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Sobre petardako


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  1. Thank you for your reponse, this is the "unique" pokemon tibia layout for gesior free, and its very simple. I need something better (its a serious project) If any webdesigner its interested on working for me contact with me. Thanks.
  2. Hello, Its very hard (or impossible) to find a gesior layout for poketibia. If there is someone interested on making one for me, please do not hesitate to contact with me (paid). Thanks.
  3. Hello xtibia members! I want to announce here my new project 10.81. IP: VERSION: 10.81 After a lot of time working hard on it, I just finished. The ot have things like: - NEW ROOKGARD (Dawnport), in difference of the RL one, in this server you will only be able to select your vocation ONLY ONE TIME: CHOOSE IT WELL - Glooth Factory - All new mounts and addons like in RL - Yielothax Cave like RL (with Raging Mage) - Deepling Bosses (Jaul, Tanjis & Obujos) like RL (will appear 1 time per day, and you can kill that boss 3x/day - Prison Key's with RL bosses and mechanism - Worldchanges of: Yasir (will apear some days only) and furygates(in 8 different citys could appear) like RL - Horestis Tomb like RL - ALL raids like RL (including Gaz'haragoth, Omrafir...) - Roshamuul Bone Crushers - Vocations balanced like RL - Unique Cast System for version 10.81 - EXP Shared party 100% (different % depending of how many vocations) - Principal quests without missions (WOTE,POI, Yalahar... etc) - Also, our server has a lot of others things like: Market System, Reward System + reward chest like RL (with adventurer's stones), Offline + Online Trainers (also with adventurer's stone), Umbral Creations like RL,War Anti Intruse (for making wars quiet),Guild Shop (for guilds +10 online in team), Warzones 1, 2 & 3 without mission (you can do them every 20h), New Venore, Ab'dendriel, Derfia, Roshamuul, Oramond... etc,Taming System like RL, And much more! What are you waiting for? Remember also that you will obtain some cash for reaching levels (30, 50, 75, 100) and Jersey Outfit at level 200 and Magic Carpet Mount at level 250 for free. If you have a huge team and you want to obtain points for your team members, told to the leader to type command !guildpoints to obtain them. Read more about this in the "Guild Shop" Section. Here are some images of the server, hope You will enjoy the server! Enjoy and have fun: BUMP
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