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Posts postados por Leofeli

  1. Estava com 1 erro no meu shop.lua que fazia com que quando alguém compra-se 1 item no shop, esse item não parava de vir, infinitamente, olhei vários tópicos e consegui com que só entrega-se 1, porem oq achei estranho é que toda vez que eu compro 1 item aparece esse erro na distrito.





    Gostaria de saber o que é esse erro, e se te solução. Desde já Obrigado.

    (Tentei descobrir se era a área certa, já que o problema é causado por 1 script, mas me perdoe se n for :()

  2. Eu ia postar na área de suporte scripting, mas quando tento entrar na seção da erro, então se estiver na área errada, me desculpe.


    Eu estava mexendo nas magias do meu servidor e gostaria de mudar 1 coisa nessa magia 


    local combat1 = createCombatObject()
    setCombatParam(combat1, COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, 218)
    local arr1 = {
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    local area1 = createCombatArea(arr1)
    setCombatArea(combat1, area1)
    local combat2 = createCombatObject()
    setCombatParam(combat2, COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, 219)

    local arr2 = {
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {1, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {2, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    local area2 = createCombatArea(arr2)
    setCombatArea(combat2, area2)
    local combat3 = createCombatObject()
    setCombatParam(combat3, COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, 217)
    local arr3 = {
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 1, 2, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    local area3 = createCombatArea(arr3)
    setCombatArea(combat3, area3)
    local combat4 = createCombatObject()
    setCombatParam(combat4, COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, 216)
    local arr4 = {
    {0, 0, 1, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 2, 0},
    local area4 = createCombatArea(arr4)
    setCombatArea(combat4, area4)

    local combat5 = createCombatObject()
    setCombatParam(combat5, COMBAT_PARAM_HITCOLOR, COLOR_PINK)
    setCombatFormula(combat5, COMBAT_FORMULA_LEVELMAGIC, -400.0, 0, -450.0, 0)
    local arr5 = {
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0},
    {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0},
    {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    local area5 = createCombatArea(arr5)
    setCombatArea(combat5, area5)

    local combat6 = createCombatObject()
    setCombatParam(combat6, COMBAT_PARAM_HITCOLOR, COLOR_PINK)
    setCombatFormula(combat6, COMBAT_FORMULA_LEVELMAGIC, -400.0, 0, -450.0, 0)

    local arr6 = {
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ,0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},
    {2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},
    {0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    local area6 = createCombatArea(arr6)
    setCombatArea(combat6, area6)

    local combat7 = createCombatObject()
    setCombatParam(combat7, COMBAT_PARAM_HITCOLOR, COLOR_PINK)
    setCombatFormula(combat7, COMBAT_FORMULA_LEVELMAGIC, -400.0, 0, -450.0, 0)
    local arr7 = {
    {0, 0, 0, 2, 0},
    {0, 0, 1, 1, 1},
    {0, 0, 1, 1, 1},
    {0, 0, 1, 1, 1},
    {0, 0, 1, 1, 1},
    {0, 0, 1, 1, 1},
    {0, 0, 1, 1, 1},
    {0, 0, 1, 1, 1},
    local area7 = createCombatArea(arr7)
    setCombatArea(combat7, area7)

    local combat8 = createCombatObject()
    setCombatParam(combat8, COMBAT_PARAM_HITCOLOR, COLOR_PINK)
    setCombatFormula(combat8, COMBAT_FORMULA_LEVELMAGIC, -400.0, 0, -450.0, 0)
    local arr8 = {
    {0, 0, 1, 1, 1},
    {0, 0, 1, 1, 1},
    {0, 0, 1, 1, 1},
    {0, 0, 1, 1, 1},
    {0, 0, 1, 1, 1},
    {0, 0, 1, 1, 1},
    {0, 0, 1, 1, 1},
    {0, 0, 0, 2, 0},
    local area8 = createCombatArea(arr8)
    setCombatArea(combat8, area8)

    function bk3(cid)
        if getCreatureLookDirection(cid) == 1 then
            doCombat(cid, combat1, numberToVariant(cid))
            doCombat(cid, combat5, numberToVariant(cid))
            doPlayerSay(cid, 'MORRA!', TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) 
        elseif getCreatureLookDirection(cid) == 3 then
            doCombat(cid, combat2, numberToVariant(cid))
            doCombat(cid, combat6, numberToVariant(cid))
            doPlayerSay(cid, 'MORRA!', TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
        elseif getCreatureLookDirection(cid) == 0 then   
            doCombat(cid, combat3, numberToVariant(cid))
            doCombat(cid, combat7, numberToVariant(cid))
            doPlayerSay(cid, 'MORRA!', TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) 
        elseif getCreatureLookDirection(cid) == 2 then
            doCombat(cid, combat4, numberToVariant(cid))
            doCombat(cid, combat8, numberToVariant(cid))
            doPlayerSay(cid, 'MORRA!', TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)

    function bk2(cid)
        doPlayerSay(cid, 'Seu desgracado!', TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)                 

    function bk1(cid)
        doPlayerSay(cid, 'Nao zombe comigo!', TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)                 
    function onCastSpell(cid, var)
        if exhaustion.check(cid, 13107) == TRUE then
            doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Podera usar novamente dentro de 5 segundos.")
            doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 2)
            return false
        exhaustion.set(cid, 13107, 5.0)
    return true


    O que eu quero é tirar essas falas que aparecem antes da magia ser executada ( Seu desgracado! - Nao zombe comigo! ) deixando apenas o Morra.

