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  1. We Are Dragons Launch ! Hello fellow Warriors! Welcome to the NEW WAT Server: We Are Dragons! Experience incredible new features and prove your worth among your peers. We Are Dragons is full of new adventures and challenges, we are waiting for you. Welcome to the Future of 2d RPG games. Server Website/AAC : WeAreDragons - Latestnews ( Server Address : Hosted in Canada with EU proxy Server port: 7171 Client : 8.0 / own custom client Launch date: 15/01/2021 Server Rates *Loot rate 2x *Skill rate 3x *Magic rate 2x Experience rates *From: 1-20 10x *From: 21-40 7x *From: 41-60 5x *From: 61-80 3x *From: 81-100 2x *From 101 - 1x PvP Settings -Automatic PvP enforced while you are in guild -Red skull 3 frags -Banishment 6 frags -Unjustfied player killing ban time : 48 hours -Decrease frag time 12 hours -White skull time 15 minutes Servers Features *8.0 protocol with hotkeys *Daily LMS / ETB events *Daily Castle Raid events *Daily lottery system *Stackable runes/fluids *7.4 spell formulas / mana cost *Heavily customized 7.4 map with over 40 custom spawns *Reborn system *Bestiary system *Paperdoll system ( Every equipable item in game will be shown on your character ) *Store in game system *Custom market system *Custom bank system *Aura system *Wings system *Pet system *Crafting system *New monsters + bossess *Dungeon System *Custom Spawns *Most of existing spawns are boosted *Second promotion system *Custom enchanting system *Over 130 tasks *Over 650 new items *Token System *Daily Castle Raid System *Party 4 vocations bonus exp
  2. Server Website/AAC : WeAreTibia - Latestnews ( WIKI : WAT Wiki ( Server Address : Hosted in Canada with EU proxy Server port: 7171 Client : 7.4/own custom client Launch date: 26/06/2020 1. There will be 5 diamond island events each sunday: 28.06 5.07 12.07 19.07 26.07 2. First guild which mange to kill diamond nexus will be rewarded with 5.000 points 3. Guild with the highest amount of mastery points after 30 days will be rewarded with 10.000 points, and each of member will receive exclusive showoff box, containing one of unique - obtainable only during tournament showoff skin useable at Global World 4. Player with the highest amount of mastery points will receive exclusive, obtainable only during tournament Plague Doctor skin 5. Characters will be transferrable to global world after 30 days Note If there will be only 1 team fighting for the nexus(no other guilds participating) the prize of 5.000 points will be halved Main privilege of being guild member: 1. Experience +5% 2. Killing enemies rewards you with experience 3. Killing enemies rewards you with mastery points 4. You can kill other guild members without punishments - no skull / no frag PvP-E Guild Rules 1. Creating a guild is equal to participate in the war. Every guild participate in global war since creation. No declarations of war are required. 2. Killing members of other guild is always justified. You will get no unjust frag or skull. 3. You will gain 1% of the total experience from your target. To gain experience the target cannot be lower more than 10% levels than you. For example, while you are level 100, and you gonna kill level 90 - you will gain experience. If you are level 100 and you gonna kill 89 - you will get no experience at all. 4. Rule about 10% difference is applied only in case of killing a player with lower level than you are actually. When you are level 50 and you gonna kill level 100 member of other guild you will always gain experience. 5. While you are a member of a guild, and you gonna kill a random player without guild you will gain skull / unjustified frag. 6. Once you join guild, you can't leave it Obtaining Mastery Points: -Killing enemy guild member: 4 mastery points -Getting killed by enemy guild: -2 mastery point -Chest reward after killing nexus - 30 mastery points The prize will be splitted equally between leader and 4 vice leaders. Good luck, and let the Battle of Nexus Start!! Paperdoll System Aura Bonus while wearing Full Set Wings system Bestiary Server Rates *Loot rate 2x *Skill rate 5x *Magic rate 2.5x Experience rates [#] From: 1-30 10x [#] From: 31-50 5x [#] From: 51-70 4x [#] From: 71-100 3x [#] From: 101-150 2x [#] From: 151-250 1.5x [#] From: 250 1x Servers Features *PvP with PvP Enforced for guilds *Paperdoll system ( Every equipable item in game will be shown on your character ) *Store in game system *Custom market system *Aura system *Wings system *Pet system *Crafting system *7.4+7.72 Real map *New monsters + bossess *Dungeon System *Custom Spawns *Most of existing spawns are boosted *Second promotion system *Custom enchanting system *Over 100 tasks *Over 450 new items *Token System *Daily Castle Raid System *Party 4 vocations bonus exp And way more ?
