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Sobre suidera


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    erro na distro

    TIPO MEU SERVE TA HOSPEDADO EM VPS LINUX SO QUE QUANDO EU ENTRO NAS ACC E MOVO OS ITENS NAO CONSIGO NAO DA PRA MOVER NDA NEM TIRAR OS ITENS DA BP NDA E UNICO ERRO QUE DA NA DISTRO SAO ESSES mysql_real_query(): INSERT INTO `player_items` (`player_id`, `pid`, `sid`, `itemtype`, `count`, `attributes`, `serial`) VALUES (17,3,101,1987,1,'\0\0serial\0\0\05OBVT-B1Q8T-F6D37-03ICB','5OBVT-B1Q8T-F6D37-03ICB') - MYSQL ERROR: Unknown column 'serial' in 'field list' (1054) [10:24:55.100] Error while saving player: Break. [10:24:57.188] Break has logged in. mysql_real_query(): SELECT unitedItems.serial, COUNT(1) AS duplicatesCount FROM (SELECT serial FROM `player_items` UNION ALL SELECT serial FROM `player_depotitems` UNION ALL SELECT serial FROM `tile_items` UNION ALL SELECT serial FROM `tile_store`) unitedItems GROUP BY unitedItems.serial HAVING COUNT(1) > 1; - MYSQL ERROR: Unknown column 'serial' in 'field list' (1054)
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