    Tentei mexer no script, mas sou muito leigo nesse assunto e não tive sucesso, se puderem me ajudar, desde já Obrigado.

  3. 4 horas atrás, samlecter disse:

    Resumindo, o npc "reborna" o personagem se ele for entre o level 200 e 600, só isso, o resto são só checagens se ele está dentro desse level, e pra ver qual a vocation dele, de acordo com a vocation os parâmetros da function doReborn mudam. Pra saber como funciona o reborn não é nesse script, procura na pasta lib por "function doReborn"

    No caso eu n entendi a parte de troca a vocação tipo a ultima transform sem reborn do goku é a Newtype 7 e a primeira depois do reborn 8 isso que queria saber pois eu vou mudar totalmente as transforms dos personagens e empaquei nessa parte

  4. Galera estou com o projeto do meu dbo e estou reformulando ele inteiro e cheguei na parte de mexer com as transformações e reborn

    bom estou meio confuso com o script do reborn não sei onde e oque alterar vou deixar a do Goku como exemplo eu deixei assim


    --[vocation id] = { level, nova voc, looktype, efeito}
    -- Goku
    [1] = { 30, 2, 3, 118},
    [2] = { 50, 3, 4, 114},
    [3] = { 75, 4, 5, 114},
    [4] = { 100, 5, 6, 121},
    [5] = { 150, 6, 7, 114},
    [6] = { 180, 7, 8, 116},



    [7] = { 200, 8, 9, 114},

    [9] = { 50, 10, 11, 114},
    [10] = { 100, 11, 12, 114},
    [11] = { 150, 12, 13, 114},
    [12] = { 200, 13, 14, 125},
    [13] = { 250, 14, 15, 121},
    [14] = { 400, 15, 16, 34},
    [15] = { 600, 16, 18, 32},
    [16] = { 600, 473, 17, 41},


    Esse é o script que não entendo se puderem me dizer aonde mudar eu agradeço



    local focus = 0
    local talk_start = 0
    local target = 0
    local following = false
    local attacking = false

    function onThingMove(creature, thing, oldpos, oldstackpos)

    function onCreatureAppear(creature)

    function onCreatureDisappear(cid, pos)
    if focus == cid then
    focus = 0
    talk_start = 0

    function onCreatureTurn(creature)

    function msgcontains(txt, str)
    return (string.find(txt, str) and not string.find(txt, '(%w+)' .. str) and not string.find(txt, str .. '(%w+)'))

    function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)
    msg = string.lower(msg)
    if (msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and (focus == 0)) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then
    selfSay('Olá! Se voce está pronto, diga "reborn".')
    focus = cid
    talk_start = os.clock()
    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and (focus ~= cid) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then
    selfSay('Desculpe, ' .. getCreatureName(cid) .. '! Hey!.')
    elseif focus == cid then
    talk_start = os.clock()
    if msgcontains(msg, 'reborn') and getPlayerStorageValue(cid,30023) == 4 then
    selfSay('Desculpe, mas voce já é rebornado.')
    focus = 0
    talk_start = 0
    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'reborn') and (getPlayerLevel(cid) < 200 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid,30023) ~= 4) or (getPlayerLevel(cid) > 600 and getPlayerStorageValue(cid,30023) ~= 4) then
    selfSay('Apenas level 200 até 600 podem rebornar.')
    focus = 0
    talk_start = 0
    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'reborn') then
    selfSay('Realmente quer isto?')
    talk_state = 2
    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 2 and getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 200 and getPlayerLevel(cid) <= 600 and getPlayerVocation(cid) == 8 then
    talk_state = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 2 and getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 200 and getPlayerLevel(cid) <= 600 and getPlayerVocation(cid) == 23 then
    talk_state = 0

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'yes') and talk_state == 2 then
    selfSay('Desculpe, ' .. getCreatureName(cid) .. '! Voce deve estar na ultima transformação.')

    elseif msgcontains(msg, 'bye') and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then
    focus = 0
    talk_start = 0

    function onThink()
    if (os.clock() - talk_start) > 45 then
    if focus > 0 then
    selfSay('Próximo por favor...')
    focus = 0
    if focus ~= 0 then
    if getDistanceToCreature(focus) > 5 then
    focus = 0


  5. Galera eu á um tempo atrás jogava 1 servidor de tibia chamado Tibia RPG Brasil e uma das coisas que mas gostava lá era um System de Task que curti d+

    como funciona ?

    Tem 1 NPC Chamado [Hunter Boss]

    O Player vai até o Npc fala Hi  e ele Falara ---->  Chefe dos Caçadores: Olá PLAYER NAME. Talvez haja uma MISSION esperando por você ou me pergunte sua CURRENT MISSION para ver como você está indo.


    Se Voce Falar Mission ele te da a primeira Mission 

    Se Voce Fala Current Mission voce vera a quantidade x de monstro de falta para acabar a task

    Quando Termina a Task voce vai ao npc e fala Hi/Mission/Yes ai ele te da a premiação x por completar a Task .


