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Douglas V

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  1. @Poccnn Sorry, este aqui?? Weapons CPP (tem o wapons.h se precisar) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OpenTibia - an opensource roleplaying game //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <>. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "otpch.h" #include "weapons.h" #include <libxml/xmlmemory.h> #include <libxml/parser.h> #include "game.h" #include "configmanager.h" #include "tools.h" extern Game g_game; extern ConfigManager g_config; extern Weapons* g_weapons; Weapons::Weapons(): m_interface("Weapon Interface") { m_interface.initState(); } const Weapon* Weapons::getWeapon(const Item* item) const { if(!item) return NULL; WeaponMap::const_iterator it = weapons.find(item->getID()); if(it != weapons.end()) return it->second; return NULL; } void Weapons::clear() { for(WeaponMap::iterator it = weapons.begin(); it != weapons.end(); ++it) delete it->second; weapons.clear(); m_interface.reInitState(); } bool Weapons::loadDefaults() { for(uint32_t i = 0; i <= Item::items.size(); ++i) { const ItemType* it = Item::items.getElement(i); if(!it || weapons.find(it->id) != weapons.end()) continue; if(it->weaponType != WEAPON_NONE) { switch(it->weaponType) { case WEAPON_AXE: case WEAPON_SWORD: case WEAPON_CLUB: case WEAPON_FIST: { if(WeaponMelee* weapon = new WeaponMelee(&m_interface)) { weapon->configureWeapon(*it); weapons[it->id] = weapon; } break; } case WEAPON_DIST: if(it->ammoType != AMMO_NONE) break; case WEAPON_AMMO: { if(WeaponDistance* weapon = new WeaponDistance(&m_interface)) { weapon->configureWeapon(*it); weapons[it->id] = weapon; } break; } default: break; } } } return true; } Event* Weapons::getEvent(const std::string& nodeName) { std::string tmpNodeName = asLowerCaseString(nodeName); if(tmpNodeName == "melee") return new WeaponMelee(&m_interface); if(tmpNodeName == "distance" || tmpNodeName == "ammunition" || tmpNodeName == "ammo") return new WeaponDistance(&m_interface); if(tmpNodeName == "wand" || tmpNodeName == "rod") return new WeaponWand(&m_interface); return NULL; } bool Weapons::registerEvent(Event* event, xmlNodePtr, bool override) { Weapon* weapon = dynamic_cast<Weapon*>(event); if(!weapon) return false; WeaponMap::iterator it = weapons.find(weapon->getID()); if(it == weapons.end()) { weapons[weapon->getID()] = weapon; return true; } if(override) { delete it->second; it->second = weapon; return true; } std::clog << "[Warning - Weapons::registerEvent] Duplicate registered item with id: " << weapon->getID() << std::endl; return false; } int32_t Weapons::getMaxMeleeDamage(int32_t attackSkill, int32_t attackValue) { return (int32_t)std::ceil((attackSkill * (attackValue * 0.05)) + (attackValue * 0.5)); } int32_t Weapons::getMaxWeaponDamage(int32_t level, int32_t attackSkill, int32_t attackValue, float attackFactor) { return (int32_t)std::ceil((2 * (attackValue * (attackSkill + 5.8) / 25 + (level - 1) / 10.)) / attackFactor); } Weapon::Weapon(LuaInterface* _interface): Event(_interface) { id = 0; level = 0; magLevel = 0; mana = 0; manaPercent = 0; soul = 0; exhaustion = 0; premium = false; enabled = true; wieldUnproperly = false; swing = true; ammoAction = AMMOACTION_NONE; params.blockedByArmor = true; params.blockedByShield = true; params.combatType = COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE; } bool Weapon::configureEvent(xmlNodePtr p) { int32_t intValue, wieldInfo = 0; std::string strValue; if(!readXMLInteger(p, "id", intValue)) { std::clog << "Error: [Weapon::configureEvent] Weapon without id." << std::endl; return false; } id = intValue; if(readXMLInteger(p, "lv", intValue) || readXMLInteger(p, "lvl", intValue) || readXMLInteger(p, "level", intValue)) { level = intValue; if(level > 0) wieldInfo |= WIELDINFO_LEVEL; } if(readXMLInteger(p, "maglv", intValue) || readXMLInteger(p, "maglvl", intValue) || readXMLInteger(p, "maglevel", intValue)) { magLevel = intValue; if(magLevel > 0) wieldInfo |= WIELDINFO_MAGLV; } if(readXMLInteger(p, "mana", intValue)) mana = intValue; if(readXMLInteger(p, "manapercent", intValue)) manaPercent = intValue; if(readXMLInteger(p, "soul", intValue)) soul = intValue; if(readXMLInteger(p, "exhaust", intValue) || readXMLInteger(p, "exhaustion", intValue)) exhaustion = intValue; if(readXMLString(p, "prem", strValue) || readXMLString(p, "premium", strValue)) { premium = booleanString(strValue); if(premium) wieldInfo |= WIELDINFO_PREMIUM; } if(readXMLString(p, "enabled", strValue)) enabled = booleanString(strValue); if(readXMLString(p, "unproperly", strValue)) wieldUnproperly = booleanString(strValue); if(readXMLString(p, "swing", strValue)) swing = booleanString(strValue); if(readXMLString(p, "type", strValue)) params.combatType = getCombatType(strValue); std::string error; StringVec vocStringVec; xmlNodePtr vocationNode = p->children; while(vocationNode) { if(!parseVocationNode(vocationNode, vocWeaponMap, vocStringVec, error)) std::clog << "[Warning - Weapon::configureEvent] " << error << std::endl; vocationNode = vocationNode->next; } if(!vocWeaponMap.empty()) wieldInfo |= WIELDINFO_VOCREQ; if(wieldInfo) { ItemType& it = Item::items.getItemType(id); it.minReqMagicLevel = getReqMagLv(); it.minReqLevel = getReqLevel(); it.wieldInfo = wieldInfo; it.vocationString = parseVocationString(vocStringVec); } return configureWeapon(Item::items[getID()]); } bool Weapon::loadFunction(const std::string& functionName) { std::string tmpFunctionName = asLowerCaseString(functionName); if(tmpFunctionName == "internalloadweapon" || tmpFunctionName == "default") { m_scripted = EVENT_SCRIPT_FALSE; return configureWeapon(Item::items[getID()]); } return false; } bool Weapon::configureWeapon(const ItemType& it) { id =; return true; } int32_t Weapon::playerWeaponCheck(Player* player, Creature* target) const { const Position& playerPos = player->getPosition(); const Position& targetPos = target->getPosition(); if(playerPos.z != targetPos.z) return 0; const ItemType& it = Item::items[getID()]; int32_t range = it.shootRange; if(it.weaponType == WEAPON_AMMO) range = player->getShootRange(); if(std::max(std::abs(playerPos.x - targetPos.x), std::abs(playerPos.y - targetPos.y)) > range) return 0; if(player->hasFlag(PlayerFlag_IgnoreEquipCheck)) return 100; if(!enabled) return 0; if(player->getMana() < getManaCost(player)) return 0; if(player->getSoul() < soul) return 0; if(isPremium() && !player->isPremium()) return 0; if(!vocWeaponMap.empty() && vocWeaponMap.find(player->getVocationId()) == vocWeaponMap.end()) return 0; int32_t modifier = 100; if(player->getLevel() < getReqLevel()) { if(!isWieldedUnproperly()) return 0; double penalty = (getReqLevel() - player->getLevel()) * 0.02; if(penalty > 0.5) penalty = 0.5; modifier -= (int32_t)(modifier * penalty); } if(player->getMagicLevel() < getReqMagLv()) { if(isWieldedUnproperly()) return 0; double penalty = (getReqMagLv() - player->getMagicLevel()) * 0.02; if(penalty > 0.5) penalty = 0.5; modifier -= (int32_t)(modifier * penalty); } return modifier; } bool Weapon::useWeapon(Player* player, Item* item, Creature* target) const { int32_t modifier = playerWeaponCheck(player, target); if(!modifier) return false; return internalUseWeapon(player, item, target, modifier); } bool Weapon::useFist(Player* player, Creature* target) { const Position& playerPos = player->getPosition(); const Position& targetPos = target->getPosition(); if(!Position::areInRange<1,1>(playerPos, targetPos)) return false; float attackFactor = player->getAttackFactor(); int32_t attackSkill = player->getSkill(SKILL_FIST, SKILL_LEVEL), attackValue = g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::FIST_BASE_ATTACK); double maxDamage = Weapons::getMaxWeaponDamage(player->getLevel(), attackSkill, attackValue, attackFactor); if(random_range(1, 100) < g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::CRITICAL_HIT_CHANCE)) { maxDamage = std::pow(maxDamage, g_config.getDouble(ConfigManager::CRITICAL_HIT_MUL)); player->sendCritical(); } Vocation* vocation = player->getVocation(); if(vocation && vocation->getMultiplier(MULTIPLIER_MELEE) != 1.0) maxDamage *= vocation->getMultiplier(MULTIPLIER_MELEE); maxDamage = std::floor(maxDamage); int32_t damage = -random_range(0, (int32_t)maxDamage, DISTRO_NORMAL); CombatParams fist; fist.blockedByArmor = true; fist.blockedByShield = true; fist.combatType = COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE; Combat::doCombatHealth(player, target, damage, damage, fist); if(!player->hasFlag(PlayerFlag_NotGainSkill) && player->getAddAttackSkill()) player->addSkillAdvance(SKILL_FIST, 1); return true; } bool Weapon::internalUseWeapon(Player* player, Item* item, Creature* target, int32_t modifier) const { if(isScripted()) { LuaVariant var; var.type = VARIANT_NUMBER; var.number = target->getID(); executeUseWeapon(player, var); } else { int32_t damage = (getWeaponDamage(player, target, item) * modifier) / 100; Combat::doCombatHealth(player, target, damage, damage, params); } onUsedAmmo(player, item, target->getTile()); onUsedWeapon(player, item, target->getTile()); return true; } bool Weapon::internalUseWeapon(Player* player, Item* item, Tile* tile) const { if(isScripted()) { LuaVariant var; var.type = VARIANT_TARGETPOSITION; var.pos = tile->getPosition(); executeUseWeapon(player, var); } else { Combat::postCombatEffects(player, tile->getPosition(), params); g_game.addMagicEffect(tile->getPosition(), MAGIC_EFFECT_POFF); } onUsedAmmo(player, item, tile); onUsedWeapon(player, item, tile); return true; } void Weapon::onUsedWeapon(Player* player, Item* item, Tile*) const { if(!player->hasFlag(PlayerFlag_NotGainSkill)) { skills_t skillType; uint32_t skillPoint = 0; if(getSkillType(player, item, skillType, skillPoint)) player->addSkillAdvance(skillType, skillPoint); } if(!player->hasFlag(PlayerFlag_HasNoExhaustion) && exhaustion > 0) player->addExhaust(exhaustion, EXHAUST_COMBAT); int32_t manaCost = getManaCost(player); if(manaCost > 0) { player->changeMana(-manaCost); if(!player->hasFlag(PlayerFlag_NotGainMana) && (player->getZone() != ZONE_HARDCORE || !g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::PVPZONE_ADDMANASPENT))) player->addManaSpent(manaCost); } if(!player->hasFlag(PlayerFlag_HasInfiniteSoul) && soul > 0) player->changeSoul(-soul); } void Weapon::onUsedAmmo(Player* player, Item* item, Tile* destTile) const { if(!g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::REMOVE_WEAPON_AMMO)) return; switch(ammoAction) { case AMMOACTION_REMOVECOUNT: g_game.transformItem(item, item->getID(), std::max((int32_t)0, ((int32_t)item->getItemCount()) - 1)); break; case AMMOACTION_REMOVECHARGE: g_game.transformItem(item, item->getID(), std::max((int32_t)0, ((int32_t)item->getCharges()) - 1)); break; case AMMOACTION_MOVE: g_game.internalMoveItem(player, item->getParent(), destTile, INDEX_WHEREEVER, item, 1, NULL, FLAG_NOLIMIT); break; case AMMOACTION_MOVEBACK: break; default: if(item->hasCharges()) g_game.transformItem(item, item->getID(), std::max((int32_t)0, ((int32_t)item->getCharges()) - 1)); break; } } int32_t Weapon::getManaCost(const Player* player) const { if(mana) return mana; return manaPercent ? (player->getMaxMana() * manaPercent) / 100 : 0; } bool Weapon::executeUseWeapon(Player* player, const LuaVariant& var) const { //onUseWeapon(cid, var) if(m_interface->reserveEnv()) { ScriptEnviroment* env = m_interface->getEnv(); if(m_scripted == EVENT_SCRIPT_BUFFER) { env->setRealPos(player->getPosition()); std::stringstream scriptstream; scriptstream << "local cid = " << env->addThing(player) << std::endl; env->streamVariant(scriptstream, "var", var); scriptstream << m_scriptData; bool result = true; if(m_interface->loadBuffer(scriptstream.str())) { lua_State* L = m_interface->getState(); result = m_interface->getGlobalBool(L, "_result", true); } m_interface->releaseEnv(); return result; } else { #ifdef __DEBUG_LUASCRIPTS__ char desc[60]; sprintf(desc, "onUseWeapon - %s", player->getName().c_str()); env->setEvent(desc); #endif env->setScriptId(m_scriptId, m_interface); env->setRealPos(player->getPosition()); lua_State* L = m_interface->getState(); m_interface->pushFunction(m_scriptId); lua_pushnumber(L, env->addThing(player)); m_interface->pushVariant(L, var); bool result = m_interface->callFunction(2); m_interface->releaseEnv(); return result; } } else { std::clog << "[Error - Weapon::executeUseWeapon] Call stack overflow" << std::endl; return false; } } WeaponMelee::WeaponMelee(LuaInterface* _interface): Weapon(_interface) { elementType = COMBAT_NONE; elementDamage = 0; } bool WeaponMelee::configureWeapon(const ItemType& it) { elementType = it.abilities.elementType; elementDamage = it.abilities.elementDamage; return Weapon::configureWeapon(it); } bool WeaponMelee::useWeapon(Player* player, Item* item, Creature* target) const { if(!Weapon::useWeapon(player, item, target)) return false; if(elementDamage && elementType != COMBAT_NONE) { CombatParams element; element.combatType = elementType; int32_t damage = getElementDamage(player, item); Combat::doCombatHealth(player, target, damage, damage, element); } return true; } bool WeaponMelee::getSkillType(const Player* player, const Item* item, skills_t& skill, uint32_t& skillpoint) const { skillpoint = 0; if(player->getAddAttackSkill()) { switch(player->getLastAttackBlockType()) { case BLOCK_ARMOR: case BLOCK_NONE: skillpoint = 1; break; case BLOCK_DEFENSE: default: skillpoint = 0; break; } } switch(item->getWeaponType()) { case WEAPON_SWORD: { skill = SKILL_SWORD; return true; } case WEAPON_CLUB: { skill = SKILL_CLUB; return true; } case WEAPON_AXE: { skill = SKILL_AXE; return true; } case WEAPON_FIST: { skill = SKILL_FIST; return true; } default: break; } return false; } int32_t WeaponMelee::getWeaponDamage(const Player* player, const Creature*, const Item* item, bool maxDamage /*= false*/) const { int32_t attackSkill = player->getWeaponSkill(item), attackValue = std::max((int32_t)0, (int32_t(item->getAttack() + item->getExtraAttack()) - elementDamage)); float attackFactor = player->getAttackFactor(); double maxValue = Weapons::getMaxWeaponDamage(player->getLevel(), attackSkill, attackValue, attackFactor); if(random_range(1, 100) < g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::CRITICAL_HIT_CHANCE)) { maxValue = std::pow(maxValue, g_config.getDouble(ConfigManager::CRITICAL_HIT_MUL)); player->sendCritical(); } Vocation* vocation = player->getVocation(); if(vocation && vocation->getMultiplier(MULTIPLIER_MELEE) != 1.0) maxValue *= vocation->getMultiplier(MULTIPLIER_MELEE); int32_t ret = (int32_t)std::floor(maxValue); if(maxDamage) return -ret; return -random_range(0, ret, DISTRO_NORMAL); } int32_t WeaponMelee::getElementDamage(const Player* player, const Item* item) const { int32_t attackSkill = player->getWeaponSkill(item); float attackFactor = player->getAttackFactor(); double maxValue = Weapons::getMaxWeaponDamage(player->getLevel(), attackSkill, elementDamage, attackFactor); if(random_range(1, 100) < g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::CRITICAL_HIT_CHANCE)) { maxValue = std::pow(maxValue, g_config.getDouble(ConfigManager::CRITICAL_HIT_MUL)); player->sendCritical(); } Vocation* vocation = player->getVocation(); if(vocation && vocation->getMultiplier(MULTIPLIER_MELEE) != 1.0) maxValue *= vocation->getMultiplier(MULTIPLIER_MELEE); return -random_range(0, (int32_t)std::floor(maxValue), DISTRO_NORMAL); } WeaponDistance::WeaponDistance(LuaInterface* _interface): Weapon(_interface) { hitChance = -1; maxHitChance = breakChance = ammoAttackValue = 0; swing = params.blockedByShield = false; } bool WeaponDistance::configureWeapon(const ItemType& it) { if(it.ammoType != AMMO_NONE) //hit chance on two-handed weapons is limited to 90% maxHitChance = 90; else //one-handed is set to 75% maxHitChance = 75; if(it.hitChance > 0) hitChance = it.hitChance; if(it.maxHitChance > 0) maxHitChance = it.maxHitChance; if(it.breakChance > 0) breakChance = it.breakChance; if(it.ammoAction != AMMOACTION_NONE) ammoAction = it.ammoAction; params.effects.distance = it.shootType; ammoAttackValue = it.attack; return Weapon::configureWeapon(it); } int32_t WeaponDistance::playerWeaponCheck(Player* player, Creature* target) const { const ItemType& it = Item::items[id]; if(it.weaponType == WEAPON_AMMO) { if(Item* item = player->getWeapon(true)) { if(const Weapon* weapon = g_weapons->getWeapon(item)) return weapon->playerWeaponCheck(player, target); } } return Weapon::playerWeaponCheck(player, target); } bool WeaponDistance::useWeapon(Player* player, Item* item, Creature* target) const { int32_t modifier = playerWeaponCheck(player, target); if(!modifier) return false; int32_t chance = hitChance; if(chance == -1) { //hit chance is based on distance to target and distance skill const Position& playerPos = player->getPosition(); const Position& targetPos = target->getPosition(); uint32_t distance = std::max(std::abs(playerPos.x - targetPos.x), std::abs( playerPos.y - targetPos.y)), skill = player->getSkill(SKILL_DIST, SKILL_LEVEL); if(maxHitChance == 75) { //chance for one-handed weapons switch(distance) { case 1: chance = (uint32_t)((float)std::min(skill, (uint32_t)74)) + 1; break; case 2: chance = (uint32_t)((float)2.4 * std::min(skill, (uint32_t)28)) + 8; break; case 3: chance = (uint32_t)((float)1.55 * std::min(skill, (uint32_t)45)) + 6; break; case 4: chance = (uint32_t)((float)1.25 * std::min(skill, (uint32_t)58)) + 3; break; case 5: chance = (uint32_t)((float)std::min(skill, (uint32_t)74)) + 1; break; case 6: chance = (uint32_t)((float)0.8 * std::min(skill, (uint32_t)90)) + 3; break; case 7: chance = (uint32_t)((float)0.7 * std::min(skill, (uint32_t)104)) + 2; break; default: chance = hitChance; break; } } else if(maxHitChance == 90) { //formula for two-handed weapons switch(distance) { case 1: chance = (uint32_t)((float)1.2 * std::min(skill, (uint32_t)74)) + 1; break; case 2: chance = (uint32_t)((float)3.2 * std::min(skill, (uint32_t)28)); break; case 3: chance = (uint32_t)((float)2.0 * std::min(skill, (uint32_t)45)); break; case 4: chance = (uint32_t)((float)1.55 * std::min(skill, (uint32_t)58)); break; case 5: chance = (uint32_t)((float)1.2 * std::min(skill, (uint32_t)74)) + 1; break; case 6: chance = (uint32_t)((float)1.0 * std::min(skill, (uint32_t)90)); break; case 7: chance = (uint32_t)((float)1.0 * std::min(skill, (uint32_t)90)); break; default: chance = hitChance; break; } } else if(maxHitChance == 100) { switch(distance) { case 1: chance = (uint32_t)((float)1.35 * std::min(skill, (uint32_t)73)) + 1; break; case 2: chance = (uint32_t)((float)3.2 * std::min(skill, (uint32_t)30)) + 4; break; case 3: chance = (uint32_t)((float)2.05 * std::min(skill, (uint32_t)48)) + 2; break; case 4: chance = (uint32_t)((float)1.5 * std::min(skill, (uint32_t)65)) + 2; break; case 5: chance = (uint32_t)((float)1.35 * std::min(skill, (uint32_t)73)) + 1; break; case 6: chance = (uint32_t)((float)1.2 * std::min(skill, (uint32_t)87)) - 4; break; case 7: chance = (uint32_t)((float)1.1 * std::min(skill, (uint32_t)90)) + 1; break; default: chance = hitChance; break; } } else chance = maxHitChance; } if(item->getWeaponType() == WEAPON_AMMO) { Item* bow = player->getWeapon(true); if(bow && bow->getHitChance() != -1) chance += bow->getHitChance(); } if(random_range(1, 100) > chance) { //we failed attack, miss! Tile* destTile = target->getTile(); if(!Position::areInRange<1,1,0>(player->getPosition(), target->getPosition())) { std::vector<std::pair<int32_t, int32_t> > destList; destList.push_back(std::make_pair(-1, -1)); destList.push_back(std::make_pair(-1, 0)); destList.push_back(std::make_pair(-1, 1)); destList.push_back(std::make_pair(0, -1)); destList.push_back(std::make_pair(0, 0)); destList.push_back(std::make_pair(0, 1)); destList.push_back(std::make_pair(1, -1)); destList.push_back(std::make_pair(1, 0)); destList.push_back(std::make_pair(1, 1)); std::random_shuffle(destList.begin(), destList.end()); Position destPos = target->getPosition(); Tile* tmpTile = NULL; for(std::vector<std::pair<int32_t, int32_t> >::iterator it = destList.begin(); it != destList.end(); ++it) { if((tmpTile = g_game.getTile(destPos.x + it->first, destPos.y + it->second, destPos.z)) && !tmpTile->hasProperty(IMMOVABLEBLOCKSOLID) && tmpTile->ground) { destTile = tmpTile; break; } } } Weapon::internalUseWeapon(player, item, destTile); } else Weapon::internalUseWeapon(player, item, target, modifier); return true; } void WeaponDistance::onUsedAmmo(Player* player, Item* item, Tile* destTile) const { if(!g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::REMOVE_WEAPON_AMMO)) return; if(ammoAction == AMMOACTION_MOVEBACK && breakChance > 0 && random_range(1, 100) <= breakChance) g_game.transformItem(item, item->getID(), std::max(0, item->getItemCount() - 1)); else Weapon::onUsedAmmo(player, item, destTile); } int32_t WeaponDistance::getWeaponDamage(const Player* player, const Creature* target, const Item* item, bool maxDamage /*= false*/) const { int32_t attackValue = ammoAttackValue; if(item->getWeaponType() == WEAPON_AMMO) { if(Item* bow = const_cast<Player*>(player)->getWeapon(true)) attackValue += bow->getAttack() + bow->getExtraAttack(); } int32_t attackSkill = player->getSkill(SKILL_DIST, SKILL_LEVEL); float attackFactor = player->getAttackFactor(); double maxValue = Weapons::getMaxWeaponDamage(player->getLevel(), attackSkill, attackValue, attackFactor); if(random_range(1, 100) < g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::CRITICAL_HIT_CHANCE)) { maxValue = std::pow(maxValue, g_config.getDouble(ConfigManager::CRITICAL_HIT_MUL)); player->sendCritical(); } Vocation* vocation = player->getVocation(); if(vocation && vocation->getMultiplier(MULTIPLIER_DISTANCE) != 1.0) maxValue *= vocation->getMultiplier(MULTIPLIER_DISTANCE); int32_t ret = (int32_t)std::floor(maxValue); if(maxDamage) return -ret; int32_t minValue = 0; if(target) { if(target->getPlayer()) minValue = (int32_t)std::ceil(player->getLevel() * 0.1); else minValue = (int32_t)std::ceil(player->getLevel() * 0.2); } return -random_range(minValue, ret, DISTRO_NORMAL); } bool WeaponDistance::getSkillType(const Player* player, const Item*, skills_t& skill, uint32_t& skillpoint) const { skill = SKILL_DIST; skillpoint = 0; if(player->getAddAttackSkill()) { switch(player->getLastAttackBlockType()) { case BLOCK_NONE: skillpoint = 2; break; case BLOCK_ARMOR: skillpoint = 1; break; case BLOCK_DEFENSE: default: skillpoint = 0; break; } } return true; } WeaponWand::WeaponWand(LuaInterface* _interface): Weapon(_interface) { minChange = 0; maxChange = 0; params.blockedByArmor = false; params.blockedByShield = false; } bool WeaponWand::configureEvent(xmlNodePtr p) { if(!Weapon::configureEvent(p)) return false; int32_t intValue; if(readXMLInteger(p, "min", intValue)) minChange = intValue; if(readXMLInteger(p, "max", intValue)) maxChange = intValue; return true; } bool WeaponWand::configureWeapon(const ItemType& it) { params.effects.distance = it.shootType; return Weapon::configureWeapon(it); } int32_t WeaponWand::getWeaponDamage(const Player* player, const Creature*, const Item*, bool maxDamage /* = false*/) const { float multiplier = 1.0f; if(Vocation* vocation = player->getVocation()) multiplier = vocation->getMultiplier(MULTIPLIER_WAND); int32_t maxValue = (int32_t)(maxChange * multiplier); if(maxDamage) { player->sendCritical(); return -maxValue; } int32_t minValue = (int32_t)(minChange * multiplier); return random_range(-minValue, -maxValue, DISTRO_NORMAL); } @Poccnn Weapons.h //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OpenTibia - an opensource roleplaying game //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <>. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef __WEAPONS__ #define __WEAPONS__ #include "otsystem.h" #include "const.h" #include "combat.h" #include "baseevents.h" #include "luascript.h" #include "player.h" #include "item.h" class Weapon; class WeaponMelee; class WeaponDistance; class WeaponWand; class Weapons : public BaseEvents { public: Weapons(); virtual ~Weapons() {clear();} bool loadDefaults(); const Weapon* getWeapon(const Item* item) const; static int32_t getMaxMeleeDamage(int32_t attackSkill, int32_t attackValue); static int32_t getMaxWeaponDamage(int32_t level, int32_t attackSkill, int32_t attackValue, float attackFactor); protected: virtual std::string getScriptBaseName() const {return "weapons";} virtual void clear(); virtual Event* getEvent(const std::string& nodeName); virtual bool registerEvent(Event* event, xmlNodePtr p, bool override); virtual LuaInterface& getInterface() {return m_interface;} LuaInterface m_interface; typedef std::map<uint32_t, Weapon*> WeaponMap; WeaponMap weapons; }; class Weapon : public Event { public: Weapon(LuaInterface* _interface); virtual ~Weapon() {} static bool useFist(Player* player, Creature* target); virtual bool loadFunction(const std::string& functionName); virtual bool configureEvent(xmlNodePtr p); virtual bool configureWeapon(const ItemType& it); virtual int32_t playerWeaponCheck(Player* player, Creature* target) const; uint16_t getID() const {return id;} CombatParams getCombatParam() const {return params;} virtual bool interruptSwing() const {return !swing;} virtual bool useWeapon(Player* player, Item* item, Creature* target) const; virtual int32_t getWeaponDamage(const Player* player, const Creature* target, const Item* item, bool maxDamage = false) const = 0; virtual int32_t getElementDamage(const Player*, const Creature*) const {return 0;} uint32_t getReqLevel() const {return level;} uint32_t getReqMagLv() const {return magLevel;} bool hasExhaustion() const {return exhaustion;} bool isPremium() const {return premium;} bool isWieldedUnproperly() const {return wieldUnproperly;} protected: virtual std::string getScriptEventName() const {return "onUseWeapon";} virtual std::string getScriptEventParams() const {return "cid, var";} bool executeUseWeapon(Player* player, const LuaVariant& var) const; bool internalUseWeapon(Player* player, Item* item, Creature* target, int32_t modifier) const; bool internalUseWeapon(Player* player, Item* item, Tile* tile) const; virtual void onUsedWeapon(Player* player, Item* item, Tile* destTile) const; virtual void onUsedAmmo(Player* player, Item* item, Tile* destTile) const; virtual bool getSkillType(const Player*, const Item*, skills_t&, uint32_t&) const {return false;} int32_t getManaCost(const