  3. [MEDIA=youtube]c4YOwCdYeZ0[/MEDIA] Server Website/AAC : WeAreTibia - Latestnews ( WIKI : WAT Wiki ( Server Address : Hosted in Canada with EU proxy Server port: 7171 Client : 7.4/own custom client Launch date: 02/11/2019 BATTLE OF WORLDS CHANGES : The Cards game changes : 1. Vocation boost gem has been limited up to 10 uses per character 2. Magic level boost potion has been limited up to 5 uses per character 3. Instant experience scroll (50% of exp) has been limited up to 10 uses per character Guilds changes: 1. Guilds are limited up to 25 members 2. Only 1 chance to join guild, if you get kicked/leave the guild you won't be able to join any other guild until tournament ends 3. Guilds must be created before merge, you won't be able to create or join to the guild after merge. However, there may show up teams, after the world merge. They will have a chance also to join a guild / create guild. Accounts/players created between day 1 - 3 after worlds merge, will have 10 days to enter/join the guild. PVP changes: 1. Protection system has been increased to 70% How does it work ? Example : If you are level 100, and you killing a player without guild in levels range 1-70 - he is not dieying, and you are not getting frag, he is simply teleported to temple. Thanks to that solution you will avoid getting randomly redskull. 2. Frag limits 15 frags daily - redskull 50 frags weekly - redskull 80 frags monthly - redskull 3. Protection system is not working between guilds - that means you can kill guild member with any level from enemy team, and he will always die. Mastery points changes: 1. Mastery points from all common quests have been removed From now on you can obtain mastery points in the following ways : *Killing other guild members 4 MP each *Rorina storyline quest 2 MP each *Dungeons 2 MP each *Castle raids 1 MP each *Leveling up pet 3 MP per 10 levels ( lvl 1 - 50 ) 5 MP per 10 levels ( lvl 60 - 100 ) Content changes: 1. Carlin Black Knight spawn has been replaced with Mercenary ( new monster ) 2. Added random spot after traveling via boat between towns 3. Added 4 sec. cooldown for using "bring me to" while your character is PZted from attacking another player 4. Crafting gems requirements has been lowered 5. Loot formulas of following monsters has been corrected : *Dragon Lords *Death Lords *Necromancers *Warlocks *Supreme Warlocks *Witch Agatha *Hydras *Undead Hydras 6. Gheed bonus +10% to buy price has been removed 7. Gheed price changes: *Master Armor 110k -> 55k *Master Helmet 66k -> 40k *Master Boots 41k -> 35k *Master legs 55k -> 32k *Death blade 66k -> 40k *Royal Blue helmet 66k -> 40k *Black Armor 83k -> 70k *Black Helmet 66k -> 50k *Black Legs 66k -> 50k *Black Boots 44k -> 38k 8. Added different element damage types to most of bossess / behaviour has been reworked 9. Automatic disenchant gem / price lowered from 200 points to 30 points 10. Healing through walls via exura sio is disabled New features: 1. Crafter boxes - 2. Wings system 3. Team hunting system Please note, this list does not contain all changes, most of mainly content changes will be posted in upcoming days. 1. In order to participate for the $3500 USD first price, you must create a guild with: max 25 members 2. Access to create Guilds can be obtained via Guild Scroll for 50 points 3. Guilds Halls can be bought by guild leaders only. 4. Guilds can kill other guild members without penalty 5. It's not allowed to invite second character. Ip detection will be enabled and the guild will be deleted. 6. Any use of third party tool will result in guild banishment, so every single player must play clean 7. Guilds will have a new rank/attribute called: “Mastery Points” Mastery Points *Killing other guild members 4 MP each *Rorina storyline quest 2 MP each *Dungeons 2 MP each *Castle raids 1 MP each *Leveling up pet 3 MP per 10 levels ( lvl 1 - 50 ) 5 MP per 10 levels ( lvl 60 - 100 ) The most powerful guild will be determined by Mastery points. After 10 days, the 3 servers LUTABRA, BOW, SKELETABRA will be merged and all guilds will fight for 20 days straight. The guild which stands with more Mastery points, will be the one who will be awarded with 3500$. The main reward will be splitted equally between Guild Leader, and 4 vice leaders. They are in charge to split the money to the rest of the guild members. Prize of 3.500$ will be paid via Paypal or BTC Good luck, and let the Battle of World Start!! Paperdoll System Aura Bonus while wearing Full Set Wings system Server Rates *Loot rate 1.5x *Skill rate 4x *Magic rate 2x Experience rates *From: 1-50 4x *From: 51-120 2x *From: 121-999 1x Servers Features *PvP with PvP Enforced for guilds *Paperdoll system ( Every equipable item in game will be shown on your character ) *Store in game system *Custom market system *Aura system *Wings system *Pet system *Crafting system *7.4+7.72 Real map *New monsters + bossess *Dungeon System *Custom Spawns *Most of existing spawns are boosted *Second promotion system *Custom enchanting system *Over 100 tasks *Over 450 new items *Token System *Daily Castle Raid System *Party 4 vocations bonus exp And way more ? [MEDIA=youtube]-X-jWcoQQCI[/MEDIA]