    Mais oque eu mais quero desse System e que ele se diferencia dos que ja vi em outros Otservers é que as tasks do npc são em Ordem Exemplo


    1 Mission -> Mate 100 Ratos [ Premio x Item ]

    2 Mission -> Mate 200 Dragons [ Premio x Item ]


    Ou Seja não tem como o Player chegar e escolher a missão que quer e sim fazer todas até chegar na que quer No Total eu quero Exatamente 54 Tasks . Obrigado Desde Já !!




  6. Bom Galera Eu Estou Criando Meu DBO Com Mapa Próprio Etc...

    E estou com problemas ao criar 1 npc barco procurei tutorias tentei fazer porem quando adiciono o NPC No remeres e dps no meu mapa entro no jogo porem o NPC n aparece :x

    Queria 1 NPC Com Essas Informações 


    Npc Que Teleporta

    Nome Bulma Stewardess

    Newtype 295

    Cidades Para Que Teleporta e Suas Cordenadas

    Earth : {x=1088, y=920, z=7}

    Tsufur : {x=754, y=1194, z=7}

    Vegeta : {x=1505, y=1542, z=6}

    Zelta : {x=930, y=840, z=6}

    Namekusei : {x=768, y=1014, z=7}

    Gelbo : {x=1760, y=880, z=7}

    Bom é Isso Se Puderem Fazer Para Mim Obrigado e REP+





  7. Bom Estou Trabalhando em Meu Servidor De DBO e estou apagando scripts inúteis ou arrumando as que tem e tem Uma Script que estou em duvida o nome delá é


     Poderiam Me Explicar Oque Elá Faz ?


    local table = {
    [1] = 12788,
    [2] = 12788,
    [3] = 12788,
    [4] = 12788,
    [5] = 12835,
    [6] = 12788,
    [7] = 12788,
    [8] = 12788,

    [9] = 12815,
    [10] = 12815,
    [11] = 12815,
    [12] = 12815,
    [13] = 12815,
    [14] = 12815,
    [15] = 12815,
    [16] = 12815,
    [473] = 12815,

    [17] = 12791,
    [18] = 12897,
    [19] = 12791,
    [20] = 12791,
    [21] = 12835,
    [22] = 12791,
    [23] = 12791,

    [24] = 12821,
    [25] = 12821,
    [26] = 12821,
    [27] = 12821,
    [28] = 12821,
    [29] = 12821,
    [30] = 12821,
    [31] = 12821,
    [474] = 12821,

    [32] = 12796,
    [33] = 12792,
    [34] = 12792,
    [35] = 12792,
    [36] = 12792,

    [37] = 12796,
    [38] = 12792,
    [39] = 12792,
    [40] = 12792,
    [41] = 12792,
    [42] = 12792,
    [43] = 12792,
    [44] = 12792,

    [45] = 12789,
    [46] = 12895,
    [47] = 12805,
    [48] = 12802,
    [49] = 12802,

    [50] = 12807,
    [51] = 12895,
    [52] = 12805,
    [53] = 12822,
    [54] = 12825,
    [55] = 12825,
    [56] = 12825,

    [57] = 12806,
    [58] = 13363,
    [59] = 12781,
    [60] = 12781,
    [61] = 12818,
    [62] = 12818,
    [63] = 12818,

    [64] = 12795,
    [65] = 12795,
    [66] = 12819,
    [67] = 12819,
    [68] = 12819,
    [69] = 12819,
    [70] = 12819,

    [71] = 12786,
    [72] = 12786,
    [73] = 12824,
    [74] = 12824,
    [75] = 12824,

    [76] = 12820,
    [77] = 12820,
    [78] = 12820,
    [79] = 12820,
    [80] = 12820,
    [81] = 12820,
    [82] = 12820,
    [490] = 12820,

    [83] = 12834,
    [84] = 12814,
    [85] = 12797,
    [86] = 12813,
    [87] = 12813,

    [88] = 12834,
    [89] = 12814,
    [90] = 12797,
    [91] = 12813,
    [92] = 12813,
    [93] = 12813,
    [94] = 12813,

    [95] = 12785,
    [96] = 12785,
    [97] = 12785,
    [98] = 12785,
    [99] = 12808,
    [100] = 12808,
    [101] = 12872,

    [102] = 12785,
    [103] = 12785,
    [104] = 12785,
    [105] = 12785,
    [106] = 12808,
    [107] = 12808,
    [108] = 12808,
    [109] = 12808,
    [110] = 12808,

    --_MAJIN BOO_--
    [111] = 12894,
    [112] = 12803,
    [113] = 12803,
    [114] = 12803,
    [115] = 12803,
    [116] = 12803,
    [117] = 12803,

    [118] = 12894,
    [119] = 12803,
    [120] = 12803,
    [121] = 12803,
    [122] = 12803,
    [123] = 12803,
    [124] = 12803,
    [125] = 12803,
    [126] = 12803,
    [475] = 12803,

    [127] = 12782,
    [128] = 12782,
    [129] = 12782,
    [130] = 12794,
    [131] = 12794,

    [132] = 12782,
    [133] = 12782,
    [134] = 12794,
    [135] = 12794,
    [136] = 12782,
    [137] = 12782,
    [138] = 12782,
    [139] = 12782,

    [140] = 12789,
    [141] = 12895,
    [142] = 12896,
    [143] = 12790,
    [144] = 12790,

    [145] = 12807,
    [146] = 12895,
    [147] = 12896,
    [148] = 12790,
    [149] = 12790,
    [150] = 12790,
    [151] = 12790,

