_id = 3 -- only kick player with group id 1 (normal players) }, -- Logout Protection Time logoutProtectionTimer = { enable = true, storage = 55552, timer = 20 * 1000 }, defaultCharStatus = false, -- c/false for enable accounts (1/1 - 2/2 - 3/3 - 4/4) defaultCharAccoutID = {10,20,30,40}, -- Sorcerer/Druid/Paladin/Knight -- OutFit Type / Color TEAMS_SET = { {lookType = true, lookHead = 0, lookAddons = 3, lookLegs = 76, lookBody = 94, lookFeet = 0}, -- Team I OutFit {lookType = true, lookHead = 0, lookAddons = 3, lookLegs = 76, lookBody = 81, lookFeet = 0}, -- Team II Outfit {lookType = true, lookHead = 0, lookAddons = 3, lookLegs = 0, lookBody = 0, lookFeet = 0} -- NoTeam Outfit }, -- Map Type (1 = Team vs Team (Normal) 2 = Quest Map (No-PvP?) 3 = Capture The Flag (Normal + Capture) 4 = Deathmatch (Player vs All)) mapStats = { [1] = { author = "Staff", name = "Thais", mapType = {1, "Team vs Team"}, templeIDs = {1, 2}, templePositions = { [1] = { x = 1254, y = 1508, z = 7}, [2] = { x = 1345, y = 1466, z = 7} } }, [2] = { author = "Staff", name = "Carlin", mapType = {1, "Team vs Team"}, templeIDs = {1, 2}, templePositions = { [1] = { x = 1254, y = 1508, z = 7}, [2] = { x = 1345, y = 1466, z = 7} } }, [3] = { author = "Staff", name = "Venore", mapType = {1, "Team vs Team"}, templeIDs = {1, 2}, templePositions = { [1] = { x = 1254, y = 1508, z = 7}, [2] = { x = 1345, y = 1466, z = 7} } }, [4] = { author = "Staff", name = "Edron", mapType = {1, "Team vs Team"}, templeIDs = {1, 2}, templePositions = { [1] = { x = 1254, y = 1508, z = 7}, [2] = { x = 1345, y = 1466, z = 7} } }, [5] = { author = "Staff", name = "Fibula", mapType = {1, "Team vs Team"}, templeIDs = {1, 2}, templePositions = { [1] = { x = 1254, y = 1508, z = 7}, [2] = { x = 1345, y = 1466, z = 7} } } }, deathBroadcast = { killStorageValue = 9000, lastKillerStorage = 3000, maxPlayerGainFrag = 5, MaxLevel = { use = true, MAX =2000 }, FragCount = { use = true }, AnimeText = { use = true }, GainMoney = { use = true, coinID = 2160 }, MultiIp = { use = false }, experienceByKillingPlayers = { use = true, levelAmount = 0.6, color = 240 }, -- level gain for last hit killer killMessage = { use = true, text = "[War Stats] Frags Online: |KILLERKILLS| Frags All: |KILLERKILLSALL| Last Killer: |TARGETNAME|!", messageClass = MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE }, killerAnimation = { use = true, text = "Frag!", color = 240 }, -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here. targetAnimation = { use = true, text = "Owned!", color = 151 } -- Only 9 letters! No "commands" here. }, mapType = { [1] = { idType = 1, nameType = "Team vs Team", descricao = " { Team vs Team } \n\n O objetivo é matar \n jogadores de outros times." }, [4] = { idType = 4, nameType = "Deathmatch", descricao = " { Deathmatch } \n\n O objetivo é matar \n o maior numero de jogadores \n (TODOS SÃO INIMIGO!)." }, }, mapChange = { timer = 20 * 60, timerStorage = 13001, mapIdStorage = 13002, mapTypeStorage = 13005, accessIgnore = 3 }, STORAGE = { PLAYER = { TEAM_INFO = 40000, FRAGS_Online = 5000, OUTFIT_Status = 4999, }, GLOBAL = { FRAGS = {30001, 30002}, TEAMS = {40001, 40002, 40003}, TEAMS_COUNT = {40011, 40012, 40013} } }, -- Protect Area / Not Teleport in Change Map protectArea = { {fromx=102, fromy=615, fromz=8, tox=146, toy=638, toz=8}, }, startPlayer = { LevelFree = 400, LevelPremium = 400, STATS = { -- Free Account 1-4 { healthMax = 895, manaMax = 4045, cap = 1890, healthExt = 200, manaExt = 500, capExt = 250 }, { healthMax = 895, manaMax = 4045, cap = 1890, healthExt = 200, manaExt = 500, capExt = 250 }, { healthMax = 1605, manaMax = 2165, cap = 3310, healthExt = 350, manaExt = 350, capExt = 250 }, { healthMax = 2315, manaMax = 745, cap = 4020, healthExt = 500, manaExt = 200, capExt = 250 }, -- Premium Account and Promotion { healthMax = 1045, manaMax = 4795, cap = 1890, healthExt = 200, manaExt = 500, capExt = 250 }, { healthMax = 1045, manaMax = 4795, cap = 1890, healthExt = 200, manaExt = 500, capExt = 250 }, { healthMax = 1905, manaMax = 2615, cap = 3310, healthExt = 350, manaExt = 350, capExt = 250 }, { healthMax = 2765, manaMax = 895, cap = 4020, healthExt = 500, manaExt = 200, capExt = 250 }, }, }, mensagens = { [0] = "Fique por dentro de tudo que acontece no servidor e participe do nosso Site. Visite:", [1] = "A Equipe não se responsabiliza por perda de Items/Roubos/Accounts Hackeds. Mantenha sua account segura, nunca use Account = Senha!", [2] = "Comandos disponiveis no Servidor: !frags, !top, !jutsus, !online, !map, !maps, !nextMap.", [3] = "Crie Agora sua Account! Visite:", [4] = "Visite nosso TeamSpeak 3, otimo bate-papo de voz com toda Equipe e Players! Cliente antigo 3.1.8 IP: Download:!uMgzBIzY!fd1JoRq0tx41gfP1-d2f718XI19Szx_SJa8xf_3M4is " } } ]]></config> <lib name="TeamWar-lib"><![CDATA[ domodlib('TeamWar-config') -- TeamWar HardCore - Functions List map = { get = function() return getStorage(configTWH.mapChange.mapIdStorage) end, removeIssue = function() if map.get() < 1 or map.get() > #configTWH.mapStats then -- print("map.removeIssue: issue has been removed :: map was ".. map.get()) return doSetStorage(configTWH.mapChange.mapIdStorage, 1) end return FALSE end, getIdByName = function(mapName) for i = 1, #configTWH.mapStats do if (configTWH.mapStats[i].name == mapName) then returnID = i end end return returnID or 0 end, set = function(id) local nextMapID = id or ((map.get() % #configTWH.mapStats) + 1) map.removeIssue() return doSetStorage(configTWH.mapChange.mapIdStorage, nextMapID) end } mapInfo = { mapId = function() return getStorage(configTWH.mapChange.mapIdStorage) end, mapIdNext = function() return ((map.get() % #configTWH.mapStats) + 1) end, mapName = function() return configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].name end, mapNameNext = function() return configTWH.mapStats[((map.get() % #configTWH.mapStats) + 1)].name end } mapTypeManager = { get = function() return getStorage(configTWH.mapChange.mapTypeStorage) end, set = function(id) return doSetStorage(configTWH.mapChange.mapTypeStorage, id) end, } playerTeam = { get = function (cid) return ((getCreatureStorage(cid, configTWH.STORAGE.PLAYER.TEAM_INFO) == configTWH.STORAGE.GLOBAL.TEAMS[1]) and 1) or 2 end, set = function (cid, id) return doPlayerSetStorageValue(cid, configTWH.STORAGE.PLAYER.TEAM_INFO, id) end } fragsTeam = { get = function (teamId) return getStorage(configTWH.STORAGE.GLOBAL.FRAGS[teamId]) end, add = function (teamId, count) return doSetStorage(configTWH.STORAGE.GLOBAL.FRAGS[teamId], fragsTeam.get(teamId) + count) end, start = function (teamId) return doSetStorage(configTWH.STORAGE.GLOBAL.FRAGS[teamId], 0) end, rem = function (teamId, count) return fragsTeam.add(teamId, -count) end } teamCount = { get = function (teamId) return getStorage(configTWH.STORAGE.GLOBAL.TEAMS_COUNT[teamId]) end, add = function (teamId, count) return doSetStorage(configTWH.STORAGE.GLOBAL.TEAMS_COUNT[teamId], teamCount.get(teamId) + count) end, start = function (teamId) return doSetStorage(configTWH.STORAGE.GLOBAL.TEAMS_COUNT[teamId], 0) end, rem = function (teamId, count) return teamCount.add(teamId, -count) end, change = function (cid, team, teamGo) -- print("["..getCreatureName(cid).."] ID: "..cid.." Team: "" TeamGo: "..teamGo.." !") doSetStorage(configTWH.STORAGE.GLOBAL.TEAMS_COUNT[team], teamCount.get(team) - 1) doSetStorage(configTWH.STORAGE.GLOBAL.TEAMS_COUNT[teamGo], teamCount.get(teamGo) + 1) end } frags = { get = function (cid) local query = db.getResult("SELECT `frags` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. " LIMIT 1;") return query:getDataInt("frags") end, add = function (cid, amount) return db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `frags` = `frags` + " .. amount .. " WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") end } fragsOnline = { add = function(cid, amount) return db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `frags_online` = `frags_online` + " .. amount .. " WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") end, get = function(cid) local query = db.getResult("SELECT `frags_online` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. " LIMIT 1;") return query:getDataInt("frags_online") end, cleanStart = function(cid) return db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `frags_online` = '0' WHERE `id` = '" .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. "';") end, cleanALL = function() return db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `frags_online` = '0';") end } deaths = { get = function (cid) local query = db.getResult("SELECT `deaths` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") return query:getDataInt("deaths") end, add = function (cid, amount) return db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `deaths` = `deaths` + " .. amount .. " WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";") end } outfit = { -- // Set Team Color setTeam = function (cid, team) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, configTWH.STORAGE.PLAYER.OUTFIT_Status, 1) if (not isPremium(cid)) then --doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, configTWH.TEAMS_SET[team]) elseif isPremium(cid) then local newOutfit = { {lookType = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType, lookHead = configTWH.TEAMS_SET[team].lookHead, lookAddons = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookAddons, lookLegs = configTWH.TEAMS_SET[team].lookLegs, lookBody = configTWH.TEAMS_SET[team].lookBody, lookFeet = configTWH.TEAMS_SET[team].lookFeet}, {lookType = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType, lookHead = configTWH.TEAMS_SET[team].lookHead, lookAddons = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookAddons, lookLegs = configTWH.TEAMS_SET[team].lookLegs, lookBody = configTWH.TEAMS_SET[team].lookBody, lookFeet = configTWH.TEAMS_SET[team].lookFeet}, {lookType = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType, lookHead = configTWH.TEAMS_SET[team].lookHead, lookAddons = getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookAddons, lookLegs = configTWH.TEAMS_SET[team].lookLegs, lookBody = configTWH.TEAMS_SET[team].lookBody, lookFeet = configTWH.TEAMS_SET[team].lookFeet} } --doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, newOutfit[team]) end end, -- Set Random Outfits/Color setRandomColor = function(cid) doCreatureSetStorage(cid, configTWH.STORAGE.PLAYER.OUTFIT_Status, 1) local out = getCreatureOutfit(cid) --doCreatureChangeOutfit (cid, {lookType = out.lookType, lookHead = math.random(0, 132), lookBody = math.random(0, 132), lookLegs = math.random(0, 132), lookFeet = math.random(0, 132), lookAddons = out.lookAddons } ) end } ranking = { -- ranking.getTopFragsOnline() getTopFragsOnline = function() local query = db.getResult("SELECT `name` FROM `players` WHERE `online` = '1' ORDER BY `frags_online` DESC LIMIT 1;") return query:getDataString("name") end -- getPlayerGUID } -- Player Set Team [Login] doPlayerSetTeam = { login = function (cid) if (getPlayerAccess(cid) <= 3) and (getCreatureName(cid) ~= "Account Manager") then -- Player Mensagem doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE ,"[ NTOFULLWAR HardCore ] Site: - IP:") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE ," Accounts : Naruto | Sasuke | Kakuzu | jiraya | Shisui | Konan | anbu | orochimaru | kankuro | temari | kisame | nagato | itachi | kiba | gaara | sakura | kakashi | tenten") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE ," Commands : !jutsus") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE ," Players : Team Red [".. teamCount.get(1) .."] vs [".. teamCount.get(2) .."] Team Green") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE ," Team Frags : Team Red [".. fragsTeam.get(1) .."] vs [".. fragsTeam.get(2) .."] Team Green") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE ," Map Info : Game Map: ".. mapInfo.mapName() .." NextMap: ".. mapInfo.mapNameNext()) -- 1 = Team vs Team (Normal) 2 = Quest Map (No-PvP?) 3 = Capture The Flag (Normal + Capture) 4 = Deathmatch (Player vs All) -- // 1 = Team vs Team (Normal) if (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 1) then --print("[Login-MapType] 1 = Team vs Team (Normal)") -- Set Team Small local team = getSmallestTeam() playerTeam.set(cid, configTWH.STORAGE.GLOBAL.TEAMS[team]) -- Set