Player* player) const; uint16_t id; uint32_t exhaustion; bool enabled, premium, wieldUnproperly, swing; int32_t level, magLevel, mana, manaPercent, soul; AmmoAction_t ammoAction; CombatParams params; private: VocationMap vocWeaponMap; }; class WeaponMelee : public Weapon { public: WeaponMelee(LuaInterface* _interface); virtual ~WeaponMelee() {} virtual bool configureWeapon(const ItemType& it); virtual bool useWeapon(Player* player, Item* item, Creature* target) const; virtual int32_t getWeaponDamage(const Player* player, const Creature* target, const Item* item, bool maxDamage = false) const; virtual int32_t getElementDamage(const Player* player, const Item* item) const; protected: virtual bool getSkillType(const Player* player, const Item* item, skills_t& skill, uint32_t& skillpoint) const; CombatType_t elementType; int16_t elementDamage; }; class WeaponDistance : public Weapon { public: WeaponDistance(LuaInterface* _interface); virtual ~WeaponDistance() {} virtual bool configureWeapon(const ItemType& it); virtual int32_t playerWeaponCheck(Player* player, Creature* target) const; virtual bool useWeapon(Player* player, Item* item, Creature* target) const; virtual int32_t getWeaponDamage(const Player* player, const Creature* target, const Item* item, bool maxDamage = false) const; protected: virtual void onUsedAmmo(Player* player, Item* item, Tile* destTile) const; virtual bool getSkillType(const Player* player, const Item* item, skills_t& skill, uint32_t& skillpoint) const; int32_t hitChance, maxHitChance, breakChance, ammoAttackValue; }; class WeaponWand : public Weapon { public: WeaponWand(LuaInterface* _interface); virtual ~WeaponWand() {} virtual bool configureEvent(xmlNodePtr p); virtual bool configureWeapon(const ItemType& it); virtual int32_t getWeaponDamage(const Player* player, const Creature* target, const Item* item, bool maxDamage = false) const; protected: virtual bool getSkillType(const Player*, const Item*, skills_t&, uint32_t&) const {return false;} int32_t minChange, maxChange; }; #endif
  2. @Poccnn Anos atrás eu só dei um crt+c e crt+v em um otserver 0.4 e até hoje o meu server funciona perfeitamente ( eu ainda estou com problemas com o escudo das guild ) mas a pasta do meu server está assim (cheio de lixo)
  3. @Poccnn eu compilei ele todo errado, foi em 2013, ele está cheio de coisas. Gostaria de entrar em contato com você particularmente e explicar direito os erros que estão acontecendo. tem como ser pelo facebook??
  4. @Poccnn correto, retirei esses erros, agora como que eu faço para resolver meu problema?
  5. Olá, minha verson é esta, e não só quando sobe a escada, mas quando o player fique no mesmo quadrado. e é somente com os players que usam weapons a distancia, com exceção dos mages. Veja os exemplos amigo
  6. Olá gente, meu server está quase pronto <3, porem, está tendo um probleminha, quando um player sobe a escada e fica no mesmo sqm que o player inimigo, ele nao consegue atacar. Somente os players melee conseguem atacar no mesmo sqm. Os que usam spear, bolts ...., não consegue atacar, se poderem ajudar eu agradeço muito. (na SD ele ataca perfeitamente) ( Imagem relatada do pequeno probleminha)
  7. Olá, em 2014 eu estava criando um server, fiquei 4 meses editando ele, no final eu parei por problemas pessoais, porem, salvei meu servidor em um hd, o servidor e o site. No computador antigo funcionava muito bem, agora neste computador novo está com um pouco de problema. O otserver não está salvando o ultimo lugar que o player ficou, por exemplo, eu crio uma conta, ando com ela, e quando vou deslogar e logar a conta aparece lv8, e também não estou conseguindo entrar no account manager ( deve ser o mesmo problema) Aguardo resposta <3 obrigado!
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