    [152] = 12799,
    [153] = 12799,
    [154] = 12799,
    [155] = 12799,
    [156] = 12799,

    [157] = 12799,
    [158] = 12799,
    [159] = 12799,
    [160] = 12799,
    [161] = 12799,
    [162] = 12799,
    [163] = 12799,

    [164] = 12800,
    [165] = 12800,
    [166] = 12810,
    [167] = 12810,
    [168] = 12810,
    [169] = 12810,
    [170] = 12810,

    [171] = 12817,
    [172] = 12817,
    [173] = 12810,
    [174] = 12810,
    [175] = 12810,
    [176] = 12810,
    [177] = 12810,

    --_CHIBI TRUNKS_--
    [178] = 12793,
    [179] = 12793,
    [180] = 12810,
    [181] = 12810,
    [182] = 12810,
    [183] = 12810,
    [184] = 12810,

    [185] = 12793,
    [186] = 12793,
    [187] = 12810,
    [188] = 12810,
    [189] = 12810,
    [190] = 12810,
    [191] = 12810,

    [192] = 12783,
    [193] = 12783,
    [194] = 12783,
    [195] = 12783,
    [196] = 12783,
    [197] = 12783,

    [198] = 12783,
    [199] = 12783,
    [200] = 12783,
    [201] = 12783,
    [202] = 12783,
    [203] = 12783,
    [204] = 12783,
    [205] = 12783,
    [493] = 12783,

    [206] = 12792,
    [207] = 12792,
    [208] = 12792,
    [209] = 12792,
    [210] = 12792,

    [211] = 12792,
    [212] = 12792,
    [213] = 12792,
    [214] = 12792,
    [215] = 12792,
    [216] = 12792,
    [217] = 12792,

    [218] = 12826,
    [219] = 12793,
    [220] = 12826,
    [221] = 12817,
    [222] = 12819,

    [223] = 12821,
    [224] = 12821,
    [225] = 12811,
    [226] = 12811,
    [227] = 12899,
    [228] = 12811,
    [229] = 12811,

    [230] = 12833,
    [231] = 12900,
    [232] = 12888,
    [233] = 12888,
    [234] = 12888,
    [235] = 12888,

    [236] = 12888,
    [237] = 12900,
    [238] = 12888,
    [239] = 12888,
    [240] = 12888,
    [241] = 12888,
    [242] = 12888,
    [243] = 12888,

    [244] = 12823,
    [245] = 12823,
    [246] = 12823,
    [247] = 12823,
    [248] = 12823,

    [249] = 12823,
    [250] = 12823,
    [251] = 12823,
    [252] = 12823,
    [253] = 12823,
    [254] = 12823,
    [255] = 12823,

    [256] = 12827,
    [257] = 12827,
    [258] = 12828,
    [259] = 12828,
    [260] = 12828,

    [261] = 12828,
    [262] = 12828,
    [263] = 12828,
    [264] = 12828,
    [265] = 12828,
    [266] = 12828,
    [267] = 12828,

    [268] = 13493,
    [269] = 13493,
    [270] = 13493,
    [271] = 12809,
    [272] = 12809,

    [273] = 13493,
    [274] = 12809,
    [275] = 13493,
    [276] = 13493,
    [277] = 13494,
    [278] = 12809,
    [279] = 12809,

    [280] = 12804,
    [281] = 12804,
    [282] = 12804,
    [283] = 12804,
    [284] = 12804,

    [285] = 12804,
    [286] = 12804,
    [287] = 12804,
    [288] = 12804,
    [289] = 12804,
    [290] = 12804,
    [291] = 12804,

    [292] = 12898,
    [293] = 12898,
    [294] = 12898,
    [295] = 12812,
    [296] = 12812,

    [297] = 12898,
    [298] = 12898,
    [299] = 12898,
    [300] = 12812,
    [301] = 12812,
    [302] = 12812,
    [303] = 12812,
    [491] = 12812,

    [304] = 12801,
    [305] = 12801,
    [306] = 12801,
    [307] = 12801,
    [308] = 12801,

    [309] = 12801,
    [310] = 12801,
    [311] = 12801,
    [312] = 12801,
    [313] = 12801,
    [314] = 12801,
    [315] = 12801,

    [316] = 12830,
    [317] = 12830,
    [318] = 12830,
    [319] = 12830,
    [320] = 12830,

    [321] = 12829,
    [322] = 12829,
    [323] = 12829,
    [324] = 12829,
    [325] = 12829,
    [326] = 12829,
    [327] = 12829,

    [328] = 12798,
    [329] = 12798,
    [330] = 12798,
    [331] = 12798,
    [332] = 12798,

    [333] = 12798,
    [334] = 12798,
    [335] = 12798,
    [336] = 12798,
    [337] = 12798,
    [338] = 12798,
    [339] = 12798,

    [340] = 12789,
    [341] = 12895,
    [342] = 12784,
    [343] = 12784,
    [344] = 12784,

    [345] = 12807,
    [346] = 12895,
    [347] = 12784,
    [348] = 12784,
    [349] = 12784,
    [350] = 12784,
    [351] = 12784,

    [352] = 12831,
    [353] = 12831,
    [354] = 12831,
    [355] = 12831,
    [356] = 12831,

    [357] = 12831,
    [358] = 12831,
    [359] = 12831,
    [360] = 12831,
    [361] = 12831,
    [362] = 12831,
    [363] = 12831,