Team Color Outfits outfit.setTeam(cid, team) -- Team Count e Resete Frags teamCount.add(team, 1) -- Set Town & Position doPlayerSetTown(cid, configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].templeIDs[playerTeam.get(cid)]) doTeleportThing(cid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)), true, true) -- // 2 = Quest Map (No-PvP?) elseif (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 2) then -- // 3 = Capture The Flag (Normal + Capture) elseif (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 3) then -- // 4 = Deathmatch (Player vs All) elseif (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 4) then --print("[Change-MapType] 4 = Deathmatch (Player vs All)") -- Set Town & Position doPlayerSetTown(cid, math.random(configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].templeIDs[1], configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].templeIDs[2])) doTeleportThing(cid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)), true, true) -- Set Random Outfits/Color outfit.setRandomColor(cid) end -- MapType Informacao doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE , configTWH.mapType[mapTypeManager.get()].descricao) --doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, configTWH.mapType[mapTypeManager.get()].descricao) -- Player Set (Level / Health / Mana) if not isPremium(cid) and (getPlayerLevel(cid) <= configTWH.startPlayer.LevelFree) then -- Free Players doPlayerAddExperience(cid, (getExperienceForLevel(configTWH.startPlayer.LevelFree) - getPlayerExperience(cid))) elseif isPremium(cid) and getPlayerPromotionLevel(cid) == 0 and (getPlayerLevel(cid) <= configTWH.startPlayer.LevelFree) then -- Premium doPlayerAddExperience(cid, (getExperienceForLevel(configTWH.startPlayer.LevelFree) - getPlayerExperience(cid))) elseif isPremium(cid) and getPlayerPromotionLevel(cid) == 1 and (getPlayerLevel(cid) <= configTWH.startPlayer.LevelPremium) then -- Premium com Promotion doPlayerAddExperience(cid, (getExperienceForLevel(configTWH.startPlayer.LevelPremium) - getPlayerExperience(cid))) end -- Clean Player Frags Online fragsOnline.cleanStart(cid) -- Set Max (Health & Mana) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) - getCreatureHealth(cid)) doCreatureAddMana(cid, (getCreatureMaxMana(cid) - getCreatureMana(cid))) -- Remove Conditions doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_INFIGHT) -- Send Magic Effect doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 37) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 2) if isInArray(configTWH.defaultCharAccoutID, getAccountIdByName(getPlayerName(cid))) then doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, " Sample Accounts \n \n - Português \n Atenção está é uma account exemplo, \npor favor Crie sua Account. \n\n - Inglês \n Please note this is such an account, \n please Create Your Account. \n\n - Espanhol \n Tenga en cuenta que es como una cuenta,\n crear una cuenta. \n \n Site: \n") else doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, " NTOFULLWAR HardCore Enforced\n \n \n Commands:\n !jutsus - Informações de spells!\n !top - Top kils do dia!\n !map - Informações do mapa!\n !maps - Lista de mapas!\n !frags - Top Kills!\n !online - informações do team's!\n \nby God Murrinha") end --print("[IN] Team I ["..teamCount.get(1).."] vs ["..teamCount.get(2).."] Team II = Team Total: ".. (teamCount.get(1)+teamCount.get(2))) elseif getPlayerAccess(cid) >= 3 then -- Admin Mensagem doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE ,"Admin!") -- Send Temple Atual doPlayerSetTown(cid, configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].templeIDs[1]) -- Teleport Templo doTeleportThing(cid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid))) end return TRUE end } -- | Change Map Mod | -- function map_change(id) local tmpID = id or mapInfo.mapIdNext() map.set(tmpID) -- Set Map Type mapTypeManager.set(configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1]) teamCount.start(1) teamCount.start(2) for _, pid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if (getPlayerAccess(pid) < configTWH.mapChange.accessIgnore) and (getCreatureName(pid) ~= "Account Manager") then if (not isInPosition(getPlayerPosition(pid), configTWH.protectArea[1])) then -- 1 = Team vs Team (Normal) 2 = Quest Map (No-PvP?) 3 = Capture The Flag (Normal + Capture) 4 = Deathmatch (Player vs All) -- // 1 = Team vs Team (Normal) if (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 1) then --print("[Change-MapType] 1 = Team vs Team (Normal)") local teamSmall = getSmallestTeam() --print("TeamSmall: "..teamSmall.." TempleId: "..configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].templeIDs[playerTeam.get(pid)]) -- Set Team Small playerTeam.set(pid, configTWH.STORAGE.GLOBAL.TEAMS[teamSmall]) -- Team Count teamCount.add(teamSmall, 1) -- Set Team Color Outfits outfit.setTeam(pid, teamSmall) -- Set Town & Position doPlayerSetTown(pid, configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].templeIDs[playerTeam.get(pid)]) doTeleportThing(pid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(pid)), true, true) -- // 2 = Quest Map (No-PvP?) elseif (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 2) then -- // 3 = Capture The Flag (Normal + Capture) elseif (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 3) then -- // 4 = Deathmatch (Player vs All) elseif (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 4) then -- print("[Change-MapType] 4 = Deathmatch (Player vs All) A ".. configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].templeIDs[1]) -- Set Town & Position doPlayerSetTown(pid, math.random(configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].templeIDs[1], configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].templeIDs[2])) doTeleportThing(pid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(pid)), true, true) -- Set Random Outfits/Color doCreatureSetStorage(pid, configTWH.STORAGE.PLAYER.OUTFIT_Status, 1) local out = getCreatureOutfit(pid) --doCreatureChangeOutfit (pid, {lookType = out.lookType, lookHead = math.random(0, 132), lookBody = math.random(0, 132), lookLegs = math.random(0, 