  4. Server Website/AAC : WeAreTibia - Latestnews ( : WAT Wiki ( Address : wearetibia.comHosted in Canada with EU proxyServer port: 7171Client : 7.4/own custom client 1. In order to participate for the $3000 usd first price, you must create a guild with : min 10 members max 40 members 2. Access to create Guilds can be obtained via Guild Scroll for 85 points 3. Guilds Halls can be bought by guild leaders only. 4. Guilds can kill other guild members without penalty 5. It's not allowed to invite second character. Ip detection will be enabled and the guild will be deleted. 6. Any use of third party tool will result in guild banishment, so every single player must play clean 7. Guilds will have a new rank/attribute called: “Mastery Points” Mastery Points Quest: 1 mastery point Task: 1 mastery point Castle Raid: 1 mastery point Dungeon: 2 mastery points Killing enemy guild member: 2 mastery points Getting killed by enemy guild: -1 mastery point The most powerful guild will be determinated by Mastery points. After 10 days, the 3 servers FERU, BOW, BUOZZI will be merged and all guilds will fight for 20 days straight. The guild which stand with more Mastery points, will be the one who will be awarded with 3000$. Main reward will be splitted equaly between Guild Leader, and 4 vice leaders. They are in charge to split the money to the rest of guild members. Prize of 3.000$ will be paid via Paypal or BTC Good luck, and let the Battle of World Start!! Paperdoll System Aura Bonus while wearing Full Set Server Rates*Loot rate 1.5x*Skill rate 4x*Magic rate 2xExperience rates*From: 1-50 5x*From: 51-120 2.5x*From: 121-999 1.5xServers Features *PvP with PvP Enforced for guilds*Paperdoll system ( Every equipable item in game will be shown on your character )*Store in game system*Custom market system*Aura system*Pet system*Crafting system*7.4+7.72 Real map*New monsters + bossess*Dungeon System*Custom Spawns*Most of existing spawns are boosted*Second promotion system*Custom enchanting system*Over 100 tasks*Over 450 new items*Token System*Daily Castle Raid System*Party 4 vocations bonus expAnd way more ?
  5. Server Website/AAC : WeAreTibia - Latestnews ( WIKI : WAT Wiki ( Server Address : Hosted in Canada with EU proxy Server port: 7171 Client protocol: 7.4 1. In order to participate for the $2500 usd first price, you must create a guild with : min 10 members max 40 members 2. Access to create Guilds can be obtained via Guild Scroll for 85 points 3. Guilds Halls can be bought by guild leaders only. 4. Guilds can kill other guild members without penalty 5. It's not allowed to invite second character. Ip detection will be enabled and the guild will be deleted. 6. Any use of third party tool will result in guild banishment, so every single player must play clean 7. Guilds will have a new rank/attribute called: “Mastery Points” Mastery Points Quest: 1 mastery point Task: 1 mastery point Castle Raid: 1 mastery point Dungeon: 2 mastery points Killing enemy guild member: 2 mastery points Getting killed by enemy guild: -1 mastery point The most powerful guild will be determinated by Mastery points. After 30 days, the 2 servers FERU and BOW will be merged and all guilds will fight for 15 days straight. The guild which stand with more Mastery points, will be the one who will be awarded with 2500$. Main reward will be splitted equaly between Guild Leader, and 4 vice leaders. They are in charge to split the money to the rest of guild members. Prize of 2.500$ will be paid via Paypal or BTC Good luck, and let the Battle of World Start!! Paperdoll System Aura Bonus while wearing Full Set Server Rates *Loot rate 1.5x *Skill rate 4x *Magic rate 2x Experience rates *From: 1-50 5x *From: 51-120 2.5x *From: 121-999 1.5x Servers Features *PvP with PvP Enforced for guilds *Paperdoll system ( Every equipable item in game will be shown on your character ) *Store in game system *Custom market system *Aura system *Pet system *Crafting system *7.4+7.72 Real map *New monsters + bossess *Dungeon System *Custom Spawns *Most of existing spawns are boosted *Second promotion system *Custom enchanting system *Over 100 tasks *Over 450 new items *Token System *Daily Castle Raid System *Party 4 vocations bonus exp And way more ?
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