    [364] = 12832,
    [365] = 12832,
    [366] = 12832,
    [367] = 12832,
    [368] = 12832,

    [369] = 12832,
    [370] = 12832,
    [371] = 12832,
    [372] = 12832,
    [373] = 12832,
    [374] = 12832,
    [375] = 12832,

    [376] = 12873,
    [377] = 12874,
    [378] = 12876,
    [379] = 12877,
    [380] = 12877,

    [381] = 12873,
    [382] = 12874,
    [383] = 12876,
    [384] = 12877,
    [385] = 12877,
    [386] = 12878,
    [387] = 12878,

    [388] = 12875,
    [389] = 12875,
    [390] = 12875,
    [391] = 12875,
    [392] = 12875,

    [393] = 12875,
    [394] = 12875,
    [395] = 12875,
    [396] = 12875,
    [397] = 12875,
    [398] = 12875,
    [399] = 12875,

    [400] = 12879,
    [401] = 12879,
    [402] = 12880,
    [403] = 12880,
    [404] = 12880,

    [405] = 12880,
    [406] = 12880,
    [407] = 12880,
    [408] = 12880,
    [409] = 12880,
    [410] = 12881,
    [411] = 12881,
    [412] = 12881,
    [476] = 12881,

    [413] = 12908,
    [414] = 12908,
    [415] = 12908,
    [416] = 12908,
    [417] = 12908,

    [418] = 12908,
    [419] = 12908,
    [420] = 12908,
    [421] = 12908,
    [422] = 12908,
    [423] = 12908,
    [424] = 12908,

    --_KING VEGETA_--
    [425] = 12909,
    [426] = 12909,
    [427] = 12909,
    [428] = 12909,
    [429] = 12909,

    [430] = 12910,
    [431] = 12910,
    [432] = 12910,
    [433] = 12910,
    [434] = 12910,
    [435] = 12910,
    [436] = 12910,

    [437] = 12911,
    [438] = 12911,
    [439] = 12911,
    [440] = 12911,
    [441] = 12911,

    [442] = 12912,
    [443] = 12912,
    [444] = 12912,
    [445] = 12912,
    [446] = 12912,
    [447] = 12912,
    [448] = 12912,

    [449] = 12913,
    [450] = 12913,
    [451] = 12913,
    [452] = 12913,
    [453] = 12913,

    [454] = 12914,
    [455] = 12914,
    [456] = 12914,
    [457] = 12914,
    [458] = 12914,
    [459] = 12914,
    [460] = 12914,
    [477] = 12914,

    --_LORD CHILLED_--
    [461] = 12915,
    [462] = 12915,
    [463] = 12915,
    [464] = 12915,
    [465] = 12915,

    [466] = 12915,
    [467] = 12915,
    [468] = 12915,
    [469] = 12915,
    [470] = 12915,
    [471] = 12915,
    [472] = 12915,
    [492] = 12915,

    [478] = 13481,
    [479] = 13481,
    [480] = 13481,
    [481] = 13481,
    [482] = 13482,

    [483] = 13482,
    [484] = 13482,
    [485] = 13482,
    [486] = 13482,
    [487] = 13482,
    [488] = 13482,
    [489] = 13482

    local config = {
    --[vocation id] = { level, nova voc, looktype, efeito}
    -- Goku
    [2] = {1, 2, 118},
    [3] = {1, 2, 116},
    [4] = {1, 2, 116},
    [5] = {1, 2, 121},
    [6] = {1, 2, 116},
    [7] = {1, 2, 116},
    [8] = {1, 2, 116},

    [10] = {9, 10, 116},
    [11] = {9, 10, 116},
    [12] = {9, 10, 116},
    [13] = {9, 10, 125},
    [14] = {9, 10, 121},
    [15] = {9, 10, 34},
    [16] = {9, 10, 32},
    [473] = {9, 10, 41},

    -- Vegeta
    [18] = {17, 19, 34},
    [19] = {17, 19, 116},
    [20] = {17, 19, 116},
    [21] = {17, 19, 121},
    [22] = {17, 19, 116},
    [23] = {17, 19, 116},

    [25] = {24, 25, 116},
    [26] = {24, 25, 116},
    [27] = {24, 25, 116},
    [28] = {24, 25, 116},
    [29] = {24, 25, 113},
    [30] = {24, 25, 34},
    [31] = {24, 25, 32},
    [474] = {24, 25, 41},

    -- Piccolo
    [33] = {32, 33, 119},
    [34] = {32, 33, 31},
    [35] = {32, 33, 119},
    [36] = {32, 33, 119},

    [38] = {37, 38, 119},
    [39] = {37, 38, 31},
    [40] = {37, 38, 31},
    [41] = {37, 38, 119},
    [42] = {37, 38, 119},
    [43] = {37, 38, 31},
    [44] = {37, 38, 31},

    -- C17
    [46] = {45, 46, 34},
    [47] = {45, 46, 34},
    [48] = {45, 46, 34},
    [49] = {45, 46, 34},

    [51] = {50, 50, 34},
    [52] = {50, 50, 34},
    [53] = {50, 50, 34},
    [54] = {50, 50, 34},
    [55] = {50, 50, 34},
    [56] = {50, 50, 34},