132), lookFeet = math.random(0, 132), lookAddons = out.lookAddons } ) end doRemoveConditions(pid, false) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(pid), 10) end end if (getPlayerAccess(pid) > configTWH.mapChange.accessIgnore) then doTeleportThing(pid, configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].templePositions[1]) end end doCleanMap() doBroadcastMessage("Team Red [".. fragsTeam.get(1) .."] vs [".. fragsTeam.get(2) .."] Team Green", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE) fragsTeam.start(1) fragsTeam.start(2) doBroadcastMessage("Map has been changed. New map is ".. configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].name .." with type is "..configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[2]..".", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE) end function isInPosition(pos, area) if pos.x >= area.fromx and pos.x <= area.tox then if pos.y >= area.fromy and pos.y <= area.toy then if pos.z >= area.fromz and pos.z <= area.toz then return true end end end return false end function getSmallestTeam() if (teamCount.get(1) < teamCount.get(2)) then teamID = 1 else teamID = 2 end return teamID end function getTimeMap(s) local n = math.floor(s / 60) s = s - (60 * n) return n, s end function mostraTempo(cid) local minutesY,secondsY = getTimeMap(configTWH.mapChange.timer-(os.time()-getStorage(configTWH.mapChange.timerStorage))) -- 1 = Team vs Team (Normal) if (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 1) then msgTMP = "[NTOFULLWAR] -*|*- Red [".. fragsTeam.get(1) .."] X [".. fragsTeam.get(2) .. "] Green | Map: "..mapInfo.mapName().." | Change Map in "..minutesY..":"..secondsY.." -*|*- [".. configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[2] .."]" -- 2 = Quest Map (No-PvP?) elseif (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 2) then -- 3 = Capture The Flag (Normal + Capture) elseif (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 3) then -- 4 = Deathmatch (Player vs All) elseif (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 4) then msgTMP = "[TeamWarOT] -*|*- Top: "..ranking.getTopFragsOnline().." ("..fragsOnline.get(getPlayerByName(ranking.getTopFragsOnline())).." kills) | Map: "..mapInfo.mapName().." | Change Map in "..minutesY..":"..secondsY.." -*|*- [".. configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[2] .."]" end doPlayerSendCancel(cid, msgTMP) end function playerKickMC(cid) if isPlayer(cid) then doRemoveCreature(cid) end end function equilibrar() teamCount.start(1) teamCount.start(2) for _, pid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if (getPlayerAccess(pid) < configTWH.mapChange.accessIgnore) and (getCreatureName(pid) ~= "Account Manager") then for _, area in ipairs(configTWH.protectArea) do if (not isInPosition(getCreaturePosition(pid), area)) then playerTeam.set(pid, configTWH.STORAGE.GLOBAL.TEAMS[getSmallestTeam()]) end end end end return true end function getCurrentPlayers() local db_player = db.getResult("SELECT `name` FROM `players` WHERE `account_id` <> '10' AND `account_id` <> '20' AND `account_id` <> '30' AND `account_id` <> '40' ORDER BY `name` ASC;") local players = {} if (db_player:getID() ~= -1) then repeat table.insert(players, db_player:getDataString("name")) until not db_player:next() end db_player:free() return players end function getCurrentAccounts() local db_accounts = db.getResult("SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `accounts` WHERE `id` <> '10' AND `id` <> '20' AND `id` <> '30' AND `id` <> '40' ORDER BY `name` ASC;") local accounts = {} if (db_accounts:getID() ~= -1) then repeat table.insert(accounts, db_accounts:getDataString("name")) until not db_accounts:next() end db_accounts:free() return accounts end ]]></lib> <event type="look" name="TeamWarLook" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('TeamWar-config') domodlib('TeamWar-lib') function onLook(cid, thing, position, lookDistance) if(isPlayer(thing.uid) and thing.uid ~= cid) then doPlayerSetSpecialDescription(thing.uid,' Frags: '..frags.get(thing.uid)..', Frags Online: '..fragsOnline.get(thing.uid)) elseif (thing.uid == cid) then local message = "You see yourself." if(getPlayerFlagValue(cid, PLAYERFLAG_SHOWGROUPINSTEADOFVOCATION)) then message = message .. " You are " .. getPlayerGroupName(cid) .. "." elseif(getPlayerVocation(cid) ~= 0) then message = message .. " You are a " .. getPlayerVocationName(cid):lower() .. "." else message = message .. " You have no vocation." end --if(getPlayerNameByGUID(getPlayerPartner(cid), false, false) ~= nil) then -- message = message .. " You are " .. (getPlayerSex(cid) == PLAYERSEX_FEMALE and "wife" or "husband") .. " of " .. getPlayerNameByGUID(getPlayerPartner(cid)) .. "." --end if(getPlayerGuildId(cid) > 0) then message = message .. " You are " .. (getPlayerGuildRank(cid) == "" and "a member" or getPlayerGuildRank(cid)) .. " of the " .. getPlayerGuildName(cid) message = getPlayerGuildNick(cid) ~= "" and message .. " (" .. getPlayerGuildNick(cid) .. ")." or message .. "." end if(getPlayerFlagValue(cid, PLAYERCUSTOMFLAG_CANSEECREATUREDETAILS)) then message = message .. "\nHealth: [" .. getCreatureHealth(cid) .. " / " .. getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) .. "], Mana: [" .. getCreatureMana(cid) .. " / " .. getCreatureMaxMana(cid) .. "]." message = message .. "\nIP: " .. doConvertIntegerToIp(getPlayerIp(cid)) .. ", Client: " .. getClientVersion(cid) .. "." end if(getPlayerFlagValue(cid, PLAYERCUSTOMFLAG_CANSEEPOSITION)) then message = message .. "\nPosition: [X: " .. position.x .. "] [Y: " .. position.y .. "] [Z: " .. position.z .. "]." end doPlayerSetSpecialDescription(cid,' Frags: '..frags.get(cid)..' and Frags Online: '..fragsOnline.get(cid)) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, message.. " Frags: "..frags.get(cid)..", Frags Online: "..fragsOnline.get(cid)) return false end return true end ]]></event> <event type="death" name="TeamWarDeathBroadcast" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('TeamWar-config') domodlib('TeamWar-lib') function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList) -- Get Type for Killing and Get ALl Players