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Sobre sidneirodrigues


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  1. @Deadpool esse cliente funcionaria em outras bases ou so funciona na do roxy?
  2. da uma ajuda no privado ai ❤️
  3. Entao acho que o meu e diferente , pode da uma olhada? -- Advanced NPC System (Created by Jiddo), -- Modified by Talaturen. if(NpcSystem == nil) then -- Loads the underlying classes of the npcsystem. dofile(getDataDir() .. 'npc/lib/npcsystem/keywordhandler.lua') dofile(getDataDir() .. 'npc/lib/npcsystem/queue.lua') dofile(getDataDir() .. 'npc/lib/npcsystem/npchandler.lua') dofile(getDataDir() .. 'npc/lib/npcsystem/modules.lua') -- Global npc constants: -- Keyword nestling behavior. For more information look at the top of keywordhandler.lua KEYWORD_BEHAVIOR = BEHAVIOR_NORMAL_EXTENDED -- Greeting and unGreeting keywords. For more information look at the top of modules.lua FOCUS_GREETWORDS = {'hi', 'hello', 'hey'} FOCUS_FAREWELLWORDS = {'bye', 'farewell', 'cya'} -- The word for requesting trade window. For more information look at the top of modules.lua SHOP_TRADEREQUEST = {'offer', 'trade'} -- The word for accepting/declining an offer. CAN ONLY CONTAIN ONE FIELD! For more information look at the top of modules.lua SHOP_YESWORD = {'yes'} SHOP_NOWORD = {'no'} -- Pattern used to get the amount of an item a player wants to buy/sell. PATTERN_COUNT = '%d+' -- Talkdelay behavior. For more information, look at the top of npchandler.lua. NPCHANDLER_TALKDELAY = TALKDELAY_ONTHINK -- Conversation behavior. For more information, look at the top of npchandler.lua. NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR = CONVERSATION_DEFAULT -- Constant strings defining the keywords to replace in the default messages. -- For more information, look at the top of npchandler.lua... TAG_PLAYERNAME = '|PLAYERNAME|' TAG_ITEMCOUNT = '|ITEMCOUNT|' TAG_TOTALCOST = '|TOTALCOST|' TAG_ITEMNAME = '|ITEMNAME|' TAG_QUEUESIZE = '|QUEUESIZE|' NpcSystem = {} -- Gets an npcparameter with the specified key. Returns nil if no such parameter is found. function NpcSystem.getParameter(key) local ret = getNpcParameter(tostring(key)) if((type(ret) == 'number' and ret == 0) or ret == nil) then return nil else return ret end end -- Parses all known parameters for the npc. Also parses parseable modules. function NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('idletime') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler.idleTime = tonumber(ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('talkradius') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler.talkRadius = tonumber(ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_greet') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_GREET, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_farewell') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_FAREWELL, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_decline') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_DECLINE, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_needmorespace') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_NEEDMORESPACE, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_needspace') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_NEEDSPACE, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_sendtrade') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_SENDTRADE, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_noshop') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_NOSHOP, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_oncloseshop') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_ONCLOSESHOP, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_onbuy') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_ONBUY, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_onsell') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_ONSELL, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_missingmoney') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_MISSINGMONEY, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_needmoney') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_NEEDMONEY, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_missingitem') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_MISSINGITEM, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_needitem') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_NEEDITEM, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_idletimeout') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_IDLETIMEOUT, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_walkaway') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_WALKAWAY, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_alreadyfocused') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_ALREADYFOCUSED, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_placedinqueue') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_PLACEDINQUEUE, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_buy') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_BUY, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_sell') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_SELL, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_bought') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_BOUGHT, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_sold') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_SOLD, ret) end -- Parse modules. for parameter, module in pairs(Modules.parseableModules) do local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter(parameter) if(ret ~= nil) then local number = tonumber(ret) if(number ~= nil and number ~= 0) then npcHandler:addModule(module:new()) end end end end end
  4. Sim akeles premium point do shop de website , so que invez do nome "premium points" , no meu servidor se chama "pontos"
  5. consegue adaptar pra vender por "pontos" no lugar do id 2145 ?
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