    -- Gohan
    [58] = {57, 55, 34},
    [59] = {57, 55, 116},
    [60] = {57, 55, 116},
    [61] = {57, 55, 116},
    [62] = {57, 55, 127},
    [63] = {57, 55, 116},

    [65] = {64, 62, 116},
    [66] = {64, 62, 116},
    [67] = {64, 62, 116},
    [68] = {64, 62, 124},
    [69] = {64, 62, 34},
    [70] = {64, 62, 34},

    -- Trunks
    [72] = {71, 69, 116},
    [73] = {71, 69, 116},
    [74] = {71, 69, 116},
    [75] = {71, 69, 116},

    [77] = {76, 74, 116},
    [78] = {76, 74, 116},
    [79] = {76, 74, 116},
    [80] = {76, 74, 112},
    [81] = {76, 74, 34},
    [82] = {76, 74, 34},
    [490] = {76, 74, 32},

    -- Cell
    [84] = {83, 81, 119},
    [85] = {83, 81, 119},
    [86] = {83, 81, 119},
    [87] = {83, 81, 31},

    [89] = {88, 81, 119},
    [90] = {88, 81, 119},
    [91] = {88, 81, 119},
    [92] = {88, 81, 31},
    [93] = {88, 81, 34},
    [94] = {88, 81, 34},

    -- Freeza
    [96] = {95, 88, 34},
    [97] = {95, 88, 34},
    [98] = {95, 88, 34},
    [99] = {95, 88, 34},
    [100] = {95, 88, 34},
    [101] = {95, 88, 34},

    [103] = {102, 88, 34},
    [104] = {102, 88, 34},
    [105] = {102, 88, 34},
    [106] = {102, 88, 34},
    [107] = {102, 88, 34},
    [108] = {102, 88, 34},
    [109] = {102, 88, 34},
    [110] = {102, 88, 34},

    -- Majin Boo
    [112] = {111, 98, 29},
    [113] = {111, 98, 29},
    [114] = {111, 98, 29},
    [115] = {111, 98, 29},
    [116] = {111, 98, 29},
    [117] = {111, 98, 29},

    [119] = {118, 98, 29},
    [120] = {118, 98, 29},
    [121] = {118, 98, 29},
    [122] = {118, 98, 29},
    [123] = {118, 98, 29},
    [124] = {118, 98, 29},
    [125] = {118, 98, 29},
    [126] = {118, 98, 29},
    [475] = {118, 98, 34},

    -- Broly
    [128] = {127, 108, 34},
    [129] = {127, 108, 115},
    [130] = {127, 108, 116},
    [131] = {127, 108, 116},

    [133] = {132, 113, 115},
    [134] = {132, 113, 116},
    [135] = {132, 113, 116},
    [136] = {132, 113, 126},
    [137] = {132, 113, 121},
    [138] = {132, 113, 34},
    [139] = {132, 113, 32},

    -- C18
    [141] = {140, 46, 34},
    [142] = {140, 46, 34},
    [143] = {140, 46, 34},
    [144] = {140, 46, 34},

    [146] = {145, 50, 34},
    [147] = {145, 50, 34},
    [148] = {145, 50, 34},
    [149] = {145, 50, 34},
    [150] = {145, 50, 29},
    [151] = {145, 50, 29},

    -- Uub
    [153] = {152, 128, 117},
    [154] = {152, 128, 117},
    [155] = {152, 128, 117},
    [156] = {152, 128, 117},

    [158] = {157, 128, 112},
    [159] = {157, 128, 112},
    [160] = {157, 128, 112},
    [161] = {157, 128, 112},
    [162] = {157, 128, 34},
    [163] = {157, 128, 34},

    -- Goten
    [165] = {164, 135, 116},
    [166] = {164, 135, 121},
    [167] = {164, 135, 121},
    [168] = {164, 135, 121},
    [169] = {164, 135, 121},
    [170] = {164, 135, 121},

    [172] = {171, 142, 116},
    [173] = {171, 142, 121},
    [174] = {171, 142, 121},
    [175] = {171, 142, 121},
    [176] = {171, 142, 121},
    [177] = {171, 142, 121},

    -- Chibi Trunks
    [179] = {178, 149, 116},
    [180] = {178, 149, 121},
    [181] = {178, 149, 121},
    [182] = {178, 149, 121},
    [183] = {178, 149, 121},
    [184] = {178, 149, 121},

    [186] = {185, 151, 116},
    [187] = {185, 151, 121},
    [188] = {185, 151, 121},
    [189] = {185, 151, 121},
    [190] = {185, 151, 121},
    [191] = {185, 151, 121},

    -- Cooler
    [193] = {192, 153, 113},
    [194] = {192, 153, 113},
    [195] = {192, 153, 113},
    [196] = {192, 153, 113},
    [197] = {192, 153, 34},

    [199] = {198, 153, 113},
    [200] = {198, 153, 113},
    [201] = {198, 153, 113},
    [202] = {198, 153, 113},
    [203] = {198, 153, 113},
    [204] = {198, 153, 34},
    [205] = {198, 153, 34},
    [493] = {198, 153, 34},

    -- Dende
    [207] = {206, 164, 119},
    [208] = {207, 164, 119},
    [209] = {208, 164, 119},
    [210] = {209, 164, 119},

    [212] = {211, 169, 119},
    [213] = {211, 169, 119},
    [214] = {211, 169, 119},
    [215] = {211, 169, 119},
    [216] = {211, 169, 31},
    [217] = {211, 169, 31},