local strings = {""} local t, position = 1, 1 if not isInArray(configTWH.defaultCharAccoutID, getAccountIdByName(getPlayerName(cid))) then deaths.add(cid, 1) end local deathType = "killed" local toSlain, toCrushed, toEliminated = 3, 9, 15 if #deathList >= toSlain and #deathList < toCrushed then deathType = "slain" elseif #deathList >= toCrushed and #deathList < toEliminated then deathType = "crushed" elseif #deathList >= toEliminated then deathType = "eliminated" end -- Need Set Limit 5 Players Gain Experience for _, pid in ipairs(deathList) do local killer = pid if (isPlayer(killer) == TRUE) then -- Multi Client Use if (configTWH.deathBroadcast.MultiIp.use) and (getPlayerIp(cid) == getPlayerIp(killer)) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(killer, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Sorry, just different ips gain exp, count frags and backpack of stone skin amulet.") return TRUE end -- Check Last Ip killed if (configTWH.deathBroadcast.MultiIp.use) and (getCreatureStorage(killer, configTWH.deathBroadcast.lastKillerStorage) == getPlayerIp(cid)) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(killer, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Sorry, you do not get frag when killing the same player (ip)!") return TRUE else doCreatureSetStorage(killer, configTWH.deathBroadcast.lastKillerStorage, getPlayerIp(cid)) end -- Frag Count MYSQL if (configTWH.deathBroadcast.FragCount.use) then if not isInArray(configTWH.defaultCharAccoutID, getAccountIdByName(getPlayerName(killer))) then frags.add(killer, 1) end end -- Frags Count Storage fragsOnline.add(killer, 1) -- Killer & Target Level local killerKills = fragsOnline.get(killer) local killerLevel = getPlayerLevel(killer) local targetLevel = getPlayerLevel(cid) local levelDiff = targetLevel - killerLevel local values = { ["KILLERKILLSALL"] = frags.get(killer), ["KILLERKILLS"] = killerKills, ["KILLERDEATHS"] = killerDeaths, ["KILLERNAME"] = getCreatureName(killer), ["KILLERLEVEL"] = killerLevel, ["TARGETKILLS"] = targetKills, ["TARGETDEATHS"] = targetDeaths, ["TARGETNAME"] = getCreatureName(cid), ["TARGETLEVEL"] = targetLevel } function formateString(str) return(str:gsub("|([A-Z]+)|", (function(a) return values[a] end))) end if (configTWH.deathBroadcast.killMessage.use) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(killer, configTWH.deathBroadcast.killMessage.messageClass, formateString(configTWH.deathBroadcast.killMessage.text)) end if (configTWH.deathBroadcast.killerAnimation.use) then doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(killer), configTWH.deathBroadcast.killerAnimation.text, configTWH.deathBroadcast.killerAnimation.color) end if (configTWH.deathBroadcast.targetAnimation.use) then doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid), configTWH.deathBroadcast.targetAnimation.text, configTWH.deathBroadcast.targetAnimation.color) end if (configTWH.deathBroadcast.AnimeText.use) then if frags.get(killer) == 5 then doBroadcastMessage(getCreatureName(killer) .. " is on killing spree! He killed 5 players!", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE) elseif frags.get(killer) == 10 then doBroadcastMessage(getCreatureName(killer) .. " is dominating! He killed 10 players!", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE) elseif frags.get(killer) == 25 then doBroadcastMessage(getCreatureName(killer) .. " is Serial Killer! He killed 25 players! Kill Him!", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE) elseif frags.get(killer) == 50 then doBroadcastMessage(getCreatureName(killer) .. " is Insane Kills! He killed 50 players! DO SOMETHING!", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE) elseif frags.get(killer) == 75 then doBroadcastMessage(getCreatureName(killer) .. " is Master Killa! He killed 75 players! STOP HIM!", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE) elseif frags.get(killer) == 100 then doBroadcastMessage(getCreatureName(killer) .. " is UNSTOPPABLE!! He killed 100 players!! YOU MUST KILL HIM!!", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE) elseif frags.get(killer) == 125 then doBroadcastMessage(getCreatureName(killer) .. " Gimme MORE!! He killed 125 players!! RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE) elseif frags.get(killer) == 150 then doBroadcastMessage(getCreatureName(killer) .. " is MERCENARY!!! He killed 150 players!! HIDE YOURSELF!!", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE) elseif frags.get(killer) == 175 then doBroadcastMessage(getCreatureName(killer) .. " STOP IT!!! He killed 175 players!! JUST RUN!!", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE) elseif frags.get(killer) == 200 then doBroadcastMessage(getCreatureName(killer) .. " is CHEEAATTEEERRRR!! He killed 200 players!!! GM LOOK HIM!!!", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE) elseif frags.get(killer) == 300 then doBroadcastMessage(getCreatureName(killer) .. " is CHUCK NORRIS!!! HE KILLED 300 PLAYERS!!! RUN BEFORE HE FIND YOU!!!", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE) end end -- Gain Money local gold = 0 if (configTWH.deathBroadcast.GainMoney.use) then gold = (math.random (getPlayerLevel(cid)/12, getPlayerLevel(cid)/10)) doPlayerAddItem(killer, configTWH.deathBroadcast.GainMoney.coinID, gold) end -- Max Level Check if (configTWH.deathBroadcast.MaxLevel.use) and (getPlayerLevel(killer) >= configTWH.deathBroadcast.MaxLevel.MAX) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(killer, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Sorry, you are at maximum level.") end -- Exp for Killing Players if (configTWH.deathBroadcast.experienceByKillingPlayers.use) and (getPlayerLevel(killer) < configTWH.deathBroadcast.MaxLevel.MAX) then --doPlayerAddLevel(killer, configTWH.deathBroadcast.experienceByKillingPlayers.levelAmount) local expGain = getPlayerExperience(cid) / 100 local expToNextLevel = getExperienceForLevel(getPlayerLevel(killer)+1) - getPlayerExperience(killer) doPlayerSendTextMessage(killer, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "You have gained "" gold coin and ".. expGain .." experience for killing ".. getCreatureName(cid) .." and you need ".. expToNextLevel .." for the next level.") doPlayerAddExperience(killer, expGain) end -- [Player Level] and [Health & Mana] if (not isPremium(cid)) then -- Free Players doPlayerAddExperience(cid, (getExperienceForLevel(configTWH.startPlayer.LevelFree) - getPlayerExperience(cid))) elseif isPremium(cid) and getPlayerPromotionLevel(cid) == 0 then -- Premium Not Promotion doPlayerAddExperience(cid, (getExperienceForLevel(configTWH.startPlayer.LevelFree) - getPlayerExperience(cid))) elseif isPremium(cid) and getPlayerPromotionLevel(cid) == 1 then -- Premium Players doPlayerAddExperience(cid, (getExperienceForLevel(configTWH.startPlayer.LevelPremium) - getPlayerExperience(cid))) end end if isCreature(pid) == true then strings[position] = t == 1 and "" or strings[position] .. ", " strings[position] = strings[position] .. getCreatureName(pid) .. "" -- print("Name By ".. getCreatureName(pid)) t = t + 1 else strings[position] = t == 1 and "" or strings[position] .. ", " strings[position] = strings[position] .."a field item" t = t + 1 end end -- Broadcast onDeath for i, str in ipairs(strings) do if(str:sub(str:len()) ~= ",") then str = str .. "." end msg = getCreatureName(cid) .. " was " .. deathType .. " at level " .. getPlayerLevel(cid) .. " by " .. str end doBroadcastMessage(msg, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE) return TRUE end ]]></event> <globalevent name="TeamWarMensagens" interval="600000" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('TeamWar-config') domodlib('TeamWar-lib') function onThink(interval, lastExecution) local message = math.random(1, #configTWH.mensagens) doBroadcastMessage(configTWH.mensagens[message], MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE) return TRUE end ]]></globalevent> <event type="kill" name="TeamWarSkullSystem" event="script"><![CDATA[ function onKill(cid, target, damage, flags, war) domodlib('TeamWar-config') domodlib('TeamWar-lib') if isPlayer(target) then local frags = fragsOnline.get(cid) if(frags >= 500) then -- Need Compilation again in Windows --doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, SKULL_BLACK) elseif(frags >= 400) then doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, SKULL_RED) elseif(frags >= 300) then doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, SKULL_WHITE) elseif(frags >= 200) then doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, SKULL_GREEN) elseif(frags >= 100) then doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, SKULL_YELLOW) end end return TRUE end ]]></event> <globalevent type="startup" name="TeamWarStart" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('TeamWar-config') domodlib('TeamWar-lib') function onStartup() -- Team Count Resete teamCount.start(1) teamCount.start(2) teamCount.start(3) -- Frags Online Mysql fragsOnline.cleanALL() -- Map Change map_change(mapInfo.mapIdNext()) -- Statistics print("--------------------------| Statistics |--------------------------") print("The server have: "..#getCurrentAccounts().." accounts and "..#getCurrentPlayers().." players registred!") print("--------------------------------------------------------------------") return TRUE end ]]></globalevent> <talkaction words="!map;!maps;!frags;!online;!rank;!top;!comandos;/comandos" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('TeamWar-config') domodlib('TeamWar-lib') function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) if(words == "!map") then local minutesX,secondsX = getTimeMap(configTWH.mapChange.timer-(os.time()-getStorage(configTWH.mapChange.timerStorage))) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "[ Game Map ] Map: ".. mapInfo.mapName().." ("..configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[2]..") NextMap ".. mapInfo.mapNameNext().." ("..configTWH.mapStats[mapInfo.mapIdNext()].mapType[2]..") in "..minutesX..":"..secondsX..".") return TRUE end if(words == "!maps") then local msg = "" for i=1, #configTWH.mapStats do msg = msg .. configTWH.mapStats[i].name .." | " end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "[ Maps ] ".. msg) return TRUE end if(words == "!frags") then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "[ Frags Online ] ".. fragsOnline.get(cid) .." | [ Frags ALL ] ".. frags.get(cid) ..".") return TRUE end if(words == "!online") then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE ,"[ Players Online ]") -- 1 = Team vs Team (Normal) if (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 1) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE ,"Team Red [".. teamCount.get(1) .."] vs [".. teamCount.get(2) .."] Team Green") end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE ,"Players Online: "..#getPlayersOnline().." inWar: "..#getPlayersOnline()-teamCount.get(3)) return TRUE end if(words == "!top") then local OnlinePlayers = getPlayersOnline() local t, ret = {}, "Best Fragers Online:" for _, cid in ipairs(OnlinePlayers) do table.insert(t, {cid, db.getResult("SELECT `frags_online` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. " LIMIT 1;"):getDataInt("frags_online")}) end table.sort(t, function(a,b) return a[2] > b[2] end) for i = 1, math.min(#t, configTWH.maxTopRanking) do ret = ret .. "\n" .. i .. ". [".. getPlayerLevel(t[i][1]).."] " .. getPlayerName(t[i][1]) .. " - " .. t[i][2] .. " frags" end if (OnlinePlayers ~= 0) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, " [ Score ] ") -- 1 = Team vs Team (Normal) if (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 1) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "Team Red [".. fragsTeam.get(1) .."] vs [".. fragsTeam.get(2) .."] Team Green") end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, ret) return TRUE end return TRUE end if(words == "!comandos") or (words == "!commands") then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, "[ Commands ] !frags, !top, !online, !map, !maps") return TRUE end if(words == "!rank") then limitRank = 30 displayoutput = {"Level","Magic Level","Fist Fighting","Club Fighting","Sword Fighting","Axe Fighting","Distance Fighting","Shielding","Fishing","Frags","Deaths"} itemtype = {9969,9933,5896,8929,8932,7388,8849,8906,2580,9969,9969} number = 1 param = string.lower(param) skilllist = "" command = TRUE if param == "level" then display = 1 elseif param == "magic" then display = 2 elseif param == "fist" then id = 0 display = 3 elseif param == "club" then id = 1 display = 4 elseif param == "sword" then id = 2 display = 5 elseif param == "axe" then id = 3 display = 6 elseif param == "distance" then id = 4 display = 7 elseif param == "shield" then id = 5 display = 8 elseif param == "fish" then display = 9 id = 6 elseif param == "frags" then display = 10 elseif param == "deaths" then display = 11 else error = ' [ TeamWarOT ] \nHighscore Commands:\n\n!rank level\n!rank magic\n!rank fist\n!rank club\n!rank sword\n!rank axe\n!rank distance\n!rank shield\n!rank fish\n!rank frags\n!rank deaths' doShowTextDialog(cid, 5958, error) command = FALSE end if command ~= FALSE then if display == 1 then local player = db.getResult("SELECT `name`, `level` FROM `players` WHERE group_id < '2' ORDER BY `level` DESC LIMIT "..limitRank..";") if(player:getID() ~= -1) then while (true) do local name = player:getDataString("name") local level = player:getDataInt("level") skilllist = skilllist.. "\n#"..string.format("%5s",number.." "" - "..level) number = number + 1 if not(player:next()) then break end end player:free() end elseif display == 2 then local player = db.getResult("SELECT `name`, `maglevel` FROM `players` WHERE group_id < '2' ORDER BY `maglevel` DESC LIMIT "..limitRank..";") if(player:getID() ~= -1) then while (true) do local name = player:getDataString("name") local maglevel = player:getDataInt("maglevel") skilllist = skilllist.. "\n#"..string.format("%5s",number.." "" - "..maglevel) if not(player:next()) then break end number = number + 1 end end player:free() elseif display == 10 then local player = db.getResult("SELECT `name`, `frags` FROM `players` WHERE group_id < '2' ORDER BY `frags` DESC LIMIT 30;") if(player:getID() ~= -1) then while (true) do local name = player:getDataString("name") local frags = player:getDataInt("frags") skilllist = skilllist.. "\n#"..string.format("%5s",number.." "" - "..frags) if not(player:next()) then break end number = number + 1 end end player:free() elseif display == 11 then local player = db.getResult("SELECT `name`, `deaths` FROM `players` WHERE group_id < '2' ORDER BY `deaths` DESC LIMIT "..limitRank..";") if(player:getID() ~= -1) then while (true) do local name = player:getDataString("name") local deaths = player:getDataInt("deaths") skilllist = skilllist.. "\n#"..string.format("%5s",number.." "" - "..deaths) if not(player:next()) then break end number = number + 1 end end player:free() else local skills = db.getResult("SELECT `player_id`, `value`, `skillid` FROM `player_skills` WHERE `skillid` = "" ORDER BY `value` DESC;") while (true) do local GUID = skills:getDataInt("player_id") local value = skills:getDataInt("value") local skillid = skills:getDataInt("skillid") local player = db.getResult("SELECT `name` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = "..GUID.." and group_id < '2' ") if(player:getID() ~= -1) then local name = player:getDataString("name") skilllist = skilllist.. "\n#"..string.format("%5s",number.." "" - "..value) number = number + 1 player:free() end if number > limitRank then break end if not(skills:next()) then break end end skills:free() end dialog = " [ TeamWarOT ] \n"..displayoutput[display].." Highscores: \n "..skilllist.."" doShowTextDialog(cid, itemtype[display], dialog) return TRUE end end return TRUE end ]]></talkaction> <globalevent name="TeamWarRanking" interval="300000" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('TeamWar-config') domodlib('TeamWar-lib') function onThink(interval, lastExecution) local OnlinePlayers = getPlayersOnline() if OnlinePlayers == 0 then return TRUE end local t, ret = {}, "Best Fragers Online:" for _, cid in ipairs(OnlinePlayers) do table.insert(t, {cid, db.getResult("SELECT `frags_online` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = "..getPlayerGUID(cid).." LIMIT 1;"):getDataInt("frags_online")}) end table.sort(t, function(a,b) return a[2] > b[2] end) for i = 1, math.min(#t, configTWH.maxTopRanking) do ret = ret .. "\n" .. i .. ". [".. getPlayerLevel(t[i][1]).."] " .. getPlayerName(t[i][1]) .. " - " .. t[i][2] .. " frags" end if (OnlinePlayers ~= 0) then doBroadcastMessage(" [ Score ] ", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE) end -- // 1 = Team vs Team (Normal) if (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 1) then doBroadcastMessage("Team Red [".. teamCount.get(1) .."] vs [".. teamCount.get(2) .."] Team Green", MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE) -- // 2 = Quest Map (No-PvP?) elseif (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 2) then -- // 3 = Capture The Flag (Normal + Capture) elseif (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 3) then -- // 4 = Deathmatch (Player vs All) elseif (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 4) then end doBroadcastMessage(ret, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE) return TRUE end ]]></globalevent> <event type="login" name="TeamWarLogin" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('TeamWar-config') domodlib('TeamWar-lib') function onLogin(cid) -- Register Events registerCreatureEvent(cid, "TeamWarOutfitMapType") registerCreatureEvent(cid, "TeamWarCombatMapType") registerCreatureEvent(cid, "TeamWarNoFollow") registerCreatureEvent(cid, "TeamWarDeathBroadcast") registerCreatureEvent(cid, "TeamWarSkullSystem") registerCreatureEvent(cid, "TeamWarLook") doPlayerSetTeam.login(cid) registerCreatureEvent(cid, "TeamWarDeathLevelRemove") -- Logout Protection Time if ( (configTWH.logoutProtectionTimer.enable) and (getCreatureStorage(cid, == -1) ) then addEvent(doPlayerSetStorageValue, configTWH.logoutProtectionTimer.timer, cid,, 1) end -- Check Multi-Client if (configTWH.antiMC.enable) then if (getPlayerGroupId(cid) < configTWH.antiMC.group_id) then if (#getPlayersByIp(getPlayerIp(cid)) > configTWH.antiMC.max) then if (not isInArray(configTWH.antiMC.allowedIP, doConvertIntegerToIp(getPlayerIp(cid)))) then -- addEvent(antiMC, 300, {pid = cid, max = configTWH.antiMC.max + 1}) doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, configTWH.antiMC.MsgKick) addEvent(playerKickMC, configTWH.antiMC.timeForKick, cid) end end end end return TRUE end ]]></event> <event type="logout" name="TeamWarLogout" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('TeamWar-config') domodlib('TeamWar-lib') function onLogout(cid) if ((configTWH.logoutProtectionTimer.enable) and (getCreatureName(cid) ~= "Account Manager") and (getCreatureStorage(cid, == -1)) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You are receiving the initial skills. Wait ".. configTWH.logoutProtectionTimer.timer / 1000 .." seconds to log out.") return false end if getPlayerAccess(cid) < 3 and getCreatureName(cid) ~= "Account Manager" then -- 1 = Team vs Team (Normal) if (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 1) then --print("[Logout] 1 = Team vs Team (Normal)") teamCount.rem(playerTeam.get(cid), 1) -- 2 = Quest Map (No-PvP?) elseif (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 2) then -- 3 = Capture The Flag (Normal + Capture) elseif (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 3) then -- 4 = Deathmatch (Player vs All) elseif (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 4) then --print("[Logout] 4 = Deathmatch (Player vs All)") end playerTeam.set(cid, 0) end return TRUE end ]]></event> <globalevent name="TeamWarStatsInfo" interval="1000" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('TeamWar-config') domodlib('TeamWar-lib') function onThink(interval, lastExecution) local OnlinePlayers = getPlayersOnline() for _, cid in ipairs(OnlinePlayers) do if isPlayer(cid)then mostraTempo(cid) end end return TRUE end ]]></globalevent> <globalevent name="TeamWarMapChange" interval="1000" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('TeamWar-config') domodlib('TeamWar-lib') function onThink(interval, lastExecution) local lastTime = getStorage(configTWH.mapChange.timerStorage) local now = os.time() local timePassed = now - lastTime local minutes,seconds = getTimeMap(configTWH.mapChange.timer - timePassed) if (timePassed >= configTWH.mapChange.timer) then map_change(mapInfo.mapIdNext()) doSetStorage(configTWH.mapChange.timerStorage, now) else if (minutes == 0 and seconds == 59) then doBroadcastMessage("Map change in 60 seconds! Next map is ".. mapInfo.mapNameNext()) elseif (minutes == 0 and seconds == 30) then doBroadcastMessage("Map change in 30 seconds! Next map is ".. mapInfo.mapNameNext()) elseif (minutes == 0 and seconds == 15) then doBroadcastMessage("Map change in 15 seconds! Next map is ".. mapInfo.mapNameNext()) end end return TRUE end ]]></globalevent> <event type="preparedeath" name="TeamWarDeathLevelRemove" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('TeamWar-config') domodlib('TeamWar-lib') function onPrepareDeath(cid, deathList) if (isPlayer(cid) == TRUE) then doPlayerAddExperience(cid, (getExperienceForLevel(configTWH.startPlayer.LevelFree) - getPlayerExperience(cid))) end return TRUE end ]]></event> <globalevent name="TeamWarFragsBalance" interval="120000" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('TeamWar-config') domodlib('TeamWar-lib') function EquilibrarServ() return map_change(mapInfo.mapIdNext), equilibrar() end function onThink(interval, lastExecution) if (fragsTeam.get(1) - fragsTeam.get(2)) > configTWH.diffFragsToEqui or (fragsTeam.get(2) - fragsTeam.get(1)) > configTWH.diffFragsToEqui then doBroadcastMessage("[TeamWarOT] Unbalanced teams, new teams will be formed and a new map will be chosen in 30 seconds!", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING) addEvent(EquilibrarServ, 30 * 1000) addEvent(doBroadcastMessage, 15 * 1000, "[TeamWarOT] Unbalanced teams, new teams will be formed and a new map will be chosen in 15 seconds!", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING) addEvent(doBroadcastMessage, 27 * 1000, "[TeamWarOT] Times unbalanced, to keep the game competitive will be re-balanced teams and change map!", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING) end return TRUE end ]]></globalevent> <event type="outfit" name="TeamWarOutfitMapType" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('TeamWar-config') domodlib('TeamWar-lib') function onOutfit(cid, old, current) if isPlayer(cid) then -- 1 = Team vs Team (Normal) if (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 1) then -- print("[Outfit-MapType] 1 = Team vs Team (Normal)") if (getCreatureStorage(cid, configTWH.STORAGE.PLAYER.OUTFIT_Status) == 1) then doCreatureSetStorage(cid, configTWH.STORAGE.PLAYER.OUTFIT_Status, 0) return TRUE else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You cannot change your outfit during the event.") return FALSE end -- 2 = Quest Map (No-PvP?) elseif (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 2) then -- 3 = Capture The Flag (Normal + Capture) elseif (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 3) then -- 4 = Deathmatch (Player vs All) elseif (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 4) then -- print("[Outfit-MapType] 4 = Deathmatch (Player vs All)") end end return TRUE end ]]></event> <event type="combat" name="TeamWarCombatMapType" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib('TeamWar-config') domodlib('TeamWar-lib') function onCombat(cid, target) if cid ~= target and (isPlayer(cid) and isPlayer(target)) then -- 1 = Team vs Team (Normal) if (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 1) then -- print("[MapType] 1 = Team vs Team (Normal)") -- Check (Normal) if (playerTeam.get(cid) == playerTeam.get(target)) then doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"[TeamWar HardCore] You can't attack their team!") return FALSE end -- 2 = Quest Map (No-PvP?) elseif (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 2) then -- 3 = Capture The Flag (Normal + Capture) elseif (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 3) then -- 4 = Deathmatch (Player vs All) elseif (configTWH.mapStats[map.get()].mapType[1] == 4) then -- print("[MapType] 4 = Deathmatch (Player vs All)") return TRUE end end return TRUE end ]]></event> </mod>
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