    -- Tsuful
    [219] = {218, 175, 116},
    [220] = {218, 175, 115},
    [221] = {218, 175, 116},
    [222] = {218, 175, 116},

    [224] = {223, 180, 116},
    [225] = {223, 180, 116},
    [226] = {223, 180, 116},
    [227] = {223, 180, 34},
    [228] = {223, 180, 34},
    [229] = {223, 180, 112},

    -- Bardock
    [231] = {230, 188, 34},
    [232] = {230, 188, 116},
    [233] = {230, 188, 116},
    [234] = {230, 188, 116},
    [235] = {230, 188, 116},

    [237] = {236, 194, 116},
    [238] = {236, 194, 116},
    [239] = {236, 194, 116},
    [240] = {236, 194, 112},
    [241] = {236, 194, 121},
    [242] = {236, 194, 34},
    [243] = {236, 194, 34},

    -- Kuririn
    [245] = {244, 200, 116},
    [246] = {244, 200, 116},
    [247] = {244, 200, 116},
    [248] = {244, 200, 116},

    [250] = {249, 205, 116},
    [251] = {249, 205, 116},
    [252] = {249, 205, 116},
    [253] = {249, 205, 112},
    [254] = {249, 205, 112},
    [255] = {249, 205, 34},

    -- Pan
    [257] = {256, 210, 116},
    [258] = {256, 210, 116},
    [259] = {256, 210, 116},
    [260] = {256, 210, 116},

    [262] = {261, 212, 116},
    [263] = {261, 212, 116},
    [264] = {261, 212, 112},
    [265] = {261, 212, 112},
    [266] = {261, 212, 34},
    [267] = {261, 212, 34},

    -- Kaio
    [269] = {268, 219, 113},
    [270] = {268, 219, 113},
    [271] = {268, 219, 113},
    [272] = {268, 219, 113},

    [274] = {273, 221, 113},
    [275] = {273, 221, 113},
    [276] = {273, 221, 113},
    [277] = {273, 221, 113},
    [278] = {273, 221, 113},
    [279] = {273, 221, 34},

    -- Videl
    [281] = {280, 227, 116},
    [282] = {280, 227, 116},
    [283] = {280, 227, 116},
    [284] = {280, 227, 115},

    [286] = {285, 227, 116},
    [287] = {285, 227, 116},
    [288] = {285, 227, 116},
    [289] = {285, 227, 115},
    [290] = {285, 227, 115},
    [291] = {285, 227, 112},

    -- Janemba
    [293] = {292, 234, 34},
    [294] = {292, 234, 34},
    [295] = {292, 234, 113},
    [296] = {292, 234, 113},

    [298] = {297, 234, 34},
    [299] = {297, 234, 34},
    [300] = {297, 234, 113},
    [301] = {297, 234, 113},
    [302] = {297, 234, 113},
    [303] = {297, 234, 113},
    [491] = {297, 234, 113},

    -- Tenshinhan
    [305] = {304, 242, 116},
    [306] = {304, 242, 116},
    [307] = {304, 242, 116},
    [308] = {304, 242, 116},

    [310] = {309, 246, 116},
    [311] = {309, 246, 116},
    [312] = {309, 246, 116},
    [313] = {309, 246, 112},
    [314] = {309, 246, 34},
    [315] = {309, 246, 34},

    -- Jenk
    [317] = {316, 252, 116},
    [318] = {316, 252, 116},
    [319] = {316, 252, 116},
    [320] = {316, 252, 116},

    [322] = {321, 257, 34},
    [323] = {321, 257, 112},
    [324] = {321, 257, 112},
    [325] = {321, 257, 112},
    [326] = {321, 257, 115},
    [327] = {321, 257, 115},

    -- Raditz
    [329] = {328, 264, 116},
    [330] = {328, 264, 116},
    [331] = {328, 264, 116},
    [332] = {328, 264, 116},

    [334] = {333, 265, 116},
    [335] = {333, 265, 116},
    [336] = {333, 265, 116},
    [337] = {333, 265, 112},
    [338] = {333, 265, 34},
    [339] = {333, 265, 34},

    -- C16
    [341] = {340, 272, 34},
    [342] = {340, 272, 34},
    [343] = {340, 272, 34},
    [344] = {340, 272, 34},

    [346] = {345, 277, 34},
    [347] = {345, 277, 34},
    [348] = {345, 277, 34},
    [349] = {345, 277, 34},
    [350] = {345, 277, 34},
    [351] = {345, 277, 34},

    -- Turles
    [353] = {352, 280, 34},
    [354] = {352, 280, 116},
    [355] = {352, 280, 116},
    [356] = {352, 280, 116},

    [358] = {357, 285, 34},
    [359] = {357, 285, 116},
    [360] = {357, 285, 116},
    [361] = {357, 285, 115},
    [362] = {357, 285, 34},
    [363] = {357, 285, 34},

    -- Bulma
    [365] = {364, 292, 116},
    [366] = {364, 292, 116},
    [367] = {364, 292, 116},
    [368] = {364, 292, 116},

    [370] = {369, 296, 116},
    [371] = {369, 296, 116},
    [372] = {369, 296, 116},
    [373] = {369, 296, 112},
    [374] = {369, 296, 115},
    [375] = {369, 296, 115},

    -- Shenron
    [377] = {376, 302, 34},
    [378] = {376, 302, 34},
    [379] = {376, 302, 34},
    [380] = {376, 302, 121},

    [382] = {381, 302, 34},
    [383] = {381, 302, 34},
    [384] = {381, 302, 34},
    [385] = {381, 302, 121},
    [386] = {381, 302, 34},
    [387] = {381, 302, 34},

    -- Vegetto
    [389] = {388, 308, 116},
    [390] = {388, 308, 116},
    [391] = {388, 308, 116},
    [392] = {388, 308, 116},

    [394] = {393, 308, 116},
    [395] = {393, 308, 116},
    [396] = {393, 308, 116},
    [397] = {393, 308, 121},
    [398] = {393, 308, 121},
    [399] = {393, 308, 32},

    -- Tapion
    [401] = {400, 316, 111},
    [402] = {400, 316, 116},
    [403] = {400, 316, 111},
    [404] = {400, 316, 112},

    [406] = {405, 321, 116},
    [407] = {405, 321, 112},
    [408] = {405, 321, 116},
    [409] = {405, 321, 115},
    [410] = {405, 321, 116},
    [411] = {405, 321, 112},
    [412] = {405, 321, 34},
    [476] = {405, 321, 34},

    -- Kame
    [414] = {413, 330, 116},
    [415] = {413, 330, 116},
    [416] = {413, 330, 116},
    [417] = {413, 330, 114},

    [419] = {418, 335, 114},
    [420] = {418, 335, 116},
    [421] = {418, 335, 112},
    [422] = {418, 335, 114},
    [423] = {418, 335, 34},
    [424] = {418, 335, 34},

    -- King Vegeta
    [426] = {425, 342, 116},
    [427] = {425, 342, 116},
    [428] = {425, 342, 116},
    [429] = {425, 342, 116},

    [431] = {430, 347, 116},
    [432] = {430, 347, 116},
    [433] = {430, 347, 112},
    [434] = {430, 347, 115},
    [435] = {430, 347, 112},
    [436] = {430, 347, 112},

    -- Kagome
    [438] = {437, 353, 116},
    [439] = {437, 353, 116},
    [440] = {437, 353, 116},
    [441] = {437, 353, 116},

    [443] = {442, 357, 116},
    [444] = {442, 357, 116},
    [445] = {442, 357, 116},
    [446] = {442, 357, 112},
    [447] = {442, 357, 112},
    [448] = {442, 357, 112},

    -- Zaiko
    [450] = {449, 363, 116},
    [451] = {449, 363, 116},
    [452] = {449, 363, 116},
    [453] = {449, 363, 116},

    [455] = {454, 368, 116},
    [456] = {454, 368, 116},
    [457] = {454, 368, 111},
    [458] = {454, 368, 111},
    [459] = {454, 368, 112},
    [460] = {454, 368, 115},
    [477] = {454, 368, 114},

    -- Chilled
    [462] = {461, 375, 113},
    [463] = {461, 375, 113},
    [464] = {461, 375, 113},
    [465] = {461, 375, 113},

    [467] = {466, 375, 113},
    [468] = {466, 375, 113},
    [469] = {466, 375, 113},
    [470] = {466, 375, 29},
    [471] = {466, 375, 29},
    [472] = {466, 375, 29},
    [492] = {466, 375, 29},

    -- C8
    [479] = {478, 512, 34},
    [480] = {478, 512, 34},
    [481] = {478, 512, 34},
    [482] = {478, 512, 34},

    [484] = {483, 517, 34},
    [485] = {483, 517, 34},
    [486] = {483, 517, 34},
    [487] = {483, 517, 34},
    [488] = {483, 517, 34},
    [489] = {483, 517, 34}

    local function transform(pos, id, voc)
    local item = getTileItemById(pos, id)
    if item and item.uid > 1 then
    doTransformItem(item.uid, table[voc])
    doDecayItem(item.uid or 0)

    function onDeath(cid, corpse)
    --setPlayerStamina(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 34442))
    local voc = config[getPlayerVocation(cid)]
    if voc then
    doPlayerSetVocation(cid, voc[1])
    local outfit = {lookType = voc[2]}
    doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, outfit)
    if not isPlayer(cid) or not table[getPlayerVocation(cid)] then return true end
    addEvent(transform, 1, getThingPos(cid), corpse.itemid, getPlayerVocation(cid))
    return true

    Obrg Desde Já!

  8. Como o titulo já fala preciso de 1 tutorial de como abrir 1 site Modern Acc Que Baixei Desse Post Aque Do Xtibia

    estou TRABALHANDO no meu DBO e acabei tudo interno no server oque falta é o site então se puderem me ajudar a base do meu DBO é a DBO ROX se procurarem google vai achar !!



    Thanks Desde Já !!

  9. Poderia Me Mandar 1 Link De Algum Tutorial Fazendo a Intalação no Caso do Layout Azul ? Eu comecei mecher com Website agora estou mexendo num dbo 8.6 base "DBO ROX" e queria 1 site parecido com esse ai o único que consegui abrir aque não gostei... devo ta fazendo merda então se puder me mandar um tutorial da instalação agradeço .

    erro que da quando tento abrir 




  10. Cara fico bom até pra quem feis rapidinho


    Mesmo asim vo tida um rep+ pela determinação continue melhorando



    Edit : poderia responder a mensage que ti mandei

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